• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 8,751 Views, 496 Comments

Photo Dash - SS Nomad

Ever notice you've never seen Photo Finish and Rainbow Dash in the same room?

  • ...

Chapter 4: A Stroke of Bad Luck

As Rarity and Aloe said their goodbyes and wished each other luck with their respective photo shoots, Rainbow just was relieved to be out of the spa with her identity intact. On reflex, she stretched her wings, and for once her shoulders didn't scream at her for it. Maybe getting a massage here every so often was worth the risk.

Apparently reading Dash's mind, Rarity chimed in, "If you ever plan to come by here again, call on me first, I'm sure we'll have much to talk about." Rarity ended the statement with a conspiratorial wink.

Dash pondered the idea. She never really got to spend much time with Rarity, and... that massage... "Sure, sounds like something to do."

Rarity seemed proud that she had accomplished what she assumed impossible, quickly replying, "Next time we'll discuss, oh what was it, 'sports photography?'"

Rainbow shot a playful glare as Rarity silently chortled at her own joke. Sighing defeatedly, Dash looked up to the sky, hoping to take off before anypony saw her here. Huh, what was Fluttershy doing flying all the way up there? And why did her mane look so spiky and orange?


No. That's not...

Dash panicked and dove headlong into a nearby shrub, using the tree next to it as additional cover. Rarity stared in shock and confusion until she heard somepony call her name from above. Apparently Spitfire had spotted her and was coming in for a landing.

"Good afternoon, Spitfire," Rarity chimed, "what's got you in Ponyville?"

"Just decided to throw a party this weekend," Spitfire announced confidently as she touched down, "You in?"

"Fancy or casual this time?" Rarity asked seriously.

This time? Did Spitfire invite Rarity to parties often? Dash was intrigued and wanted a better view, so she snuck her way up into the branches of the tree, unnoticed.

Spitfire pondered the thought until something occurred to her, "I promised somepony hot tub, so I guess more casual."

"Somepony?" Rarity smiled devilishly.

Poker face.

"Perhaps somepony you'd always wanted to show up to one of these?"

Poker face intensifies.

"So did she ask you about it or did you finally decide to invite her yourself?" Rarity asked in a gossipy tone.

The shot deflected and Spitfire started on a separate thought, "Think you can round up everypony in time for Saturday evening?"

"If I say you have a special guest you're pulling out all of the stops for? Casually," she replied with an air of confidence.

"Sorry for it being such short notice, it just sort of happened," Spitfire mumbled.

"Not at all, darling, I'll do everything in my power to make this night work for you," Rarity announced triumphantly.

Dash, hiding on her bough of choice, was confused. No, that was too light of a word. Rainbow was dumbfounded. Rarity and Spitfire were chatting like old friends, planning a party that Photo had assumed was already planned. Surely something existed that put the pieces together, but she simply couldn't place what it would be. One thing was clear, though. This party was only happening because Photo agreed to show up. So then the question would be why Spitfire wanted Photo Finish at a penthouse party.

Apparently something major had happened in the conversation while Rainbow was lost in thought, as Spitfire was shuffling like she'd just admitted something awkward. Apparently not surprised by whatever it was, Rarity giggled and announced, "Well I look forward to finally finding out who your special guest will be."

"Yeah, well," Spitfire grumbled, "just try not to make too big of a scene."

"Of course, it's your party after all," Rarity smiled innocently. "Anything else to say before you dash off mysteriously?"

"Dash..." something about the word struck Spitfire's attention. "Oh yeah, you have any idea where Rainbow Dash is? I'd been meaning to run into her."

Rarity's face turned to shock and terror. In the rush to plan the party, she'd forgotten Rainbow was still there. She turned quickly to face the hedges. Rainbow had just heard... oh dear. This wouldn't do at all.

Spitfire was confused. "You okay, Rare? You seem even paler than usual. Did..." a thought settled in Spitfire's head and her voice turned to a whisper, "did you hear somepony?"

