• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 1,699 Views, 33 Comments

Black Bloom 2 - Bronycommander

Black Mesa was only the beginning. While Apple Bloom survived, Black Mesa still haunts her in her dreams.

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Chapter 8 Anticitizen One

Chapter 8: Anticitizen One

Apple Bloom tried to catch Lamarr. She jumped into a window where Apple Bloom couldn’t reach her. Soldiers spotted Dog and fired.
Apple Bloom went to cover as Dog charged at the Soldiers. He threw an old car at them.

Another squad took cover in a building. An APC was firing at Dog. Then the driver rammed Dog, but he jumped on the APC.
As Dog was on the APC, it crashed. He threw the APC at the Soldiers in the building, killing them.

Mia knelled down to Apple Bloom. “Ah’m sorry mommy, please don’t be mad.”

“I am not mad at you, you just wanted to help. Just follow us and we’ll keep you alive.”

“Yes Apple Bloom. Just stay with us.” Gordon said as Dog opened a barrier for them.
After proceeding, Dog jumped on a Dropship, departing into the unknown.
“Impressive,” Gordon commented.

They moved through a damaged apartment. It was the same Gordon entered when he arrived in City 17.
A rebel was attacking Shield Scanners. “Well, Gordon Freeman! And about time, too.”

The group moved to the Trainstation Plaza where three rebels were attempting to destroy a Breencast screen. They cheered as it exploded.
“Gordon Freeman, you’re here!”

“With you here, Dr. Freeman, we can finally make some headway. We're comming with you. Apple Bloom, we will protect you with our life.” The third rebel said to her.
She just nodded. Gordon used the MP7 as rebels, CP's and Soldier used them, so ammo was not a problem. Against Zombies he used the shotgun and against soldiers at longer ranges the AR2,

A barrier opened and two Metro Cops stepped out. “CPs!” As they had only pistols, the rebels killed them with ease. Mia felt a little bit uncomfortable, as she was afraid, that she would accidently kill her husband.

“Don’t worry Mia; I’m sure that he is still alive.” Gordon tried to calm her down.

Moving through the barrier, the group came to a backyard.

“Watch out for the Hoppers. They're everywhere!” Apple Bloom saw how one Mine hoped towards a Headcrab.
Gordon used the gravity gun to make the Mines friendly.

“Don’t waste the hoppers, Dr. Freeman. We can use them against the Combine.”

For some reason, Apple Bloom found the sound the Mines made when they were bouncing around to place themselves funny.
“If you can get those hoppers up without setting them off, you can place them wherever you want.” Even Mia and Gordon found it funny when the Mines were bouncing around until they could arm themselves.

Gordon cleared the way. On a street, a Strider was using his Warp canon to destroy a car. “Headcrabs!” During the Upspring, the Combine used Headcrab shells against the Resistance.

While Mia had not fired a weapon before, it was quite…interesting for her. She fired her shotgun semi-automatic and took care of any injured member of the squad. Still, she checked Apple Bloom every once and then.

The child was scared as she was stuck in the middle of a warzone, but felt safe in the hands of the Resistance.

After clearing a mine field, the rebels came to another apartment. The walls were covered in blood. In a chair was a deceased man. A TV played the Breencast about collaboration. Gordon killed a Zombie that came out of the kitchen.
Apple Bloom stood next to a door as a Zombie broke through. She fell to the ground and crawled backwards, but Mia shot the Zombie in the head. “Thanks, mommy!”

“It was nothing. Any injury I need to take care of?”
“No, mommy.”

A rebel explained the situation. “Doctor Freeman? We hoped for one more fighter to help storm that barricade, but we never guessed it would be you."

In another apartment, the squad was fighting Metro Cops. Mia was surprised by a CP that came from behind. She managed it hit him in the chest. He fell with a cry of pain to the ground as it was not fatal.

A rebel was pointing his MP7 at him. “Any last words?”

The CP just looked at Mia. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you, my wife.”

Mia took his mask off and took care of his wound. “I’m sorry! I didn’t want to kill or hurt you either!”

“It’s alright, since we all look like the same, you couldn’t know it was me.” Gordon helped him up.

“Want to join us?”

“You bet! I do whatever it takes to protect my wife and daughter.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Ah’m so glad to see you again, Daddy!” Jacob putted his mask back on and a rebel give him a Lambda logo armband to show other rebels that he was on their side.

