• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 1,064 Views, 54 Comments

Legend of the Sirens: Wild Vines - zalla661

Adagio and Rainbow go to Camp Everfree for a school reunion. Trouble lurks close behind.

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Rise to Arms

Mechagodzilla was no pushover when it came to size. Aria and Adagio don't fear the mechanized monstrosity, but they knew one misstep could lead to disaster. Kuronuma had the advantage of size yes, but they had mobility and could hit him where it hurt. Since Mechagodzilla didn’t have a lot of room to maneuver.

Both flew into the air as the platform began to rise. Mechagodzilla roared to life swinging its arms to attack the sirens. The massive size made it clumsy and easy for them to dodge. Aria however wasn’t content to fight two on one. As Adagio shifted her body to avoid the mechanical arm Aria dove from the side biting down on her sisters neck. Adagio roared in pain slamming her scaled hooves into Aria’’s face.

“Are you serious Aria!? You’re fighting me now when there’s a bigger threat!?” Adagio growled at her sister.

Aria responded by biting down harder and ripping her teeth along Adagio’s shoulder. Adagio screamed again and suddenly Aria released her as Mechagodzilla swipe down on both of them. Writhing in pain Adagio had no time to move and was met with the full force of Mechagodzilla claws.

Adagio fell to the platform leaving a sizable impression on the surface metal, dust and debris from the collapsing tunnel flew up around her from the impact. The debris scattered over her scaled body and form above her Aria snickered at her misfortune and flew to confront Mechagodzilla alone.. Aria started her assault by circling the robot and landing on the back of its head. She gathered a lot of power in her throat and released a powerful breath attack on the robots neck. Sparks dance across its surface as the metal was heated to smoldering red hot. Kuronuma grinned. Inside he pushed a button and a electric barrier engulfed Mechagodzilla instantly. Aria felt a powerful discharge and was electrocuted with enough power that her scales stood on end. Her body spazzed and convulsed before a energy bolt fired from the barrier and sent her flying into the wall of the shaft and falling onto the platform.

“Fools,” Kuronuma chuckled turning Mechagodzilla to face Aria. “You’re mistaken if you think your powers are a match for Mechagodzilla.”

“Mistaken this!”

Mechagodzilla turned to see Adagio headbutt it from under the chin. The mechanical jaw snapped shut sparking from the grinding gears. However Kuronumas’ reaction time was spot on. Immediately as Adagio shook off the pain from her headbutt she was met with a point blank shot from the mouth mounted mauser cannon. A rainbow of lights sparked around her as her body felt like it was on fire. She hadn’t felt this kind of intense pain since she lost her powers at the hands of the Rainbooms and Princess Twilight. That day a part of her was taken away from her and her sisters. And her own limitations only served to remind her of this.


From behind Aria flew up with her gaping maw open and grabbed hold of Mechagodzilla’s left mechanical eyes. Aria struck the eye with the force of a raging dragon trying hard to break through the armor plating. Again the barrier activate, but this time aAria released sooner and only received a minimal shock from it. It still hurt immensely, but it was better than last time.

Aria smirked at Mechagodzilla diving down to avoid another mauser beam shot. The beam tore through the walls following her and leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Aria cleverly used the constant beam to fly over her sister who then took the full force of the blast.

The blast sent her back to the wall and buried her under a pile of rock and debris from the collapsing base.

As Adagio recovered from the attack, she noticed Aria’s chest was glowing brightly suddenly. Aria noticed too glancing down at herself. “What is this?” She asked touching her glowing body. Then something happened.

A sudden burst of magical energy erupted from her body sending a shock wave out that cracked the rock of the mountain base interior, knocked back Mechagodzilla and Adagio. From the blast Aria was now larger that Mechagodzilla by at least three meters and was now sneering at both. Adagio could sense corrupt magic flowing from her sister like a pillow trying to smother her to death. Whatever Aria found it meant bad news for Adagio and everyone on Earth.

“Aria, what have you done?” Adagio gasped looking at her sister.

Aria replied with a wild eyed gaze at her sister. Her sneer never faltered as she suddenly lunged at Mechagodzilla. Responding to the sudden movement Mechagodzilla fired its breath beam into Aria’s face. The siren however was unphased by the blast and simply bit into the neck. Sparks flew from the robots neck as the magically infuse teeth dug through the metallic hull to the soft wired interior.

Inside Kuronuma watched as Mechagodzilla’s systems began to fail. He had lost control of the machine and was at the sirens mercy. He smiled, saluting the siren through his view screen.

