• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 2,103 Views, 63 Comments

Twilight Holmes: The Mystery of Basil Bones - bats

When the famous detective, Basil Bones, comes to Ponyville, it seems like everypony has a case for him. His results are impressive, but his methods are questionable. It's up to Twilight and her girlfriend Rainbow Dash to get to the bottom of this.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Spike waved at Rainbow Dash and Twilight from one of the outdoor mushroom tables, and the two of them went over to meet him. Twilight sunk into a hay bale with a groan and rubbed at the twinge in her forehead. Rainbow sat at the third and said, “Sup, Spike?”

Twilight looked over at her girlfriend. For starting out the day in worse shape, Rainbow had recovered faster from the hangover than she had. Stupid pegasus metabolisms.

“Nothing much, Rainbow Dash. Man, that whole thing was weird.”

“Please tell me that you thought it was funny.” Rainbow grinned across the table at Spike.

Spike shot Twilight a guarded look.Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. He snickered. “Yeah, kinda. I mean, so long as Fluttershy’s okay.”

“She’s fine.” Rainbow waved a dismissive hoof. “Everypony’s way too uptight.”

Spike raised an eyebrow at Twilight. “Is she fine?”

Twilight opened her mouth to answer, but the waiter stepped over to the table. “Good morning. Can I get you ladies something to drink? Coffee perhaps?”

Rainbow nodded. “We brought our own mugs.” She slid hers onto the table.

He straightened the cufflink on a foreleg and gave the table a knowing grin. “Ah, one of those mornings. I’ll leave the pot.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you.” As he turned and headed back inside the café, she looked back to Spike. “Fluttershy should be okay. Everypony in town who knows her wouldn’t have believed Basil Bones’ explanation. She was pretty upset at first, but as soon as she saw that nopony actually thought she was a, um …”

“A hooker,” Rainbow offered, hiding her snickers behind a hoof. Spike snorted and covered his mouth.

“… Sure, a hooker,” Twilight grumbled. “As soon as she saw nopony thought she actually was one of those, she calmed down. It’ll probably take a few days for her to be back to normal, though.”

The waiter came back with a steaming carafe. Twilight slid her mug forward for him, and he poured her a cup, saying, “Some fresh coffee, just what the doctor ordered. Have we decided on food?”

“Um …” Spike flashed a questioning look at Twilight, then down at his menu.

Twilight smiled at him, and turned to the waiter to tell him to come back in a few minutes, but Rainbow talked over her.

“Eggs for me. Four of ‘em, scrambled, with a bunch of cheese. And Twi here’s gonna want pancakes.” She flashed Twilight a smirk and met Twilight’s irritated glare. Her smile faltered. “What, did you want toast or something? I could’ve sworn you wanted pancakes.”

Twilight sighed. “Yes, I do want pancakes.” She looked sidelong at Spike for a moment, then huffed.

Rainbow quirked an eyebrow. “Then what’s the problem?”

Twilight sighed again and turned to Spike. “Did you know what you wanted yet?”

Spike’s expression turned nervous and he flitted attention from the menu to Twilight. After a beat of silence, he let out a tentative, “Gem chip waffle?”

The waiter gave a sharp nod. “Excellent, I’ll have everything out for you shortly.”

Spike cringed, and watched Twilight’s expression as the waiter left. A reasonable precaution, she supposed. A few months into their living in Ponyville, she had needed to sit Spike down and explain to him that gems were not free despite Rarity’s skill at finding them, and his gem chip waffle habit was accounting for over half her stipend from the princess. Twilight let out a slow breath and smiled at him. “It’s okay for today, Spike. You deserve one.”

Spike perked up and let out a breath of relief. “Man, I was worried you’d say no, and after he left without you saying it was okay first, I thought for sure your head was gonna catch fire.”

Rainbow scratched her head. “I still have no idea what I did.”

Twilight rested her cheek against a hoof and looked Rainbow over. “What am I gonna do with you.”

Her expression shifting to a mischievous smile, Rainbow leaned forward. “I dunno. What are you gonna do with me? Probably won’t cost you anything, either, since I’m not Fluttershy.”

Spike snickered and covered his mouth again. Twilight shot him a look, rolled her eyes, and shook her head. “I’m surrounded.” She sat back and took a breath. “I was planning on getting you a waffle anyway, Spike. It’s been a while and I thought you deserved one after we … um … inconvenienced you last night.”

Spike waved her off and puffed out his chest. “Aw, it was nothing. Big Mac and me traded hoofball cards!”