Dash needed to think fast. Luckily, fast came to her naturally. She was about to get caught eavesdropping in a tree. If she wasn't eavesdropping, then why would she have been up here? She quickly laid down and did something she was very good at.

Rarity and Spitfire both jumped at the abrupt and resounding snore. Spitfire chuckled, "I doubt that one heard too much."

Rarity knew better and suddenly snagged the branches in her magic, pulling them aside to reveal... a blissfully unconscious Rainbow Dash, her chest lying along the branch, legs dangling from either side.

"Well that's... suspiciously convenient," Spitfire remarked.

Rarity knew 'suspicious' was the right word, but said nothing. Better if Spitfire thought her secrets were safe. Instead of acting just yet, she faked a smile and shouted up to dash.

"Rainbow, love, a Wonderbolt is here to see you."

Dash's eyes shot open and she tried to stand up, but successfully fell out of the tree and into the shrub. Spitfire chuckled at her, but Rarity's expression remained unchanged, a fake smile pasted on a blank stare. Dash stood, brushing some plant life out of her mane, but Spitfire was the first to speak.


Dash shrugged, "Naps are good for you."

There was a short pause and then, "ohmygodyou'respitfire."

Spitfire laughed heartily, tears still in her eyes as she started to speak, "So I happened to be in Ponyville and was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink later."

"Really?" This caught Dash off guard, "You're inviting me drinking? This... seems out of the blue."

Something about that phrasing surprised Spitfire, and she tried to place what felt so odd about it. Failing, she just continued, "Sure, I wanted to get some time to chat with you at the Gala, but that never really played out... Just thought I could try to make up for that."

Rainbow Dash, for a moment, began to believe that there was some cosmic balance in the world that was doing her a favor for having put up with Rarity's spa shenanigans. The moment passed slowly and she responded, "Yeah, sure. I'm free whenever you are."

Spitfire seemed almost as excited as Rainbow, "Tonight?"

Dash pretended to think it over before replying with force, "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Great, I'll be at that little bar on the path towards the big apple farm at some point tonight. Show up whenever," Spitfire shot back, taking to the sky. With a quick turn, she shouted down to Rainbow, "And get those twigs out of your mane."

Rainbow watched as Spitfire flew away with speed and grace, her heart slamming in her chest with the excitement of what just happened. Dash was dumbfounded and stupefied, as well as most other similar adjectives. That just happened. She stared off at the receding yellow dot in the sky. Tonight. Spitfire. Drinking. Woah.

"You know, now that I think about it, Spitfire probably makes more sense than Luna," interjected the shrubbery.

Rainbow and Rarity both jumped in terror at the voice, staring at the speaking plant. A bob of cotton candy mane popped out at an odd angle, "But I totally told you she had a crush on you."

Rarity carefully pushed branches aside with her magic, revealing the pinkest of pink ponies perched precariously, a cookie hanging out of her mouth. It looked like a snickerdoodle.

Dash relaxed and shook her head, relieved it was just Pinkie. In front of the spa. Oh for crying out loud... She needed to get away from the place quickly so ponies wouldn't keep noticing her here.

"Hey, uh, Pinks..." Dash stared, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Pinkie announced with the appropriate gestures.

"...not mention you saw me here," Rainbow finished on reflex.

"Saw you here? I don't even remember how this conversation started," Pinkie seemed to brag.

Okay good, all things are wrapped up, time to lea... Dash was hit with a sudden pang of horror. Something incredibly wrong had just happened, and it was in the direction off town square. She slowly turned to look down the road.

In the distance, easily three blocks away, there was an orange speck. Dash's vision tunneled as she stared, more and more features visible as she looked more carefully. Blonde mane, cowboy hat, staring right at her, the huge, entertained smile of a pony who had just caught her tomboy friend standing in front of the girliest thing in Ponyville. This list of things was unacceptable. AJ winked. Dash charged.

