• Published 16th May 2016
  • 6,533 Views, 296 Comments

A Shimmering New Year - EchoWing

Sunset Shimmer and her friends struggle to deal with recovering from Anon-A-Miss as they move forward. New friends and a doctor, thankfully, can help them along.

  • ...

Epilogue Two - The Future Awaits

It was still and quiet within the cave that housed the Tree of Harmony. Celestia was glad for this, especially as it had been a lot of trouble to clear a brief span of time in her schedule to come and visit it. She could only use the excuse of “Official State Secrets” so many times with Kibitz after all. Still, what little time she had gave her the chance to once more examine the Tree with somepony whom she trusted.

Soft hoofsteps heralded another’s arrival, and she turned to face them with a smile. “I hear you had a busy time last night.”

Luna held her head proudly and remarked, “I was not busy, dear sister. I was engaged.” A smile formed upon her muzzle as she added, “In matters most pleasant and long overdue.”

Celestia smiled in return. “It’s about time. It feels like we’ve been waiting for that to happen for years.” She turned to the Chest and noted, “I only hope that we don’t wait years for this to be resolved. I’ve faith that Twilight is up to the task, but still, there’s so much that we don’t know.” A sad look crossed her face. “Luna, do you remember the first time we saw the Tree of Harmony?”

“Clearly. It was shortly after we were crowned, on the land that would one day become the city of Canterlot. We toured Equestria, escorted by Star Swirl the Bearded as he began teaching us in magic, and sought a place to build our home. When we came upon the Tree, it seemed logical to build our castle nearby.” She narrowed her eyes and realized, “It was smaller then.”

“Indeed. It had grown to this size by the time Star Swirl directed us to it as a possible means of defeating Discord. He never explained how or why either, only that the Tree would give us what we needed.” She turned to her sister and asked, “Do you think I took after him too much?”

“Oh, heavens no, Sister. Star Swirl never purposefully left others in the dark when he could have simply given them the information they needed before sending them on their way, or kept secrets for the sake of keeping secrets.”

Celestia frowned at her sibling’s sarcastic tone. “He never gave us the answers, Luna. We had to figure them out for ourselves.”

“No, but he did give us the information we needed, explained how to apply that information, and then made certain that we understood that which we learned under safe conditions. It doesn’t matter if the fate of Equestria is at stake, Celie, that’s no excuse for tossing your student to the wolves with nothing but sheer faith.” Luna leaned in and added, “Even if it has worked a few times, it won’t work forever.”

The elder sister bowed her head. “I know. And I’ve been trying, Luna, but it feels like it’s only a matter of time before history repeats, and Twilight lashes out at me as Sunset did. It’s no wonder the Elements were beyond our use after I used them against you.” She sighed. “I don’t know who was more disappointed in me after that. Myself, or Star Swirl.”

“He never stopped talking to you, Celie. That’s hardly a bad sign.”

“Still, he vanished without explanation within years of that incident. I haven’t been able to justify entering his old rooms at Canterlot since. For all I know, the books within have been torn apart by squirrels or something, and all his knowledge was lost.” She looked back up at the tree and asked aloud, “Wherever he went, is he aware of what we’ve done? What would his thoughts be?”

“He’d be stubbornly opposed to Spike even setting foot in Canterlot. That much is certain. How he felt about other things, I’ve no clue, but he’d probably be horrified by the modern era.” A sympathetic look crossed her face as she admitted, “I know that I was at first.” She shook her head. “In any case, we can agree that this mystery is frustrating. The longer one lasts, the less likely it is to be resolved to satisfaction.” She looked to her sister and noted, “Though I suspect that you have a theory. Knowing you, however, you’re keeping it close to your chest, lest you find yourself wrong.”

“It’s less fear of being wrong and more trying to avoid getting my hopes up.” Celestia steeled herself and noted, “Still, it does me no good to keep this theory to myself. Excluding you caused far too much trouble, and solved none.” She looked to her sister and offered, “Luna, when the Tree granted us the Elements, there were six.”

“Yes, three for each of us two. Five of the six would be foundations for a strong bond and create the sixth, the magic of friendship itself.”

