• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,799 Views, 46 Comments

Ditzy Doo's mother is who?! - Furstreak

Year's spent in Ponyville leaves many ponies wondering who Ditzy Doo's parents are.

  • ...

★Oh My GOSH!

It was early that morning, more so than Rainbow Dash would care to have believed. She had awoken early for weather patrol over Ponyville. Clearing the sky commanded a lot from the weather pony, but her athletic body was more than capable of defending the sky of the rouge clouds that would drop a shadow onto the poor citizens of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash dove into a cloud, poking her face just inches out of it to hide herself as she watched a rogue cloud slowly drifting by like a helpless bunny under the gaze of a predator. She tiptoed through the air silently before jumping out of the cloud screaming as she beat the helpless cloud into nothing but thin air.

She gave a determined smile as she hovered there silently but did a backflip, diving through the cloud she had just jumped from. She went about her day, still destroying clouds left and right, making a game of it, if you will. Ponies were down below watching as she had her fun to bring forth the warm rays of Celestia's sun onto them.

One pony however was up above during those wee hours of the morning, making her usual route to deliver the mail to the inhabitants of Ponyville. Ditzy Doo was her name, and delivering mail was her game. She however, was looking at a letter she had pulled from her saddlebag, scratching her head in confusion at the address and name. Of all the ponies in the small town, she had never heard of the pony on this letter and kept scratching her head trying to remember.

However, while scratching her head as her eyes semi focused on the letter. She didn't see a certain weather pony that was taking a dive through a cloud right above her. They collide mid air, falling about twenty feet onto a rogue cloud that was next on RD's list of enemies to defeat.

"Oooooooooh, what hit me?" Ditzy moaned out, rubbing her head as her eyes rolled around unable to focus.

"OMIGOSH! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you below that cloud. I was in my own little world while finally getting rid of these clouds, I totally zoned. Are you alright?" RD asked helping the grey Pegasus to her hooves.

"Yea, I'm fine, I just need to........." She paused giving a gasp seeing all of her letters falling toward the earth below. "OH NO!? MY MAIL!" She yelled as she was about to jump from the cloud to dive after them but stopped as a rainbow blur zipped past her and down toward the falling mail.

Rainbow zipped around pulling off a few incredible stunts as she caught the falling post. After only ten seconds she was back on the cloud with the letters in her mouth, a grin plastered across her face.

"Here ya go Ditzy. Sorry about all that." She blushed at her mishap toward the mail mare.

"It's fine. I just need to finish these deliveries and I can have the rest of the day off. I'm going to visit my mother today. I haven't had time to see her for a couple weeks and feel bad that I've neglected her." She sighed rubbing her fore hoof.

Rainbow looked at Ditzy for a moment as she thought back through all the stories they had shared in the past. She couldn't place any details that her friend had shared about her mother or father.

"I don't remember you ever telling me about your folks before. What are they like?" Rainbow asked as Ditzy placed the post into her saddlebag.

"Well, I don't remember my father too well. He passed while on an expedition with my mom when I was real little and always stayed in our tree house in the forest because she said the expeditions she and father went on were really dangerous." She gave a stern look that only a parent could give causing Rainbow to chuckle.

"Sounds like your mom is pretty awesome. I'd love to meet her. But I'm sorry to hear about your dad." RD said as her head lowered giving the fallen stallion a silent prayer.

"It's ok. He fell protecting my mom, and that's all that matters. I do miss him, but I know he is up here waiting for me." She smiled, looking around at all the clouds.

"Yea, he must have been some hero to do that. Even I'm not that awesome." RD and Ditzy shared a laugh as they took flight, talking further as the mail was delivered to the ponies in Ponyville.

As time passed though, Ditzy began to tell Rainbow about some of her mothers escapades in the jungle, searching through lost temples and finding extremely rare tomes, once thought non-existent treasures of myth.

They continued on until the last letter had been delivered. Rainbow Dash began to think quickly about the stories that she had just been told and started to ask Ditzy, but held her tongue. Ditzy did say that she was going to meet with her mother today, and Rainbow Dash was invited.

As they made their way out of town flying, they reached the edge of the Everfree forest, flying high above the canopy. Rainbow looked around wondering what an old mare would be doing out in the middle of the woods but stopped as they neared a large tree that hung over the top of the forest like a monolith.