“Well played. Well played. But we’ll be back.” He said as his cockpit exploded as Aria ripped the head off.

The overcharged siren pit the robots head to the side and shoved the body into the wall. The body exploded several more times causing a power loss in the immediate area.

The lights flickered as the two remaining combatants glared at each other as sparks and falling dirt fell around them. The seconds passed and Adagio found herself breathing slowly and deeply. Making sure not to take her eyes of Aria and waited for her to make a move. She didn’t have to wait long until Aria acted. The purple siren lunged forward with lightning speed and biting down on her sisters shoulder. Adagio whined feeling the sharp teeth digging into her scales and into her soft flesh. She tried to bite her younger sister back, but the magical energy pouring off Aria made it impossible for Adagio to break the scales.

Aria let out a cruel chuckle as she twisted ripping the golden scales off the smaller sirens shoulder and neck. A red splatter of blood escaped the wound and Adagio whimpered trying to retreat from her sister’s wrath. Before she got far she was grabbed by the tail and dragged back into Aria’s reach. The purple siren snapped down on Adagio’s neck sinking her teeth into the scales. Aria swung Adagio around like a ragdoll, slamming her into the walls and ground over and over again leaving red blood splatters from the wound on Adagio’s shoulder behind.

The elder siren herself knew she was in a bind. She would soon succumb to her wound if she didn’t best Aria and quick. But how could she beat her with all the power she had? Taking a chance she used her claws to claw at Aria’s eyes. One lucky strike got Aria’s right eye gouging it out.

Aria snarled and threw Adagio away from her swinging her head wildly while covering her wounded eye. After a moment she realized her eyes was gone and she snored like a rabid animal at Adagio baring her teeth at her limp form. Adagio barely managed to lift herself from the ground when Aria was once more on her. The purple siren pinned her down by the neck with both her claws, and thus leaving Adagio at her mercy.

In her weakened state Adagio knew this was it. She had no strength left to right back. Aria had proved too powerful with the new power she obtained. This left Adagio with one last chance for survival.

Aria chuckled at her downed sister pushing down on her long neck with just enough force to keep her sister breathing but just barely. She grinned looking her sister in the eye as best she could with her one good eye she had left. She was positively beaming with confidence from her superior position. It made her feel good.

“Finally. I beat you…” Aria sneered.

“Yeah, I guess you did, Aria. Are you proud of yourself?” Adagio asked weakly.

She tried to look back at her sister, but a sharp pain of claws digging in her neck stopped her. Aria cackle maniacally as she began to twist her claws in opposite directions to put strain on Adagio’s neck.

“Of course dear sister. You can’t imagine how long I’ve waited for the chance to best you!” Aria yelled tightening her grip on her prey. “Finally, I’m the one in charge! Finally, I’m the one who’ll call the shots! I will do what you were too weak to do! I will conquer this world, and nothing is going to stop me! Not humanity!”

She twisted Adagios neck more.

“Not Sunset and her human friends!”

She twisted more as Adagios neck reached its literal breaking point.

“And most certainly I won’t be stopped by the G-Force or father!”

Aria finally let go of Adagio leaving the elder siren a broken mess beneath her. The yellow siren gasped for breath and tenderly rubbed the holes in her neck as she tried to look at Aria. The siren’s one eye said it all. Aria had completely lost it. She was on a power high and was on a rampage. Adagio weakly curled to face her sister who’s crazed look only seemed to grow as she watched Adagio squirm under her.

“Don’t worry sister. I promise you this much,” Aria said circling her like a predator to their prey. “Once I deal with you I will send, Rainbow Dash to join you. After all I can’t have the Elements of Harmony be used against me. And a human is still a human no matter how much power they possess.”

Adagio barred her teeth in anger at her sister's words.

“Don’t you dare harm, Rainbow Dash or I’ll end you Aria!”

Aria chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry sister. You won’t live long enough to worry about her.”

Aria used one claw to lift Adagio by the neck to lift her eye to eye. Taking her other hand she grouped her claws together to a single point and put it against her sister’s neck taking aim for her jugular.

“Goodbye, sister.” Aria said calmly.

Adagio sighed shaking her head for what little it was worth. She was ready to accept her fate at Aria’s claws. She thought about the time she spent with Rainbow Dash and their friends. It was a fun time for her and she wished she had more time to spend with them, more specifically Rainbow Dash.

“Goodbye, Rainbow. I hope you live a long and happy life.”