“Yet they were not enough to prevent so many things from going wrong over the years, prominent among them the loss of you for a millennium.” Celestia looked to the core of the Tree and the Element of Magic in particular. “And for all that time, I hoped that I would find those able to carry them before your return. I thought Sunset was my last chance until Twilight came along.”

“Indeed, I think that even she has acknowledged that she was not the intended bearer.”

“And yet…” Celestia took on an enigmatic smile as she reasoned aloud, “perhaps Sunset’s contact with the Element of Magic brought about something we didn’t see at first glance. Something missing from the original formula.”

“A seventh Element of Harmony?” Luna offered. “What could be missing? Honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity and loyalty are all equal parts of a strong friendship.”

“Yes, but think. We were as close as they, and we were divided because something was lacking. Something that Twilight and her friends have sometimes failed to use. Something that only came to me through many years of reflection and consideration.” Celestia’s eyes twinkled as she added, “Something that Sunset has, for good and for ill.”

“Which helped her to defeat the Nightmare.” Luna’s expression brightened. “If this supposition is true, Celie, then…”

The elder alicorn laughed. “Then I think someone’s inflicted us with that old kirin curse. We live in interesting times.”

The younger smirked. “As if we did not already live in such times.” She sighed and noted, “Still, harmony alone is not enough. I think, at times, we’ve forgotten something of equal import, something which produces harmony if meted properly, but is not an Element itself. We both know of victims of injustice, Celie. There are so many, even a few due to our actions, and we need to answer for them.” She tilted her head and noted, “I’m not saying I wish to be banished to the moon again or anything, but…”

“No, you’re right.” Celestia stood up. “And we’ll face them as they come.”


Another world away, it was a crisp Saturday morning in February as Sunset stepped out of the building which housed her apartment. The air was cool and the sun was barely peeking out from behind the clouds above, but there was no wind to bite at her exposed skin. Still, she pulled her jacket in close before slipping on her earbuds and starting up the MP3 player tucked into her pocket. She grinned as she recognized the song, and then went on her way.

The last month had been smooth sailing for her and her friends. Applejack confirmed that she’d regained the use of her magic the night after Rainbow Dash had found hers once more and reunited with her mother. The rest of the girls followed shortly thereafter as Dash assembled her band for the upcoming Musical Showcase, with Fluttershy being the next much to everyone’s surprise. Sunset hadn’t been there to see it for herself, but Rarity had thankfully recorded her ponying up on her cell phone, and filled in the rest without any hesitation and much glowing praise for her animal-loving friend’s ways with small creatures and hypnotic talent with a tambourine.

Sunset, for her part, playfully teased Rarity about how she’d quickly warmed to the mass of hamsters, only for them to quickly go out of control as she attempted to dress them. To her credit, the fashionista took it in stride.

Pinkie was the next one. Due to her excess energy and her tendency towards percussion with anything and everything available to her, the party girl soon found herself recruited into the band as a drummer. Sunset chuckled at the memory of her first drum session’s aftermath and the sight of Pinkie ponied up with her tongue sticking out of one corner of her mouth like a deranged Muppet.

Rarity had been the last to find her place in the band, though not for lack of trying. Somehow, she’d managed to acquire a grand piano, though it proved to be more trouble than it was worth to transport – no wheels. Rarity briefly resorted to having the Diamond Dog boys carry her about upon it like a palanquin before she was convinced to go with a more portable instrument, a keytar. Much to her surprise, she took to it like a duck to water.

All of this hadn’t been lost on the rest of the school, however, particularly with Sparkler and Rose. They chose to tell them part of the truth, rather than all of it – no mention was made of Sunset’s origins, but they had the full particulars of the night of the Fall Formal. Much to Sunset’s relief, they hadn’t changed their opinion of her at all, and were happy to continue hanging out with their friends.

The rest of the student body, meanwhile, was slowly starting to shift in its views towards her. Vinyl, of course, flashed her a smile whenever the two crossed paths, though Octavia remained coldly polite. As for the rest, there were still many who looked upon her with scorn, with Trixie chief among them, but a few had begun to view her with shame and guilt, and her coworkers at Zecora’s shop were actually being more social than before. Perhaps word had spread about what she’d said to those who’d mobbed her shortly before Winter Break, and other students had gained some sympathy for her over the Anon-A-Miss incident. Perhaps they’d felt an odd sense of gratitude for her role in Leading Rose’s expulsion from the school; the boy wasn’t feared or hated like she was, but he was universally considered obnoxious. Either way, it was a change that she enjoyed, however small.

