• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 1,583 Views, 67 Comments

My Little Adept - Dolphy Blue Drake

An Earth Pony with little memory is found in a forest. He insists that he's supposed to be human, claiming to be something called a "Venus Adept". The one thing he remembers perfectly is his own name: "Felix".

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Chapter 1: Amnesia

The first sense to return to me was touch, and with it came searing pain. I groaned and cried out, but I had no idea if anyone heard me because I couldn’t even hear myself.

Next came smell, and with it, the scent of charred flesh and ozone.

Then taste, and I started to gag from the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

Hearing came next, and I heard a voice.

“Are you okay? Wait, what a stupid question! Of course you’re not! How bad is it?”

The voice was female, but I couldn’t place it. Jenna? Kay? The names seemed familiar, as if I should know those two women very well, as if they were family, but I was drawing a blank. I just knew the voice didn’t belong to either of them. Too raspy.

Other names sifted into my mind. Mia? Sheba? No. Those were wrong, too. I tried to speak and ask her name, but all that came out was ragged coughs.

I started to get to my feet even though my sight hadn’t returned, but I felt something hard, like a hoof, press down on my back as the voice said, “No. Don’t get up. You’re hurt pretty bad. I’ve already sent for help. Stay put.”

Heedless of the warnings, I focused my mind to tap into my inner well of mental power: Psynergy. Mine stems from Venus, the element of earth, so I can use the spell I needed at that moment: Move.

Though I couldn’t see, I choked out the word “Move,” before guiding the hand I conjured to shove whatever was pinning me down off of me. I crawled forward until I felt a tree, not caring about the yelp of surprise the non-Adept gave when what must’ve seemed like an invisible force pushed whatever animal she was using off of me.

I couldn’t feel my fingers, so I hooked an elbow onto a branch I found and started to pull myself onto two feet. But something was wrong: my legs weren’t bending right! It was as if someone had taken them off and put them back on backwards.

“Hey, you really shouldn’t be doing that,” the voice said, and then my sight finally returned. I looked at my arms and noticed that they were now covered in orange fur. Had I turned into a Beastman? That still wouldn’t explain my legs, though.

Inspecting myself further, I found that my outfit was damaged except for my blue cape, and my entire body was covered in that fur. Even worse, the Sol Blade was missing, as was my armor. Then, I looked at my hands to see why I couldn’t feel my fingers, and immediately wished I hadn’t. My fingers were gone! My hands had been replaced by useless hooves!

Looking down, I confirmed that my legs were now equine-like, and I had hooves there, as well. I even had a brown tail that was kept in a similar style to the ponytail I always kept my hair in.

I wasn’t human anymore. Had I been turned into a Beastman, I could tolerate it. But this? It was too much. My vocal cords began functioning properly again to allow me to scream at the top of my lungs: “BY THE ELEMENTS! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?”

“Hey! Calm down!” the voice from before demanded. I dropped to all fours since this form was apparently meant to walk that way, and looked at the source of the voice.

It was a four-foot tall blue equine with wings and a vibrant six-colored mane with a tail to match. It had an image of a cloud and a tri-colored lightning bolt on both flanks, but the strangest thing was those eyes. By the elements, those eyes! They were huge!

I backed up a few steps in shock and started to ready myself to tap into my Psynergy again if I needed to before saying, “Who are you? What are you? Did you do this to me? Why can’t I remember almost anything?”

“Hey, mister, cut the drama!” the horse-thing snapped. “You’re injured! I don’t know how you managed to get bruises, burns, electrocution and frostbite at the same time, but you did! I wouldn’t be moving if I were you. Even if you are an Earth Pony!”

“A what?” I exclaimed, backing up a few more steps. This time, the creature advanced, so I shouted, “Stay back if you know what’s good for you! I’m an Adept! I know how to use Psynergy! I may not remember much, but I can still use it!” Feeling inside myself, I breathed a sigh of relief when I found that all nine of my Venus djinn were still with me. “Not only that, but I’m powered up by djinn! Don’t mess with me!”

“Dude, did you hit your head, too?” the creature asked, giving me a weird look. “You sound like a pony who’s had way too much hard cider.”

“I’m not a pony!” I snapped. “I’m a human! And a Venus Adept, at that! Whatever you did to me, monster, undo it, or I’ll use my Psynergy to beat you until you make me human again! I can fix my injuries just fine! Potent Cure!”

Light that only I could see seeped into me, and all of my wounds rapidly healed, startling the creature.

“How’d you do that? You’re an Earth Pony!” it asked, this time fluttering its wings in surprise and taking a step back.

“I’m not supposed to be an equine of any kind!” I snapped. “And as I said before, I know Psynergy! That was a Venus Psynergy spell. Now, turn me back!” I instinctively reached for the Sol Blade, only to remember that it had vanished. “What have you done with the Sol Blade?” I growled. “I need my sword!”