Applejack had been standing at her vendor stand in the Ponyville market plaza, hawking apples as usual. It was an overall successful day, but not exactly the most exciting. This troubled the blonde mare. She knew Ponyville, had lived there for most of her life, in fact. Uneventful days simply didn’t happen here. She slowly scanned the plaza, trying to pick out what or whom would serve as today's source of comical hijinks.

Two mares were having milkshakes together. Cute, but not exactly what she was looking for. The Crusaders were sprinting around the plaza trying to do... something. She’d have to keep an eye on them. Pinkie was nowhere to be seen, but Applejack honestly wasn’t sure if that relieved or troubled her. Everything in the plaza seemed fairly normal and calm. Suspicious.

It was then that she heard a trio of familiar voices discussing something in the distance. She turned and squinted to try and make out any details. Rarity, Rainbow, and a talking shrub. Shrub likely Pinkie. Well that was one thing off her mind, at least. Only after confirming Pinkie’s location did it occur to AJ what building her three friends were standing in front of.

“The hell is Dash doing in front of the spa?”

Was she? No, she couldn’t be. She’d have snuck out more carefully. But… As the thought filled her mind, a grin slowly dragged its way onto the corner of her mouth. Then Rainbow made eye contact.

“Gotcha,” AJ winked.

Applejack had to admit, Dash could cover some ground when she wanted to. Rainbow had cleared half of the distance between them by the time AJ had noticed enough to respond. The rest of the time was more than enough, though. Dash was coming at her in a rage-filled flying tackle. Predictable, especially for one who purports to be a black belt in something or other. Applejack dropped to the ground, flipping over to lay on her back. Before Dash even knew what hit her, she found herself careening skyward and out of control.

Fluttershy sat calmly in her cottage, sipping at a glass of sweet iced tea. She was in a good mood, but something had been nagging at her, chewing on the back of her mind. She glanced over at her bookcase and saw her scrapbook there, waiting to be opened. She sighed and gave in, floating her way over to the shelf and lifting the book in her forehooves. She then settled back down on her couch, setting the book on coffee table.

It was a beaten up old book, nearly as old as Fluttershy. In fact, the first page has a newspaper clipping her parents saved because she happened to be in the photograph. The editor apparently decided a picture of a tiny pegasus foal on a carousel was the best image to show how fun the town fair had been. And so the book went on, photos of her, some candid, some clearly staged. She stopped on one in particular, a good memory. The first group photo of the Elements of Harmony. It always made her want to go see her friends. Yet she paused there for more than just nostalgia, because she also knew what started on the next page and she needed to prepare herself.

She turned the page, and then the next, and then the one after that. There were countless photographs of her, beautiful makeup, magnificent dresses, perfect mane, and, probably most importantly to her, she actually felt like they were good pictures. She felt a strange excitement looking at herself made up so beautifully. She had so much trouble seeing that beauty in herself, but one pony had pointed it out to her. And there she was, with a hoof over Fluttershy's shoulders.

It was probably her favorite photo of herself, despite it being a random shot from the crowd during a press conference, despite the fact that at the time she was trying to make herself as small and invisible as possible. There she was, meek and tiny beside the magnificent mare who offered to change her life. An offer she rejected out of fear. An offer she now nightly wished was still on the table. If only she could see the mare one more time.

There was a loud crash, pieces of birdhouses and shards of broken window scattering about the room as a body tumbled in and skidded to a stop in the middle of the floor. Fluttershy jumped to her hooves to see Rainbow Dash, sprawled on the floor of her cabin, clearly unconscious. In a flash Fluttershy was by her side, the din of panicked animal noises shoved to the background until she could confirm that Rainbow was okay.

“Ohmygosh, are you breathing? Yes. Good. Okay,” she declared to her unconscious patient. After a quick check-over for injuries, and only finding two slowly forming bruises in the shape of hoofprints on Rainbow’s midsection, Fluttershy started to calm down. Rainbow’s seemingly miraculous ability to crash at high speeds without injury was still active. After checking her pulse and breathing again, Fluttershy set her on the couch and went about tending to her animals.

