• Member Since 17th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I'm am an autistic brony, looking to write fantasy and everyday life novels for my kind. I became a brony when I related well with applejack and twlight, and I love the show.


Being invited to spend a three day weekend with her old camp friend, Rara, after finding out she was a super pop star, will Applejack find something more, or at least get an answer to why her best friend stopped writing to her all those years ago?

Written for Everfree Northwest's 2016 Scribblefest

A specail thanks to: Downunda Thunder, Zephyr and Henki Pie, and, special quest editor, Obbascribbler

Cover art Spoiler warning! Read story first.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 36 )

Okay, so read through it, and spotted... more than a few grammatical errors. But I hope that this will help you with the story, and I hope I don't come off too brash. I didn't hold myself back at all, but that's because I am your friend. I just went through, and did every error I could find.


the popstar, Counter Coluture,

Countess Coloratura


Applejack drive forward

The correct terminology should be either "Applejack Drives forward" or "Applejack Drove Forward"


detailed in you directions.

Detailed in YOUR directions.


probably should have come to think about it.

A comma after "have" would not go astray


what matters is where here now,

"What matters is WE'RE here now"


let's not be wastein it by moping.

As Wastin' is a contraction of Wasting, because of the ing there, the E at the end of Waste is not needed.


I'd like that very much be...

Not entirely sure what the be is there.. it feels out of place. If it's a word that's being cut off, then a better way to indicate it as such
is to have it as Be--, to show that there is more to the word, but it was interrupted by a thought or another character speaking.


a popster of Rara's statues.

Popstar of Rara's Status


It would have still been consider larger



we’re practical adults



already run yoru own farm?



she grabbed Applejacks arm,

Because you're talking about how Rara is grabbing the arm of Applejack, the S is a possessive S, so there needs to be an appostrophe before it.


some other connect



laid a brick path

Should probably be a laid brick path. The way you have it, it sounds like they laid it as they went along it.


lead to a fire pit,

Led to a fire pit


she jested over the ledge

To guesture is to show with a movement of the hand. To Jest is to make people laugh by being a clown.


Then after we worst some mellows

I don't know what it is to worst some marshmallows, but I would probably prefer to toast them anyway...


Sapphire Shore

It's Sapphire Shores. The s is a part of her name as much as the s in my middle name, James is.



Right spelling, correct punctuation mark... just wrong positioning of said mark. it's S'more.


the one sing um.

It would probably flow much better if AJ said "The one singin' 'em.


Applejack silently swatted herself on the inside, hard.

This would make a bit more sense with a bit of a longer pause than you would get from a comma. I would put a full
stop there, so it reads: "Applejack silently swatted herself on the inside. Hard." Just makes it have a bit more emphasis.


with some photo’s

As you're talking about multiple photos, you want a plural S. Therefore, an appostrophe is not needed.


she brought along with her family and friends

So, she brought the photos and her friends? Or perhaps you meant "She brought along of her family and friends"


as they waited for their hotdogs to roost

I didn't know Hot Dogs had nests.... Unless you mean Roast.


Applejack swearing her friend

While this isn't technically gramatically wrong... It just doesn't quite read right... What it should be is "Applejack could've sworn her friend"


I know Grany Smith be happy to fully retire.

Would read better as "I know Granny Smith will be happy to fully retire."


Sucks, wouldn’t that be something,

I'm pretty sure you mean "Shucks" here.


letter saying if Rara was okay

At this point, AJ doesn't know for sure if Rara is okay, so, she can't write one saying so. To say something, in this context means that it's a fact and true. However, she could definately write a letter ASKING if she was okay.


we won’t get no piece till I get this out of the way.

Wrong Peace. The piece you used means it's a part of something bigger. A fragment or a part. The Peace you most likely intended means a calm, quiet, or a setting aside of differences.

Overall, good story so far, and I honestly look forward to reading more.

I hope this comment isn't too harsh, but as I said, I went a bit full-on grammar nazi here. I'm certain that I have missed some errors, as it's currently a quarter to three in the morning, and I am really tired, but those were all the grammar errors that I spotted.

6975934 oh you are to smart for your own good, buddy :p

Notes from the pre-readers
also, big thanks as well to DownThunder who checked out this fic's sneak peak and already has his notes posted below:

With an irritated moan, Applejack tried yet another street down (California pony named coast)

*Do not forget to switch this out.
I suggest using 'Californeigha' or something like this. You know how to make horse puns.

"Yeah," Applejack responded as Rara slammed into her with a hug, "pleasure to come. Thought, ya could have been a bit more specific in your directions.

