• Published 22nd Jul 2016
  • 7,444 Views, 124 Comments

Lizard King: Tyrant - Mick0339

An archaeologist finds an amazing dig, however sadly he's alone when he discovers something even more amazing. He's in the body of an evolved Tyrannosaurs. Unfortunately or not, he also finds out he is no longer on the same world he knew.

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Battle With the Hydras.

Back on the other world I always used to wonder how a true fight between titans looked. Like the famous battle of the Spino and T-rex in Jurassic Park. Although, that match was rigged, but still. Damned producers put a younger t-rex against a full blown spino. I mean, what were they thinking? Luckily, they said it before too many people criticised that point. It always gave me a sense of power, seeing those scenes however. Like a dragon in Skyrim descending down onto a village, or perhaps big old Indominus hunting the park in Jurassic World. Although, I guess I could know that, considering I'm pretty much in the same situation. A human brain implanted into a dinosaur. Well, Indominus didn't have a human brain, but she definitely had some human DNA.

I knew what was coming however, was going to truly test my skills as an apex predator. Three beasts of war; three hydras and I was going to have to handle them. I mean, the ponies were strong, but only against smaller of foes. Magic could only get them so far, especially against Dragons, Hydras and even a Manticore. I counted on them at watching and watching and standing and well nothing else. Maybe an evacuation, but that's pretty much it.

Of course, I couldn't care less on what they thought of me. For crying out loud heroes who are different are always treated the same: like demons, or perhaps savages, or even killers. Justice involves killing, and from all of the media, movies and actions I've witnessed in this world and the last, I knew it wasn't going to be any different.

Although, I knew nothing of being a hero, I knew that no one seemed to appreciate them, and usually tossed them to the side. Justice usually worked in one street: you save, you kill, you die. Those three houses lined up from one to the next. You must kill to save, and you must die to atone for it.

And while I wouldn't be viewed as a hero, as most aren't, I would at least stop beasts from killing intelligent innocents, no matter how much they despised me for doing it. It wouldn't help how I looked, or how I would have to end them, but the hydras would be dead, and I would walk away, or limb away, or fall away, hopefully to live another day.

Although, while I was confident, charging after the commotion, I never knew what to expect from a three on one against hydras. It would take sacrifice, but I was willing to do it, because of my own moral code.

Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, all ran for their lives. Yelling and screaming on the top of their lungs. The hydras were on a blood rage, chasing their food and prey.

"What did we do to them?" Rarity's younger sister asked.

"I don't know, but I wish Rainbow was here right now. She'd get us out."

"Ah understand, but let's just keep runnin.' I'd prefer not to be eaten." Scootaloo and Sweetie nodded, pushing their short legs into overdrive, as their adrenaline kicked in.The girls perhaps only ran this fast in a few instances in their lives, and they were doing it again, regretting going on another one of their cutie mark hunts.

Meanwhile, Twilight was rushing to the marketplace, figuring that once in her life she had overslept. And of course for her, she had to have overslept on a day that Princess Celestia was coming to visit. She ran, past all of the daily, walking and talking ponies. Some gave light nods and bows, while some just ignored her. She may have been a princess officially, but to her she was still just her plain old self. She needed to make sure everything was ready for her teacher, and master, Princess Celestia.

Her friends were also attending a meeting to help discuss further uses for the elements of harmony, and the monster of the everfree. Celestia personally wished to visit her pupil again and gauge how life in Ponyville is going compared to Canterlot. Celestia wanted to relieve some of Twilight's recently building stress, however her visiting would only increase it. Of course, Twilight wouldn't think of it like that, as she adored Celestia, and instead opted to say another marvelous meeting with her teacher, who she would die for. That's when she heard the roar from the beast of the everfree: the monster who was elusive enough to avoid every explorer and hunter for over the last year and more. It was a common occurrence, but only when it killed something big, but this time it sounded a little different. She payed it no mind as she continued on however.

She was so used to getting up at sunrise, that she never realized how accentuated she was to routine. Rushing to get things done before her master arrived was very stressful indeed. Luckily, after picking up some groceries, food, and supplies, she began to head back to town, when she saw her friends all lined up, smiling. She almost forgot about her planned day with them, as she approached them.

"Oh dear, you look absolutely terrible. What has happened?" Rarity asked.

"Waking up late, and the Princess is coming. I--I don't have that much time."

"Wait, her majesty is coming today?" Rainbow asked. Twilight nodded.

"Ah can't believe, what for?" Twilight was about to respond, when they all heard it; heartfelt screams from three fillies emanating from the everfree.

"I think that was--" Fluttershy was cut off.

"The crusaders! Sweetie!" Rarity dropped everything and began to run, which is when she was joined with her friends, all rushing to help out the fillies, screaming for their lives.

I was catching up to the frantic and enraged Hydras. They were almost licking all of their lips going after their prey. The brush was weakening, and that's when i saw it, the end of the everfree. It was coming up fast, and would be the first time I left it completely since I came here. I wondered so deeply what would happen, but put those thoughts out of mind and focused on helping the children.

Applebloom saw the light coming, "We're almost there. Come on!"