Photo Finish opened her eyes slowly, her ribcage burning for some reason with every breath. The first thing she saw was a book on the table in front of her. It looked like a photo album, but she couldn’t make out the pictures from this angle. She quietly started to rise to get a better look at the book and her surroundings, not really remembering how she got here. Halfway up, she winced in pain and let out an audible yelp.

“Are you okay? Did you wake up?” came Fluttershy’s voice from the next room over.

Photo looked around and noticed she was in Fluttershy’s cottage, so Dash finished sitting up and propped herself up on her forelegs, grumbling a response. “Yeah, I’m alive. Barely.”

Fluttershy wheeled around a corner and into the room, a tea tray in her mouth. She set it down on the coffee table, “Well, I suppose that’s good. You could rest here until you recover enough to go home. I mean, if you like.”

Rainbow was about to reply when she heard a tiny “eep” and the loud shutting of a book. Fluttershy had lunged across the table and slammed her photo album shut with surprising haste, the panic still evident in her eyes. Rainbow wasn’t sure how to respond to that.


Fluttershy’s attempts to look innocent were hampered by the odd position she was left in after reaching all the way across the table. That and the world-ending panic in her stare.

“Yes, Rainbow?”

Rainbow looked at the cover of the book, which seemed to say “My Life,” but much of the title was blocked by a yellow hoof. She looked back up at Fluttershy, her expression an inquisitive one. Fluttershy’s mood sank even further and she slowly dragged the book back to her side of the table.

Rainbow was about to ask the obvious question when a candy-pink mane bobbed up from behind the window Rainbow had just demolished, “Is she dead? If she is, who gets her element? I vote Spike.”

The album was temporarily forgotten as Fluttershy and Rainbow both turned to face the pair of blue eyes staring at them through the window. Their responses were simultaneous.

“Pinkie! You can’t joke about things like that!”

“Pinkie! You’d replace me with Spike?”

Pinkie ducked below the window frame and reappeared behind the couch, “He did pretty good as you last time.”

Rainbow jumped at the sudden voice behind her, but that only served to aggravate her injury, and she dropped back to the couch in pain. Seriously, one day she’d figure out how Pinkie did that. The answer would probably drive her mad, though.

Pinkie examined Rainbow with a stethoscope, “I think I found your problem.”

“How do you even have that? I keep it upstairs,” Fluttershy complained.

Like all questions about her bending of reality to her whims, Pinkie simply ignored it and continued, “The problem here is you always need to keep character class and relative level in mind when choosing targets.”


“If you don’t get it, I don’t have time to explain,” Pinkie replied sadly, “Easy mode explanation is you just tried to tackle a linemare as a running back. It was a doomed endeavor.”

Rainbow could never tell if Pinkie was being condescending when she used sports metaphors, but damned if they didn’t get the point across. Rainbow grumbled to herself as she quickly remembered what had just happened. Slowly coming to terms with the fact that Applejack would be teasing her for weeks, Rainbow let out a long sigh and sunk back into the couch.

Fluttershy tipped her head to the side inquisitively, “What, um… happened?”

Rainbow started to respond, but was interrupted by Pinkie, “Rainbow made poor life choices.”

She really, really wanted to object, but Pinkie was right on more counts than one, so…

“It’s no big deal, Shy. Just a misunderstanding.”

Fluttershy refused to let it go, “Misunderstandings don’t kick ponies in the chest.”

“Yeah, seriously. Hooves do,” Pinkie blurted out before ducking back behind the couch.

Rainbow looked over the back of the couch to try to shoot Pinkie a glare, but she was nowhere to be seen. Confused, she turned back to Fluttershy in an attempt to settle her down, “Me. AJ. Stuff. Don’t worry about it.”