Ditzy smiled to Rainbow as she kept flying straight, right through the foliage of the tree. Rainbow stopped to hover just outside of where Ditzy had flown through.

"Ditzy? Are you ok?" Rainbow shouted trying to find a way through the foliage.

"Here Rainbow, take my hoof." She shouted as a hoof pushed through the spot Ditzy had just flown through. Rainbow paused for a moment before grabbing the grey hoof and was quickly pulled through.

"WOAH!" RD shouted as she closed her eyes, the leaves rushed by her as something solid was felt beneath her hooves. She opened her eyes to see an ornate tree house covered with trinkets. She continued looking around as Ditzy walked forward from the round scaffolding that had been built around a large limb of the tree.

A creaking rope and timber bridge spanned across the gap of the limb to the main tree house that rested on the top and center of the tree between many large limbs that jutted out in every direction. Rainbow smiled in awe as she looked up seeing many birds and other tree dwelling animals alive and moving throughout the sunlit canopy. Sun shining through little areas of the tree as the wind swept through the leaves to reveal the dancing light on anything below.

They walked for a minute from the spot they had entered the canopy and arrived at the main part of the tree house. Ditzy gave a knock on the door as she arrived in front of it.

"Hello? Who's there? If you're a solicitor, you are about to see a whole other world of hurt." A voice came from inside. Ditzy gave a giggle. "Don't worry about her, at her age she is all bark and no bite."

"I heard that Ditzy." The voice from inside yelled as an old mare opened the door. She looked up to Ditzy giving a smile.

"Well come here, give yer momma a hug youngin." She spoke out in the voice only age can cause. Ditzy smiled to her mother.

"Your coat is coming back in nicely mom. Its starting to turn back into its original tan again, and why are you wearing that old hat again? I thought you put that into your display case years ago."

Ditzy giggled at her mother as she walked in.

"Oh I forgot to mention, this is my friend Rainbow Dash. I told her some stories about your explorer days and she said she'd like to meet you." She smiled pointing to a gawking Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, I'd like you to meet my mother....." She paused as Rainbow finished the sentence knowing all too well who this pony was from her her favorite series of books that Twilight had introduced her to during her session at the hospital a few years back.

She looked over the old mare in shock as she noticed all of the details pointing to verify that this truly was the pony she thought it to be. The stunning tan coat, the dual colored mane. The awesome compass Cutie Mark. Yes this was the one and only........

"Daring Do?!" She squeaked out, causing the old mare to give her a determined smile that Rainbow Dash had read about in her books. Ditzy cocked a brow at her, then gave a chuckle as did the old mare. "I see you're a fan of my mother's books."

Rainbow was literally shaking with excitement, She had always thought that meeting the Wonderbolts was the ultimate fangirls dream. But to meet a LIVING fiction character from her favorite book series. This wasn't just above and beyond a fangirl squeal of happiness, this was a fangasm. She gave a slight wobble as her mouth curled up to try and form a smile but wiggled slightly as if she was about to cry.

"Are you ok Rainbow?" Ditzy asked, catching the Rainbow Pegasus' attention. Her wings flapping open as she smiled wildly.

"I........ can't believe you're real!? I have read everyone of your books at least ten times each. I have to ask you something." Rainbow smiled as she came up to the old mare who just gave her a determined smirk, not moving an inch away from how close Rainbow was getting. "Are all of those stories......"

"True? You better believe it youngin." She smiled.


"RAINBOW!?" Ditzy shouted as the Rainbow pegasus hit the floor with a resounding thud.


"Ugh! What happened?" Rainbow asked as she came to, her vision slightly blurry as she looked around then waking quickly as a rush of adrenaline hit her when she realized that she was not in a place she knew of."

"Finally awake youngin?" Daring smiled as she walked into the room holding a cup of tea with her wing.

"Yea, sorry about that." Rainbow blushed rubbing her withers in embarrassment.

"Oh think nothing of it Dash. You would be surprised as to how many fans have left dents in the floor upon finding out that I am not just a fiction character in a book." The old mare smirked taking a sip of her tea.

"B-but, why? All your books are in the fiction section of libraries and stores. Why not make them non-fiction?" Rainbow asked as she sat up looking for the answer.

