• Published 21st Apr 2016
  • 2,952 Views, 75 Comments

A Gem in Canterlot High - Golden Flare

Before Peridot's ship crashed, another Gem that was held prisoner had escaped and used one of the escape pods and landed in a different version of Earth. Now he tries to live a normal life, but he'll soon realize the past catches up with everybody...

  • ...

Chapter 4: Night of the Fall Formal

Back at my home, I waited for hours for night to come, since I already finished my daily chores around the house and Mr. Cake gave me the night off for the Fall Formal. Maybe tonight I'll see what's the big deal about that crown. Was that why Twilight was trying to become Princess of the Fall Formal? Or was she just trying to knock Sunset Shimmer off her pedestal?

Either way, I'm dying to see what happens.

Night had fallen across Canterlot, and I took this chance to look into my bunker before I leave for the formal. The only Gem that was in here was the one I recently defeated, I learned that it was called a "Tiger's Eye", seemed like an appropriate name for it. I sensed another presence behind me, no, it wasn't another Gem, it was a presence I'm all too familiar with.

"I hope you have a good reason for intruding my home AND my bunker...Sunset Shimmer."

"Aww, you noticed me, you're so sweet." she said.

"Your sinister aura is something I've known since Freshman year. What do you want?"

"To see if you're ready."

"I thought I explained to you that my clothing can only be changed if I'm destroyed and reformed."

"Oh no, we're not going to the Fall Formal, per se."


"We're going to send Snips and Snails in to give Twilight a little...persuasion, to hand over the crown."

"...And where do I come in?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Come on, let's go."


The two of us left and headed to the school, where the dunce duo were waiting for us; they were wearing top hats and those tacky tuxedo t-shirts.

"Okay, you two know the plan, right?" Sunset asked them.

"Right!" they said as they saluted.

"Good. Now go!"

They rushed into the school as Sunset walked behind the statue and picked up a sledgehammer.

"What's that for?" I ask.

"You'll see."

"Sunset..." I chastised.

"I'm not going to hurt anyone, okay?!"

I glare at her, "I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this plan."

She glares back, "You wouldn't dare betray me."


The doors quickly opened to reveal Snips and Snails carrying a purple dog with Twilight and her friends chasing after them, over to our area. Sunset stepped out from behind the statue and raised the sledgehammer above her head.

"That's close enough!"

This shocked the girls, especially when they saw me with her.

"Black...?" Applejack asked, "Why?"

I didn't say anything, I just looked away.


I looked at the dog the duo were holding. Did that dog just talk?

"Don't hurt him!" Twilight said.

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," Sunset said, "I'm not a monster, Twilight," she shifted her gaze to them, "let him go."

Snips and Snails were confused, but released him anyway. The dog ran to Twilight and she embraced him.

"You don't belong here." Sunset held her hand out, "Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight."


"Or keep it, and never go home!" she readied the hammer to swing, making Twilight gasp, "Tick-tock, Twilight, we haven't got all night, the portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So...what's your answer?"


What is she talking about?

Twilight took off the crown she was wearing and looked at it, obviously contemplating on what to do.

"No." she answered.

But Sunset didn't take kindly to it, "What?! Equestria, your friends, lost to you forever! Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?!"

"Yes. But I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic; Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony, this place might not, if I allow it to fall into YOUR hands! So go ahead, destroy the portal, you are NOT getting this crown!"

Now I get it.

That crown has some kind of powerful magic inside it.

This was Sunset's plan right from the very beginning.

But the question I want answered is...why?

"Fine. You win." Sunset drops the sledgehammer behind her and nearly hits Snips and Snails.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief when Rainbow came up next to her, "You. Are. So awesome!"

Applejack gave Twilight a pat on the back, "Can't believe you were gonna do that fer us."

Rarity spoke next, "It's no wonder you're a real, live princess."

Sunset looked like she was getting frustrated, and shouted out, "Oh, yes, she's so very special!"

With that said, she lunged at Twilight, knocking the crown off her head, the two tried to get the crown, but Twilight's dog nabbed it and ran away.

"Grab him, you fools!"