Fluttershy sighed, “If it was you two, I probably don’t even want to know. You didn’t seem to break anything this time… well except my window.”

Dash looked over at the shattered window frame. Yeesh, she really did a number on that one. Casually, she replied, “I can pay for repairs, you know.”

Fluttershy smiled appreciatively, but with a little sadness in her eyes, “Thank you, but take care of yourself. Really.”

“Alright,” Rainbow sighed in response, “You know how much I hate to dump my troubles on your doorstep.”

"It was through her window this time," Pinkie chirped before hiding once more.

After a quick glare at the pink one, Rainbow turned to look out the shattered window, through which the sun was being gently lowered towards the horizon. Late afternoon sunlight was already filtering its way into the little shack, turning everything a delightful red-orange. Photo wanted to take a picture. Rainbow reminded her they didn’t have a camera. Photo acknowledged defeat. She turned and saw Fluttershy looking at her in concern. With this light. Her mane not quite arranged right. The sincerity of the pose. Damn. Utter defeat.

Fluttershy stood up, “Well, as long as you’re okay now, I should get back to the animals. Your crash spooked a few of them.”

Rainbow stood from the couch, the lingering pain in her ribs causing her to wince slightly, “Yeah, I’ve got places to be, too.”

“Like your date,” Pinkie exploded.

Fluttershy jumped, shocked by Pinkie’s sudden appearance from below the coffee table. Then she processed the statement, “Date?”

“It’s… not a date… I think?” Dash replied hesitantly.

Fluttershy looked at her inquisitively before announcing, probably mostly to herself, “Well, it’s not polite to pry. I’m sure you’ll tell me eventually. Have fun!”

Dash glared at Pinkie, “You seriously need to stop spreading rumors.”

“Oh, yeah. Especially ones from events I don’t even remember happening. Hmm…” Pinkie Pie paused to process.

Taking her cue, Rainbow Dash slinked out of the building, waving goodbye to Shy as she left. Best to escape Pinkie while she was wrapped up in thoughts, didn’t want her announcing half truths as fact to everypony with ears.

The walk back from Fluttershy’s shack brought Rainbow just past the front gate to Sweet Apple Acres. She glanced inside to look for activity, only noticing Big Macintosh splitting logs. Good, no Applej-

“Howdy there,” came a smug voice from directly in front of Dash.

Turning to look down the road, Rainbow saw Applejack pulling her cart back from town square. Well, crud. Looks like this was going to happen. She steeled herself before waving back in response.

“It’s dang good to see you’re okay, I was a little worried I put too much force into that buck,” AJ said, taking her hat off and bowing her head in apology.

Dash was a little surprised by the display, but quickly responded, “Eh, no hard feelings. I started it, I suppose. And besides, I heal quick.”

Seeing her friend in decent spirits, AJ walked up and offered a hug. Kind of out of character for Applejack to make up, but maybe she was more concerned than Dash had realized. After looking around to make sure nopony was watching, Rainbow accepted the sentiment. No hard feelings and all that. Everything seemed fine until Rainbow heard AJ take a big sniff of her mane.

“The hell are you doing?” Rainbow complained.

AJ put on a dastardly grin before replying, “You smell like fancy shampoo.”

Rainbow’s face went blank and she closed her eyes to recover her focus, taking a deep breath. Opening her eyes, her expression shifted to a half frown, the type that can only truly be understood by someone who’s been through the same. She only had to say one word,


Applejack paused and made a near identical, if color inverted, expression. She understood completely.


After a moment of commiseration, Applejack spoke up again, “So, I gotta put this cart away, then I was thinking. You want me to buy you a drink? I mean, I banged you up pretty bad, I still feel like I owe you one.”

“A drink?” Rainbow pondered. But she was supposed to go for a drink with Spitfire later. Well, it would probably be at the same bar. And hey, One or two drinks before Spitfire showed up shouldn’t be a problem. What’s the worst that could happen?