The three crusaders kicked into overdrive again, going even a pinch faster, however the hydras were still chasing. All of them prayed and hoped for freedom coming up on the light. Another few seconds later and they broke through the brush into the open field towards Ponyville, still not relenting up for anything, and they were correct do so as the hydras crashed through the brush following them.

They saw the town in an uproar at looking at the three hydras approaching. However, six ponies were running towards the three fillies. The Mane Six, and Elements of Harmony. They made a mad dash for each other, with the older ponies taking defensive positions in front of the fillies as they shook back.

"What happened?" Rarity asked Sweetie. Applejack and Rainbow Dash did the same, as the other three observed their opponents, knowing they would need help.

"They just came out of nowhere while we were spying on the monster of the Everfree." Rarity shook her head.

"You're going to be in big trouble after this." Sweetie Belle casted down her head, as well as the other two, as the group all faced the towering hydras looking down at even more food.

Twilight noticed guards running in the distance, so luckily they would have help, even if it was probably not enough. The hydras snapped their heads at each other, looking at their prey with glistening hunger in their eyes.

Celestia looked to her guards, as they were saluting her in the runway off of canterlot. She was visiting her pupil, Twilight Sparkle, and she wished to give her as much time as possible, so she took the carriage as a better option as to not startle her. There were dozens of guards in the runway as she was about to climb in, but that's when she heard a shot from a guard running towards her in the distance.

"Princess! Princess!" He yelled.

Celestia looked to him with concern, "what is it my little pony?" The guard slightly panted as his eyes were glistened in fear.

"Ponyville is under attack!"

The guards, about two dozen assembled around the ponies. "Princess, we're here to help," a female earth pony said.

Twilight nodded, "the pegasi need to take to the skies and attack on them, and protect our unicorns as they charge up their magic." As Twilight was listing off commands, Fluttershy froze up.

"Um, everypony." Everyone indeed seemed to stop as she spoke, while Fluttershy pointed to the brush, where it stood, the face of death.
In the open field, in all of it's glory and horror was the mighty monster of the Everfree. Perhaps more fearsome looking than any dragon, and most of all more scary as it's face stared death into the hydra's who turned to face it when it gave out an ear shattering roar. With each step shaking the earth, it approached the hydras, who stood against their new opponent.

I saw the ponies huddled up, with the alicorn putting commands into the guard ponies. I slowly approached, using my size to intimidate the hydras, but they stood firm. Three versus one would be hard for anything, especially against hydras. It was essentially a dozen against 1. I crushed my teeth together, testing for strength as I continued my approach, looking at the ponies in awe and fear for a quick glance. The yellow mare, however was staring up with care in its heart.

The hydras all engaged first, slamming their bodies into mine. However, I had more weight and so I shoved one off, and bit into another's two heads. However, that was never a good plan, as they slowly began to regenerate. I only had a few minutes. The other two hesitated, but charged, seemingly protecting the last one, who was recovering, however I needed to finish him off, so deciding to take some damage, I charged forward, and sunk my teeth into it's chest, completely crushing it and ending it's life.

I never got used to using my teeth and jaw muscles as my weapons, but they were good indeed. Sadly, however, I was struck with acidic blows and scraps by the hydras. The acid would hurt over time, but I could handle the bites. I turned around, slamming my tail into one of them, sending it toppling backwards on its own appendage.

The other one I faced on a one on one. Four of it's heads trying to grab at me. However, with one fell swoop, I chomped down on all of them, deheading it and spitting the remains out on the floor. With it's main weapons destroyed for a bit, I had free reign to deal the killing blow, however out of the corner of my eye, the other hydra was charging me. It was closer than I thought as it rammed me, sending me toppling over. I landed down in pain as it bore its teeth into my weaker underside. I was losing and needed to do something fast.

Surprisingly however, that's when the ponies helped out, seemingly bombing it with magic. It however had done the damage, leaving me with multiple, fatal if not treated wounds.

The other hydra however was back up and in the fight, and from behind I saw it creep up on the group of ponies, too focused on the other one. It was eyeing the shaking fillies. It was about to descend on it, and I was on the ground, helpless. I would really let children die. Even if they're not my own species, they're completely innocent, and shouldn't have a fate like that. That's when it hit me; adrenaline, rage, and anger.

It fueled me and removed every bit of pain. My body contorted back into life and with an even louder, primal roar I charged the eight-headed hydra, who looked like it pissed.

Twilight turned as the Hydra descended and the ponies cried out as the fillies shook to death at their awaiting fate. "Run!" Rarity yelled, as she was charging, along with every other pony towards them, with a few still fighting the other hydra.

The heads were descending and she couldn't stop it. The little fillies were going to die. Time slowed and the area became gray. It creaked, like a slow motion scene in a movie and every moment the heads neared towards their targets, but just as they were on their final descent, a primal roar, putting fear in everypony shook the earth. Behind them, the monster of the Everfree; the land dragon charged with fury in it's eyes towards the hydra, who froze in fear at the upcoming target.

