• Published 14th Aug 2016
  • 9,139 Views, 125 Comments

Take a Big chill - DryvernX

A human gets sent to Equestria, as the Ben 10 alien... Big chill

  • ...

A Chill Iron Pony Competition part 1

Big Chill woke up from his sleep, and stepped out of the bed. He walked out of Rainbow Dash's guest room, and saw Rainbow Dash in training clothes, doing push-ups. She eventually noticed Big Chill.

"Oh, hey Chill! I can see you're up." Rainbow Dash said, while doing her push-ups.

"And i can see, that you are doing push-ups." Big Chill replied to her.

"Yup, i'm training for the Iron Pony Competition." Rainbow Dash said, while changing her push-ups, to crunches.

"Iron Pony Competition? What's that?" Big Chill asked confused. Then Rainbow Dash flew right in front of his face, giving a surprised expression.

"What?! You haven't heard of the Iron Pony Competition?!" Rainbow Dash yelled out in surprise. Big Chill looked annoyingly at her.

"And you haven't heard, that i'm not from here?" Big Chill said annoyed, while rolling his insect like eyes.

"Oh right. Sorry." Rainbow Dash apologized, before returning to her exercises. "But anyway, the Iron Pony Competition, is a series of 20 competitions. Where you test your strength, speed, and stamina. And the winner is crowned, the best athlete in Ponyvile." Rainbow Dash explained. Big Chill looked slightly surprised at it, since they reminded him a lot of the olympics back in his world, but doesn't show much interest, as is more into Martial Arts. Especially Karate.

"And i can already guess, that you're competing, right?" Big Chill asked.

"Hay yeah, of course i am. And i'm so gonna beat Applejack today." Rainbow Dash said, before noticing Big Chill mutter bitterly, at the name, Applejack.

"Applejack. She's so annoying." Big Chill bitterly said. He really sees Applejack annoying, since their first encounter. Rainbow got a little sweat drop, at seeing Big Chill's slight anger towards her orange friend.

"Whoa, chill there Chill." Rainbow Dash said, while trying to calm him down. "I know, you're not on the best terms with Applejack right now. But Applejack is a really nice pony, once you know her. And trust me, she's one of the most honest ponies, i have ever known."

"Yeah. Honest enough to honestly insult me." Big Chill said unamused. Rainbow Dash then decided to change the plot, in their conversation.

"You must be hungry. Want some breakfast?" Rainbow Dash said, while flying towards the kitchen. Big Chill nodded, as he hasn't eaten much, since his arrival.

"Sure, i could use a bite or two." Big Chill said, and walked over to the kitchen. When he arrived, he saw the available food. Apples, bananas, hay sandwiches, and cups of coffee.

"I could use a nice beef right now." Big Chill thought, but decided to let his hunger for meat slide, since the ponies obviously don't eat it, and he doesn't wanna make an enemy out of any pony around, not even Applejack, much to his dismay.

"Here's breakfast. What do you want?" Rainbow asked. Big Chill took a banana, and a cup of coffee.

"Not much into apples?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I lost my appetite for them." Big Chill responded, while eating the banana, and then zipping some coffee. Once he has zipped his coffee, he looked over to Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Rainbow." Big Chill said, while catching Rainbow's attention.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I wanna join the Iron Pony Competition." Big Chill said, while earning a surprised look on Rainbow Dash.

Later, Rainbow Dash and Big Chill flew over to Ponyvile, and landed close to a farm, filled with apple trees.

"Big Chill. Let me introduce you, to Sweet Apple Acres." Rainbow Dash said, while introducing the farm to him.

"This must no doubt be where Applejack lives." Big Chill speculated, since Applejack's name sounds like apple, he thought that Applejack must live nearby. And speaking of Applejack, she was currently kicking the apple trees, and makes the apples fall down the baskets nearby.

"My thoughts exactly." Big Chill thought, while seeing that his speculation was indeed correct. Applejack who was now done kicking apples, walked over to Rainbow Dash and Big Chill.

"Howdy Rainbow Dash." Applejack said happily to Rainbow Dash, before turning over to Big Chill, while giving him a bitter look. "And hello Big Chill, it's nice seeing ya." Applejack sarcastically said.

"Really? It's nice seeing you too." Big Chill also said sarcastically. The two of them glared bitterly at each other, while electricity sparked toward their eyes.

"Whoa whoa, easy there." Rainbow Dash said, while breaking up their glare. She then looked at Applejack. "By the way Applejack, i can see that you're ready, for our little competition. Which i'm gonna win of course."

"Sure you are." Applejack said confidently to Rainbow. "And what exactly are ya doing here anyway?" Applejack said, while pointing her hoof towards Big Chill.

"I thought it was obvious Applejack. I'm joining the Iron Pony Competition." Big Chill said, which almost made Applejack laugh at him.

"You? Joining the competition? I don't think so. This is between me and Rainbow Dash." Applejack said, clearly turning him down.

"It's alright Applejack. I allowed him to join." Rainbow Dash said, while Applejack gave a shocked look at her.

"What?! Rainbow, we agreed that it's between the two of us!" Applejack almost yelled at her.

"What's wrong Applejack? Too scared to face me?" Big Chill slightly taunted her, who in respond glared at him.