Some things nagged at her, however, among them the fact that she was still keeping secrets here and there. Sparkler and Rose not knowing the full truth bugged her, even if her silence on the matter was necessary. Less necessary for her was the fact that she was still keeping some tidbits from Principal Celestia. Her principal had opened up to her about everything, but there was one detail she’d kept to herself – her message journal. Sunset wasn’t proud of this, but as of yet it hadn’t been important. Hopefully, one day, she’d have a chance to reveal those secrets once and for all.

Beyond that, however, she’d kept in touch with Twilight. Her mentor in the magic of friendship found time to fill her in with what was going on in Equestria even as they worked together on research regarding the portals and the mysterious Chest of Harmony. Sunset, in turn, had kept Twilight in touch with what she knew and found out. Much to her surprise, the princess had been delighted at some of the news, in particular that Sunset had met and befriended the counterpart of one of Twilight’s own classmates from their alma mater. That had raised questions of its own regarding Doctor Turner, but that was a mystery for another day it seemed.

In any case, these were all the last things on Sunset’s mind as she made her way down the street towards Sugar Cube Corner and her steps went from normal to a loose, gleeful dance as she went along and let the music move her. Maybe she’d see her friends, but she was definitely going to snag some donuts. Mrs. Cake made some fantastic donuts.

“Come on down to the grand opening of the Flim Flam Brothers’ Everything Under the Sun Emporium!”

Sunset stopped upon the sidewalk in surprise just a short distance from the door to Sugar Cube Corner at that call, itself loud enough to be heard over the fairly light sounds of her music. As she plucked out her earbuds, she heard a familiar chord from a bass guitar, and made her way as quickly as she could to the source. A short dash over a couple blocks and some additional calls, and she found the source. “You have got to be kidding me.”

Standing a ways down the block in front of a storefront dominated by large signs were her friends and their younger siblings. What really caught her attention about it was that each of them were dressed up in banana costumes, Applejack forced to have her Stetson perched upon the stem, and playing their instruments. The only one who seemed enthusiastic about all of this was Pinkie Pie as she gleefully played out a rapid beat on a snare drum strapped around her waist. The Crusaders, just adding to the absurdity, were shaking banana-themed maracas. People passing by, some among their number other students at CHS, watched on with amusement and took the odd picture or video of the sight with their phones.

Sunset herself wasn’t sure if she should laugh or stand there and gawk at the sight, until Pinkie finally noticed her and gleefully waved. She approached as her brain finally caught up with what she was seeing and asked, “Did all of you guys just get some weird part time job, or what?”

“It’s something like that, darling,” Rarity admitted as she played a few notes upon her instrument. “Though perhaps karma is also finally catching up with us.”

“Hopefully it doesn’t run us over in the process,” Sweetie Belle quipped, leading to gleeful giggles from Pinkie.

It was at this point that Sunset found herself thinking of an old comedy skit that she’d seen once in Equestria, one that Celestia herself had gotten a laugh out of despite it casting the princess in a less than pleasant light. Despite the fact that she hadn’t thought too highly of the skit itself, she couldn’t help but laugh at it along with her teacher and ruler, and the giggles were coming back to her now seeing her friends in front of her. “So, um, were the costumes your idea?”

Rarity glared at her. “What do you think?”

This caused a snort before Sunset asked, “So, I guess…you don’t like…bananas?”

Applejack looked over to her and called out, “There somethin’ we’re missin’ out on?”

Sunset struggled to think of something not funny as she worked to regain control. “It’s a long story, you don’t want to know.” After several seconds and a couple deep breaths, she calmed down. “Sorry. I’ll get out of your hair and…”

And then she felt a familiar vibration from her backpack and heard a familiar buzzing sound from behind her. She moved against a wall and into cover as best she could, then pulled out her message journal as her friends watched. “Sunset? What’s going on? Is it bad news from Twilight?”