"I can explain that one." Ditzy smiled as she trotted into the room, sitting down next to her mother. Daring giving her a nod to continue.

"Well, when my mom attempted to have her books published as an autobiography, the publishers said that the stories told within the book sounded outlandish and that no one would believe them. So my mother turned all of her lifelong adventures into fiction stories. Each consisting of a single book. All the events you have read in them are true and no detail was left out." She smiled getting another nod from Daring.

"It's true. Those darned publishers agreed to make my books as fiction. I've written many books, and over the past year I have had to slowly release them due to my old age and arthritis taking away my wings." She sighed as she slowly opened her wings, a soft pop could be heard as she winced in pain. She slowly pulled them back to her side giving a sigh. "It's hard being a grounded pegasi.”

“But, I've had my fun, I've raised a wonderful daughter, had too many adventures to count, and have lived a full, happy life. But I would like to publish the last of my books before my time comes. I have four more books to release but I can't even finish my current one since I can no longer write. My wings have lived their life and are sadly gone. I can't use a pencil properly with my mouth either, so I'm stuck." She trailed off looking out into the canopy of the tree surrounding her tree house. "Poor Ditzy can't even visit that often due to her taking care of my grandchildren and work. If only......" She was cut short as Rainbow stood up proudly.

"I'll do it. I'll write them for you." She smiled.

"Rainbow?" Ditzy began but was silenced as Rainbow came forward, sitting next to Daring holding her hoof gently.

"I can do that for you. I'll come by here everyday if you want. I'll even help Ditzy by bringing her kids here to see you so you can tell them about your adventures. Even if your stories are being told as fiction. I know now that they are true and have been lived by, literally, the most awesome pony to ever live. Thee Daring Doo." She smiled almost in tears.

"I think that would be a wonderful idea." Daring smiled looking to Ditzy who was about to cry from being so happy.


As time progressed further, Rainbow Dash made countless trips to Daring Do's home in the Everfree Forest. On several occasions she would bring a friend. Namely, thee one Twilight Sparkle, who threw a fangirl-gasm, much like Rainbow did, before promptly passing out. Sparkler and Dinky visited almost every other time Rainbow took a trip to write for her. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had visited on one occasion, finally getting to meet the so-called fictional heroine in the flesh. They would now choose to spend more time within the thresholds of books rather than outside destroying things in an attempt to obtain their cutie marks. Who knows, they may even earn a cutie mark in book organization, or in becoming a librarian after enough reading.

Many other visits were made as time progressed over the next few years. That was until one day when Rainbow arrived at her home to finished the last few pages of the final book of her series.

"Daring, I'm here. Let's get cracking. I can't wait to hear the rest...........of........the........" She trailed off as she noticed the old pony sitting in her rocking chair silently. her head dipped down over a small cover that rested on her chest. The light shimmered from breaking through the canopy of the giant tree. It was getting late in the year and many of the leaves had begun to fall from the tree letting more light through. Rainbow walked over to Daring with a smile.

"Rise and shine sleepy head." She smiled giving her a nudge.

"Huh....Wha? Oh hello Dashie. Have we finally made it to the final pages?" She smiled as a yawn escaped her lips.

"I wish the stories would go one forever. But all good things must come to an end. That however won't keep me from visiting you on a regular basis though." She chuckled as she took a seat, popping a pencil between her lips as she pulled some parchment from her saddlebag.

Daring Do gave a soft smile as she continued her story from where she had left off the previous day. Rainbow taking every word down to the letter and smiling as she played it through her head.

Her final adventure was bold, strong, dangerous. She sustained multiple injuries and fought many foes before she captured the final treasure, her daughter, Ditzy Doo from a band of jungle pirates that had made a home in a long lost temple filled with gems and gold.

They had made a pet of a large dragon that had been permanently grounded due to the pirates lopping off one of its wings when it was a baby. Daring had managed to talk to the dragon when it had her in its maw ready to crush her. She pleaded with the dragon to release her because the same bandits that had capture him had captured her daughter, and she was risking her life to save her.

The dragon released her and helped her by taking on the entire camp without a second thought. All of the pirates had been killed off and Ditzy had been saved. It was then that she moved her daughter to Ponyville so that she could live a normal life away from all the dangers of the forest.

