• Published 26th May 2016
  • 3,783 Views, 81 Comments

Midnight Radiance - Yoru-the-Rogue

Regretting their last encounter, Sombra wishes to try to make things up to Princess Luna... but isn't the rule "once bitten, twice shy?" He has a long way to go...

  • ...

Gala Preparations

Hastily several artisan ponies scrambled to attention, each managing hopeful smiles despite the anxious beads of sweat marking their brows. Though it was highly unlikely that any of their work might be rejected for the Grand Galloping Gala, it still said volumes if yours was the one hoof-picked for the centerpiece display… or if it was moved somewhere out of immediate view toward the edges of a room. Five teams had each come together to do their best work on individual interpretations of a sculpture that had been commissioned, and each team had given the project their best efforts. Now, under the gazes of the princesses, they restlessly awaited the fate of their art. They had reason to be nervous; Princess Celestia was scrutinizing each statue with a keen eye, while Princess Luna regarded all of them with the same dubious frown.

“I don’t know, sister,” she finally spoke. “Are you sure this is necessary? Twilight Sparkle has proven herself capable of overcoming many things, but I have my doubts about status in her honor to celebrate her Ascension. She’s gracious at heart, but being in the spotlight of attention doesn’t strike me as something that she’ll manage easily.”

The groups of artisans went wide-eyed, darting furtive glances at their peers at this proclamation. Celestia didn’t appear to notice however, which was a saving grace.

“It is true,” the Princess of the Day admitted as she continued to look between the five different statues of her beloved pupil. “Twilight gets very anxious and wound up in many social events if she overthinks things or is the center of attention. However, her Ascension isn’t something Equestria will simply ignore, either.”

“Then should we not select one of the more low-key statues here as the main one to be put on display?” Luna suggested, nodding to the two least ostentatious of the sculptures. “It would still fit the celebration without embarrassing her unduly.”

Celestia turned and looked to her younger sister, eyes twinkling as she smiled. She would admit it to no one, but it brought her a sense of relief to see Luna out of her hideaways and taking part in the decision-making for this year’s gala. Celestia had been worried that after recent events that had transpired, Luna might take much longer to recover than she had. Slowly, she gave a nod of approval. “I quite agree,” she said, before pointing out the second-to-last statue at the end. “How about that one?”

The team responsible for the sculpture in question let out excited gasps and Luna bobbed her head in acquiescence. “Yes, that should do well,” she remarked. “Thank you for your beautiful work.”

“Thank all of you,” Celestia added, offering every one of the artisans a bright smile in turn. “Kibitz and the rest of the palace staff will show you where your sculptures are to be set up.”

All of them nodded excitedly, but Luna was already turning away and walking off. Celestia spun about and took long strides after her sister. Within moments they were walking side-by-side again, receiving a respectful wide berth from other ponies in the area.

“It is a lovely day, Tia,” Luna murmured just low enough for her to hear. The elder alicorn giggled warmly.

“Thank you,” she replied, dipping her head in response to the compliment.

“I appreciate your offer to include me,” Luna went on, raising her head after a moment. “But why do you want my input on this year’s gala?”

“You’re the Princess of the Night,” Celestia replied. She’d anticipated this question would come sooner or later; Luna wasn’t a very social pony by nature. Doubtless she would want to bow out from the festivities as soon as formality would allow. “And my sister,” Celestia added. “The gala begins towards the twilight hour and goes into your night. Surely you would know some of the best ways to spruce up the evening to look better than ever.”

“Do you really think so?” Luna asked, eyes widening in genuine surprise. “But you’ve been hosting the gala for over a th—”

“Thousand years now, yes,” Celestia agreed. “But that is all the more reason why I think you should have a chance to shine this year, Lulu. Even if it’s in your own way, I think our subjects will enjoy and appreciate all the beauty and joy that your personal touches will bring.”

The younger princess’s wings rustled and shifted against her sides as she thought, casting her gaze down to her hooves. “Do you really think so?” she asked quietly, the apprehension in her voice barely concealing hopeful excitement. Celestia gave an encouraging nod, delighted at her sister’s growing interest.

“Yes, I do! Did you want to pick out the lamps and lanterns after lunch?” she asked eagerly. “I think I saw some you would love.”

“Just the two of us?” Luna asked, and when her sister gave confirmation, a small smile worked its way onto her dark blue muzzle. “Of course, Tia! It’s been awhile since we got to do something fun together!”

She hadn’t added on the last thought, but she hardly needed to; Celestia shared her unspoken sentiments. It had been a while since they had really just had a chance to be sisters together. Even doing something as small and mundane as selecting decorations for the gala together would be a nice opportunity to just be themselves once again. And of course, as long as it kept Luna’s mind off of other things…

“Oooh, yes Tia, it’s been ages since we had some real fun together!” another voice chimed in with mock simpering and delight. Both sisters stopped mid-stride, looking around for the one who had spoken. A pair of mismatched claws lightly tapped their shoulders as the voice added in an irritating singsong “Behind you!”