“No.” Her eyes quickly scanned over the latest message. “It’s good news.” Sunset looked up to Rarity with joy as she answered, “It’s Sunrunner. They found her.”

Author's Note:

And here we are, done at last.

For those not in the know, a qi-lin (also spelled qilin and assorted other ways) is a benevolent creature from Chinese mythology that spread to various other East Asian cultures. Wikipedia has more about them, and their mention is a small tip of the hat once more to Reality Check and his story, Alicornundrum. As for the curse? It's real.

This part adapts another part of "A Case for the Bass", another of the Rainbow Rocks prequel shorts. Credit to Natasha Levinger for the writing on that one. The comedy skit that Sunset thought of was an in-universe version of a particular video - see it here, but be warned, it's probably not safe for work. As for why the Rainbooms and the Crusaders were all out there in banana costumes, well...you'll find out eventually.

Oh, and one more thing...

Sunset Shimmer will return.

EDIT ON 10/11/2017 - More edits, this time in response to comments made by Final Legend Zero back when this was first released, as well as recent bits established in the series and some stuff that's cropped up with the expanded universe. Regardless, what I said before is still true...

Sunset Shimmer will return.

Comments ( 93 )

These endings are ... confusing. You're using events that happened before RR and Anon-a-Mis and throwing the timeline of events off.

7887882 In this timeline, the Anon-A-Miss incident took place BEFORE Rainbow Rocks. If you have been reading this author's other works in this universe, you would already know that.

Hey there. Well, I can't say much beyond, great job adapting the mini-cartoons to your story AND subtle foreshadowing your universe's version of "Legend of Everfree". I'll certainly be looking forward to more of this universe's stories, but am quite willing to be patient.

I'm really torn here.

On one hand, the whole story up until this last epilogue was good. Really good. Worthy of my Favorites list, even. On the other hand, this one chapter contains the kind of things that, in any other circumstance, would lead me to thumb the story down, not bother reading the rest, and dismiss the rest of the AU as a lost cause.

The most blatant problem here is the attempt at justifying Celestia's past actions.

But you know as well as I that nopony can learn if you simply give them all of the answers.

Perhaps, but one can't be expected to find the answer when provided with neither the question nor the tools and knowledge needed to find the answer. As Twilight's teacher, it's your job and responsibility to provide her with the information she needs, explain that information's general application, and then find a way to test if she truly understands what you have tried to teach her - not to just throw her out to the wolves and expect her to do everything on her own. Even just looking at things from this angle, you'd be a terrible teacher. But you take things even further - when you throw Twilight into one of these "tests", you expect her to learn a lesson that runs counter to everything she's been taught up until this point. Let's look at the Crystal Empire's return, for example. You tell her that she has to fix everything on her own, with no assistance from her friends. In other words, the lesson she was to learn was that everything she learned from the fall of Nightmare Moon on was a lie. By the way, the only reason she succeeded in saving the Empire is because she failed your test. If she had tried to do everything herself, she'd have never retrieved the Crystal Heart in time since she needed Spike's help to circumvent Sombra's traps, and since it was her friends who organized the Crystal Fair, the crystal ponies wouldn't have recovered enough hope to power the Heart even if she had somehow gotten it in time if she were doing things on her own. And if the test was actually to have Twilight to defy you, then f*** you. If you want Twilight to understand that you're fallible, there's a million better ways to convey that than to throw her into a literal do-or-die situation where obeying you - you know, the very thing she's been conditioned her entire life to do - means the deaths and/or enslavement of countless innocent lives. Which brings me to another problem. When you test, you don't do it in controlled scenarios where the worst consequence is having to repeat the lesson. Your tests put innocents on the line as the cost of failure.

I could have told Twilight everything about you or Sombra, but there’s no sign it would have helped in either case.

So your justification for deliberately withholding mission-critical data in apocalypse-level crises is because you weren't 100% sure that the info would help!? There are no words that can adequately sum up the absolute stupidity of such "reasoning".