She would continued on in her life to adopt a single foal and bare another as her own flesh and blood. Her granddaughters Sparkler and Dinky.

After finishing the story, Rainbow gave Daring a smile and hug before taking off to the publisher to have the final pages of the book edited and printed.


Rainbow smiled as she made her way through the sky over the Everfree forest toward Daring Do's home. She had just come back from the publisher with great news. The book would be published without delay, and since it was the final book of the series, the author was going to receive an overly large lump sum for it.

She began to get closer but slowed as she noticed multiple pegasi flying around the tree.

"What's going on?" She asked to herself as she flew into the tree to see Ditzy crying, one of her friends trying to console her.

"Hey Ditzy. Whatsup?" Rainbow asked walking over to her only to be swallowed into a hug by the grey mare as she cried into Rainbows chest.

Rainbow sat down with her as she tried consoling her. After a few minutes Ditzy looked up to Rainbow and began to speak softly between sobs.

"Mom, passed away last night. She just went to sleep and never woke up." She sobbed as she looked back seeing her mother on the stretcher as it left the far room.

Rainbow sat there as tears began to stream from her face, but she didn’t make a sound, didn’t move, as Ditzy continued crying into her. Her face turned to that of determination as she sat there, tears silently flowing freely from her eyes. She looked down to Ditzy with a smile.

"I just came from the publisher. They gave your mom a huge lump sum for the final book. I was hoping to tell her today but I guess I won't be able to. I guess she just wanted to hang around to tell the last of her adventures to somepony. I'm glad I could be the one to help her do that." She smiled causing Ditzy to smile as well.

"Her adventures may be in the fiction section. But to those of us that know. Those adventures were all too real and were lived by my mother, Daring Do." Ditzy smiled as she watched the paramedics slowly load her mother into an awaiting carriage and take flight. The two mares watched as the carriage flew silently into the sunset. Giving Daring Do one last flight before she would be forever grounded.

Author's Note:

Edited by ReFro

Comments ( 45 )

great story. i hope to see more like this in the future. :pinkiesmile:

Is it wrong that my eyes jizzed literal rainbows all over my desk?

Darn you! DARN YOU!
I've been toying with an idea based on this premise for weeks now!
But seriously, it's a lovely story, and I'm glad that someone else saw the humor potential in Rainbow Dash learning the truth of that relationship. I'm glad I read it. :pinkiehappy:
In any case, my story idea would have gone off in a completely different direction... if I could write a suitable Daring Doo-style adventure. I've got no idea what the old map should lead Ditzy, Dash, and Twilight to.

I would like to encourage you to write the story regardless of whether or not I have already written a similar story. I actually just came up with the idea after thinking of scenarios for my main story. When I happened across Ditzy do and Daring do I was like "WTF They have the same last name?!" So i jotted down some notes to make a story and finished this one in roughly an hour.

*nods* Like I said, my story would be very different from yours, so I wouldn't worry about stepping on your toes. I just don't know if I can FINISH the story, despite having some great ideas for stuff to do in the start, and I don't want to put up a story I'm not sure I can finish. I don't want to waste my reader's time.

*reads character tags*
This... was inevitable.
*reads story*
MY FEELLINGS!!!!!!:fluttercry:


:fluttercry: so... awsome.... I LOVE IT:pinkiehappy:

Wonderful. Something new to work into my head canon, though it's not exactly like this.

I love how you wrote you story. The emotion and feeling.
It's sad.
It's like loosing someone you wanna stay around with forever, but you don't actually miss then until there gone.. forever.
This made me cry and 2 tears fell down.:pinkiesad2::ajsleepy::applecry::fluttercry::raritycry::fluttershysad:

I'm not much for sad stories but I do enjoy a good sad story from time to time. Writing them however takes quite a bit of effort on my part as I try to be there in that character who has seen the other pass on. I have lived through enough tragedy to get these feelings down pact. But In the end I know that they have moved on to a better place and no longer grieve for them.:pinkiesad2:

Minor typo.

"Daring had managed to talk to the dragon when it had her in its may ready to crush her." Should be maw.

Good job.

822493 fixed. thanks for the correction :twilightsmile:

823045What you said....ewwwww.....