“Better get Big Macintosh something, too,” Twilight muttered under her breath. She nursed her coffee for a few minutes. Her head felt more clear, but she was starting to get a little jittery. She pushed the mug away and hoped the food came out soon. “Anyway, even if it worked out fine, I’m still sorry. Rainbow and I got a little carried away.”

“Aw, don’t worry about it. I’ll just know next time you two want to have drinks to make plans earlier in the night. Ever since he saw me breathe fire, Rumble’s been wanting me to come over for a sleepover, and Fluttershy could always use a little help with her animals in the evening.” He winked slyly at Rainbow Dash. “Just have to make sure she’s not working the town first.”

Rainbow sputtered a mouthful of coffee and let out a cackle. “Nice one!”

Twilight groaned and shouted, “Will you two stop with the hooker jokes!” just as the waiter walked up behind her.

He jumped in surprise, and the three plates tinked against each other from the tray on his back. He eeped and forced himself back into composure.

Twilight’s cheeks darkened. “Oh, gosh, I’m sorry.”

“Quite all right,” he said, smoothing his cravat. He flipped the tray around to his front with practiced ease and slid their plates around the table. A glint of playfulness danced in his eyes, which stood in stark contrast to his professional bearing. “If I haven’t been startled worse a hundred times over, then Fluttershy’s a prostitute.”

Spike and Rainbow clapped their mouths shut to trap any noise from escaping. Twilight also brought her hooves to her face, groaning into them and sinking against the table.

“My apologies,” the waiter said, “I couldn’t help myself. News of mister Basil Bones’, ah, deduction has been making the rounds.” He slid the tray onto his back. “Is there anything else I can bring you at the moment?”

Twilight looked over her hooves at her tablemates, who were both choking to keep themselves quiet, took a deep breath, and gave the waiter a polite smile. “No, we’re fine, thank you.”

“Bon appétit.”

Twilight stared forward with a grim and flat expression for a few moments. “Oh, just laugh already.” Her stare continued for several moments longer as they collapsed on their hay bales.

“Oh, man!” Rainbow Dash wheezed. “That was great!”

Twilight let out a long and beleaguered sigh, then floated her fork into her stack of pancakes.

Spike recovered first and picked up his own fork. “Thanks for the gem chip waffle, Twilight.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, ignoring the raspy grinding noises her girlfriend was still making. “I hope you enjoy it.”

“… Sorry for laughing.”

“I’m surprised you even know what a prostitute is.”

“Aw, c’mon, I’m not that little.” He chuckled and carved out a chunk of waffle.

Rainbow got ahold of herself and swung back up to sitting. “Yeah, but you’re not that big, either.” She smirked at him and leaned across the table. “So tell us, Spike, how do you know what a hooker is?”

Spike winced and shrunk back from the table. “Uh, well, see …” he stammered. Rainbow snickered.

Twilight at last took a bite of her pancakes and chewed them slowly, staring off into space again. Spike shot her a look that she ignored while trying to savor her food.

Spike cleared his throat and sat forward again. “Okay, so a comic I like called a group of mares hookers, and I didn’t know what that meant, so I looked it up.”

Twilight choked and came close to spitting her pancakes out. As Rainbow covered her mouth to laugh yet again, Twilight fought the pancakes down. “What?! What kind of comic book has hookers?!” She caught sight of the waiter in her peripheral, who halted in mid-step from coming up to their table, turned, and left without a word.

Spike twiddled his claws together and looked down.

Rainbow recovered, but Twilight could see the amusement bubbling in her expression. “Probably something by Crank Thriller.” Spike glanced up and nodded. Twilight gave her girlfriend a bewildered look. “Oh, calm down, Twi, they’re noire detective comics, nothing gross. Artwork’s a little weird, but they’re pretty cool.”

Spike gave Rainbow a grateful look, then turned back to Twilight. “Yeah, what Rainbow Dash said. You’d probably like ‘em.”

Twilight groaned and slumped backwards. “I think I’ve had enough of detectives for a while.” She picked her fork back up and floated some more pancake to her mouth.

Rainbow chuckled and swept her own fork up. “Thought you wanted to read about some of ‘em so we could ‘talk about books.’” She shoved half her eggs into her mouth in one bite.

“That was before Basil Bones showed up.” Her expression darkened. “I hope Fluttershy gets back to me about her animals soon.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on?” He looked to Rainbow.

