• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.


A tale of what befell Flutter Valley and the terrible consequences which came of the strife between ponies. The ripples of cause and effect reach far from the source, and no one can say for certain when or where they'll fall and whom they'll sway. It can only be said that learning from history is crucial if one does not wish to be caught in the same current.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 39 )

... Are there going to be giant turds in it?

7608727 My initial reaction was much the same, but alas, it is actually a well written story with actual value.

Honestly, I'm glad to see that my favorite sapient fungus is able to produce more meaningful than... giant turds... to this site.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

EEEEE :pinkiehappy:
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!!! :rainbowdetermined2:

7608727 >______>


I cannot comment at this time. :trollestia:

7608961 But giant turd spaceships are awesome!

And an original concept! AN ORIGINAL CONCEPT!!

(SyFy steals the idea for "Sharktopoop In Spaaaaaaaace!", their newest made-for-TV movie)

>looks at comment section
>reads author's other stories


7611766 This is what I come up with when I deactivate my Troll God powers. :raritywink:

I don't know if I really want to take you seriously... maybe I'll give this a roll, but I don't know. Your track record is sketchy.

“Got any 3’s?” she asked herself, apparently in the middle of a card game which, if it had rules were total and completely incomprehensible to anypony save the Chancellor, and then proceeded to pick from the deck and add it to the growing geometric card structure, which somehow retained the shape of a half-completed sphere.


7628786 Puddinghead was Darth Plagueis! :pinkiegasp:

Bravo, I'm applauded. I really hope you continue this story.

All her attention was drawn to the little limp, charred figure tumbling from the sky, trailing a mist of crimson and sparkling stars.

....Senzu bean! ...? ...!

You know, something that is bugging me is how those windigoes feed on the living force of their pray. Why?
The only reason I can imagine is to make them look somehow scarier (which doesn't really work all that well, it is just needlessly gruesome and ends up being kind of silly in this pony contest). The imagery of hate making your heart grow cold until it kills you is as beautiful as it is (we are also going to speak of changelings there, wouldn't it be cooler to see that feeding on love/hate contrast?).

Unless this just another of your convoluted jokes, and that's all part of your plan. You were writing about the project of the Death Star after all... hmmm.

7781960 Think "Bleach" and Hollows for the simplest and most blunt comparison of why windigoes eat souls. Windigoes can approach when there is hate, and then they make it cold, and then they feed on souls for energy. Lots of evil mythical things do. It's pretty standard evil spirit/demon mythos.

7781928 It'll take some time, but it will get done.

Chapter 4 is already half-written, as is Chapter 5. I need to finish up the primary text and then do my edits for continuity and tone.

I love this.
You are a top tier writer!
Please release more of the flutterpony's history!!!

7790992 I just need to get some free time. It's been busy in the lab.

This is amazing. People need to accept this as headcanon.

I don't understand. Couldn't she just use computer viruses to deal with the windigoes?

7900361 Well, if I wanted to be lame and have Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith suddenly save the day, they'd come flying in and drop a nuke in the middle of the Windigo Mother Ship. :trollestia:


And the sequel will have the Windigo Queen sending Discord to Equestria.

Today you will once again fight for our friendship! *tear rolls up the forehead*

7900073 Alas, people around here only want thoughtless crossovers, overpowered OCs, moody alicorns, and random humans ending up in Equestria for no reason.

I'm following some astoundingly good stories that have only a few hundred likes, when they should be at the top of the list.

Heck yeah!

What a beautiful Discord you've written!

I suppose he already knows his personal future-to-come, but he's doubtlessly both accepted it as the price for his fun, and ignored it in the way only a temporally fluid entity can: he knows what WILL happen, but not in clear relation to other events in time.

7970959 I made note of how his sort 'see' in their dark in-between spaces. He mentions they see various flashes from different worlds all randomized and out of order and in what to us would appear as a garbled dream-like state. He describes it as shadows through a veil, since my version of Discord never needs to sleep... why would he? He doesn't have an 'organic' brain that requires it! Anyway, he can't make the comparison with a dream because he doesn't dream as we do. Even if he's seen his reformation, he has no idea which world it takes place in or when, because 'when' really has no meaning outside all worlds.

So he doesn't have any clear notions of what's going to happen, only that things will happen, and that's all he really needs: something to play with.

I had to choose how much to go into these concepts, since they don't naturally come up in the conversation and deal-making process with Lacewing, since she has no idea what Discord really is and thus can't really have any notion of what questions to ask, even if she suddenly cared to know... which she really doesn't given her circumstances.