First thing first: I liked this.

Second thing second: Ahh... I didn't realize my Pinkie Pie image was so huge up there... :pinkiecrazy:

Third thing third: There are several things that you really need to watch out while writing in this, and maybe you should sweep through for some editing. In particular, you have a lot of missing commas.

Look at= After finishing the story Rainbow gave Daring a smile and hug before taking off to the publisher to have the final pages of the book edited and printed. That should be= After finishing the story, Rainbow gave Daring a smile and hug before taking off to the publisher to have the final pages of the book edited and printed.

This doesn't make your story unreadable or anything, but it's something that-- to be honest-- annoyed me. Same thing with the name. It's either 'Ditzy Do' or 'Ditzy Doo'. Pick one. You also have a lot of huge, wall-of-text paragraphs. I'd recommend breaking those up.

There's a bunch of other technical issues. Maybe you'd want to have friends edit things for you? {I'm trying to be helpful here, don't take this wrong-- I really and truly do like your concept and everything.}

understandable, Im not good with placing commas If you want, you could edit that for me and send me an edited copy via private message

No, he meant a rainbow made out of semen-- from somepony's eyes.

I now to think about whether I should get that image out of my head or maybe use it as future fanfic material myself... or... darn, what's happening here? :pinkiecrazy:

823138 lol I was hoping for what I said to be the truth instead of yours. Oh well.:derpytongue2:

Ah... no offense and nothing against you, but I've got stuff going on :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Meh, I saw a similar story with ditzy's last name. But they used derpy hooves, and said she was related ro doctor whooves. Anyway two words.:pinkiesmile: and :pinkiehappy:

I honestly did not see that coming. That howeer would make for an awesome three way story of Doctor whooves fathering Derpy/Ditzy from Daring Do. And the reason she has those crazy eyes is because of the Dr being a time traveler and Ditzy/Derpy's eyes can see through time and space. That would be fucking awesome. DOH now I gotta write it.

823214 I dont think that was the story but ok.:pinkiehappy:

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that was the story line. I meant to imply that THAT would be the storyline I would follow in my head while writing it.:twilightsmile:


You gave me a major feel there however. :fluttercry:

832686 I am sorry. Time is precious, and it is best spent with loved ones while they are still with us. I encourage others to do so. So please. Give your loved ones a hug and tell them thank you for all they have done for you. :pinkiesad2:


This may seem a little sudden, but clearly you seem to be a wonderful person, given your comments and the story.

It's a same there arn't more people like you. :twilightsmile:

And yes, I might just do that. :raritywink:

On a slight tangent though, I do think that yoh could of elaborated more, It's a good premise and I don't want it to go to waste. However that is always subject to you.:twilightsmile:

Thank you for the kind words. I just had the urge to write this story and kinda rushed it. As time permits I will go back and do a slight rewrite as well as add a little more to the story. It might be a week though as I am currently engrossed in writing on my main story. It's not as happy go lucky as this story on some parts and others will have you rofl. It is almost at 200k words so check it out.

851111 I aim to please, and obviously to make some bornies cry. :raritywink:

Truely a great story. Keep up the great work:derpyderp1:

loved it many manly tears were shed:fluttercry::applecry::pinkiesad2::raritycry:

What a great story!I almost cry at the end.But that idea of Daring beeing Derpy's mother..never heard of that,i always thought her as her sister.

it would be more fun to read if the daring-do tag was gone XD

Wow, you got tears from me on this one.:fluttercry:

2100147i aim to please. I love touching stories. Even sad ones

Dem feels, god damn...now I'm in a sad mood... :fluttercry:

This story has not made me sad. It made me happy. Happy that Daring got to tell her story after all and then pass away, leaving her legacy to the world as was her dream. This story is touching, but not sad. Daring has lived, like the story says, a full and happy life. It is something we all should do and cherish. And remember, always be thyself.

This is a beautiful story, magnificent.


..... I dont know weather to cry or be happy...

This is the second story I've read where Daring Do and Ditzy Do are related (the other one has them as sisters). This was wonderful to read. The ending actually made me tear-up a little. Simply a nice read. Thank you.

4919729 Thank you for the comment :) I'm glad you liked it. It was rather sad to write though.

Why not cry tears of joy?


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