Snips and Snails charged forward to catch him, but I remained where I stood, not wanting to be part of Sunset's sick game anymore, regardless of what dirt she has on me. Out of frustration and anger, she went after the dog herself, knocking her cronies out of her way. The little guy couldn't get in the front door and Sunset had him cornered.

"Spike! Spike!" Rainbow called with her arms out.

The dog named Spike took the hint and whipped his head towards her, letting go of the crown and sending it to her. She caught it with ease, but Snips and Snails tried to snatch it.

"Fluttershy!" she called as she tossed it to her friend.

Fluttershy froze with fear after seeing the people barreling at her, so Applejack pulled out a lasso and saved her, but she dropped the crown, allowing Snips to get it. Pinkie was able to sneak up on him and take it, initiating a game of Hot Potato until Twilight accidently threw it to Sunset.

"I'll take that!" Sunset giggled evilly, "At last!"

Spike growled at her as Twilight picked him up.

"More power than I could ever imagine!"

Sunset placed the crown on top of her head, and right then and there, I saw the change.

The crown glowed a sinister green and enveloped her in a beam of dark magic, levitating her into the air against her will. The students began coming out and seeing the chaos occurring here. I could see Sunset crying from crown's power, but the dark magic burned away her tears and her eyes began to glow.

She underwent some grotesque transformation; her skin turned red, she developed claws, and even her clothing changed. She held herself as a thunderclap sounded through the area, when the light died down, we saw the transformation was complete; her hair looked more fiery than before, her sclera turned from white to black, her irises remained the same cyan color, she sprouted wings, pointy ears, and she was wearing a fiery dress with black spiky heeled boots. She cackled as she looked herself over, admiring her new look, which was hideous in my eyes, she looked like a demon from Tartarus, as the locals call it.

She sneered devilishly as she blasted Snips and Snails with dark magic, transforming them into demons as well, but smaller and different colored.

"This is gonna be so cool!" Snips said with glee.

They started going towards the girls, ready to attack them, until the students screamed out in fear and making Sunset turn her attention to them as they retreated back into the school.


She used her dark magic on the wall, crumbled it, and tossed it to the side, flying inside as the student body ran in panic. She looked around and then closed her eyes, focusing her magic as she opened them, revealing hypnotic swirls that would give little kids nightmares. Rings of dark magic closed in the students' heads, turning them into mindless zombies, Sunset admired her handiwork as Snips and Snails walked up to her.


They saluted and got to work. Sunset walked out of the school and saw the girls waiting for her.


Twilight looked upset when she saw Flash become one of Sunset's army, but recollected herself and geared up for a fight, "No. You're not."

Sunset flew to her and cackled again, "OH PLEASE. WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING TO DO TO STOP ME? I HAVE MAGIC, AND YOU. HAVE. NOTHING!" she emphasized that last word with her hair burning up.

"She has us!" Rainbow proclaimed with the others behind her, making Twilight smile and Sunset so angry that her eye twitched again.


She made the fireball grow bigger and threw it at the girls, Twilight tried to shield herself and the girls did the same as the attack came flying at them.

Okay, this madness has GOT to stop!

I ran out in front of them and summoned my scythe, ready to block the blow, it made contact and, predictably, my other skill activated; my scythe absorbed the energy from the ball of fire, reducing it to nothing as my scythe's blade glowed blood red.

Sunset laughed as she thought victory was in her grasp, only to look and see the girls were alright and...glowing?

"WHAT?!" she exclaimed.

"I second that, WHAT?!" I said.

They all looked at each other and smiled, while Twilight looked like she had a major revelation.

"The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!"

A light came from the crown and enveloped the girls.

Sunset looked at me in anger, "YOU!!! YOU BETRAYED ME!!!"

"When you tried to kill the girls, all bets were off!" I replied, "So take THIS!"

I swung my scythe and launched a wave of blood red energy at Sunset and it exploded on contact, sending her flying into the building and creating a Sunset She-demon indent.

"Black?" Twilight questioned.

"I don't know what's going on, but whatever you're all doing, I'll buy you some time, just do it quick!" I said, then rushed to Sunset, ready to fight.

Moonstone's POV

The subject has commenced battle with the demoness creature, trying to protect the powerful magic those females possess. I made a call to the rest of the team.