*This is grammatically incorrect, it's supposed to be 'could have been', but I will let it slip, since we talk about Applejack.

"I'd like that very much be—"

Uh... wut?

I think Applejack is on the verge of saying because I love you but she cuts herself of.

Oh, that makes sense.

It's actually Before, but I guess the idea is to be mysterious here... *looks at audience.
Ah... hey, this is why you should/shouldn't read these notes, kids :p

"Use to just be me and Sven"

This doesn't sound right, shouldn't it be 'Sven and I'?

me and Sven sounds alright to me.

Only because it's dioluge can it sometimes be used.. Otherwise, yes, it's polite to say the other person's name first. Not that Sven deserves that, but you get the idea.

"Not even your parents?"

Considering that Rara is an adult that is not really surprising.

Yeah, there is no point asking this question.

Since thsi is the EQG vers, Rara and Applejack would be more around 17-18, so it would seem somewhat off for Rara to live on her own, but with this age it's not out there enough, and besides, will make scenes in the next chapter.

she leaned into Applejack’s ear.

That is a little unsettling considering they have not met for a long time.

I personally have a feeling that they will have the schmiggity. It is only a matter of time.

Both the joys of this being a contest entry with limited word count, and having these two as editors


What does that mean?

I think it's a brand of marshmallows. Not sure, though.

Got to love my foreign... Wait, I thought Henki was the local...

She stuck out her tongue.

Delete: “She stuck out her tongue.”

Why delete this?

I think it´s just a little to immature behavior for a teen.

I'm 23 and I would do the same in such situation. -_-

I apologies for my response, it was very poorly worded.
What I meant to say was that I felt that this was a bit out of character based of Raras character from the show. But maybe that is just me.

oh, just let the girls have their fun :P

At that, Applejack silently swatted herself on the inside. Hard.

I don't understand this sentence.

It means that Applejack mentality hit herself.

I see nothing that points out that it is a mental thing. Therefore: confusion.

She had to fight her own glowing body from ponying up.

What does this mean?

Applejack transforms into a pony hybrid if she plays music. She does not want Rara to see that.


Originally was going to make a reference to Zap Apples

If this takes place in the human universe how can there be zap apples.

Hm, yes, that's an Equestrian magic BS thing.

When doing something such as, having the crusdaers meet at an early age than what's acepted as cannon:

If I recall correctly, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo only met first at the first episode of the show, so waaaay after the making of this letter.

equertais girls vers ;)

It's like Log Powers, I do what I want for the story!

for Applejack's letter

There should be some sort of marking that the letter continues here. Same with the previous point of cutting into narrative.

which I did

“AJ,” Rara interrupted the silence, “you okay?”

Yo Applejack... ya'll right?

Haha. our AJ can you have a link to this on that sentence in the actual story. That would be amazing.

Meh, not my thing, but thanks

Applejack shot up. “Er, yeah, ya, I’m comin.”

this looks fine to me, why delete it? Sounds very much like Applejack.

It is fine. It´s just that those extra words are not really needed.

I respectfully disagree.

ooo.. choices, choices, choices..

This seems interesting, definitely a pairing that needs more attention. Other than that, I can't really say much until part 2 is out. But I'm looking forward to it.

Shouldn't the title be A song and AN Apple

Okay...did not see that coming. Good story though.

notes from the pre-readers:

"A mermaid, that all? Phew, for a second there I thought you were a vampire or had some kind of cancer.

*I don´t really see how a vampire would have been different.

Crips, warm morning air

How can it be both crisp and warm? Aren't those are, like, opposites?

Not necessarily. Crisp can also mean fresh.


Yes I looked it up.

I did :P

"fetish for mermaids and I´ve always wanted to be one!”

lolwat xD

As a special treat for this one, I was able to get Obabscribbler to look over this fic for me. And here's what she had to say about my writing:

Okay, I can give you some quick bullet point advice if that's what you're after.
1. Overlong sentences. You're in love with run-on complex sentences. You need to break these up A LOT. Don't be afraid of compound and simple types. they help a story flow better than trying to cram too much information into each single sentence.

2.) Capital letters. You skimp out on these some at the starts of sentences. You need to go through with a fine-tooth comb and fix this if it's a contest entry, as poor SPAG is the mark of an amateur author and immediately sets judges against you.

3.) Codified accent. You can intimate AJ's accent without misspelling words like 'you' into 'ya' or 'I' into 'Ah' and it's less jarring for the reader.

4.) Misplaced commas. You don't need them before 'and' unless it's part of a subordinate clause.

