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Nico-Stone Rupan

Can I speak to the manager?



This story is a sequel to Who Wants Seconds?

It’s Finals Week at Crystal Prep Academy and naturally everyone’s stressing out. However, for someone with a condition such as Sour Sweet, stress can lead to much bigger problems. Sour’s beginning to hear voices… and the rest of the student body is taking notice. With gossip and paranoia spreading across campus, even you can’t help but to ask yourself: What exactly are these voices telling her to do?

(My sixth featured story! - 8/16 and 8/17/16)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 81 )

YAY! New Sour Sweet story by Nico-Stone Rupan is here!
Honestly this is my favorite thing on FimFiction right now.

The ending got this stuck in my head. Thank you, good sir!!! :trollestia:

Ooooooh SHIT that was awesome! Cant wait for the next one.

Hmm....Sour's voices getting worse, finals week, she's asked you to marry her. Yep, summed up with this:

I'm scared. Not scared due to the voices or anything. I'm scared because the last time we had something remotely close to a happy moment like this, shit almost immediately hit the fan. Right now I'm just counting the minutes until the canon blast. Please, PLEASE, Don't do anything horrible, Sir!

When I saw the preview of the story,I definitely didn't think that was that,but anyways yay!They're finally getting married!

I want Crystal Prep Academy to be famous for its academic superiority, not infamous for its yandere killing sprees.

And thus we learn something interesting about Cinch's tastes in fiction. That's not exactly a common term.

In any case, a nicely tense story with good emotional counterbalance in the ending. Worrying, but on a very human level. Fine work; thank you for it.

I wonder if Sour Sweet's voices are actually a supernatural ability similar to the "Pinkie Sense".
Except, unlike the Element of Laugher, Sour has not managed coming to terms with it.

Poor Sour Sweet! This aspect of schizophrenia must be utterly horrible and, yes, I'm pretty sure that the stress of the exams is not helping. Additionally, yes, there is a limit to what medication can do for her unless she wants to have her cognitive abilities seriously impaired by the dosage levels. This is worrying because sometimes it's clear that her episodes are getting violent.

I really think that she should talk to Dr Chrysalis about what some of the Voices were saying though. Her relationship with Second Person and the vision of Bitter Honey is increasingly becoming a hook on which her ability to function and look forward to the future is hung and that might have unfortunate consequences.


I want Crystal Prep Academy to be famous for its academic superiority, not infamous for its yandere killing sprees.

And thus we learn something interesting about Cinch's tastes in fiction. That's not exactly a common term.

Yes, I believe that Cinch has just exposed herself as an otaku. I've long suspected that, in her youth, she was a wild and crazy one. I'm sure some on-line research would quickly turn up photographs of her topless at a 'Nightmare Moon and the Nocturnes' concert or something! :pinkiehappy:

Seriously, they should hide some sort of recorder when talking to Cinch. Blackmail is generally frowned upon.

I saw the ending coming, but that didn't stop me from squealing like a small child when I read the words.

7485290 Unless its a...(wait for it).....Pinkie: PARTY CANON!!!! :pinkiehappy:

7485328 that makes me want to see what happens if Sour and Pinkie were to spend an afternoon together, because we all are aware of the head cannon about her split personalities

Cinch leans back in her chair. "Fine. I do expect to be updated if anything changes, though. I want Crystal Prep Academy to be famous for its academic superiority, not infamous for its yandere killing sprees. You are dismissed."

Huh....so Cinch's a closest otaku, who knew? :rainbowhuh:

But anyways, this story was amazing, definitely looking forward to what happens from this point onwards. Just make sure Pinkie does't find out about this. We wouldn't want her to throw an engagement party when they haven't made it official yet.

Pinkie: Did someone say engagement party?! :pinkiehappy: I've got just what I need. *Pulls out a giant party bomb and light it*

Wait, what the fu-BOOM!

Awesome as always Nico. :yay: Indeed, Cinch is a b*tch.

The title and the description reminds me of this song.