"Well, if it's a competition ya want, it's a competition ya will get!" Applejack yelled to him, while glaring at him.

"Bring it on." Big Chill said.

"I... Think you should save it for the competition. Let's go!" Rainbow Dash yelled out, while beginning to fly, to the competition. Applejack and Big Chill stopped their glare, and began to follow her.

Later the competition was starting soon, and the three competitors, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Big Chill were stretching out, ready to win the competition. The rest of the Mane 6 has just arrived, with Pinkie Pie being the judge, Fluttershy taking care of the point counter, while Rarity and Twilight were spectating the competition, along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Zecora. The other Ponyvile villagers were absent this time, not only due to being a private competition this time, but also because they don't want Big Chill's attention in Ponyvile.

"I hope Rainbow Dash wins." Scootaloo said, who will no doubt cheer on Rainbow Dash.

"Come on Applejack. Do ya'r best!" Apple Bloom yelled out, to her older sister.

"Well, maybe i should cheer for Big Chill." Sweetie Belle said, since she's currently the only one, who's cheering on Big Chill right now.

"I hope the competition won't result as last time." Twilight said, worrying that another fight will start, like the last time, Rainbow Dash and Applejack competed in the Iron Pony Competition.

"Come on Twilight. What could go wrong?" Rarity said to her lavender friend.

"Hush now my friends. We can talk when the competition ends." Zecora said. Then Pinkie Pie was once again ready, to yell out her speech.

"Alright my little ponies! This year will involve three competitors, instead of the usual two. Like last time, we have Rainbow Dash, and Applejack! But today, we have a third competitor, it's Big Chill!" Pinkie Pie yelled out, but not too loudly, to make sure, that the other ponies couldn't hear her.

"Even if my fans are not here. I will win for sure." Rainbow Dash said, while flying around, while confident that she will win.

"Maybe, but today will be different." Applejack said.

"I just hope this competition, won't go out badly." Big Chill thought. And then the competition begins.

"Now we have our first match. Barrel Wave!" Pinkie Pie yelled out, while showing a small running field, with barrels around.

"What's the rules?" Big Chill whispered to Rainbow.

"You have to run through the barrels as quick as possible, without getting hit, or else you will get 5 extra seconds, in your time." Rainbow Dash replied, while telling Big Chill the rules, for the first competition.

"And ya'r better not use ya'r intangibility or something." Applejack said harshly towards Big Chill.

"I won't." Big Chill promised. Rainbow Dash started, by running through the field, without getting hit a single time.

"Rainbow Dash scored 16 seconds."

"Oh yeah." Rainbow Dash yelled out in cheer. But then it was Applejack's turn, and she ran through the field as well. She didn't hit a barrel either.

"Applejack scored 15.99999999999 seconds."

"How did ya like them apples?" Applejack said, while smirking at Rainbow Dash. Then it was Big Chill's turn. He ran through the barrels with ease, due to his years of martial arts training, he was also very athletic.

"Big Chill sored 15 seconds. Which makes him the winner of the first competition!"

"Well, guess i win the first one." Big Chill said, while smirking at Applejack, who glared at him in respond.

"And now for the second competition. Bucking Contest!" Pinkie Pie yelled out. This time, there was a High Striker meter, which needed to be kicked at.

"Sounds easy enough." Big Chill thought. Rainbow Dash was up first, and kicked the circle target, and made the bell ring.

"I hope your strength, hasn't gotten a bit rusty today, huh Applejack?" Rainbow Dash slightly taunted Applejack.

"It's not, and ain't will be either." Applejack said confidently. She walked over to the circle target, and then kicked right at it, which knocked the bell off the meter. Rainbow Dash glared at Applejack, since that also happened the last time, they competed. Applejack smirked at Rainbow.

"Just like old times huh?" Applejack said. The High Striker was quickly repaired, which is why it's Big Chill's turn to kick it.

"Let's see how my strength has grown, since i became a Necrofriggian." Big Chill thought, remembering watching an episode, where Big Chill easily lifted large and heavy iron bars. Big Chill then kicked the target with all his might, and to his surprise, the target not only got knocked off to the sky, similar to Applejack's turn, but also broke the High Striker meter in half, during impact. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both jaw dropped in respond, surprised at Big Chill's massive strength, despite his slender look. Big Chill was also surprised, since he has never tested the strength, of a Necrofriggian before.

"Guess i underestimated my own strength." Big Chill thought, while beginning to walk past the still jaw dropped Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

"This may be harder than i thought." Rainbow Dash said, now less confident, that she'll win this time. Applejack however glared bitterly at Big Chill, who was talking with the cheering Cmc.

"Dude, that was so awesome!" Scootaloo cheered.

"Ya'r a really strong feller, i give ya that." Apple Bloom commented him.

"Thanks. Guess i didn't know my own strength." Big Chill bashfully said, while scratching the back of his head.

"You were so amazing. No doubt you defeated the Manticore so easily before." Sweetie Belle said.

"I know. And i'm gonna win that competition." Big Chill said confidently. But didn't see Applejack glare bitterly at him.

"We shall see Chill. We shall see." Applejack bitterly thought to herself, now more than ready, to try and beat Big Chill, in the competition.

Author's Note:

Big Chill bested both Rainbow Dash and Applejack, in the first two competitions. What will happen next?