• Published 7th Jul 2016
  • 9,343 Views, 421 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - The Princess of Lordran - ratedoni

The Elements of Harmony didn't just purify Sunset Shimmer, they killed her and send her to the worse place any being would want to be, the world of Dark Souls. Will Sunset crumble or she will be the Chosen Undead?

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Grey Skies

Every place she walked upon only reinforced the same feeling. How fast life can change to everyone. The outskirts of the houses they walked in front of seemed to have absorbed the same feeling of sadness and emptiness that the rest of the place had. It was dark and foreboding, but after spending more than a week on Lordran, Sunset was a little bit used to the heaviness of the cursed kingdom.

The grey sky never changed, maybe with just small patches of clouds floating up in the sky, never raining down a single drop of water, but Sunset knew that if something like that ever happens, the place would only become more morose and melancholic. Although, she was sure that if it rained, the constant fires burning on the lowest section of the city will go out. That probably will be a good thing, but this was Lordran, and apparently nothing good ever happened, or at least anything that could make the life of an undead any easier.

Sunset Shimmer sighed, knowing well that she had been lucky for finding a companion in this place. She would have been constantly killed if she had tried to venture alone. She knew that the learning curve for being capable of surviving the hell that was Lordran had been lowered exponentially by having Madeleine on her side, but she still felt that something was going on with the older woman. It was nothing specific, just a feeling she had after spending time with the white armored woman.

Madeleine was strong, there was no doubt about it, but the reasons she gave her at the start of their adventure, it was a little weird; too simple. To travel in search of some important weapons? To go to such extent of going into Lordran of all places in search of that seemed too extreme, no matter how strong one was, especially considering Madeleine was a normal human being without the advantage of simply awakening on the closest bonfire if something bad happened. That one was still shaking Sunset to the core. To think that no matter what would happen she would not be able to die. After all, she was already dead. She tried not to think too hard on that part because if she did she will start thinking about the humans back at Canterlot High and that was a can of worms that scared Sunset.

She had been defeated, there was no way she could look at it any other way, but beyond that, she had been killed by the Elements of Harmony, the strongest artifacts ever found on Equestria. That was the power that beat Discord and turned him into a statue. It put Nightmare Moon on Equestria’s satellite and beat many other horrors, but she had never read about somepony being killed by them. Maybe the power of the elements judged Sunset and found her devoid of any kind of redemption and simply offed her, throwing her corpse into another world so Twilight Sparkle would not have to worry about the cleanup. It was a very dark line of thinking.

“Wonder how everything is back at the school. Maybe they’re wondering where I ended up? Oh, who am I kidding, they’re probably still celebrating that I’m gone, maybe while they sing ‘the witch is dead.’ It would be fitting I suppose,” Sunset said aloud as she eyed one of the houses among many that had been abandoned a long time ago.

Unbeknown by Sunset Shimmer, she hadn’t been forgotten. It was a little hard when at every instance, any electronic device with a monitor became a scrying device, one that seemed to be focused on the Canterlot area.

Around the school, days have gone by, but the usual chatter and running around of the student body had changed. It had become so quiet and slow that all the teachers were surprised about it. They soon understood the reason for something like that.

The appearance of Princess Twilight Sparkle was surprising, but not as surprising as the pools looking into the world of Lordran and the battles of Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle and the rest were not aware at first that the second death of the redhead had been broadcasted around the school. Soon the six girls had to explain what was happening to the other students and some of them watched almost daily the magical broadcast.

At first it had been just for curiosity, a little morbid desire to see what happened to their previous tormentor, but soon it became clear that whatever sins Sunset had committed, it did not merit the curse that she had been afflicted with.

Looking at the way Sunset behaved, moved, talked, it struck something inside most students. It made them look at Sunset Shimmer not as the demon she had been the last moments of her life, but as a slightly morose fighter that had been cursed with the worst kind of immortality.

Hearing her words as she searched inside houses for anything useful made most students look anywhere else but their screens. It had struck too close home to feel comfortable. Many even got up or turned off their devices, wondering how else Sunset Shimmer will suffer inside Lordran.

Author's Note:

Is Dark Souls, tell me one character that is happy on that game.