• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Star Sage

Into many types of stories, though I'll admit, the most prevalent and enjoyable are vore and micro/macro situations. Founder of the group: Ponies, Big and Small


A user named Shiro_Tanuki on Furaffinity, who formally ran the Marco AJ tumblr(Since taken down), drew me a nice picture recently due to some bad stuf that has happened to me. In return, I offered to write him a tale, and when he could only think of wanting something with Twilight Sparkle, but nothing specific, I suggested Twilight falling into the cockpit of a Gundam as a joke. He liked it, and thus, this story was born. I hope everyone enjoys reading it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

I'm still curiosu why this is the SECOND time I've seen Pony + Gundam but Twilight always gets a G-Gundam Machine, wouldn't it make more sense to base it off Unicorn? Also Fusakki is a support unit, shouldn't the champion of Equestria get an Ace?


Because Unicorn is just Neo-Zeon propaganda, and yes, I'm still pissed that Full Frontal asserts that the gassing of Side 2 was a false flag operation by the Earth Federation, and that Zeon only took advantage of the empty colony. That was BS, and yet another attempt to make Earth look bad while making Zeon look good. Sorry, I'm a fanboy for Gundam, and that attitude never stops making me pissed off.

Anyway, for this one, because it's a one off, I decided to go with Fuunsaiki as it has the easiest control method, and the proper shape for Twilight to use it easily. If there's ever a continuation, I'll probably give the others other Gundams. For instance, Wing Zero, the fastest, will probably go to Rainbow. Strike Freedom, the one that shoots pretty colors with go to Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy would get Turn A, both for the Butterfly Motif, and because it's a pacifist's ultimate weapon, which fits her to a T. Not sure who AJ or Rarity would get. Probably would give Rarity Unicorn, and AJ, maybe the RX-78 itself. It's a good, solid unit, dependable enough to build an empire on, just like AJ.


I wouldn't say that Unicorn is Neo-Zeon propaganda as it makes several mentions of how stupid Neo-Zeon is behaving. Like the attack at Torrington/Dakar where they're just killing civilians brutally and Zinnerman disliking the whole situation since it's not right. How Banagher then tells Loni that what they're doing is just as bad as the Federation. Then in Episode 6 when Full Frontal lays out the stupid economic plan and Mineva tells him straight up how that plan will backfire and will not fix anything, maybe even making things worse. Which then causes that split between her and the rest of the faction. The only times when the Federation is actively bad in that show is because of the Vist Foundation pulling a lot of strings like messing up Marida, oking the Colony Laser to wipe out Industrial 7, and going so far that Captain Bright couldn't put up with it anymore and took matters into his own hands. Unicorn to me is more or less "Both sides have good and bad and everything is in the grey." Which is how I honestly prefer Gundam to be, no side is really evil it's just the people in control of the politics making all the stupid decisions and being assholes.

If you want to talk about Zeon propaganda....look no further than Gundam Thunderbolt. Protagonist is one of the most unlikable people to pilot a Gundam almost seemingly like a villain while everyone in Zeon is sympathetic and like the good guys (except the asshole scientist but there's one of those in every show), the cowardly Federation uses barely trained kids to fight while the brave Zeon "Living Dead Brigade" does their job to the bitter end, and how in the end the outclassed Zaku II triumphs over the overpowered Gundam. it goes out of it's way at every turn to make the Federation look bad and make the Zeon seem like the good guys. So much so that it doesn't even care about Canon...I mean the Gundam is defeated by a rocket...A ROCKET...when it's been stated many times before that a Gundam cannot be damaged by basic projectile means and only beam weaponry. I mean Char at the beginning of the show pelted Amuro's Gundam all the time and didn't do anything to it. Plus the only thing it loses is it's head, did they just forget that famous moment in the original series when Amuro's RX-78-2 lost it's head and his line in response was "It's not over yet! I just lost the main camera!" and kept on pursing the Zeong? So how is it that the same type of Gundam...Full Armor for that matter, is defeated by a Zaku II High Mobility Type with bullets and rockets? It makes no sense because not even Misha in Gundam 0080 could scratch the Alex Gundam by COVERING THE DARN THING IN BOMBS!

So yeah, Gundam Unicorn is not Zeon Propaganda in my mind, it's Gundam Thunderbolt by far making every attempt to go "Yay Zeon, boo Federation" ...more so than MS Igloo because at least MS Igloo focuses on the Federation at one point and makes them out to be sympathetic...so what the hell Thunderbolt?

Aw yeah! Twilight bout to put in work. I loved G Gundam and this makes me yearn for more.

I have to call serious horeapples on something. The Mobil Trace System would've given Twilight a different look. All black was mostly Domon's look.

Even Rain's was more colorful than what Twilight got. And she was even less of a fighter.

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