• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,701 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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16 - Facing fathers

Pipsqueak fretted over his mane as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had to look perfect. Doing any less for Diamond would be inexcusable. Working his comb through his mane a few more times, he didn’t see his father standing behind him in the doorway to the bathroom.

“You need to relax, Pip.”

Looking over at the reflection of Ailan, he gave a worried little smile. “What if I say something wrong, or do something embarrassing, or—”

Ailan shook his head and stepped in, grabbing the comb and setting it down on the counter. He turned the little colt so they could look eye to eye.

“Pip, Diamond likes you for you. Just be the best you that you can be. That will be plenty for her. You are too young to worry about these things.”

Pip blinked, then launched himself up, wrapping his forehooves around Ailan’s neck and clenched.

“Thank you. Are... are you and dad going to, escort us?”

Ailan gave a nod. “Thunderlane, Mr. Rich, Dash, Rescue, and I, yes. The plan is to let you four have your own table, your own space, we will just watch from a distance. Okay?”
Pip had to ponder that, then gave a soft smile and a nod. “Okay.”

Out in the living room, Rescue had to snap a picture of him. Then, his father gave him a little bag of bits. Pip was surprised by this, he had saved up his allowance for this. However, he was told that it was a colt's duty to pay for his date's meal.

Arriving at exactly five, as agreed on, Pipsqueak reached up and knocked on the door. It swung open to show the Rich’s butler. “Master Pip, please, do come in. Miss Tiara will be down in a moment.”

Pip gave a single nod and trotted in, following the nice pony to a sitting room. He found Mr. Rich was waiting for him. The stallion had a soft but serious look to his face, clearing his throat as the butler shut the sliding door to the room.

“Pip, you and I need to talk before you take my daughter out. I trust that you understand to act as a perfect gentlecolt with my little Diamond, yes?”

He gave a nod, looking at the floor then remembering to look up at the adults eyes as Rescue had taught him.

“Yes, sir. I will always hold her chair, open doors for her, and—”

Filthy gave a light chuckle, cutting him off. “That will do, Pip, I think we both know who the one in charge is. Diamond is going through a lot of changes. However, this Junior Firefighter Explorers she joined, has helped her shine like the precious stone she is. Just, you take care of my little girl.”

Pip lifted a hoof in the air, then across his heart as he bowed his head. “Dad says honor demands nothing less.”

Filthy would have said more, but the door opened, and in walked Diamond Tiara. She had on a light summer dress, her hair done up. She appeared like a tiny angel to the two males. Pip’s breath caught in his throat and his eyes grew wider. He had never seen her look like this, and he gulped hard. Looking down at himself in the simple coat and little tie that Ailan had helped him put on, he felt a hoof nudge him on the flank and looked back to see Mr. Rich gesture toward his daughter. Turning back, Pipsqueak took a step forward and looked at the filly before him. He could see a little concern in her eyes, could it really be she worried about what he thought?

“W-wow, Chi—Diamond you look great. I mean, really... pretty.”

He watched as the pink fillies face filled with red as she blushed hard, turning her eyes away and then back to him. “Thank you, Pip. You truly look handsome. Thank you for... for saying yes.”

Pip forgot completely about the adults in the room. All he could see was this princess of pink in front of him now. His ears laid back and he spoke in a soft, but still Trottingham-colored accent.

“Diamond, how could I not? You have been there for me every day. From the moment you told your mother no in the school yard, you have been so kind to me. You never made fun of me, you never looked down on me or made me feel like you were taking pity. When therapy was its worst and I wanted to quit. You were there to keep pushing me, telling me to take one more step. When I fell, you caught me, and... I owe you everything.”

Diamond put her hoof up, and pressed it gently to his mouth. Her answer was the same as it had been many times before, but for some reason, Pip knew it meant far more now.

“You talk too much, Pip.”

They both started to giggle, unaware of the staff peeking in from the side door, unaware of the tears threatening to flow down Filthy’s cheeks. Pip gestured and they walked for the door, as they did Filthy held up a hoof to his butler and shook his head.

“Pip, I want you to have Diamond back by... Shall we say, nine-thirty?”

Pip turned and looked back, then gulped and nodded. “Yes, sir.”

As they walked out, Pip holding the door for his date, Filthy glanced back at the staff who tumbled in through the door, landing on each other as the four of them had been stacked up watching. He gave a smile and looked back at the doorway out.

“Please, tell me someone got pictures of them.”

It was his ever faithful butler who smiled and gave a nod.

“Oh yes, sir, a whole roll of film worth.”


Sitting up at the bar, the five of them glanced over through the door into the dining room area. Spotting the two colts and two fillies sitting at the table talking over appetizers, Dash glanced over at Thunderlane.

“Your parents would have been proud, Thunderlane.”

He gave a nod and smiled. “Yeah they would have. So, are you still stressed out by this, Dash?”

The rainbow mare shook her head. “Nah, Scoots is a good foal with a good head on her shoulders. Rumble is nothing but a gentlecolt, poor kid has no clue what he has got himself into.”

They all chuckled as Filthy took a drink and glanced over at the rainbow-maned Wonderbolt.