*takes several deep breaths*

The second problem is less obvious, but no less serious. The problem with Harmony - both in canon and in fanfic - isn't that the concept is incomplete with just six elements. The problem is that Harmony itself is insufficient. Throwing in the seventh element you have planned may very well have prevented many of the issues that occurred in the show, true. However, there are many more that it wouldn't have. The seventh element wouldn't have protected Trixie from being run out of Ponyville without any of her worldly possessions and her reputation in ruin because of the actions of the village idiots. The seventh element wouldn't have stopped the Mane Six from cheating in the Apple Clan's competition with Flim and Flam, and nor would it have prevented them from claiming to have the moral high ground despite the fact that it was they, and not Flim and Flam, who acted dishonestly. And it certainly wouldn't have led to Babs being punished for bullying the CMC, nor would it have led to the CMC being taught something other than the toxic message that standing up to bullies is wrong. In addition, the seventh element would do nothing to address the apparent widespread acceptance of mind control in Equestria, as evidenced by Twilight facing no punishment for brainwashing half of Ponyville and planning to brainwash Discord, Starlight not being punished for brainwashing the Mane Six, Twilight thinking nothing of giving the CMC the recipe for a love potion and them getting just barely more than a slap on the wrist for using it, that Luna barging into the dreams of other ponies whenever she pleases is seen as a positive and her willingness to use it to pull memories out of other ponies' heads with neither their knowledge nor consent (as shown in For Whom the Sweetie Bell Toils), and that Cadance's special talent can be interpreted as mental manipulation at best, brainwashing at worst, and is thought well of for it either way. No, Equestria's real problem is that it has turned its back on justice and twisted morality where they conflict with harmony, rather than making harmony conform to morality and temporarily suspending it when justice must be served.

I don't really have much more to say, other than... why? Just, why? I thought, based on our conversations and the rest of this story, that you were better than this.

7887812 My intent was that she was teasing about Zephyr Breeze's crush on Rainbow Dash, rather than actually supporting it. And glad that you like the choice - you can't take the sky from her. :rainbowdetermined2:

7887864 For the purposes of this continuity, I changed the timeline so that Anon-A-Miss took place between the events of the first two films, rather than after Rainbow Rocks. Part of this was because I thought that it would make more sense between the two films rather than after the second one; Sunset still wasn't entirely trusted in Rainbow Rocks. Part of it was so that it would fit with my established timeline - in the Quiververse, the first film took place in mid-late September, while Rainbow Rocks will take place about six months later. Christmas, of course, is right between those two points in time.

7887882 Again, I deliberately changed things for the reasons stated above.

7887929 Thanks, though Scootaloo isn't RD's biological sibling. Dash is still an only child, so Scootaloo's more of an honorary little sister than anything.

7887942 Again, thanks. Sunset's story will be picking up again soon, though it'll be a while before she has a proper focus story. But as I said, she will return.


Well, count me as relieved that you're generally pleased with the story as a whole, aside from these hiccups.

First, regarding Celestia. A part of her is aware that she's made mistakes, and those mistakes so far haven't exploded in her face...yet. But she hasn't quite internalized that, and it's only a matter of time before circumstances force her to do so. Many of her justifications are as much to herself as they are to others, and those will eventually fall away. But it won't be pretty.

Second, I'm not saying that Harmony by itself is sufficient. We've talked before about how justice and harmony are two distinct things, and that the former helps create the latter and not the other way around. I still hold to that. And I'm glad that you agree that a seventh element, the identity of which I hope is obvious based on what we've discussed, could have helped (if nothing else, it would have saved us from Mare-Do-Well). As for everything else you've listed...

Trixie? I have plans to address everything with her in a later story. You're right in that nothing with the Ursa was her fault - Snips and Snails led that thing into town all on their own - but while the citizens of Ponyville weren't very mature about it, neither was she.

Flim and Flam? They allowed the rest of the Mane Six to take part in their arrogance, and panicked after they were making progress. I don't see that as cheating so much as it was them shooting themselves in the foot.

I'll agree wholeheartedly on Babs Seed and the CMC, and I've got plans in mind to address that.

And widespread mental manipulation, or at least the casual acceptance of it? That wasn't meant to be addressed in this story. You're not wrong, the fact that it's there is troubling, and the apparent preference for harmony over justice is something that I plan to build upon with later works, but that wasn't the point of this tale or the point of the second epilogue. I'll admit, however, I'm probably only pointing out part of the problem rather than the whole, and a tweak or two might be a good idea. So thank you for pointing that out.

