• Published 18th Apr 2016
  • 6,081 Views, 200 Comments

The Ties That Bind - chief maximus

A newly minted ruler finds herself in need of advice, and has a radical idea. What if she tried asking her new 'friends' she met at the Gauntlet? One of them was a princess, maybe she could help her?

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Heavy Are The Horns Part 1

You know, I think I get it now. I'm beginning to understand why my Dad didn't want me to compete. That day at the volcano seemed like forever ago, but I can still hear my dad being his loud, mouthy self. I remember him telling me I wasn't allowed to try for the scepter. Sure, I stormed off, but it wasn't without a plan. I always had one. I grew up watching him rule our kind. He was the biggest dragon I'd, or anyone else had ever seen. He was always quick to remind me of that. And now, to see him like this... it's almost too much. I know we've only exchanged a few letters, and this one probably seems pretty out of the blue, but I didn't know who else to turn to. I figured, as a princess yourself, you might find the time to come by the Dragon Lord's fortress. With this letter, you'll find two special badges. Wear them on your journey, and no dragon will dare hurt you. Please, I hope you'll accept my invitation.

Dragon Lord Ember the Wise

Twilight set the letter down on the crystal table in front of her throne. Spike was still out running errands, and she knew he'd be eager to know what the letter from his friend Ember said. She gently bit her bottom lip as she considered the Dragon Lord's invitation. She had every intention of honoring it. After all, what kind of friend would she be if she declined? Leaving a newly minted ruler out in the cold was certainly not something befitting the Princess of Friendship.

She levitated her day planner over from a bookshelf and opened it. Twilight hummed to herself as she glanced over the coming week's tasks. It looked like there was nothing she couldn't reschedule, and nothing she'd been putting off that absolutely needed to get done.

Her front door slammed open, nearly startling her out of her throne. Spike had returned with arms full of groceries, stacked so high she doubted he could see where he was going. "I'm back from the market!" he called proudly as she lightened his load with her magic, setting the tower of foodstuffs in the kitchen.

"I see you deviated from the list a little bit." Twilight chuckled.

"Just a little," he replied, handing her the remaining bits from his trip.

As he did, he noticed the letter on the table.

"Is that from Ember?" he gasped, recognizing the broken seal on the outside.

Twilight nodded. "It is. She's invited us to the dragon lands for a few days."

Spike was nearly overflowing with excitement. "Can we go? We're going, right?" he said breathlessly.

"That depends. I seem to remember a certain dragon's room being pretty messy the last time I checked," she reminded him.

He disappeared in a flash down the hallway. "I'll have it cleaned in no time!" he called over his shoulder as his stubby legs carried him as fast as they could to his bedroom.

She smiled, glancing back down at the letter. She removed the two badges and examined them. Fairly simple, two jeweled talismans with Ember's likeness on the front and back. Its simplistic design made Twilight wonder how easy they would be to forge. Not that she had any intentions of trespassing in the dragon lands, but a fledgeling nation-state should at least have a standardized foreign affairs office!

But perhaps she was reading too much into it. She trotted over to her writing desk and set about composing a reply.

Dear Dragon Lord Ember the Wise...

Ember sat back in her throne, letting the letter fall to the ground. The gold coins beneath her clinked as she shifted atop her modest hoard, the sound filling the high ceilings of the room. The Dragon Lord's fortress had been her home since as far as she could remember. It seemed natural to her that she had kept the ruling title in her family. It certainly didn't sit well with some dragons, but being the solitary creatures that they were, most bitter feelings left with them as they dispersed back to their homes in the far flung reaches of the world.

A groan from the far end of the massive treasure room drew her attention. Her father lay curled on his hoard. A massive hoard for a massive dragon, it made sense to her. He had been growing weaker since the Gauntlet.

"Dad, are you okay?" she asked, walking towards her father. He was just as big as he had been, but now, without a purpose, he seemed to grow weaker with each passing day. His eyes cracked open, vertical pupils widening and then focusing on his daughter. Now it was she who bore the ring of the Dragon Lord on her horn.

"Ember..." he whispered, though even his indoor voice nearly shook the room.

"Yeah, I'm here," she said, gently touching her father's cheek.

"Have I ever told you... about your mother?"

Her mother. She had only known him. He was all she had. She smiled, and sat next to her father.

"No, I don't think you have."

Spike and Twilight traveled across the rocky ground, dodging the lava pits of the dragon homeland, their badges dangling from their necks.

"So do you think Ember's enjoying being the new Dragon Lord?" Spike asked, bouncing from rock to rock. The miles they'd put between themselves and Ponyville didn't seem to wear down the young dragon's enthusiasm.

"Well, it did seem like she was a bit unsure of herself, but I'm sure she's doing alright," Twilight replied, more than grateful to be able to experience the dragon lands in something other than a rock costume. She'd packed plenty of note taking material for any impromptu learning that might occur during their trip.

The arid, tough landscape was beginning to take a toll on her hooves.

"Spike, do you think I could just fly us there? These rocks are killing my hooves."

He looked toward the lone mountain on the horizon. The Dragon Lord's fortress loomed large, but within reach. "I guess it would get us there faster..." He seemed reluctant as he climbed on her back. She could guess why. Shortly after the Gauntlet of Fire, he had become fairly self-conscious about his lack of something it seemed most, if not all dragons had. Unfortunately, very little was known in the way of how a dragon matures, so most of his questions were fairly difficult for Twilight to answer.

"What're you doing here, nerd?"