“It is amusing, poor Pip and Rumble, out on a date with two of the most forward, strong-willed fillies in all of Equestria.”

Rescue piped up. “Poor colts,” again, laughter among them. Out of respect to Rescue and his sobriety, none of them were drinking. Just juice and water for all, that was the order of the night. The big draft stallion looked over at Filthy and gave a deep exhale. “So, Rich it's... final then?”

Filthy glanced down at the glass in his hoof grip, wishing for something a bit stronger than what he had.

“Yes, Spoiled has decided to stay in Canterlot. There won’t be a divorce because... well, Celestia forbid, ponies may talk.”

He rolled his eyes at that, glancing up to note all of the others watching him, surprised a little when it was Dash’s hoof that landed on his shoulder for comfort and support.

“We got married for the status, not for love. In retrospect, this may be for the best. It will give Diamond the best chance to be herself and grow into a fine young mare.”

He was far from upset, the truth of it all was. Spoiled was a bad mare. She was cold, unloving, and cared for nothing but money and power. She had nagged and browbeat the staff, and worse. She had done a great deal of damage to their daughter's ego and confidence.

“If you ever need anything, Rich, Ailan and I have your back. It's the least we can do, after all you did to help us with the house, and FPS, going to bat for us with the mayor…”

Filthy turned and looked at the fire pony and shook his head. The big stallion was, perhaps one of his first real friends. “Think nothing of it, Rescue, I would do it again in a heartbeat. You and Ailan... Well, just look at that colt. In the space of months, he has gone from a timid little guy to…”

Glancing over, they could all see Pipsqueak holding Diamond’s hoof as the little group talked and laughed together.


Unaware the older ponies observed them, the four foals were having a blast. Of course, the whole staff of the little bistro knew of the date. It seemed like half of the town knew. Pip had kind of taken the lead, ordering for everypony and trying to be the perfect gentlecolt. Poor Rumble, he was flustered by everything Scootaloo said and did. However, it was also pretty clear he enjoyed her. Pipsqueak saw the way he looked at the orange filly, it was the same way he would catch himself looking at Diamond.

Just a year prior, the idea of wanting to be around a filly would have made them both make faces of disgust. Now, the idea of not hanging out with Diamond made his chest hurt. Life was strange, and if this is what it was like to be in love well, it wasn’t so bad.

“Equestria to Pip, come in Pip.”

He blinked and looked up to find all three staring back at him. “Uh, what?”

Scootaloo laughed, Diamond and Rumble both just started to laugh with her. It was Rumble that spoke up. “Dude, Scootaloo asked if after dinner, perhaps we could take a walk in the park before taking them home?”

He looked at Diamond first, and could see the hope she would say yes. Then, over at the other two who had turned and were glancing at each other. He gave a nod of his head. “Yeah, that would be really fun.”

After dinner, the other three had been surprised when Pip paid for the meal. Diamond had tried to argue, but Pip had told her. “Sorry, but a gentlecolt always takes care of the bill.” Having known Rumble didn’t have a lot of money, and his fathers had given him plenty.

They had walked down the main street after leaving. Once at the central park, they picked a path that looped around it, and walked slow. Rumble and Scootaloo back about ten or twenty paces from Diamond and himself.

Rumble stretched his wing and lightly laid it across Scootaloo's back. This, of course, made her pull into his side closer. Unknown to both, Thunderlane watching with Dash from a cloud up above had to hold the Wonderbolt back some, saying to her, “They are foals, Dash, let them have their thing.”

She had grunted but gave a nod to him, thinking about how just last night Soarin had done just the same with her.

Pipsqueak of course walked side by side with Diamond, letting her lean on him just a tiny bit. She didn’t shy away from the scars that ran up his front leg and shoulder. She didn’t flinch even once by touching them with her shoulder. Rather she asked in a light tone.

“You okay, Pip? You need to rest?”

Pip looked over at her and smiled “nope, I am great, thank you for asking Diamond.”

So they had walked, and talked. Small talk, mostly about school and others. Some talk about the stuff going on at the Station or what the Junior Firefighter Explorers had been asked to help out with. Soon, they broke apart and Pipsqueak found himself walking Diamond to her door. Looking over at her, he laid his ears back some.

“Thank you, Diamond, it was really fun. I really liked going out with you. Uh, perhaps we can... do it again?”

She had blushed profusely, and then looked at him and gave a nod. “I... would like that a lot, Pip.”

Then, she darted in, and Pip felt her lips press on his cheek. A small smooch later, she turned and ran inside, giggling. He just blinked, frozen in the moment. His hoof came up and he rubbed where she had kissed him. Slowly turning, Pip started to head home, head held high, and a bounce in his step, one that announced to all who saw him, somepony was in love!


Many, many miles away, Cadence who was holding her little foal, trying to put her back to sleep. Shivered and then had to smile. Sure, she had that shiver every time somepony fell head over heals for another, after all, she was the Princess of Love. However, young love, was always stronger and always held much power. All she could do was smile down at her little bundle of joy.

“I hope you find it too one day, Flurry.”

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