Closing her eyes Adagio waited for Aria to rip her throat out. Then without warning the mountain began to quake. Both her and Aria looked around wondering what was causing this great disturbance. Just then green plant vines burst through the rock and earth gripping around Aria and Adagio. The vines pulled against Aria separating her from Adagio and slamming her against the wall pinning her too it. Adagio took advantage of her fortune and tried to fly away, but was too weakened to do so effectively. She navigated down the tunnels crashing into the walls barely able to fly more than a few feet before clumsily crashing again.


Godzilla by this time was destroying everything in site. He had all but beaten Anguirus. Biollante was nowhere to be seen, but he could sense it was close by, and the humans were in full retreat. All he had left to do was deal with his troublesome kin. He turned to face the mountain where he could sense powerful magic pouring from it. His keen senses told him many things. What He did know is one of his kin was dying and the other was the source of the magical overflow in the mountain.

In his old age he’d become slow, but his might was never in question, but one thing the humans always underestimated about him was his intelligence. True he was a massive hulking monster but there were things he knew that not even the Great Starswirl the Bearded knew. He knew the power he sensed was not of this world. Thus, it was very dangerous to leave it in the claws of his unstable kin.

He glared at the mountain focusing his senses on the magical focal point where his kin resided. His spines began to glow, and he puffed out his chest. As the energy build up in him he noticed a shift in magical power.

The power of his kin was being taken and he had little time to destroy it before there was a great power shift. Not wasting a moment he discharged his atomic breath into the side of the mountain with such force it began to burrow into the rock and pierce through. It wouldn’t take long before the magical source was destroyed an it would be all over.

He almost felt relieved.

*Aria Blaze*

Aria snarled against the vines as they bit into her body all over. Her arms, her neck, chest, and tail all became living conduits as the plants started draining the magic right out of her body. As the magic drained from her she could feel her body reverting back to her human form.

“No! Let go of me! That power’s mine!” She cursed the vines.

After she was halfway transformed back she felt an intense heat as the wall in front of her glowed bright red and then hot white. The next thing she knew she was being blasted by the familiar force of her father’s atomic breath. He body burned and all she could do was take the blast in her helpless state screaming in pain.


Now near the exit of the cave Adagio’s vision was blurry. She could sense powerful energy from outside the mountain. She immediately knew it was he father. His atomic breath hit and shook the mountain leaving her little time to escape. She turned to a long tunnel that lead to the outside, but her body was beginning to fail her and she struggled forward until she was blinded by a bright light. She then heard a loud screeching as she ran head first into a large metallic object.

She flew back several feet and landed on her side. Her head was now aching and in a daze, but she could make out the sounds of voices around her.

“We got er!”

“Get her in the truck then, AJ! We gotta get out of here!”

Adagio focused on the second voice. It sounded so familiar to her. A soft yet raspy feminine voice one that was music to her ears.

“Rainbow Dash?”

A blurry figure appeared in her vision as she slowly began to lose consciousness.

“Don’t worry, Dagi. We got you,” She heard the woman say she she felt her body being lifted before blacking out.


Godzilla’s focus remained fixated on the mountain as his atomic breath ripped the mountain apart. It’s whole side blew out like an erupting volcano sending dirt, and rock into the air all over the area. He sensed the magic transfer and burrow underground. So, in response he seized his attack.

As the dust settled he noticed a small truck leaving the dust cloud and driving away with one of his kin in the back of it. The vehicle was apparently leaving the area, which he was perfectly fine with. He didn’t want any bystanders here while he dealt with whatever took his kins power. He was in for a rough fight and he knew it. He was tired, old, and weakened from the days prolonged fight with Anguirus and the G-Force, but his conviction to win was as strong as ever.

All he had to do was wait. He was really good at that. And so the wait began. For several minutes he waited in place trying to draw out his unseen enemy. He could sense it deep underground, but it made no move against him. By now the truck was hopefully long gone and he wouldn’t have to worry about it.

Not long after about five minutes he got what he wanted. His enemy was finally emerging. The ground split around him as ten plant like vines shot from the ground and wrapped around him torso, arms and legs immobilizing him. One wrapped around his muzzle sealing his mouth shut. Several meters away from him he could see the ground bulging upwards like a swelling bubble. This “bubble” quickly burst into a cloud of dirt and debris and from it emerged a green alligator like mouth attached to a hulking body with a swollen red abdomen of vines. The mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth and mandibles that looked like they could easily break his tough scales, but he felt no fear of this creature. Indeed there was only one thing he truly feared, and thankfully this world would be spared of its horror.

For now he faced his new enemy with a narrow gaze and determination to win at any cost.