It's tricky to write this sort of thing out, to measure just how to get enough to leak out of a conversation to get the point across without it coming across as an encyclopedic infodump that's obviously artificially inserted for expository reasons only.

Now the last two chapters are going to be tricky as I need to let them discover all their new powers realistically. I have a basic framework of which powers they discover and when, but I need to shape good scenarios for each and let them stumble upon their abilities plausibly as a result of those occurrences.

So Discoboy is uncapable of having a clear vision of the real worlds and is all alone in his own universe. He also has relatives though, and they all live not toghether in the same space between spaces where everyone is their own universe (?) and can see one another (since Discord seems to know his kind) though without being capable any form of interaction, And, at the same time, only a draconequus (assuming that's their race) at a time can take peeks into interdimensional craks.

Is that right?

7974768 It's quite complicated. There are different 'spaces' between worlds. His kind wander among them, occasionally they bump into one another, but great stretches of... well, not really 'time', but perception, go by. They can always peep into whatever little chinks and flashes show up, but keep in mind there are countless worlds and few of them. The odds of two entering the same universe at the same time are vanishingly small. As for their own creation, oh dear that would be a story unto itself and get into high-level god-tier stuff and balances between creation and destruction, order and entropy necessary for living things to exist from the very foundation of the multiverse! I actually don't find it all that interesting to get that far into the mythos, though. It's not really that interesting a 'story', because you end up dealing with creatures so powerful they defy definition and any little mortals who happen upon them are about as relevant as a guy trying to kick a central black hole out out of a galaxy. They cannot plausibly make any impact, so the many smaller stories that can come about in these worlds are diminished.

It's why Tolkien didn't waste ages droning on and on in LoTR about the oldest origins of Middle Earth aside from just a touch of detail here and there for a hint as to why specific things had ended up where they were and WHY they were that way.

It helps to have structure in place, so the events fit together and the details all work in a larger worldview, but expounding upon it too much becomes boring for all but the most hard-core geeks. And you can't get a best-seller out of such a tiny audience.

But I suppose I can sum it up as they were leftovers of the most ancient of creation events who no longer had a purpose, but were too inherently disruptive to permit to wander into any world they wished at a whim. The Rules were there to pacify them to an extent, to keep them busy looking for a chance to play.


As for their own creation, oh dear that would be a story unto itself and get into high-level god-tier stuff and balances between creation and destruction, order and entropy necessary for living things to exist from the very foundation of the multiverse!

You could write a 100K+ story about it. It could start with "It was me, I made them" and then continue with a 99.994 words long turskish lesson!

It's not really that interesting a 'story', because you end up dealing with creatures so powerful they defy definition and any little mortals who happen upon them are about as relevant as a guy trying to kick a central black hole out out of a galaxy.


7977210 Bleh. I prefer to god-mode with characters like Saitama and poke at the tropes prevalent in most super-power fiction.

I always liked the notion of it being a game then a necessity really. I remember, i think it was Millenium or maybe x files, it had three old alta cocker demons sitting in a coffee shop commiserating about the souls they damned.

Huh... this sounds familiar...




<shaking continues>

It helps to have structure in place, so the events fit together and the details all work in a larger worldview, but expounding upon it too much becomes boring for all but the most hard-core geeks.

W40K is probably sneezing right now

And you can't get a best-seller out of such a tiny audience.

no, but as w40k proves, you can sheer them of 70 to 90 bucks at any time by changing covers

8298866 It all depends on if you're a shameless hackfraud like Michael Bay who'd gleefully sell his own vomit if he could, or if you're more along the lines of a Steven Spielberg who at least tries to always do his best even when it fails.


Are you referring to Ralph, art in general, or w40k?

Also, yes, I agree, for the most part. Spielberg became infinitely more popular adhering to his ethic and principal, and even he made that one about the co dependent droids. Of course one was a gift to a dead friend, namely Kubrick, and the other... hey, the actor was relevant at one point.

Bay... well, the scope of the cgi is impressive, and hey, it gave us the internet doing good in the world

seriously mate, did you and Rh collab or something? He had to come to you for notes or something

8302628 The concept of beings existing between worlds is OLD. Heck, Lovecraft's lore is utterly dependent on the concept.

they just seem eerily similar. and given his own leanings and story projection... it just seems weird is all

8302648 People use repeated plot elements all the time. Next thing you'll be saying that everyone who writes an alien invasion story must be channeling L. Ron Hubbard. :trollestia:

8456304 Oh I expected it. The story would be done, but I'm having trouble getting the ideas for the final section to feel just right.

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