Other than that, I can't see many problems. It's all technical nitty-gritty stuff. The pace is fine, you have a handle on dialogue and you have a good balance of showing and telling that doesn't priorities one over the other.
Dose that help?

Yes it did, thank you ^^. Though, what do you think would be better for me with AJ's accent, to use the ya's and Ah's or just you and I?

People are familiar enough with her character to mentally read her accent


Now it's off to Everfree!

I liked it, though i did notice one error, please dont get pist though, but on the first chapter "Dispute the situation" should be " Despite the situation.

Is the transformation permanent?

And ... what about their friends? What about Applebloom and Big MacIntosh?
Won't they be sad?

7309515 it's not >.<
Rara said the pendant works both ways

Whew. That's a reader's relief. :-)
Thank you. I guess I overlooked this detail. :-P

The twist was unexpected, but not in a bad way. This was incredibly sweet, and well-written. Good work!

Also, I can completely relate with AJ's thoughts regarding mermaids. :twilightblush:

7404979 what have I done?! >.<
Gald you liked it ^^


what have I done?! >.<

Only good things. :twilightsmile:


haven't read it yet but i'm nervous about fics where AJ is gay, It doesn't really make sense for her character

7672611 then who would you ship her with then?
Well, in any case, not sure why'd you'd r we thisbfic then, but happy you want to give it a chance ^^


7673235 I like Rara, and I'm jost gonna go with what everyone else says and say her crush is Carmel


7673558 ok, this is a little out there, but it's decent and grammer aside, you write transformation well


7673235 kk decent story but why is rara a mermaid, where did you come to that concusion case I cant find ink rose's video on that

More RaraJack!!!!!


Btw I wonder if Rara knows Novo and Skystar lol

The whole fic was written very well, and the twist took me completely by surprise. Nice job! :pinkiehappy:

And thank you, we needed more Rarajack.

There was much laughing and slashing before the two brought it in.

And so our story comes to a bloody end in a murder-suicide as our two star crossed lovers get Jeffery Dahmer’ed to death. :pinkiecrazy:

Kidding aside, despite the funny spelling and grammar errors, it’s a good story that needs a little improvement. There isn’t a lot of Applejack/Colorcotura fics out there, and I thanks you for making such a story.

Even after years! there’s always something I-
Thank you! ^^

Uhh... I see that you've rated your story E for Everyone.

That cover photo is not an E-rated image. I might recommend you change the rating, probably to T for Teen, before any staff notice that.

(I haven't read it, but that stood out to me in the feature box)

Arguable, id say... but I guess it’s not that big a deal, and if it decreases the chance of any conflict in the future

There was no doubt about it. Even when they were kids, Applejack had felt some other connection besides friendship with Rara that drew them together at camp. She liked Rara back then. Even more so now that they were friends again. Once Rara had ditched her vial, Applejack though no face was more beautiful. Yet, a part of her knew it was never meant to be. That is, if the last time they made contact had anything to do with it.


“Whoa!" Applejack said, moth hung open. "I hadn’t even realized how close we was to the ocean. Explains them teens I saw in bikinis.”


Dear, Rara, Boy, am I nervous for tomorrow. First day of a new school and all. Personally, I don’t see why I even need to go. I already know everything I could ever want about running a farm, and it’s not like I really want to do anything else. Besides, I know Granny Smith would be happy to retire. Course, she still wants to make sure Apple Bloom knows how to make her special apple jam first. Speaking of, little Bloom and her friends never fail to amaze us with how adorable they are. Just this morning, they released all the pigs to try and become pigranglers. Thankfully, Mac and I rounded most of them up before they could escape. Both the pigs and the little girls. I had a good laugh when I told them a ghost pig might come a steal away naughty little girls... Granny didn’t like that. Still, all in all, it was a good last day of summer. Though what about you? Still going to the city with your uncle or something to try and make it big? Sure wish you could come and live and make it big in Ponyville with me. Shucks, wouldn’t that be something, if we both lived in the same house? Next thing you know, we’ll be getting married.

Some spaces are needed.

Halfway through that year, Applejack had lost all hope of hearing from Rara again. At that point, all she could wonder was if she had made her friend uncomfortable by saying she wanted to marry her. She later wrote another letter asking if Rara was okay. More importantly, to see if she had said anything wrong. Instead, the letter came back the next day, labeled Return To Sender .