They spun around, joking in surprise at the floating, disembodied lion’s paw and eagle’s talon. A sly chuckle reached their ears and they turned back around as the paw and talon disappeared with a pop of displaced air. The owner of the paw and talon was watching them a few feet ahead, eyes bright with suppressed laughter that burst out when he saw their expressions. With another pop, his mismatched forelegs reappeared in their proper spots and he howled all the more wildly in his laughter.

“You should’ve seen your faces! That one gets ‘em every time!”

“Hello, Discord,” Celestia greeted the draconequus politely. “While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I believe my sister and I will manage on our own.”

Luna’s teal eyes moved from her elder sister to Discord as the chaos spirit stroked his goatee with great care. As far as the Princess of the Night was concerned, Discord’s interest in her elder sister was almost painfully obvious, not that he ever really made an effort to conceal it. Less obvious was the fact Celestia liked the roguish fellow, as she was quite practiced at hiding it. But Luna knew. She saw it in the way her sister’s eyes danced and how warm even her smallest smile was around Discord. The wheels in her head were already spinning as she turned to face the draconequus completely.

“How would you like to attend the Grand Galloping Gala this year, Discord?” she asked without preamble. She could feel her sister’s surprised, curious gaze move to her but she didn’t look away from him. His snowy eyebrows rose slightly as he looked back and after a moment, he hummed in exaggerated thought.

“Well technically I was present for each year of the gala, all things considered,” he said, before dryly adding, “After all, it’s not as though most statues in the gardens have anything better to do.” Celestia seemed to give a wince at that, though it could have been a trick of the light; a second later, she looked just as he had before to Luna. Luna glanced at her, catching her sister’s eye and tossing her a small smile.

“I’m sorry,” Luna said sweetly. “I can understand where you’re coming from. But Tia was just telling me that the gala has been getting a bit… monotonous. That’s why she wants me to help and give input this year. Perhaps if you attended, you could also help liven things up.”

The draconequus’ gaze slid over to them again and despite his affected air of aloofness, there was a spark of interest visible in his eyes. Hit with a sudden worry, Luna added, “Within reason, of course.” At that, he huffed and rolled his eyes.

“Do I look like the hired entertainment? What’s the fun in fun if you have to put it on a leash?” he asked, not properly addressing either of them as he threw back his head and lifted his gaze skyward. Luna lifted a brow at this. She had the feeling he was going to milk this as much as he could to draw it out. Very well then; two could play that game and she had her own little ace-in-the-hole.

“Oh, of course, of course,” she agreed in affected seriousness. “I was just thinking that if you stayed long enough, you could be my sister’s partner for the dance.”

Mischievous glee nearly had Luna grinning openly as she saw her words achieve the desired impact. Discord’s eyes widened and his gaze slipped toward Celestia, who in turn stared at Luna in stunned silence. With an effort, Luna maintained her prim composure as she started walking again.

“Oh well,” she said lightly, shrugging with her wings as she tried to hide her smile. “I suppose she’ll just have to dance with any handsome stallions that ask her instead.”

She had barely taken another step when Discord said, “Well now, hold on a minute! I can erase anything else from my schedule. The gala only comes once a year, after all. And I suppose, well… If you don’t want it to be boring, I suppose I can help.”

This time she didn’t bother hiding her grin as she looked back and tossed her sister a wink on the sly. Letting out a warm chuckle, Celestia took the cue and gracefully inclined her head.

“Thank you, Discord. It’s very generous of you to offer your assistance.”

“Well I mean, naturally! It comes from all of those… egh, friendship lessons with Fluttershy. Say, wait a minute,” he said, stopping himself mid-thought and slowly turning to look at Luna as she kept walking. “What about you, Princess Moody-Moon? Aren’t you going to dance with anypony at the gala?”

Luna’s breath hitched in her chest as she came to an abrupt halt. Her thoughts almost immediately conjured up images of smoldering red eyes, the sound of a rich, decadent voice, and wounded feelings she’d spent the past several weeks trying to bury. Her heart gave a painful beat in her chest and she swallowed over a growing know in her throat, forcing the thoughts and feelings down as far as they would go. When she spoke her voice was even and cool, a perfect example of royal decorum.

“No,” she answered. “I will dance with no one. There are other matters that will need tending to, and as princess I shall fulfill my my duty and see to them. It is as simple as that.”

With a struggle of will, she resumed walking again on the pathway, never seeing the confused and sympathetic looks her sister exchanged with Discord.

Author's Note:

Eh, short chapter is short for a reason. At least I got it posted before the end of the month? :twilightsheepish: Writing for Discord is still a pain in the rear, though. :applejackunsure: