• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


By windward strides and holy ghosts, what rests beside the barren coasts?


Long passed are the days of ancient Roam, and gone is her marble splendor. Her legions, once powerful, march only in the pages of dusty books, her gods long since forgotten in all but name. Her emperors and statesmares are dust in their tombs, her flag flies no more above her ancestral lands, lands now called Equestria.

But she is not gone. Indeed, a revival may soon be hers, for there is one thing of Roam's that lives once again. It lives in the roar of crowds and the smell of oil and sand, and the clatter of wooden wheels. It lives in olive branches and colored pennants, and its name is on the lips of every pony. Chariots live once more in the hearts and minds of ponies.

Scootaloo is no different. Never quite able to claim the sky, and drifting aimlessly through her adolescent years, she stumbles upon this ancient sport, and something in it calls to her, as nothing before has. It will take years of practice, the truest of friends, and tears, sweat, and yes, even blood, but there will come a day when she can experience the rush of the wind in her mane, and the roar of the crowd in her ears.

This is a story of long-dead glory reclaimed, a story of bitter rivalry and sweet passions. This is a story of life new-lived, of speed and triumph and death and love. This is the story of the Scarlets, greatest of their time.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Oh my god this checks all of my boxes



Best movie. Fuck you, Morgan Freeman.

I'm looking forward to this so much.

Ooooh! Looks promising.

This is interesting. I can't wait to see how the Crusaders form a chariot team, though I'm a little sad Babs isn't involved. With Two Apple family members on the team they'd have lots of power and she'd probably give them each a signature mane style to show off more.

7083563 I've never seen the movie... but I can tell the guy with the black horses is a D:yay:K with how he keeps using the whip and how the guy with the white horses just uses his reins. Not to mention the primitive wheel shredders.

The guy with the black horses is an arrogant Roman noble, and the guy with the white is a poor Jewish ex-slave, so you're pretty on the nose there.

I hate it when people don't read a story just because it doesn't have pretty fan art.

This is indeed glorious! :rainbowdetermined2:
More please?

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