Im glad that the story is ending on such a positive note. Altough Im not entirely on the board with highschoolers marrying so soon or somethign along the lines of that, but yeah, it was better than what I initially thought would become. Also, I hope Im not the only one here that thought the experiences in this story is much more exciting if it was told from Sour Sweet perspective, as she's the one directly faced off those thoughts, but I guess leaving it at Her Boyfriend's POV had its own merits, even when we are closed off from great mental battle that Sour had endure and came up victorious, which I think is very sweet.

Well, that utterly tense situation smacked a DAW on my face ot of the right side.

Gotta love this series. these interactiosn with Sour Sweet feel so well done. Thank ya for another! i wonder what the futures like for these two.

It was the sixties. Everything was weird on TV then!

This is so true it hurts my childhood, :fluttershyouch:

What do they think she’s going to do?! Grab a random knife, attack you, and run off to kill Sunset Shimmer or something like that?! That’d be SO ridiculous!


huh, looks like thsi will be interesting with them out of school now.
speaking of, you ever wonder about SourSweet's nationality?

wonder no more

Daww... Dat ending though.
Did you, by any chance, base this story even slightly off of Yandere Simulator?

This series just keeps getting better and better with every single story:pinkiehappy:. We can only hope that Bitter Honey will actually become Sour and Anon's real child, contracts Sour's condition, how well her upbringing will be.

The list of possibilities is quite long or endless:duck:.

"What?! What do they think she’s going to do?! Grab a random knife, attack you, and run off to kill Sunset Shimmer or something like that?! That’d be SO ridiculous!"

-- I see what you did there, you clever bastard!

"Chrystal Prep was over" -- well that's a huge change in status quo. You'll have to come up with ideas for what they'll all be doing from that point on. n

Also, congratulations on 500 followers. You plan to celebrate it in any way?

This was a rollercoaster of emotions, and I'm glad it got the ending it did. Very nice :twilightsmile:

Well, I'll be damned. Wasn't expecting that ending...:pinkiegasp: But yay for Sour Sweet and her new fiance!

Man. Seriously. How do you do it? Every single time you come out with a new one, it's amazing. Every. Single. Time.
I loved this. Absolutely loved this. The whole thing. Serious.
The thing I most enjoyed about this is how she had all these voices in her head, but one of them was his. Second's. And it helped combat the other voices. That was beautiful. A light in her own personal darkness. *shakes head* You've done it again, my friend. You've done it again.

Anytime I read a fic with Cinch playing a significant role, I have to listen to this to wrap my head around her character: (warning, nsfw language)

7485542 I did not understand that reference. Please explain.

Up Down B A Riot9

What? Not those kind of voices?

I can't say I enjoyed the ending of this chapter. Yes, I really found it cute and adorable and so damn fluffy, but Sour Sweet going against professional advice and taking this step even though they've been dating for less than a year(?) makes me worried. I understand this is fiction and not real life, but the idea of taking a relationship and using it as a way to fill in any emotional problems without actually solving them makes me sad...

However, I still love the series as a whole. I found this to be an enjoyable read. Please carry on and write as you see fit.

7486751 Have I really not been clear that Sour Sweet has been solving her emotional problems? I've been writing her as overcoming everything thrown at her in my stories, yes with some help from "You", but she's still in control of her own life and making her own decisions. She's gained a ton of confidence since story #1. And as it was pointed out in Sour Sweet Dreams, she doesn't rely on her relationship with "You" the whole time, she has many other characters like Fluttershy and the Crusaders to give her happiness and aid in life. I'll try to be more clearer about her character development in the future.


Altough Im not entirely on the board with highschoolers marrying so soon

A great many people I went to High School with immediately married and had kids after graduation.

Also, I hope Im not the only one here that thought the experiences in this story is much more exciting if it was told from Sour Sweet perspective, as she's the one directly faced off those thoughts

Writing a proper story from someone with schizophrenia's POV would be extremely difficult and need far greater talent than me. There are some videos up on YouTube which simulate what hearing those types of voices is like and they are very chaotic.