“I dunno either. We figured some of Fluttershy’s pets had taken the dumb dishes and got embarrassed that they left ‘em in the fountain, but Twi wanted Fluttershy to make sure.”

Twilight nodded as she chewed. She’d cleared a good portion of her plate in short order, and the weight on her stomach was calming the coffee jitters. Slowly but surely, she was starting to feel like a pony again. “That’s one explanation of what happened, yes.”

Rainbow quirked an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I …” Twilight grimaced. “Something else might be going on. I don’t want to say anything until there’s more evidence first.”

Shrugging, Rainbow wolfed down the rest of her eggs. “All right, be weird about it.”

“I’m not being weird about it!”

“You’re being weird about it.” Rainbow smirked and winked at Spike, who chuckled.

“I just want all my bases covered first. That means waiting to find out from Fluttershy or seeing if Basil Bones solves any other mysteries.” She skewered some pancakes with a bit more vindictive force than she meant.

Rainbow leaned back on her hay bale. “I get it now. You just wanna be the detective.”

Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but the waiter slid back to their table before she could say anything. “How is everything?”

She swallowed her sigh and forced a smile. “Very good as always.”

“Excellent. Is there anything else I can get you?”

“I think we’re ready for the check.”
“Very good.” He slid a booklet off his back and onto the table. “Let me know if you save room for dessert.”

“Thanks.” Twilight reached for the bill and flipped it open as he left. She filled in her expense account information and left a large tip. She wrote a quick note for herself on her copy to fill in ‘mental trauma’ when sending her spending justifications back to the castle. The three finished their meals together in relative silence.

Rainbow pushed her empty plate away, then drained her coffee mug. “Thanks for the grub, Twi. I’m totally ready for a nap now.”

Twilight smirked. “Of course you are.” She flipped the bill closed. “Unfortunately, some ponies can’t nap on coffee.”

“You just gotta believe in yourself.” She stood up and stretched her back. “What’cha up to later?”

She rubbed an eye. “I don’t even know. I haven’t looked at my schedule for the day.”

“We’ve got last week’s book returns to put away, and today’s laundry day,” Spike chimed in. “Don’t act surprised, I wrote the schedule.”

Twilight smiled fondly and stood from the table. “Thank you, Spike. I also want to stop by Applejack’s a little later. What about you, other than napping?”

“Got a storm to set up for AJ and Golden Harvest.” She stepped closer and murmured, “We could meet up at AJ’s and I could fly you back to my place. My bed’s made out of clouds, and I just got these really hot Daring Do outfits …”

Twilight blushed and covered her smile. “We’ll see.”

“That’s a yes, then.” She pecked Twilight on the cheek and stepped back, opening her wings. “I’ll see you lat—”

Twilight jumped in surprise as a stampede of ponies poured through the street around the café, heading in the direction of town square. She raised her eyebrows.

“Oh Luna, what now?” Rainbow muttered.

Twilight narrowed her eyes and scanned the crowd. A flash of curly hair caught her eye, and she snagged the end of Pinkie Pie’s tail with her magic. Pinkie bounced in place a couple times before noticing she wasn’t moving forward anymore. “Ooh, this is neat! Hi, Twilight! If I started running and you let go, would I go super-duper fast?”

“… No. You might trip, though.”


The rush of ponies thinned out around them and Twilight cocked her head. “Where is everypony going?”

Pinkie grinned wider. Pinkie kept bunny hopping as she talked, gaining no ground. “Beats me! I’m hoping it’s something as exciting as this morning. I can’t believe I missed it. Ooh, I wonder if he’s gonna call Rarity a hooker this time. That’d be way funnier than Fluttershy.”

Rainbow clapped her hooves to her mouth. Twilight sighed. “So you’re just following them, even though you don’t know where they’re going?”

“Duh! Whatever it is has gotta be about Basil Sillybones, and mobs are just grumpy parties, anyway. Oh boy, everypony’s gotten way ahead of me, I hope I don’t miss anything again.” She bounced faster, though she remained locked in place.

Twilight looked to Rainbow, then Spike, who wore the same mystified expression. She shrugged helplessly and turned back to Pinkie. “… I’ll let you go so you can catch back up.”

“Ooh, wait, Twilight! Let’s see if it works!”

“If what works?”

“The running and letting go thing! I bet I will go zooming away.” Pinkie dropped to the ground, fell into a crouch, and then sprinted forward at full speed, kicking up dirt behind her. “Okay, let go!” she shouted over her own scuffle.