The Resistance knew also about Jacob, so the members were fine with having a CP in their Squad. After all, Barney was also a CP.

“Do you have any Idea, why no other CP joined the Resistance?” a rebel asked Jacob.

“Well, CP’s must swear to serve the Combine no matter what. The Combine also erased their memories without their knowledge to make sure that they won’t resist them. I kept my humanity because of my strong will to do it for my family,” Jacob explained.

After a while, they came to a tunnel. Jacob shook his head as tried he to get something out of his head. “Is something wrong Daddy?”

“I can't get this tune out of my head.” He whistled before he was holding his chest for a second. “If you dare say 'that’s gotta hurt,' I'll kill you,” One rebel commented.

“When this is all over I'm...aw, who am I kidding?” another commented.

“I can't remember the last time I had, well, anything.” The woman said.

The last rebel however said something which earned a shocked look form Apple Bloom.
“I could eat a horse, hooves and all. Not you of course.”

“If you dare, I will shove this Stun Stick up your rear!” Despite the mask and Vocoder, the seriousness in Jacob’s voice was clear.

“Hacks!” Mia shouted. Gordon preferred the MP7 most of the time, but the gravity gun was very useful against Manhacks and Scanners alike. He just grabbed them and threw them against the wall or enemies. But The Manhack could also be used as a makeshift chainsaw.
In a matter of seconds, he destroyed the entire group. But it was only the first wave, more groups arrived. They were all destroyed but Apple Bloom was hit. She let out a cry of pain. "Not again." Her right fore hoof was bleeding but Mia gave her a medkit.

“See, sweetheart? All better now.” Mia smiled at Apple Bloom and wiped a tear out of her eye. She loved it to be her mother.

At the end of the tunnel, several CP’s were manning two Emplacement Guns.

They pinned us down!” Jacob screamed in cover.

“Don’t worry, I got this.” Gordon threw a grenade at one gunner and took the other from a distance with the Crossbow out.

“Hey, over here!” a medic called out through a crack in the rubble. “Gordon Freeman? It is you, isn't it? Give me a minute; I'm gonna plant some charges and blow this open.” Gordon manned one Emplacement Gun, Jacob the other.

They fought Manhacks and Soldiers. “If you can hold them off, I'm almost done here.”

The second wave came. “Okay, last charge!”

“More Hacks!” Mia shouted.

“Stand back. It's gonna blow!” The charge exploded creating a hole.
“Come on through, Freeman. And hurry.” Gordon tried to open a white door.
“That door's locked from the other side, Dr. Freeman. Maybe you can find a way around.” He crawled through a hole.
“Looks nasty in there. Good thing you've got that suit. We will watch your little friend while you are gone.” The medic smiled at Apple Bloom, which she returned.

The next section was filled with radioactive waste, and Standard Zombies. Even this was no challenge for Gordon Freeman.
“Hey, it's me. Open the door.”

“Welcome.” He opened the door.

“I see you made it through okay. Figured you would.” The medic was not surprised.

Back on the street, they came to an outpost that was shelled. “Dr. Freeman? If you were looking for a place to hole up, it's not safe here anymore. They're shelling the hell out of us. Keep moving, Dr. Freeman. I'll send word you're coming, and see you up ahead.” The rebel leaved to fight.

Inside the outpost, a Resistance member opened the door for them. “Hey, it's me. Open the door.”

“What's the password?”


“Come on in.”

Inside the house, Gordon used the shotgun. Apple Bloom was holding her ears to keep the sound of battle out. Mia carried her. “Run for your life!” a rebel was running down the stairs before he was killed by a Shotgun Soldier.

Jacob checked the stairs. “Help!” Another rebel was shot by a Shotgun Soldier. Jacob killed him before he could react. They went upstairs.

He ambushed a Soldier from behind and threw him off the roof by pushing him. He let out a human like scream as he fell to his death. A rebel let down a bridge for him. “Okay, come across!”

The apartment was filled with Fast Zombies. “Crap!” Jacob shouted as a Zombie charged at him with a scream. He used his Stun Stick to stun the Zombie. Gordon finished it off. “I hate those guys. But I hate Poison Headcrabs even more.”

“You’re not the only one.” Gordon shared this.

But that did not stop the group to get to another bridge. This building was also filled with Zombies but also with Soldiers.
Gordon and his squad finally reunited with Alyx, after fighting through the building.

“Gordon! I had a feeling I'd find you here. And you found your Buddy Jacob again.”