"Hey, are you guys seeing this?"

"I'm seeing it, but I'm not believing it."

"I say we step in and deal with that monstrosity."

"Aw c'mon! Can't we wait and see what happens? It's just getting good!"

"Stop acting childish, Sunstone." I ordered, "But she's got a point, I wish to see where this goes as well."

"Are you serious?!"

"For the love of karat, shut up, Amazonite! I'm leading this operation, and I agree with Sunstone and Moonstone, I'm curious about these girls' power."


"Must you always be so headstrong, Amazonite? You'd be more attractive if you dropped the attitude."

"I'm doing this for my Diamond, not to hook up with some lunkhead Gem!"

"Whatever. Labradorite, shall I make my move after the dust settles?"

"Be my guest. Just don't rough them up TOO bad."


I disconnect the call and watch the battle unfold.

"King may trump Queen, but Ace trumps all," I summon my weapon, a scythe with a crescent shaped blade, and checked its sharp edge with a finger, "and I have one up my sleeve..."

Black's POV

I ran up to Sunset as she pried herself off the wall of the school, jumped up, and delivered a double kick to her head, making her stumble back. She growled in anger as she tried to blast me with a green energy ray, but I absorbed it with my scythe and sent it back to her. She became enraged after the explosion and resorted to attacking me with her claws. After the first two swipes, during the third one, I grabbed her wrist, conducted a 90 degree spin, and using my super strength, I flung her into the side of the building, creating another indent.

The two kept trading blows as the girls charged up their magic, making Sunset frustrated by the sheer absurdity of her opponent being able to beat her.


"Not a chance!" I said.


"...Because all life is precious, and worth protecting."

(stop music)

THAT left her dumbstruck.

"That's what Rose Quartz taught me, and I swore to live by her words after she passed on. I may hate humans, but I still believe life is precious, no matter who or what it is. Even me...and even you. Right now, I could've killed you at any time, but I didn't, because if I did, I would've gone against everything I believe in. I refuse to fight you anymore, Sunset."


I smirk, "The fact that I've bought just enough time."



"Together with the crown, they create a power far beyond anything you could imagine," suddenly, Sunset began clutching the sides of her head in sheer agony, "but it is a power you don't have the ability to control. The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all - the Magic of Friendship!"

The girls held each other's hands in the form of a heart and two halves of a rainbow coiled upwards, then collided together to make a full rainbow that headed towards Sunset's demon form.

"NO!" as the rainbow wrapped itself around her, she grunted in pain, "WHAT, IS, HAPPENING?!"

"Here, and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!"

They glowed so much that were incased in a ball of light and they released a beam to the students that freed them from Sunset's mind control, and made it to Snips and Snails, trapping them in rainbow tornados as well. The girls gathered together and the ball of light grew brighter and brighter until the entire area was engulfed by it. The student body approached the broken entrance of the school and saw the girls lying on the ground unconscious. They slowly began to wake up, except for Twilight, who had to be woken up by Spike licking her face, Twilight smiled as Spike leaped into her arms and the two cuddled before seeing the crater left by their performance. Twilight, accompanied by her friends and myself, walked up to the massive hole in the ground to see Sunset Shimmer, completely purified of her demonic transformation.

"You will never rule in Equestria," Twilight stated, "any power you may've had here in this world is gone; tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are, you've shown them what is in your heart."

Sunset raised her head and showed everyone something I never thought she was capable of...

...She was crying.

"I...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I didn't know there was another way!" she said.

"The Magic of Friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria, it's everywhere." Twilight looked back to see her friends, "You can seek it out...or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours."

"But...But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship."

Twilight grasped her hand and pulled her out of the crater and waved another hand to her friends, "I bet they can teach you."

"Those are my girls! Whoo-hoo!" Spike declared.

"Did that dog just talk? Whoa, weird." one of the guys said.

Spike looked annoyed, "Seriously? A talking dog is the weird thing about all this?"

"I, for one, think you're adorable." Rarity said while picking him up and scratching between his ears.

"Oh yeah." he said, enjoying Rarity's treatment.