“How should I know where your stupid sword is?” the creature demanded. “I didn’t see any swords around here when I got here, even though your Cutie Mark screams that you’re good with swords. And that you’re connected to the sun somehow.”

“My what Mark?” I asked in confusion.

“Duh! Your Cutie Mark, dummy!” the equine said with a roll of its eyes. “You know! The thing everypony gets on their flanks when they discover their special talent?”

“Huh?” I looked back at my own hindquarters, and lo and behold, a tear in my trousers revealed a depiction of the Sol Blade over a depiction of the miniature sun the Sol Blade had the power to create whenever its power of “Megiddo” activates.

“Fine, so I now have a depiction of Megiddo on my hips,” I said with a snort. “Whatever. Just undo whatever you did to turn me into this, and I’ll be on my way.”

“I didn’t do anything!” the creature snapped. “As soon as help arrives, we’re getting you treated for whatever’s wrong with your head.”

“I have partial amnesia, but I know for a fact that this is not what I’m supposed to look like!” I shot back. “Now, undo this, or I’ll make things hard on you.”

“Hey, cool it,” the creature said. “I’m not sure what happened to you, but I’m sure we can—”

At that moment, I reached my breaking point and focused my mind before roaring “Stone Spire!”

Large sharp stalactites materialized over the annoying creature and pummeled it, leaving behind cuts and bruises.

“Word for the wise,” I said when the equine toppled over, “Don’t anger an Adept unless you really think you have what it takes to beat one. We’re slow to anger because non-Adepts must view us in a positive light, but all of us have limits. You pushed me past mine.” It passed out soon after.

Suddenly, there was a poof sound coupled by magenta light, and another equine materialized near the one that had provoked me. This one had a mulberry coat, both wings and a horn, a purple mane and tail with two stripes: one pink, the other a darker purple, and a “Cutie Mark” (that’s what the blue one said they were called, right?) showing a starburst surrounded by smaller stars. Plus, this one was a little bit taller than the blue one.

“Okay, Rainbow, I’m here to pick up—” the apparently female newcomer cut off when it noticed the condition the blue one was in, then looked to me in shock.

“Did you do this?” it demanded.

“Yes, but I was provoked,” I replied simply. “My equipment is missing, and this one refuses to return me to my proper form. She kept claiming ignorance, but I’m no fool. So I used Psynergy to teach her some manners, even though I’m usually the kind of person who tries to avoid violence.”

“You hurt Rainbow?” it gasped. “We were going to try to help you, but you go and turn out to be a bad pony!” Suddenly, it blinked. “Wait, you said ‘person’! You’re not actually a pony, are you?”

“Finally!” I exclaimed. “Thank the elements, someone finally gets it! No, I’m not a pony, miss. I’m a human. A special kind called an Adept. I am aligned with Venus, the element of earth, so I was able to heal my own injuries and drop some sharp stalactites on your friend there after she pushed me past my limit. Now, with this firmly established, can you please turn me back? If I’m to recover my missing memories, I’d much rather have my hands back and walk on two legs.”

She shook her head apologetically and said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I could send you to the human world I know of, but they never mentioned humans called Adepts, so I don’t think you’re from there. So, where are you from?”

I wracked my brain for the answer, but I couldn’t come up with one and shrugged.

“I can’t remember,” I admitted. “I only remember a few things about my past, and those are names I can’t seem to place. Those, how to use my Psynergy, and my own name are pretty much all I remember. Everything else is very fuzzy. Well, I also remember hysterical laughter and falling, but that doesn’t help much, either.”

“Well, what is your name?” she asked.

“My name is Felix,” I replied. “It’s nice to meet you, miss…”

“It’s Twilight Sparkle,” she finished for me. “I’m a princess, but please just call me Twilight. My friend here is Rainbow Dash. It’s nice to meet you, too, Felix.”

“Oh! Right! Your friend! I almost forgot that I knocked her out!” I exclaimed. “This’ll only take a few seconds, I promise. Revive!”

Feathers made of pure light floated down until they landed on the downed equine. Then with a quick flash of a pillar of light, she was brought back to consciousness and her wounds were healed.

As soon as the now-named Rainbow Dash saw me, she growled and stomped towards me. I didn’t budge an inch. I decided to just let her yell at me as much as she needed to, and then I’d apologize for the misunderstanding.

“What’s wrong with you?” she snapped. “Nopony picks a fight with me! You know why? Because they know better! You could’ve shredded my wings with those rocks of yours, and it’d take forever for me to fly again! You’re crazy!”

After she finished, I hung my head in shame. “No, miss,” I replied. “I’m not crazy. I’ve been transformed into something I’m not supposed to be, and I blamed it on you because you were the only living thing I saw after waking up. I lashed out in anger, and that was wrong of me. I’m not supposed to wield my Psynergy in anger. I did so, and I was wrong to do it. Please forgive me for being so reckless.”

Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise at my admission of guilt, and it took her a few seconds to find her voice again.

“Well, if you’re really sorry, I guess I can let it slide,” she replied. “Just don’t pull any more stupid things like that, okay?”

“Understood,” I replied with a nod. “I don’t count healing and reviving you as setting things right, though, so if you need something done that I could help with, let me know, so I can pay off this debt.”

“If you say so,” she said with a roll of her eyes. After noticing Twilight, she asked, “Hey, Twi. How long have you been there?”

“I arrived after he knocked you out,” Twilight responded. “Anyway, I think introductions are in order. Felix, this is Rainbow Dash. Dash, this is Felix. He can’t remember where he’s from, but he knows that he’s not supposed to be a pony.”

“Sorry about getting off on the wrong foot—hoof?—there, Miss Dash,” I apologized. “The desperation from my amnesia must have driven me over the edge.”

“Eh, don’t sweat it,” Rainbow replied with a shrug. “As long as we’re cool now, it’s fine.”

“Thank you,” I said with a grateful nod. “Now, part of me seems to remember that I’m used to travelling, but if it’s not too much to ask, do either of you know of a place where I could stay for the time being? I’m starting to get a little tired,” my body decided to punctuate that remark with a yawn that I tried and failed to stifle, “And I don’t think the money I have on me at the moment will work here, so I wouldn’t be able to afford to stay at an inn.”

“My castle has some guest rooms,” Twilight suggested. “I could let you use one.”

“Thank you,” I said with another grateful nod. “You are too kind. Please, lead the way.”

Twilight nodded, and Rainbow gave me a quick smile before flying away.

We travelled silently through the trees until we arrived on a well-beaten path that led towards a town that tugged at my lost memories, trying to push something to the surface. Thatched roofed houses, a calm and friendly atmosphere that I could feel even though I hadn’t even stepped into town yet… I felt as if I’d been to somewhere like that in the past. Even spent years living in such a place. I tried to tug the memories up, but I just got a headache from the strain and gave up. However, some of the names of people I couldn’t remember seemed to be linked to that other place: Kay, Jenna, Isaac, Garet, Aaron, Kyle, Dora, Mr. and Mrs. Jerra… And that was all that I could place. It still didn’t give me much to go on at all.

“Felix, is something wrong?” Twilight asked suddenly, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“I feel as if I should know a place similar to the town ahead,” I replied. “I tried to put pieces of my shattered memory back together, but there just wasn’t enough for me to remember available.”

“Interesting,” Twilight said with a nod. I could tell that she was filing that information away for later. “Maybe I can help you get your memories back.”

“Well, I’d very much appreciate that,” I told her with a smile. “Getting my memories back is very important, for that could help me to become human again and get back home.”

When we reached the castle after a lot more walking, I was shocked to see it was built partially into a tree. But part of me seemed to remember that I’d seen trees be used for homes before. I ignored that feeling for the time being, for I was just getting too tired.

Once inside, Twilight left me with a servant and told her to show me to a guest room while she took care of some pressing matters.

“Right this way, sir,” the servant said, beckoning for me to follow.

“Please, just call me Felix,” I replied as she led me up a set of stairs. “I really don’t like formality very much.”

“Of course, Felix,” she replied with a smile. “Our own Princess Twilight doesn’t like titles and formalities, either.”

“Well, here we are,” she said after stopping at a door and opening it. “Pull the rope hanging near the bed to summon a servant if you need something.”

“Thank you,” I replied before entering the room and taking in my surroundings. There was a four-poster bed, a connected washroom, dressers… My mind failed to take it all in because my tired brain kept drifting back to the bed and thoughts of sleep. “I’ll be resting for now. Wise One knows I need to.”

The servant nodded and left, and I closed the door, managed to lock it (it’s amazing how much those hooves could function like hands and grip things!), and leaped into bed. I was out like a light in seconds.

Author's Note:

Hey, I have another fic! This one was actually in development for a long time, then I forgot about it. And then I just turned it into something to work on on the side to keep my creative juices flowing. And suddenly, I've decided to post it!

Anyway, this is the very first fic on FiMFiction (that I know of) that's a Golden Sun crossover, but not a displaced story. About time, right? So, if you're a fan of Golden Sun, I hope you'll stick around, for there's going to be more chapters being posted as time goes on.

So, I hope you liked what you've read so far! If anyone feels like helping out with getting me better cover art (I don't really like my placeholder one that much), editing, proofreading, pre-reading, etc., give me a holler!

And don't complain about me choosing Felix, and not Isaac. Felix was the real hero all along. In fact, had Isaac and co. succeeded even once in their "heroic" attempts to prevent the beacons from being lit, the world would've withered away to nothing! In a way, the first game has you playing as "villains with good publicity"!

Now, in honor of the Let's Player who got me into Golden Sun, I have to say: "Later Adepts!" If you remember that guy, you get a Cookie! Enjoy your Psynergy Point boost!