It tried to back up, until, with a snake like mouth, it opened and chomped down on the whole hydras torso. It squirmed and fought as the monster stood up, and tilted its head back. The hydra was in the air, struggling to get free, as with one fell crunch it was dead. Fear surged as two halves of the hydra hit the floor. Everything froze as it landed, even the other battle. However, the fury was gone from the monsters eyes, as the other hydra squealed at it and seemingly charged at the tired monster.

That's when Twilight saw it: the wounds and acid. The damage it took fighting the three hydras. It piled up and the creature was showing signs of being afflicted by them.

It crashed into the monster, sending it collapsing. The hydra was prying at the monster, while it tried to struggle getting free. However just as the monster was about to give up, the cavalry arrived. Out of nowhere, the hydra was assaulted by pegasi in golden armor, as Unicorns in similar garb, shot spells from above.

The hydra was screeching in pain, and before it gave the final blow to the monster, it began it's retreat into the forest.

The pain was gone, and other explosions entered my hearing as I looked on in the fuzzy battlefield. The ponies were all taking shots at the hydra as it ran. The rest of the battlefield was a littered mess. Chunks of hydra, blood of both, and even torn heads, and 'cut-in-half' bodies. The two halves of the hydra I had unleashed fury on were a dead husk on the battlefield. Most of the grass was red,and the pain was just unbearable at this point.

The hydra finally retreated into the brush, but I realized I needed to get out of there. The ponies were slowly encroaching on me in caution as I slowly tried to raise to my feet. They all scattered as I tried to lift myself, grunting in pain as I did so. The Everfree was a small distance, but with a little time I could reach. Hopefully the ponies didn't intrude, but that's when I felt it. Radiating power coming from around me.

I was on my feet, and slowly trying to get away from it, limping on my good leg, which received almost no damage. The other had cuts, and possibly fractured bones from the ram. Needless to say it hurt like hell. I was so close to the forest though. My home was so close.

But my body gave up in the middle of the field again, me slowly landing on the ground exhausted, in pain and breathing heavily. My body's impact shook the earth slightly, as I looked at the ponies staring into my eyes. But that presence; that power was trying to push me to get up, and to run from it.

I tried to get up again and again as the ponies eyed me. The same mare was slightly closer than everyone else and eyeing her concerns. I didn't care though, the power was coming, and I needed to run. I didn't want to die.

I realized I had lost though, as I felt it overhead. It then slowly descended in front of me. A pony; an alicorn who radiated power. She revealed royalty, who had a pure white coat, with a waving mane. There was no wind however, as no one else's mane flew to a direction. That's when I realized it was her power. I was scared, for the first time on the world I felt fear; a primal fear and I tried to escape it. She held a crown and had golden 'hoove-boots' I believe is what you call them. To be honest, they're royal shoes and I'll leave it at that. They matched into her hooves, like a covering, but I thought of them as shoes.

I kept trying to raise my head and get up to retreat, but something was literally keeping me down. It wasn't my pain, or strength fading, but something forcibly keeping me down. That's when I noticed her horn glowing in an aura, which projected over the top of me. I was trapped.

Twilight slowly approached her teacher, who was restraining the creature. It looked scared, with a tint of fear in its eyes. Twilight didn't blame it; when Celestia was mad she was scary to say the least.

"Princess. Thank you for your help." Celestia nodded, while keeping her eyes trained on the squirming beast.

"My faithful student, what is this beast?"

"It's the 'Monster of the Everfree,' your majesty." a nearby guard said. Celestia looked to Twilight to confirm from which she did with a nod.

Everyone gathered around the trapped creature, looking at its injuries and pain. Some winced in sympathy, while some stared it down in fear and malice. Twilight's friends gathered around her and Celestia, while Celestia began to look around. Chunks of hydra meat, and body parts. Blood soaked the ground, and, to which enraged her, ponies lied dead. Not many, but a few near the hydras' corpses.

Celestia then looked back to the creature, who was gazing out from injuries with controlled anger. It noticed this as it tried to resume escaping. "Stop it!" Celestia shouted in her Canterlot voice. "You have injured and killed my little ponies. You will pay." Celestia began to charge up her magic while still keeping the beast down.

Fluttershy interviened as she jumped in between. "Please, Princess, it did nothing wrong!"

"Ms. Fluttershy please move out of the way," Celestia said. Her face still had rage.

"Please, it's in pain, and need medical attention." Celestia was not convinced however, as she continued to charge her horn, however the creature was slowly losing consciousness.

I looked on as the power got greater and greater, and the other mares words did nothing to stop it. I was losing consciousness however, so at least I would die a death in my sleep. The Princess, I presume, had an enraged face on, blaming me for killing the ponies. Just as I thought.

However, just as I was about to fade out of consciousness, three little fillies came into view. The same ones I saved before, or helped at least. They also stood in the way, and they all said one thing in complete unison. "Don't hurt him! He saved us!"

Blackness folded in afterward, with the magic releasing and the princesses face changing into a mix of feelings.

Author's Note:

Went ok I suppose. This is my loved story I guess. I don't mind, but I do have to say it pains me a little.

Although I figured as much considering the premise of the story. Anyway, tell me what you think.