“Yes he did. And I am glad that Apple Bloom is alive.” He smiled at her.

“Hey, if your Resistance friends had not helped us out, we had never made it!” She commented.

“Anyway, I've got Dr. Kleiner in a safe spot. Now we can join up with Barney.
There's a command center downstairs. I'm hoping to find information about generator locations. Ready? Let's go!” Alyx saw how scared Apple Bloom was in this warzone. She whimpered in fear but Mia patted her.
They moved downstairs. “Okay, this is it. You take that door. I'll take this one.”

“Stay back, I will take care of the group.” The medic said to Mia. She agreed to get Apple Bloom out of harm’s way.

Jacob kicked the door open; Gordon stormed in, Alyx from the other side. The Soldiers had no chance.

Alyx looked at a screen. “Well, we're in luck. There's a generator in the square outside. We're trying to disable as many as we can to loosen the Combine's grip on this sector. It'll take me a few minutes to expose the core. Then I'll need you to hit it with a burst from the gravity gun. In the meantime, watch my back.”

Alyx was about to use her EMP Tool but Jacob said to her, “This will not be necessary. My Civil Protection status still gives me limited clearance.”
Jacob used the interface to unlock the door. “Let’s go!”

Outside, Gordon place Hooper Mines at the Force fields to be prepared for attacks.
Alyx worked at the generator. “This shouldn't take too long. As soon as the generator's down, I'll open that gate and we can get out of here.”

Mia sat Apple Bloom down behind the wall that surrounded the generator. “Don’t worry, it will be over soon.”

“Ah hope so too.”

CP’s in combination with Soldiers and Elites attacked. A Elite fired his Energy Ball at Apple Bloom. She screamed in fear. Gordon used the gravity gun to throw the Ball back to the Elite. The Elite disintegrated.

Gordon checked his HUD. His suit power was at 5%. Not good. I need to use the charger!

“Behind you!” A Shotgun Soldier was about to attack Gordon, but was killed by a shot from the roof. It was Konrad.

He jumped down to a balcony, then rappelled down. “Konrad! Man, I’m glad to see you!”

“Do you think I let the party escape, Jacob?” He fired his AR2. He used his own Energy Ball at a lined up squad of Soldiers. He laughed,"This is so much fun, man!" As he spotted Apple Bloom, The words Tower said to him popped in. "Hey Konrad, well, looks like it is a baby sitting job after all! Take care of her!" Ugh, even 20 after Black Mesa and with the Memory Replacement, this won't go out of my head!

Apple Bloom noticed that Konrad reloaded manually by pulling a magazine out and pushing it into the gun, instead of using the automatic reload system like Gordon did. Guess it can be manually and automatically, depending how the user's like is. She suspected.

"Traitor!" A Elite Soldier dropped his AR2 and rushed over with his Stun Stick.

Konrad however, blocked the attack by grabbing the stick with his left hand, then fired a few shots into the gut of the Elite, then into his head. "You have to do better than that!" Konrad wasn't impressed.

“Okay, the core’s exposed. Use the gravity gun, Gordon.” Gordon obeyed.
“All right, I’m opening the gate.” Gordon and Alyx moved through the gate while the rest stayed behind.

"Okay. Barney should be on the far side of that… canal." Alyx saw that the bridge was destroyed. "Well, there used to be a bridge here. Let me see if I can scout a new path." She had a idea. "Wait for me here." She clmbed the building up to the roof.

"Looks like we might be able to get through down there. Let's head that way. Ah, no!" She let out a cry of pain as Soldiers ambushed her.

"Gordon, run! Get out of here! Ah!" One Soldier knocked her out.

Suddently, Gordon heard Apple Bloom scream. Then a male rebel screamed, “No, no, noooo!
He saw a Dropship flying towards the Citadel. It was the same that transported Alyx.

“Don’t worry Apple Bloom. I’ll get you out of there. I promise you that.” He talked to himself before heading to Barney.

Author's Note:

They got captured! Will Gordon safe them?

By the way, the way how Konrad countered the Elite was based on this takedown from Watch Dogs.

About the Cp's, that was the most realistic explanation I could come up with but feel free to give me your ideas why the CP's can't join the resistance so i can make it it more realistic.

I use the MP7 aginst cops and Soldiers at short distance and the AR2 at longer ranges and the shotgun against Zombies in the game. But I could never decide if I should the AR2 more or the MP7 but I used the latter because ammo is never a problem in City 17 for it.