• Member Since 29th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Monday


a.k.a idealistic_romulan


Hero leads masses. But do the masses follow the hero, because he drags them along, or because he or she represents something valuable to everyone in the crowd? What could really have happened that fateful night, when, as legends say, Princess Luna was banished to the moon?

28.05.16: Got an editor! brokenimage321 kindly agreed to improve text of the story. For which i'm very grateful!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 1 )

Well... this is my first story not in my native language. I suspect, that it must be quite awful stilystically. But sadly i do not have anyone who may act as editor for me. So, if you spotted something wrong, as native English speaker, please, let me know, so i could improve my writing.

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