Did you, by any chance, base this story even slightly off of Yandere Simulator?

No, just used the reference.


Also, congratulations on 500 followers. You plan to celebrate it in any way?

I'm too busy being shocked I even have that many to do anything :rainbowderp:


I did not understand that reference. Please explain.

It's a direct reference to a story called "A Step Too Far" where Sour Sweet went on an attempted murder rampage when she ended up off her medication. I really don't like it :ajbemused:

7487074 I agree in characer developement. She has gotten more confident and has learned not to distort things so badly. She also has gained an expanded support network which is great, but I haven't truly seen her use it. That may be due to the nature of the story of the focus being on Sour Sweet and "You". She simply could be using it in universe but not during parts "recorded" for the story (if that makes any sense).

The reason I reacted to the story as I did was because I am used to seeing people be in a relationship this way. I do not deny their love to be authentic, but the fact that they are in such a critical moment in fixing their mental health is worrisome. And when I hear the "I don't care, take anything else you want, but not this relationship" makes me worry even more seeing as they depend so much on the other...

Also my cousin kinda proposed to his girlfriend of six months back in april. It was his first and considering his own emotional wellness... me and plenty other people can't help but see this end badly.

I just wonder, what happens if "you" has to go out of state or something and Sour can't go along with? I get the image of her stopping her meds so then she can spend time with hallucinations and it terrifies me. I know it's a fictional character, but still all the same. Would she even contact Dr.Chrysalis? It just... frightens me. I guess that might be due a lack of understanding of your Sour Sweet though on my part though.

It's a shoutout to this story by DragonShadow.

EDIT: Author already answered; nevermind, :twilightoops:


I get the image of her stopping her meds so then she can spend time with hallucinations... I guess that might be due a lack of understanding of your Sour Sweet though on my part though.

Yeah, you're definitely creating your own head canon there because my Sour Sweet hates her hallucinations. They either bring her pure horror or pure heartbreak.

7487164 i meant to put "a hallucination of 'You' ", but that was my mistake and I get you point.

When Bitter Honey is around, it ain't heartbreak... it's when she isn't.*goes to cry off in the corner*

I say we need to put Cinch in a box. Then put that box inside another box, and then mail that box to Equestria, and when it arrives have Twilight drop it in a volcano.:pinkiecrazy:

As always i love it thank you for this series:heart:

Congratulations on getting your SIXTH featured story! That's awesome! :D *hugs*

7487684 It's Perfect, wahahahaha!:pinkiecrazy:

NIce Izma Reference!:pinkiehappy:

Cinch leans back in her chair. "Fine. I do expect to be updated if anything changes, though. I want Crystal Prep Academy to be famous for its academic superiority, not infamous for its yandere killing sprees. You are dismissed."

yandere killing sprees

does she play a certain simulator?

Please tell me we will get more. These stories are wonderful.

I live with voices in my head every day. This story doesn't truly understand what it's like to have voices in your head. But I'll give it high marks for a good attempt though.

your work is already amazing, but that Hogan's Heroes reference sent you straight to my number 1 favorite.

another awesome story bro, thanks for writing this stuff!

7489745 Thanks for the A for effort. I did look up articles and blogs about voices and command hallucinations, but found their information often vague and conflicting. I really just ended up mixing together a lot of the experiences and details mentioned and tied them together with how I've previously described Sour Sweet's particular case operated.

7490529 If you appreciate the opinion of someone who literally gets voices in his head now and then, here's an idea for you to try in your next story with this character.

Take each and every one of your personality traits and give them a body. Now cram those people into your head and prepare to get pissed off by multiple you's inside your mind talking, shouting, laughing, and in one instance I can only WISH I could possibly explain; spill white grape juice all over the place.

Oh yeah. That was one hell of a Sunday.

I love reading your stories, never had one that wasn't a homerun

So, hey, how's the next fic coming? :twilightsmile: It's almost ready, riiiight?

Maybe a little :derpyderp2:
How's it coming, though?

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