“Sure,” Applejack nodded, “I mean…” her eyes widened as she realized that only one tent had been set up. Not that she didn’t notice it before. Howeve, it now occurred to her what it meant. With her current state—


Applejack started to say something, but Rara was already gone. Still, even as Applejack made her way inside, she could clearly hear her friend crying in the distance.

Yep, she's hiding something alright. :applecry:

“Hey, Rara.” Applejack finally muttered. She step outside the house, fighting to not sound stupid. "You look nice.

Missing a "

With that, Applejack followed till they came to a large rock. Which, upon closer examination, she realized was a door. Once Rara opened it, the smell of seawater blasted their faces. Looking inside, she saw that a path of stairs lead downwards.

add 'it' in the second sentence.

“Like I said,” Rara began, reavaling that it was a letter, “I’ll understand if you hate me. But your last letter, the one you wrote when we were about to start seventh grade… I did get it. And kept it all these years.”


In a blur, Rara threw her sandals off, raced over to Applejack, and kissed her.



Still a little daze, Applejack shook her head. She then raced over to the pool where she thought she saw a light. Blushing like mad at Rara's wet hair as her friend broke the surface, Apple had to take a moment before she asked, “Um, you mind now telling me what is this all about? Seems just a bit crazy. Not that I don’t mind the whole kiss thing, but you still haven’t explained what the big deal is.”

You put apple instead of applejack in the third sentence. :ajbemused:

With a heave, Rara pulled herself out of the water. However, instead of legs, out came a smooth, green tail.


It was hard for Applejack to focus on Rara’s story. She gathered enough to know about Rara having disapproving parents, to her finding said pendent that allowed her change, to moving to land. Which ended her up at an orphanage that signed her up to Camp Friendship, and a few other details in between.

Wow... 😨

“Ye… Yeah. Tot… totally.” With a gulp, Applejack slowly reached out a hand towards her friend’s tail. She paused for a second when she was mere inches away. Then, she closed the gap on what once had been a knee. She felt Rara shudder, but proceeded to run a hand a bit along the tail. It felt smooth, like a newborn animals. Though, she felt a seal's skin would have been a better description if she had ever felt one.


Mesmerized, Applejack continued on for a bit till her hand came to Rara’s torso. Where her friend's human and mermaid half met. Once she touched that line, Applejack noticed Rara starting to giggle. Looking up, she found herself no longer interested in the tail. All she saw was beautiful friend’s face on fire. Which compliment her eyes rather nicely/ All while Rara started back.

Add 'het' was in the second to last sentence. And replace / with a period.

Neither able to hold their emotions back, the two moved in. Their l lips locked together in a much needed, frenzied kiss.

Remove the 'I' before lips.

Applejack laughed. “I am… I mean, not now! That’d just be silly if we started dating today. But, I wouldn’t see why we couldn’t have two house. One being a sort of summer home. People do that, right? Can't see it being a problem for either of us ta save up fer.”


AJ turned away ran a hand through her hair. “Er, promise you won’t tell Rainbow, but… I, er, I kind of have a teeny, tiny… ​ fetish for mermaids and I´ve always wanted to be one!​”

If Rainbow finds out, she'll never hear the end of it. :ajsleepy:

“Oh, hush now!" she said over her friend’s laughed. Applejack then felt a pair of arms circled around her neck. Next, the pendent was placed onto her neck. "Least now I have some idea where it came from." she turned her head to grin at Rara, as the two shared in another kiss as Rara wrapped her arms around Applejack.

Capitalize 'she' in the first and third sentences.

With that, a light encompassed Applejack’s legs. A warm and fuzzy feeling ran through her body. It started with her legs being pulled together. Then, the gap that once separated them began to seal. Running down her legs like zipper. This was followed by her now fused legs beginning to turn bright orange. Her feet buzzed next. They flattened out, began to spread out, until they became a fin. Lastly, Applejack gasped and held onto her neck. Stinging for a moment, she felt her lungs adapt to breath both on land and in water. Once the pain had passed, she started awestruck at herself. Human no longer.

stared, not started.

Before Rara knew it, Applejack pulled them both into the water. There was much laughing and splashing before the two brought it in. Hands held together, tails wrapped around one another, eyes locked. Then, the two shared in another long, and much needed kiss.

Huh, I wasn't 100% sure at first I'd like story mainly because I've never read a fanfic story of this ship but I liked it, even if there were so me mistakes in it. Good job. :pinkiehappy:

Yay! You liked it 😁😊
This is one is of my proudest accomplishment hearts

The mermaid plot twist was something I wasn’t expecting. There isn’t enough fics about Applejack and Rara.

No there are not, which is why I wrote this XD

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