7888972 So the tl;dr is that the things I took issue with are two parts setting things up to be fixed in a future installment, one part misunderstanding on my end? I can accept that. Consider my objections withdrawn.

Regarding Flim and Flam, you have a good point there, one I don't actually see any flaw with. Even so, the Mane Six really have no room to claim moral superiority in this case since Flim and Flam didn't do anything wrong in SSCS6K.

The part about Equestria's permissiveness regarding mind control was an attack against canon, not your series. Most of that paragraph was a stream-of-consciousness rant about all the problems in the show that can easily be explained as a byproduct of prioritizing harmony at the cost of all else, and mind control and the acceptance thereof is a recurring issue with canon, as I pointed out there, which provides more to rant about.

7889022 Hey, it's alright. I get carried away sometimes too.

Echo, sweetie...

I heard you like mmmmmm... bananas?

7901667 I do! I'm a bitch who likes bananas! And I'm gonna like 'em a lot...ON THE MOON! :trollestia:

I'm sorry. I had a plan to work that bit with the banana costume into my stuff for a while now, and then the idea came to me to reference that video, and it seemed too good an opportunity to pass up.

As for why it happened in this version of events, when Applejack didn't mistakenly have her bass sold at a yard sale, well...the answer will come. With time. And it will be heartwarming.

7901857 Better - this story is part of a full-fledged, ongoing AU. Every story Echo has written fits into it at some point, though they haven't been written in chronological order.


Speaking of, I need to update all of the listings for these soon. I've got the chronological order on the TVTropes page for this, but I really should have it up here somewhere.

7914413 As stated multiple times, I moved the events surrounding Anon-A-Miss to between the first two films rather than after "Rainbow Rocks". I thought that it would make more sense at that point in the timeline rather than later. Also, the way I've dated things, that was the only way I could fit the events of the Holiday Special into my continuity.

7914515 Assuming that you're talking about Time Turner, Sparkler and Rose...time will tell. :twilightsmile:

7920886 I was just going for 'generic Western' with Applejack, and not making any specific references like I did with most of the others.

Heck, when I came up with that sequence, I was thinking more about weapons they'd wield at first - shotgun for Applejack, rapier for Rarity, industrial vacuum and then proton pack for Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy's more of a pacifist so she'd stay unarmed, and Rainbow Dash would go for the most awesome thing she could think of...and the most awesome thing I could think of that she'd wield would be an Iron Man suit, so there you go. The idea of costume changes came later, but it made sense. Plus I like the image of Applejack in a duster and bandoliers.

7929844 Anon-A-Miss by Dainn, and Bitter Tears: An Anon-A-Miss Fanfic by hattafan2593.

7902285 Hopefully blown in a good way.


You know what I really like about this story? The amount of integration between the Equestrian folk and the Canterlot High people (or, at least, some of them anyways). That's genius, that.

I look forward to writing about this~

8055614 Aw, thanks! It's only going to continue from here.

8086614 Never had one myself - I'm a staunch chocolate guy - but I'll take your word for it.

8088778 I personally don't ship them - I'm something of a SoarinDash shipper - the nod to it in this story was just Firefly being teasing about it.

And the revelation of Dash's parents appearing does pretty well screw things up on that front, yeah, but we'll see how it goes when the episode itself airs.

8088791 I'm just glad those shorts are freely available online and that someone ripped the music from them. Made things so much easier for me.

Had you actually read the passages that you're referencing, you'd know that what is being referred to as slavery there is much different from what we actually call slavery today. What is referred to there is a voluntary arrangement that lasts for a limited amount of time, after which the slave is to be given it's freedom, set for those who are in absolutely dire financial straits, or those who cannot repay their debts to someone they have wronged through forfeited currency or property. And laws were set into place to ensure that these "slaves" were treated as though they were hired help (which, in the case of the former, they basically were), not property. As to what we know as slavery, the penalty named for participating in that is death.

Overall, this felt like a big step forward for you. Sure, things got crowded, and the story lost focus for a bit, but you regained your stride at the end. This was a good look at characters, their emotions, and their relationships.

