• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...


This is a gathering spot for Georg's entries in the Writeoff.me contests, as well as the behind the scenes story of why I wrote the way I did. It is a compilation, with each chapter being one of the writeoff contest entries or notes on an entry I turned into a full story and posted on FimFiction.net

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 122 )

Note reserved for the Author: Future speakings of great wisdom will be put here.

Reserved for the author: A funny thing happened to me on the way to the writeoff...

Author's note: Yes, I'm working on it, I'm working on it. If you keep digging up the acorns to see how they're growing, you never get oak trees.

I love seeing how a pony doesn't even need to get chocolate for his beloved; flowers can serve that purpose too!

"I’m tellin’ you buddy, frogs are the way to attract the mares," said Snips. "Remember the way Dinky squealed when she found that frog in her desk last week?"

:rainbowlaugh: Flowers, I said! Flowers!:facehoof:

Nice to see these on Fimfiction. I won't disturb the oak tree any, but I am glad to have the acorn in a more readily accessible area.

Cute little story. Makes me want to read more about it.

I suppose you could consider that a happy ending for the Nightmare...

I remember this one. A wonderful moment of friendship. :twilightsmile: (Though I can't help but think that anypony else might have been killed by the alicorn-tier pathogens. Of course, they all would've had the common sense to stay away from the sick princess, so it all balances out.)

Since I use the original fiction Writeoffs as a break period, I'd never seen this before now. I quite enjoyed it. A shame about the circumstances of its creation.

"Nah, squirt. But hey, you might get to attend it yet."

Huh. Somehow, I completely missed those last few lines when I read this during the Writeoff. Whoops. :derpytongue2:


"The funeral shrouds I made for you all are so beautiful. It would be such a waste..."

Hopefully she won't go crazy and off them just to see how they look in the shrouds.

Nice idea! Though I wish there was a second chapter with her coming back... and discovering that things can actually change, and not being distant and stuff. And then realising Celly is a big troll/manipulator, having said what she did because she knew it was the only way to avoid Twily doing exactly as she described. Celly, you troll you :trollestia:

This was Cute. As. Fuck. :pinkiesad2:
How didn't you win with this?

7192342 Because there were 26 of them better than mine. Honestly, there's a *lot* of skill in the Writeoff site.

Ah yes, this was fun and continues to be so. Though the existence of Anastasia raises some uncomfortable questions about horse-Russia. :unsuresweetie:

Also, all this talk of heart surgery has me imagining a pony mod for Surgeon Simulator.

I admit, the ending was prompted by some thought over the Human Genome Project, and the possibility that when they mapped the last gene sequence, they would find a string that read more or less the same as the last line in the story.

Heh. Reminds me of a Dresden Codak comic. Though I think I like your version better.

I knew of Valdemar, but this is my first direct experience with this world. You've provided a fascinating glimpse of it. I'll have to look into more.

That was a sweet subversion of the usual "the CMC are hopeless idiots" trope so many are fond of. :moustache:

Adorably entertaining as ever, with the slight corollary that it implies they practised on Twilight. On the other hand, I'm fairly certain that horses need their appendix...

And consider, they canonically do have heart cutie marks...

This was definitely a classic Valdemar story, but I was hoping it was an MLP crossover. I'd love to see Celestia show up somewhere in Valdemar, and everyone wants to bond with the new "super-companion."

I'd suggest leaving the reasoning behind the story out of the author's note. You're spoiling for those who haven't read it before.

Still, loved this in the Writeoff, love it now. Who knows? Maybe the school board will reverse the policy given the outcome. (Not likely, but I can dream.)

7221857 Good point, I left the picture and the credits at the top and moved the author's note to the bottom.

It's a fantastic lesson in operant conditioning, but at some point Diamond Tiara has to pass a standardized test at the end of the year, right? I also wonder, if she's getting into 20 times the fights every other student is, at some point she's got to out-level the rest of the class in XP. Dang, I wish this was longer, it's an interesting idea.

7222781 ... and if that's the case, and she fails the standardized test, then her parents will have to take another look at things. Maybe she'll actually shape up. Or maybe the zero-tolerance policy will get repealed. Either way, success.

Good story!

7224773 That's true, but that sounds like a recipe for Cheerilee getting in a lot of trouble. Or, they hire a certified tutor to teach DT enough to pass the standardized test, and then realize they should just home-school her with a tutor to make things easier on themselves.

7224785 If DT ends up being homeschooled, I think the other foals would count that as a success, too. Though in a society as social as Equestria, I imagine homeschooling would be highly frowned upon.

But yes, I suppose Cheerilee just might get in trouble. Apparently either they haven't thought things through that far, or they think she'd be able to get out of it by arguing her hooves are hobbled.

Not too bad this time. Tenth. I'm getting better, but so is everybody :pinkiehappy:

I have to agree with traditional Valdmar story not sure about Classic since you brought in the Hawk brothers

7250002 With my fuzzy recollections of the series, the Hawkbrothers showed up about the time the barrier between Valdemar and the rest of the world started breaking down, because the Heralds needed to (effectively) go there to train their own mages (Winds of Fate) since the ones from outside could get in. In other words, I think the author was running low on stories she could write *inside* the country without using external threats. A very good decision to extend and expand the franchise.

FYI if I re-edit this, the main character's name is getting changed. I had not watched or read anything on The Witcher before I wrote this, and having a main character named the same would just confuse people.

Wow. A carefully measured punch to the gut. Nicely delivered.

7250052 your fuzzy memories are good. I just consider the stories before Winds of Fate as the classic stories

7250168 I have to confess. There is a paperback copy of Winds of Fate with bookmarks in it sitting just inches from my left hand as I type this.

7250232 then you are doing slightly better than me with only my memory

7222781 You don't get xp for loosing the fight and if you have to go get a higher level character to stop the fight you definitely lost.

7270109 But she hasn't lost every fight, surely. If she wins say half the fights at first she will eventually level, then win a lot more than half the fights, then keep winning and leveling until the kids no longer provide sufficient XP for her level. And usually it's the other party that goes to Mrs. Cheerilee, not Diamond.

Her Royal Morning Coffee has been expanded out to 19 chapters, with cream and sugar.

I dearly hope you build this coffee barge, because I will happily hop aboard. (Also, I can't help but imagine Green Grass offering Dry Roast some advice as they wait for their respective Twilights to mend the tear in probability space...)

Ah, yes, I fondly remember this one. Awesome stuff, especially since the use of a "pegasus" designation implies that some way, somehow, this Hunter is human, as opposed to, say, a Yautja, which he may have encountered at the end. Very glad to see this on Fimfiction... though if my records are to be believed, I never actually reviewed this one in the Competition. Which is odd, because I definitely remember it. Maybe I just don't have it saved on my computer.

Still, I definitely agree that this should've done better. Not nearly enough good sci-fi or suspense on this site.

Hmmm... Self-defense classes? That might work in Ponyville, where monster attacks are a matter of routine. I'd like to see it here in the US, but I suspect Tartarus would freeze over before that happened. Our bullies are in charge and have no desire to face defense-trained victims.

The fractional fracas concept though... Brilliant!

I hope you'll get around to doing that, if not espresso then Sumatra latte.

7335259 Oh, God. Will I get as many puns as My Brother, The Tooth had dental puns?

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