• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 2,770 Views, 54 Comments

Let's Rock! - MetalJrock

The Blue Bomber fights for everlasting peace in a new world.

  • ...

The Machine

After speeding through another room, everybody felt uneasy. There was a severe lack of resistance this time, and Mega Man was wondering why that was such the case when Wily could literally bring any robot he so choosed. Putting those thoughts aside, the Blue Bomber and Proto-Man remained in the front, seeing another door stand in the way. The two jumped up and touched the ceiling, hopping through the now open entryway. The duo landed and gave a light chuckle out of habit.

The ponies looked around at yet another empty room, "Wow. This Wily guy really needs to work on getting some stuff in here." Dash noticed, seeing that other than the floating platforms in the center of the room, nothing seemed to be visible, which Rarity also seemed to figure out.

Proto-Man turned his head, "Nothing... He's obviously hiding something here."

Nodding, Mega Man pointed his Mega Buster upward, "Most likely. This is how it always goes down."

Suddenly, the floor began to shake, scaring the ponies, dragon and robots. They all ran, avoiding the falling blocks coming from the ceiling, "Is the Yellow Devil back!?" asked Rarity.

"No. He'll be gone for a while." assured the Blue Bomber.

The nine remained still and turned around, watching a giant robot ascend to the very top of the room. The ponies' jaws dropped at the sight while Mega Man and Proto-Man scowled, knowing that the final battle was here. "Woah! That thing... Is that Wily's machine you were speakin' of? That's mighty huge!" gasped Applejack. The robot duo remained silent, readying their arm cannons to shoot should it start to attack.

An annoying sound blared around the room. They faced Wily flying around in his blue hovercraft, the ponies covered their ears at the noise. "Make it stop!" pleaded Pinkie. The scienstist laughed, hovering into the top of the robot, which began to hum, signaling that it was now active for battle. Spike was the first to react by widening his eyes, noticing that the once dull eyes on the mech were now glowing a sinister shade of red.

"Do you like it, Mega Man?" questioned Wily, his voice echoing through the speaker of his machine.

The robot frowned, "How did you do it? Using Ra Moon to your advantage?!"

"Ha! It was simple. I managed to scavenge the remains found after you destroyed his being. Using what was left, I managed to create the perfect power source for robotics besides your Powered Core, Solar Arm Cannon, and the Evil Energy! Using Ra Moon's cloning technology, I managed to create the perfect weapon without worrying of the cursed alien taking the reigns from me!" he gloated, slamming his fists on the rim of his hovercraft in rage after remembering what happened during the blackout. "I was able to create rift through many worlds, and this was one of the first!"

Proto-Man gritted his teeth at the explanation, getting angrier by the second. "That's it! Wily! We're going to stop your ridiculous plans and put you behind bars where you belong!" he declared, the scientist cackling all the while. "Now what's so funny, huh?" he questioned in a tested tone.

"That you think that prison can hold me! I've escaped before!"

Rainbow Dash snarled, "Oh he thinks he's so tough, huh?"

"Easy, Rainbow. Wily's machine could do Celestia knows what... Last thing we need to do is anger him."

"Oh, that's exactly what we've been doin', Twi!" Applejack commented.

The giant robot began to move, the arms of it coming into light. The fists started to slam down, prompting Mega Man to get everypony to safety as soon as he could. He rolled out of the way, the fist barely missing him and the ponies. Proto-Man grunted, jumping on top of the platforms and shooting the eyes of the robot, cracking them slightly, "You think it is easy this time, Blues?" asked the scientist, a missile launcher appearing on the robot's shoulder. The red robot slid underneath one while covering himself with his shield to block the second projectile.

"Twilight! Cover for Blues!"

The alicorn nodded, unfurling her wings and flying to the platform Proto-Man was standing on. She lit up her horn and created a force field strong enough to cover for the red robot, seeing that yet another missile was coming his way. Proto-Man turned around, seeing that Twilight was covering for him, and gave her a quick thumbs up before turning his attention back to Wily.