Principal Celestia walked to Twilight with the crown in her hands, "I believe this belongs to you. A true princess in any world leads, not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen you are capable of just that, I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight."

"...I do." Twilight says.

With that, everyone cheers for her, slightly starling her.

"Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?" Flash asks as he holds out his hand to her, smiling.

Twilight looks at the moon for some reason, then back at Flash, and grabs his hand, giggling in embarrassment.

Just then, I sensed something...something familiar...

...Another Gem.

Before Flash could escort Twilight back to the dance floor, I grabbed her shoulder and stopped them, "Black? Is something wrong?" Twilight asked.

I looked up at the roof of the school, "Whoever's hiding up there, come out. NOW."


Then, a mysterious figure leaped off the roof and landed in front of Twilight, Flash, and I; she had a slim humanoid body, pale white skin, purple hair with white highlights, purple eyes, wearing a purple shirt with pink accents, black shorts, dark purple cloak and boots. But also had something on its right shoulder blade that really caught my interest: a crescent shaped, bluish white gemstone.

"Greetings, Black Crystal, I have been waiting to make my approach." she spoke.

"Alright, who are you?" I demand.

"I am Moonstone, second in command of the Feldspar Gems."

Suddenly, I was in shock. The Feldspar Gems? Why are THEY here?!

"You seem surprised. It is an expected reaction. After all, you know who we are." she pointed to my belt, "And that mark is the proof."

"...The Feldspar Gems...Homeworld's Black Ops Team...Why are you here?"

"Yellow Diamond wants you dead because she assumed you possessed a power that could easily rival a naturally created Diamond. Personally, I didn't believe it at first, but seeing your two most recent battles proved that those assumptions were correct."

"Two most recent...!" I then realized something, "It was YOU!" I pointed a finger at her, "YOU'RE the one who sent that Tiger's Eye after me!"

"We had to test you to make sure Yellow Diamond wasn't arrogantly blowing smoke, but you proved her right."

"'We'? So there's more of you."

"Of course. But they're in hiding at the current moment. It's just you and me. That being said..."

Moonstone reaches her left hand to her gemstone as it glows and pulls out her Gem weapon: a crescent shaped scythe. It looked a lot like mine, but hers has a more clean, sharp edge.

"...This game of chess has begun, and I shall be the knight that topples the king."

"Wait, what?"

"Allow me to rephrase; I will now exercise my abilities by terminating your existence."

That was all I needed to pull out my own Gem weapon and ready my battle stance. The two of us stared each other down, neither of us showing any fear nor hesitation. We both took one step, then just before the next one, we used the foot in front of us to propel us forward towards each other at break neck speed and clashed blades in the middle. I ground my teeth as I struggled to push her back, but she appears to be stronger than I originally thought, she doesn't even look like she's breaking sweat holding me back with little to no effort.

Eventually, we pushed away from each other and she rushed up to me with what appeared to be super speed and used her scythe against mine and broke it, shards flying everywhere. She smirks at her little accomplishment, but I smirk back, knowing one of my other abilities whenever my scythe's blade is shattered. In my mind, I picture the shards morphing into smaller scythes, which they did in reality, and I sent them flying at Moonstone, leaving gashes all over her body in their wake.

I hold my scythe in front of me and regenerate its blade to its former glory, I rush back into the fight, intent to take down Moonstone.

Labradorite's POV

"She's not going to make it."

The remainder of my teammates hiding with me looked surprised at my words.

"Who?" Amazonite inquired.



"Come now, Labradorite," Sunstone interjected, "have a little faith in her, why don'tcha."

"Faith has nothing to do with it," I counter, "it's clear that Black Crystal is the better fighter, and it's only a matter of time until Moonstone's physical form is destroyed."

"So what do we do? Nothing?" Amazonite asked, tauntingly.

"No. We wait. Wait until Moonstone's inevitable defeat, then grab her gemstone and return to Homeworld for debriefing. If they interrogate her for information, the whole operation is up in smoke."

"And how, pray tell, do we get back to Homeworld?"

I didn't respond, I just contacted one of our fellow Homeworld Gems.

"This is Peridot 012, go ahead."

