• Published 2nd May 2016
  • 2,568 Views, 59 Comments

The Last Impressionist - CrackedInkWell

On the way home one night, Fancy Pants discovers a painting of extraordinary quality being thrown away in the trash in the poorer part of Canterlot. Curious, Fancy discovers a depressed artist who's down on his luck named Acrylic Brush.

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Chapter 26: Dinner on the Observation Deck

Author's Note:

I'm trying to lighten up the mood in this chapter, because the next one is going to be a doozy.

The next day after we said our “thank you” and “goodbye” to Mr. Pose, we began our voyage homeward. Feeling rejuvenated and relaxed, I was ready for whatever challenges that Canterlot can throw at us. My mind was clear, healthy and calm. Although future plans were being made, I for one felt prepared to face them.

However, home was still a couple days away, and my coltfriend had asked me out on a simple date from one of the ship’s restaurants. This one was called the Observation Deck, in which the setting is on the top floor of the ship and in the open. It has promising reviews from what I’ve heard from both crew and passengers, which I can see why Acrylic chose this for our impromptu date.

“I must say,” I told him as he brushed my suit coat in the mirror. “This is rather thoughtful of you.”

“You know, after spending a couple of weeks of Fleur following us near-by, I were rather hoping that maybe we could go out together alone.”

“Understandable,” I nodded. “I admit that I too miss this sort of thing. Would you hoof me my pocket watch? Thank you.” Looking in the mirror, I was already ready to go until I noticed that Acrylic’s tie was crooked, “Hold still dear chap, and let me fix that.”

Using my magic, I help straighten out his black silky tie. “Oh, I didn’t notice that,” he said with a hint of embarrassment on his cheeks.

I couldn’t help but chuckle, “It’s quite alright. You still look as handsome as ever.”

“But nothing compared to you though,” he said. “So I think that’s everything isn’t it?”

“Just one more thing before we go up,” I leaned forward to kiss him. “There, much better. Now I’m ready to go.” We then made our way towards the upper levels of the steamliner towards the back. Up staircases and down brightly lit halls, we exited out through double glass doors and into the evening air of the sea. The night was clear overhead as Luna’s stars were starting to come out. There was a breeze that blew cool air onto the deck as we walked towards the place behind the last orange steam stack.

There underneath a canopy of grape lights were the tables and chairs of the open air restaurant. We could see the cooks roasting the vegetables on the grills while waiters went back and forth between them and the ponies that idly chatted away by the tables. Encompassing the whole place is a red velvet rope with a pony at a podium in the way.

“Excuse us,” my coltfriend said, “we have a reservation under Brush.”

The pony at the podium picked up a clipboard, after scanning it, he lead us to our seats. Once we’ve checked through the menu and placed our orders, I turned to the red stallion. “So how are you tonight my dear?”

“Oh I’m…” he looked over to the side, “still rather nervous.”

“But not excited?” I inquired, “After all, college is such a big step for you. Are you still worried about what the application letter will say?”

“Well, that. And I’ve been kinda wondering about all sorts of things like what classes to take once I get in.”

“Generally you’ll be covering some of the basic subjects first, thank you.” At that moment, the waiter had set our drinks down. “From what I can remember, I had to take a couple credits of Equestrian, math and social sciences, before I could attend the classes I wanted to participate in fully. Again, I think that you ought to take part-time classes where you’ll only have to attend two or three classes per week. That way, it would give you some mental breathing room for your jobs and with me.”

“Do they have art classes at Canterlot University?”

“They do indeed.” I smiled, “In fact, they have a master’s class over there where students get to learn from the most skilled artists in the country that drop by. I think you would fit in perfectly.”

Acrylic sipped some of the lemonade before he changed the subject, “What about you? Now that we’re going home, is there anything you’ll need to do?”

“Yes, quite. I’m going to be taking a part in the Grand Equestria Pony Summit as a delegate in a couple of weeks.”

He tilted his head to the side, “Oh? What’s that?”

“To put it in a nutshell, it’s a conference where the most influential ponies from all of the cities from Equestria’s come together to celebrate and learn from each other. But between you and me, it’s more of a glorified high school reunion than anything else.”

“What do you have to do?”

“Simply put, meet and greet the other delegates, catch up with everypony to see what’s changed, and do it all in a festival like atmosphere. Just think of it was a kind of party where ponies from far and wide come to.”

“So is it just something for delegates only?”

“Well, we can invite guests to come and join us too. I’d be glad to extend that invitation over to you if you really like.”

“I’ll think about it,” he rubbed his hooves together. “Look, I know this is off topic, but can I ask you something?” I told him he could, “When we were at the monastery, back when we were talking about our biggest fears that you’ve mentioned that you were afraid of ending up alone. What I want to ask is this – are you afraid that this won’t work out?”