It’s Sunrunner. They found her

My hype would know no bounds except that I've looked ahead and instead, I'm tilted. I'll probably read it anyway because I have to know, but I'm still tilted.

I'm glad that you liked the story, and I'm glad that you're looking forward to seeing how that goes. As for having a tighter focus with my stories, yes, I can and probably should work on that. Thanks.

I could go into the proper chapter and reply there, but I kinda wanna condense all this into one comment. Makes like easier, ya know?


but Crystal Faire's presence evened the odds a bit.

This response tilts me. I get wanting to do cool stuff. Reflections was a sweet story. But this story was never about the fight with Nightmare. The mechanics of that fight weren't important at all, and if you needed Crystal there to "even the odds," then you could have easily just weakened the Nightmare instead. No, this was about characters and their relationships. It was about the trauma caused by the treachery that sprung from Anon-a-Miss.

The fight was a nice touch, sure, but it looks like you put too much focus on it.

It would have worked much better as an epilogue. It felt quite out of place in the middle of the story.

Like I said, it set up nicely for the scene with Dash's mom, so I suppose it's okay.

I'm looking forward to it in spite of everything. I think. :trixieshiftleft:

Anyhow, again, in spite of things getting a bit messy, this was easily my favorite thing of yours I've read. Now if only those "A nod."s would go away...

Ah. Yeah, sorry for misinterpreting.

Wait, which part? :rainbowhuh:

The last one, about how you were looking forward to the reunion between Sunset Shimmer and Sunrunner in spite of your criticisms of my works to date.

Ah, heh. It'll probably be a while before I'm willing to knowingly bait myself, even when it's for something I'm as hyped for as this.

Well, I can't promise that you'll be happy with what I provide, only to try and get better at providing it. Whether or not you like it is up to you...though I never complain when people like my stuff.

Wow. I'm starting to see Sunset Shimmer in a new light now, which I never thought I'd do. You can really feel for each of them, and especially for Sunset for what she's going through. (And your chapter titles are perfect) Have a like :twilightsmile:

Glad that you enjoyed it. I have something of a soft spot for Sunset, so she tends to get a bit of love from me. Don't see a problem with that.

Pinkie was the next one. Due to her excess energy and her tendency towards percussion with anything and everything available to her, the party girl soon found herself recruited into the band as a drummer. Sunset chuckled at the memory of her first drum session’s aftermath and the sight of Pinkie ponied up with her tongue sticking out of one corner of her mouth like a deranged Muppet.

Anyone else see pinky as being the world's most perfect animal from Muppets

Hey, if it's mentioned on TVTropes, there's gotta be some consensus.

Oh I've seen worse I mean for crying out loud one of my classmates was so obsessed with Doctor who he even had doctor who's little lock pick thingy stashed with him at all times including at school and kept on flashing every 5 minutes in art class Plus for the most part it seems like that's all he ever talked about a little annoying

Yeah, I get that. Not fun.

True but I still find that a little bit of an unorthodox style instead of telling them ways to fix their friendship she's basically making it sound like they never trusted each other at all

Trusting each other wasn't the issue so much as it was trusting Sunset. As much as their actions made a certain measure of sense, they still jumped to conclusions and accused Sunset of being Anon-A-Miss. They didn't trust her enough to consider that she was telling the truth, or that she'd have no motive to go back to her old ways. That's gotta raise some questions from an outside observer.

True I just never pictured vinyl as the religious type

Hey, some people show their faith off, others keep it to themselves. I see Vinyl as the sort to not show off her faith, but not inclined to deny it either.

Twilight is trying to figure out how much of the immediate area around the portal in the human world has things in common with Equestria and why.

No, Sunset hasn't met Equestria's Cheerilee. But enough time has passed that Twilight has likely talked about Equestria's Cheerilee.

They wouldn’t?

Too clever by half?

When did it hint that?

It depends on a lot of things.

How is that possible?

True, but so did rainbow dash.


So it’s like a crossover?

Wow, that seems like a lot. Also, I know she’s saying it out of guilt, but I’m just saying can they agree on if all of them or none of them are monsters?

Yes, about the glasses.

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