"This is Labradorite, Moonstone has initiated combat with the target, but our second in command will eventually fall. Requesting permission for an emergency evac."

"Hmm...I've always trusted your judgement, it never steered us wrong before. Permission granted. Peridots! Prep an emergency evac!"

The call disconnects.

"Amazonite, get ready to grab Moonstone when she's destroyed."

"Grr...understood." Amazonite agreed, begrudgingly.

Black's POV

The two of us kept trading blows; one minute I'm ahead, and the next I'm behind, and then finally, I shatter her scythe. I rush up to her, my own scythe reared back and ready to swing, when I remembered her little quote about chess, so I spoke...



And I decapitated her in one swing.

"No...way..." she uttered, breathlessly.

Then, she exploded in a cloud smoke, leaving behind her gemstone as it clattered on the ground.

"Okay, now to bubble this up and send it to the bunker."

I walk over and kneel down to pick it up...

...Only for a gigantic broadsword to be pointed at my face.

"Sorry, but you ain't doing nothing with nobody."

I look at my newest assailant; she was fit, but muscular, had pale green skin, green eyes, black hair with a green highlight, wearing a white crop top with an overly long right sleeve and no left sleeve under a pale green hooded mantle, a green armored skirt, black shorts, black and green boots, and fingerless gloves, and her diamond shaped gemstone was in the center of her forehead. All in all, she looked like an amazon warrior.

"Ooooh! Isn't that the buster sword from that old game?" I hear Pinkie ask.

"You mean Pony Fantasy VII?" Rainbow asked back.

"Eeyup." Big Mac said.

"Step away from the gemstone." the amazon-like Gem ordered.

I just growled in frustration.

"Go on, get back." I took the hint and stepped away, "Sunstone, go get it."

I look to her left and see another Gem; she was beefy for Gem, had golden skin, spiky dark gold hair, yellow eyes, wearing a long, yellow, sleeveless dress with orange accents with slits to expose her thighs, white shorts, and white boots and gloves, and she had her circular gemstone upon her chest. She walked to Moonstone's gemstone and picked it up.

"No sudden moves or I'll bash your head in." she said.

"You got her? Good."

Over to the amazon Gem's right, I see yet another Gem; he had light gray skin, black eyes with green slits, dark gray hair wearing a gray leotard with greenish accents, brown furry wrists, ankles, and shoulders, black boots, outfit has various discolorations of green, yellow, and blue on black parts, dog-like hood, wears sleeveless gloves, but no shoes, and his gemstone was on his left canine.

"Since you now know about us, I believe introductions are in order; I am Labradorite," he said, then began naming off the others, "You already heard Sunstone's name, and this," he patted the amazon's shoulder, "is Amazonite."

I summon my scythe and level it at them, "...Black Crystal."

"No need to introduce yourself, we know who you are."

Just then, above the skies, the giant neon green hand appeared. It was Peridot's ship. But how? A large green orb hovered down from the ship and just behind the enemy Gems, it opened to reveal Peridot, but she seemed to be a darker green, could it be a different Peridot?

"Get in, quickly!" the Peridot said.

"Right," Labradorite said, turning to the others, "you heard her, get on board!"

The other two nodded, Sunstone ran into the pod, but Amazonite kept her "buster sword" leveled at me as she backed into the pod, she dismissed her weapon, and turned to enter with her team, but whipped her head back to me.

"You destroyed my teammate's physical form," she said, contemptuously, "I'm gonna remember you for this, it's not over!"

She climbed in the pod as it closed and it hovered back to the ship, which entered some kind of light speed, leaving the planet's atmosphere. I dismiss my own weapon and breathe a sigh of relief, glad that little problem was over.


Only for a new one to arise.

I turn around to see Twilight, the one who spoke, and her friends, glaring at me.

"Is there something you're not telling us?"

I sigh again, but this time in exasperation, "Okay...you win."

I explain to them everything I know about Gems, even who I truly was, from being Homeworld's assassin to becoming a mercenary in Rose Quartz's army to save a different Earth than the one they know. I even told them how I'm the only one of my kind; since I was swayed by Rose Quartz's words after I was tasked to assassinate her, Homeworld dubbed Black Crystals to be failures and dismissed the project without a single thought, never creating more. As I finished, the girls' expressions ranged from anger to shock to interest.