I reached across the table to grasp his hoof, “Acrylic. The truth is that I’m getting tired of my relationships failing. I don’t want to be that gent where he dies in bed surrounded by nothing but cold wealth. You don’t want this relationship to end, well; neither do I. Because I do want this to work with you, to show you the life that you not just deserve, but need. Whatever it is, I will do everything in my power to be sure that you’re happy at the end of the day. Perhaps it’s no surprise that we both need a change in our lives to something worthwhile.”

“As of now,” he smiled. “All I want is to have a nice dinner with you by ourselves, and maybe go for a stroll along the decks if you’re up for it.”

“You know, for somepony that’s never been in a relationship before, you have a way of making this old geezer feel young again.”

Acrylic snorted, “You’re not that old.”

“Whatever you say,” I let go of his hoof. “After all, our holiday isn’t quite over until we’re back in Canterlot. We have plenty of time to be as romantic as we like.”

By then, the food we’ve been waiting for has been settled down on our table. My coltfriend looked up, “Yeah, plenty of time left.”


That night went smoothly if I do say so myself. After dinner we walked side-by-side around the length of the ship, talking about anything we could think of. But since we didn’t exactly up for any of the nightlife of the noisy dance halls, we decided to head over to my cabin where we played cards for a while.

At one point of our game, a question popped into my head, “Where is Cleo?”

“I had Fleur taken care of her,” he laid down his card on the table. “I’m letting her watch over the blessed feline while I’m with you tonight.”

This got my curiosity piqued, “Oh? Is that so? Tell me old sport, why would you want to do that?”

“Uh…” he paused, taking a glance over at the princess size bed behind him. “Fancy, I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you.”

“Of course you can, but I’m rather curious as to what exactly it is.”

“Well… if I do tell you, would you promise that you won’t jump to conclusions when I ask it.”

I nodded.

Taking a deep breath, his cheeks flushing, Acrylic said, “With your permission, sir, can I sleep in your bed tonight?”

Now I confess that while my monocle fell out of my eye, my face turned bright red, I sat there for a good thirty seconds trying to process what I’ve just heard, “Pardon?”

“It’s not what you think it is!” he held up his hooves defensively, his cheeks turning bright pink. “Just hear me out on this, okay?”

“Before I make the wrong assumptions, may I at least ask why?”

He took a moment to breathe, “Look, if we do feel so strongly about each other, we know that one of these days that we might… you know, do it in bed. But the thing is Fancy, I actually… well, never even slept and woke up with another pony in the same bed before. Now, I’m not asking you that we should do it right here and now. The truth is, I’m not exactly… well… ready for that yet. I just want to sleep by you so I can get used to it before we actually do it.”

“Oh,” I sighed in relief, “I was going to say that it’s a little bit too early for that. But I can see your reasoning though. You just wanted to sleep in the same bed as me so just to get you comfortable being around with another stallion?”

He nodded, “Literally.”

“Can I ask a very personal question of you Acrylic,” I said to him, “Are you saying that you’re a virgin?” His cheeks took on another shade of deeper crimson. “Oh… I see. Acrylic, I promise you that on my honor, I will not do anything without you saying so. Because in my opinion, having your first sexual experience with somepony should be a special thing between yourself and those you trust the most. I promise that I will not touch you in a way that you’re not comfortable with, okay?”

“But… we can still, you know, kiss and stuff.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “That is if you’re okay with that.”

I smiled as I got up to place my lips on his rosy cheeks, “That’s fine by me. I wouldn’t mind some old fashion cuddling from you now and again.”

A yawn escaped his mouth, “Thanks Fancy.”

“Though, aren’t you worried that Fleur might walk in the next morning and misinterpret two stallions laying side-by-side in the same bed?”

“Not if you keep the door locked,” he giggled. “Aren’t you feeling tired too?”

“Indeed,” I smiled, “Mind helping me get into bed?”

“Of course, sir,” acting like my Valet for a moment, Acrylic helped me get undressed, placing my clothing on hangers and my valuables away before I, in turn, assisted him with his. Once we’ve put everything away and turned down the covers, the two of us crawled into bed, side by side before turning the lights out.

In the dark, I reached for his hoof, “Are you going to be okay?”

“I… yeah, it’s just that I didn’t think you would say yes to this.”

I chuckled and felt for his face to kiss him on the nose. “Come now, you can trust me, can’t you? Just try to go to sleep, my dear.”

He in turned kissed me on the lips, “Alright, and again, thanks for doing this for me.”

I closed my eyes, my nose pointing towards my coltfriend while trying to drift off to sleep. But then I remembered something, “Oh before I forget,” I said softly. “By the time we get home, I want to invite my father over so that he can meet you properly.”


“I’ve promised him that the next time I get into a serious relationship with somepony, that I should have them introduced to him. Would that be alright with you?”

“Sure, I actually do trust Tweedy since you said so yourself, he’s not as bigoted as my parents. Besides, we might need his help anyway if I’m going to come out to them.”

“Understandable,” I yawned, “But anyway, goodnight old sport.”

“Goodnight Fancy,” he said before we were lulled by the silence, slipping into dreamland.

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