• Published 18th Jun 2016
  • 346 Views, 31 Comments

Where You Belong - twidashloverxox

A filly's journey for acceptance

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chapter 1: the night

Mystery’s eyes flickered as a myriad of bright lights flashed above her and the sounds of screaming voices and wheels battered her ears.


Her mother’s voice broke through the anesthetic induced delirium and the pain came flooding back, less than before but still excruciating, causing her to tense in agony and drag a deep breath into her lungs to scream, but to her terror she found herself unable to make a sound.

“Mrs Cloud” a nurse called out, “Mrs Cloud please wait in the reception, the doctor’s need to work but they can't while you refuse to let go of her”


Mystery woke with a start and screamed, cold sweat dripping down her body to drench the bed sheets, turning her head left and right quickly to try and get a bearing and remember where she was.

“Mystery” came her father’s voice. “Are you ok Baby?”

She looked up to see the Stallion open the door and cross the room to sit beside her, wrapping his arms round her protectively. Mystery leant deeper into the hug, whimpering as the tears poured down her cheeks to join the sweat seeping into her father’s night shirt as she struggled to try and form words through her hysteria.

“I… I dreamt I was there again”

“Mystery, it's ok Hunny Bun, it was all just a nightmare” Her father patted her back gently and stroked her hair tenderly, cooing softly.

“I was so…so scared” mystery coughed as she struggled to get her breathing back under control.

“I know Hun, I know. just relax and take deep breaths, let the tears flow and just breathe”

As her father rubbed her back gently, she finally managed to take regular breaths . For several long moments, father and daughter remained in their silent and tender embrace before Mystery opened her eyes again, staring down in alarm at the state she had made of his sleeping clothes.

“Oh no, Daddy, I’m so sorry” she whimpered, her breathing starting to become irregular again as she panicked.

“Oh Sweetie, don't worry about me, this will wash. besides...” Darjeeling chuckled and gave her another squeeze. “Usually it is your mother’s sweat soaking into my clothes”

That did it, she stopped crying and burst out into a fit of giggles, wiping the tears from her face on his collar.

“Da...Daddy” she hiccuped. “That is just gross, I didn't need to know about what you and Mummy do in bed”

“Wha….oohhhhhhh” He chuckled back as his confusion was replaced with amusement. “Sweetie, I meant she gets rather moist when she sleeps. She is literally a pony hot water bottle, it's weird just how quickly she over heats”

A voice drifted through the humour and they both turned their heads to look to the door. There was Rain, with a severe case of bedhead and a glare that could curdle milk.

“Oh no I don't, Mr Cloud. I heard what you told our dear little Angel about me and I don't appreciate you stabbing me in the back like that, besides...” She glided across the room in her nightgown to smother them both in a toasty warm hug, kissing her daughter softly on the head. “You never complained before”

Darjeeling chuckled and hugged the two dearest ladies in his world closer, smiling up at Rain.

“That, my Dear, is because I love you” he said as he chuckled, giving her a kiss on the lips. “Now, Mystery” He stood up slowly so as not to shake the bed. “I can nip to the living room for some blankets so you don't have to sleep in sodden bedsheets, or we can mop you down with a towel and you can join me and your mother in our room so we can keep you safe. Which will it be?”

“Darj” her mother giggled. “Look at her, do you really think she will turn down the offer of free cuddles? Especially at” a swift glance at Mystery’s dresser confirmed it was indeed 3am.

“My apologies” He laughed before scooping his daughter up in his arms and walking back for the master bedroom, Rain dumping the sodden bed linen in the washing hamper before joining them as Darjeeling gently laid Mystery down in the middle of the bed and the two adults climbed in either side to sandwich her in the middle.

“Mummy, you are really warm” Mystery giggled before placing her cold hands on her mother’s tummy, causing the older mare to squeal and place her warm hands over the top.

“Alright you two, settle down and let's get back to sleep so we are in a fit state to move house in the morning”

And so they slept, or at least one of them did as Mystery began to snore.

Author's Note:

sorry its taken so long to get a short chapter out :'( I hope you all like it and once again thanks to my proof reader, you know who you are.

Comments ( 14 )

that was some nightmare :fluttershysad: ....... then the comes the cuddling :yay:

7334955 five moustaches of great? why thankyou ;D

7335150 I wonder who gave it a thumbs down? they can if they want, its their choice, I just curious :'P

7335169 :rainbowhuh: i don't see a thumbs down

7335201 it said that 6 people had liked and 1 hadn't :rainbowhuh: am I going maaaaad? :twilightoops:

7335208 maybe you are because i only see my ONE vote :applejackconfused:

D'aw. It was a great chapter. Short, maybe. But surely enjoyable. I'm looking forward to see the next chapter. :3

Sorry for poor English. I forgot how to comment

How could I possibly not give this kind of rating. Your story is incredible. One suggestion though. Try and make the chapters longer. I've learned that if you keep writing even when you get to the point you think is a good place to end, there is always more to be added. You'll know what I mean when you get there. Your story is still awesome though!

7960578 thanks :'D so much xoxxoxox

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