• Member Since 24th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Bojack H

The stories are all in my head, you get to read some of them.


A sheep is fed up with his lot in life, and one day one of RD's pranks finally makes him realise it. Instead of following the herd, he stands up and declares "I am a shoop!" what follows is his tale.

I bet you haven't seen an OC of a sheep before.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 8 )

And so rings the bells of liberty for the new shoop.

On this day an individual would gain his independence.

Meh faved

Shoops (I guess that's the plural of the new species.) are one of the greatest creatures to grace the lands of Equestria.


Next let's have some fosh instead of the lazy fish.

Huh, he was more accepting than I thought he would be. I set off in the direction he indicated making a mental note to send him a letter someday when I’ve figured out what to do with myself.

Well the big red is the most level headed of their family

That last one had a slightly broken belt in it. Anyway that’s not what’s currently occupying my attention. After making a few more course corrections, I found myself in another square, except this one was devoid of the colorful stalls that had filled all the other dozen squares I passed. Instead, they were all full of sharp looking weapons, old looking stuff and mean looking vendors behind them. At the back of the square stood a large building with a mug hanging over the door. To the left of it, stood a forge, with an earth pony blacksmith busy hammering away on an anvil. Ponies in all sorts of garb with various bags and weapons milled about, while some guards stood watch by the entrance. Stuck in the middle of the square, with several ponies standing around, stood a large notice board.

Since when does ponyville have a rough area that isn't near the everfree and isn't only rough because monsters charge through there all the time?¿

In the universe where theres some sort of organized adventurer's guild. At least that's what I was going for. I've not really done anything with this story because things have changed quite a lot in my life, but even then most towns had many squares each where different businesses would congregate and where houses were built around

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