"So...that's pretty much everything. I didn't tell anyone all this for their own protection, even Sunset Shimmer didn't get every bit of information from me."

"Hmm..." Twilight seemed deep in thought, "Okay...I believe you."

I was surprised by Twilight's acceptance, "Really?"


"Same here," Applejack stepped up, "ya didn't speak a single lie in yer explanation, so Ah believe ya, too."

The rest of the girls voiced their agreements, but Sunset remained quiet as she walked up to me.

"Black?" she asked.


"I...I wanted to apologize for my behavior toward you...and I was hoping...if we could start over, and be friends. No blackmail, no joining anything bad, I just want you to be my friend."

"Hmm......" I purposely took my time just to torment Sunset one last time for everything she did, I honestly once believed that she was unworthy of friendship.

But I don't anymore.

"Okay, we can be friends." I quickly answer, earning a shocked expression from the whole school.

"R-R-Really?" she stuttered.

"Of course. It's obvious you've changed, and I've never seen you show remorse before, so...yes, I'll be your friend."

Sunset smiled wide and swiftly embraced me, "Thank you, Black! Thank you so much!"

I hesitated, but soon enough I hugged her back, feeling a warmth inside me I haven't in over a millennia. And it felt good.

"Now that the situation is taken care of," Celestia interjected, "how about we head back inside and continue our Fall Formal?"

Everyone cheered and returned inside the school, except for Sunset and I, the former because she felt like she didn't deserve to go in, and the latter, myself, just wasn't into the whole dance scene.

"Black..." Sunset spoke, "W-Will you..."

"Yeah." I say, "I'll stay here with you for the night."

She sniffs, "Thank you."

She and I sit down, propped up against the base of the statue, looking at the stars as we sat close to each other. The occasional passerby would assume we were dating, but everyone knows that isn't happening.

I look at her peaceful form and think, Not yet, anyway.

The Fall Formal ended on a high note and the girls were wishing Twilight goodbye while Sunset and I stood by the ruins of the school's entrance.

"You'll look out for her, won't you?" Twilight asked them.

"Of course we will," Rarity said, then crossed her arms, "although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle."

"I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies." just as Twilight said that, Vice Principal Luna handed Sunset a spatula and Snips and Snails came with a wheelbarrow full of bricks.

"It's okay, I'll help you." I reassure her, earning a grateful smile from her.

"We better get going." Spike said.

Twilight nodded to him and turned back to her friends, "I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I'm going to miss you all so much."

She allowed a stray tear to glide down her face as she took a deep breath and turned to the portal.

Spike walked up to her and said, "That crown does suit you, Princess Twilight."

"You know what, Spike? I am feeling a bit more comfortable wearing it."

"And the wings?"

"I've been walking around on two legs and picking things up with these!" she empathized by holding her hands up, "Wings? I'm thrilled that's all I'll be dealing with back in Equestria!"

With that, the two other-worlders left through the portal and the moon reached its peak in the sky, negating the girls' new transformations. Pinkie tried to go after them, but hit a solid surface, indicating the portal has closed.

"Oh, bummer!" Pinkie whined.

I allow a small laugh at Pinkie's randomness, finding a new fondness for the girls.

"So..." Sunset began, prompting me to look at her, "That stuff with Homeworld...is it over?"

My eyes widened in horror and realization; Homeworld now knows where I am, and will stop at nothing to be rid of me.

I slowly shook my head, "No..." I then look up into the night sky...

"...It's just beginning."

Now I know, without a single doubt...

...Life at Canterlot High School will never be the same again.

Homeworld is coming...

...And Tartarus is coming with them.

Author's Note:

Looks like there's gonna be a rivalry between Black and Amazonite, everyone knows who Black really is, and Homeworld will soon return, stay tuned for the fun :scootangel:

A moustache for anyone who guesses the reference to "Megaman Legends" for PS1

Sunstone, Amazonite, and The Feldspar Gems belong to Nova Arc

EDIT: Nova Arc informed me that Moonstone was really a female, so I edited it accordingly