Spike gulped. Even after all this time, he still knew that voice. He and Twilight turned to face the red dragon as Spike slid off her back.

"Just checking to see if you've hugged every dragon on the planet yet," Spike replied. He had to admit, he was getting better at comebacks.

"Why, you little runt!" Garble growled, clenching his fists and stepping towards them.

"Not so fast," Twilight piped up, levitating their badges into view. "You'll leave us alone if you know what's good for you."

He scoffed. "You think some homemade badges are gonna stop me from pummeling you into powder for humiliating me? And now you bring their kind here?" He kept pressing forward, and threw a punch towards Spike. Twilight charged a defensive spell, but before she could cast it, the badges themselves lit up. A powerful blast of magic repelled Garble though a boulder and into another one. Garble unburied himself, shaking with fury. "You think just because you helped Ember you can bring ponies in our lands?!" He spat. "Have fun being her pet while it lasts. She won't be the Dragon Lord for long."

He took off without another word. Spike watched him go before turning to Twilight.

"Spike, these talismans are enchanted with dragon magic! We've got to ask if we can keep them when we see Ember! I've always dreamed of being able to study dragon magic, and this is the perfect opportunity!"

He glanced at the badge, Ember's likeness staring back at him. "Twilight," he interrupted her rambling. "Did you hear what Garble said before he left?"

She paused and scratched her head. "Uh... was it something stupid? I tend to tune him out."

"He said Ember won't be Dragon Lord much longer."

Twilight scoffed. "Spike, Ember did just fine against him during the Gauntlet of Fire, and now that she's got the Bloodstone Scepter, he'd be crazy to try anything! Not to mention her dad is gigantic!"

Spike looked back to the horizon. "You're probably right; let's just get to the fort."

He climbed on her back and with a flap of her wings, they were in the sky. As they flew, Spike couldn't help but worry. Garble was a jerk, but surely even he wasn't crazy enough to usurp a dragon tradition nearly as old as time itself. The jagged, inhospitable landscape passed by below him. This was his home, or, it would have been, if not for Celestia. It was little wonder to him that dragons acted the way they did. After all, they lived in nearly deserted lands, with little to no contact with any other creature until the migration. All most dragons care about is their hoards, and how to make them larger, or protect them. He was truly the outlier of his kind.

Within the hour, they arrived at the mouth of a massive volcano. The mountain itself seemed to be shaped like a roaring dragon, smoke billowing from it's mouth and into the sky, staining the vibrant hues of the setting sun with an ashen coat.

Against her better judgement, Twilight held her breath and flew into the ash cloud and down into the volcano. After punching through the obscuration, she spotted what appeared to be an entrance into the side of the mountain. She touched down, letting Spike slide off her back.

"Spike... is it... a little... warm in here?" she asked, trying to catch her breath.

"Feels fine to me," he replied, heading into the cave with Twilight in tow. The magma chamber lit the way as they trekked deeper into the cave, Twilight secretly hoping they'd picked the right volcano to fly into.

To Twilight's relief, the cave opened up to a main room carved out of the mountain itself, Twilight forgot all about the oppressive heat as she tried to take in all the ancient history stored in this one room.

"So... much... history!" she squealed as Ember entered from a far hallway, scepter in claw.

"Ember!" Spike said excitedly, zipping across the room. She raised her claws in defense as Spike wrapped his arms around her waist. "Still getting the hang of hugs, huh?" Spike asked with a smile.

She smiled, returning the embrace. "I guess I am. Not much hugging goes on around here since you guys left."

Spike separated as Twilight hugged her as well, a little quicker on the draw this time.

"I set a room aside for you guys. Ponies sleep on hay, right?" Ember asked.

"Uh..." Twilight paused as Spike gave her a knowing look. "I'm sure it'll be fine." She recalled that there probably weren't many books on pony culture in an active volcano.

"I'm sure you're both tired from the trip; There'll be time for talking tomorrow," Ember said. "Your rooms are down this hall," she said.

As they walked, Ember stopped Twilight. "Princess, do you think I could talk to you now for a second?"

She stopped, looking back at Spike, who had turned to wait on her. "Go ahead and get settled in, Spike, I'll be there in a moment."

He glanced at the two of them suspiciously, but shrugged. "Sure thing, Twilight."

After he'd disappeared Ember sighed.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" Twilight asked.

Ember looked at the scepter, and back to Twilight. She hesitated. Dragons didn't talk about their feelings. It was still a daunting task for her to admit anything to anyone, even her father. And now, she was going to just open up to someone she'd only met once before? A weight fell into her stomach. Everything she'd been taught told her that dragons were rocks, islands of power that needed nothing and no one but their treasure. But with that, came a competing sense. As though she had this burden inside her she had to share with someone. She ruled an entire species now, she and she alone was responsible for the survival of her race! How could she entrust herself to a pony?

She steeled herself, but Twilight broke the silence.

"I know you may not be comfortable sharing your feelings. My kind doesn't know much about dragons that grew up in the traditional way, but I don't want to push you to do something you aren't ready for."

Ember met Twilight's eyes. There was something in them that she'd never sensed from any of the dragons she'd ever come across. She couldn't place it, but if she had to guess, it seemed like... compassion.

"Take your time. You invited us here. We can talk whenever you feel ready." Twilight turned to head down the hallway. Ember watched her go. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Writing letters was far easier than speaking in person about something so foreign. Plucking up all her courage, she forced her words to come.

"I don't think I can do this."

Twilight paused, turning back to her hostess with a raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Do what?"

"I... I don't think I can be the Dragon Lord."