"I can see how you defeated Starlight, that poor excuse of a unicorn bailed on me!" shouted Wily, directing his giant fists at Mega Man's group once more. The Blue Bomber, realizing that he had to act quick, raised his hands and held up the hands, "Girls! Get to the platform! Rush will help you!" he said, the robot dog morphing into his jet form and allowing Spike to step on him, the dragon flailing about in his spot once Rush took off without warning. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy helped up Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity one by one.

Getting exhausted, Mega Man pushed the arms away from crushing his metal body, "Your robots are getting weaker, Wily!" he boasted, hopping on a number of smaller platforms, ending up next to his friends. "So why don't you just stop while you're ahead?" he asked the mastermind in a mocking tone, for once feeling confident about his battles.

"This machine is powered by the very essence that made Ra Moon, Rock! It will take quite the amount of firepower to destroy it for good!" the scientist boasted. Mega Man noticed the glowing blue orb on the center of the robot, "Alright. Proto-Man, Twilight, Rarity... Hit it with everything you got! The rest of us will cover for you!" the Blue Bomber ordered. They all nodded, the former three charging ahead near the edge of the platform. Rarity was the first to attack, throwing a pile of stones from the broken debris made earlier.

Twilight flew, avoiding Wily's machine's flailing arms to swat her. She aimed her horn at the core, shooting it with a beam of magic before repeating the same tactic. Proto-Man powered up a charged shot with his Proto-Buster, hitting the core with a fireball like blast. The three got next to each other and continued to shoot it as much as they could without stopping. Wily grunted from his spot and launched projectiles of various kinds to impede their progress.

Without hesitation, Mega Man led his friends. The Blue Bomber used many of his weapons from the Metal Blades, Top Spin, the Leaf Shield and much more. He aimed his Mega Buster, shooting down an array of missiles. Applejack and Pinkie did their best to weaken the defenses, hitting Wily's robot arms as much as they could while he was still vulnerable. Rainbow Dash hopped on various missiles, destroying them by hopping from one to another, "Alright!" she cheered, standing on another one before aiming it at the robot to damage it. Spike remained in front of the offensive, burning down any weapon aimed at them with his flames. Fluttershy proved to be distraction the homing laser weapon as well.

Mega Man stopped upon seeing his brother stumble, "Oh no! Blues!" he shouted, running to his brother, who was kneeling. "Stay still, Blues. You overheated... Go rest up, I'll take it from here." he ordered. The red robot reluctantly nodded and walked off to cool his core down. Wily laughed at the sight.

"What can you or your friends possibly do, Mega Man? You're overpowered! My weapon is invincible and the only hope lies within a pathetic helper robot and his team of neon equines? HA!"

Mega Man scowled, "What can I do?" he asked, Rush running up to him, "What can they do?" he repeated. He did something, he activated a second Mega Buster with his other hand, "I've beaten you before Wily! Plenty of times! This one will be no different!" he boasted hopping into the air and charging both of his cannons, creating the ultimate shot, something he's only ever done once to stop Ra Moon the first time. He released the shot, blowing up the core and forcing Wily to eject. Twilight erected a shield to cover everypony from the blast. Mega Man panted, feeling his own core overheat, which was an improvement over what happened last time. He grabbed what was left of the power core and hopped down with his friends.

"Please forgive me!" Wily begged on his knees.

Rainbow Dash looked at him in disbelief, "Is this guy serious?"

Proto-Man grabbed his nemesis by the collar of his lab coat, "Weak. I know..." he replied.

Mega Man held up the core, "Just enough energy to get us home." with that, he opened a vortex in front of them. The ponies looking at them, seeing that they had to say goodbye to their friends.

"Do you really have to go?" asked Rarity.

The robots nodded slowly, "Sorry, girls. But we have a world to protect back home. But I'll keep this to see if Dr. Light can create a way back here for me. I promise." he comforted them. Proto-Man waved, already dragging the scientist to prison. Mega Man looked at his friends, "Well... I guess this is goodbye for now." he said slowly to the ponies.

"J-Just be careful, dude. We'll miss ya." Spike responded.

Smiling, Mega Man said, "Will do. Same to you all. Thank you for everything... I wish I could stay, but Earth needs a Super Fighting Robot and Equestria's better off in your hands-er-hooves."

"Thank you, Mega Man." they all said. With one last smile and a wave, Mega Man stepped into the portal, it closing once he did.