Twilight grit her teeth. “… You sure? Okay …” She let go. Pinkie blasted away in a cloud of dust. The shockwave knocked Twilight back onto the hay bale. She blinked away the stars in her eyes until she could see Rainbow Dash again, who shrugged. She rubbed her forehead. “I don’t know what I was expecting.”

“Your problem was ‘expecting stuff’ with Pinkie.” She offered a hoof and helped Twilight up. “So, uhh … you gonna go check it out, too?”

Twilight smirked at the guarded look on her girlfriend’s face. “Yes, but I’m not expecting you to come with. I’m feeling better now, and I know you want a nap.”

Rainbow’s shoulders relaxed, but she brushed Twilight off with a wave. “I’m kinda tempted. That guy was hilarious. Also I kinda want to sock him.”

Chuckling, Twilight kissed Rainbow on the cheek. “All the more reason for you to not come with.” She stepped back and smiled at Spike. “You don’t have to come, either, if you’d rather go home.”

“If I go home, you’re gonna make me start the laundry.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, then stepped back into Rainbow’s shoulder. “I’ll see you at AJ’s,” she murmured.

“Knew that was a yes.” Rainbow nuzzled her cheek.

Basil’s voice cut through their moment, sharp and direct, and from the other side of the table. “Oh, how tragic.”

Rainbow leapt off her hooves in surprise, catching herself mid-air with her wings. “Gah!” She spun around. Basil sat in Spike’s hay bale with a menu propped open in front of his face. “What the heck are you doing here? Aren’t you somewhere over there?” She waggled a hoof in the direction of the stampede.

“Hmn?” He lowered the menu to reveal his raised eyebrow. A pipe hung from the side of his mouth, and he puffed at it twice. “Not that it is of any concern, madam, but my comings and goings are my own. I was one place, and now I am here, about to partake in lunch, only to witness a true tragedy unfolding before me.”

Rainbow landed with a clatter and huffed, then turned to Twilight. “The heck is he talking about?”

Twilight felt the pancakes turning sour in her stomach as she leveled a cool gaze at Basil. “I’m sure he’ll tell us whether we want him to or not.”

“Sharp-tongued, I see. As to be expected considering the circumstances.” He folded his menu and set it aside on the mushroom table, then leaned forward and met Twilight’s stare with piercing certainty. “I do have a soft spot for the banalities of daily existence, so it should be of no incredulity that I surmised your situation.”

Rainbow stepped back and scratched the side of her head. She turned to Spike. “Man, is talking like that really normal? He sounds like Twilight when she’s trying to teach me something.”

Twilight turned her flat glare onto the back of her girlfriend’s head. She hid her face in her hoof when Spike answered, “It’s not not normal … I think? I don’t get it, either.”

“So the eggheads have their own language now.”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

Basil cleared his throat, and the two straightened and looked back at him. Twilight rubbed at her blossoming headache. “As I was saying,” Basil continued, “despite the platitudinous nature of the conundrum—”

Rainbow huffed. “Now you’re doing it on purpose.”

“— I have a soft spot for the subject and couldn’t help but notice the quintessential commonplace tragedy.” He lapsed into silence. Twilight suspected he wanted it to come off as contemplative, but she just found it annoying. He probably expected her to prompt him before he continued.

She grinded her teeth together as the silence stretched out. He definitely expected her to say something first. She growled, “And what tragedy would that be?”

He reopened his menu and disappeared behind it, save the curl of smoke rising in the air from his pipe. “Isn’t it so obvious as to be unremarkable? Your paramour is preparing to ask for your hoof in marriage.”

“Wh-what?!” Rainbow sputtered.

“An event on its own that one should find joyful and is therefore only a piece of our conundrum, but it is of vital importance. The tragedy unfolding only carries weight when it is understood that her harbored matrimonial plans are factual.”

Twilight gaped at him while Rainbow stammered silently next to her. The waiter stepped up behind Basil, eyed the two of them, then turned around and trotted back inside the café. Twilight glanced sidelong at Rainbow, who was turning an alarming shade of purple, then shook her head to clear it. “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, were that true you would have far less worries, madam. I applaud your decision to not fake happiness at finding out. It is better this way. Keeping up appearances now would make the heartbreak harder on your paramour later; best to disavow her of your intentions now.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You’re completely out of your mind.”

“Am I? It’s quite obvious to even a laypony that she harbors a deep affection for you, but beyond that affection there is a nuance to her actions that is further suggestive to a mind such as mine. A mostly hidden unsteadiness belies it, but the true giveaway is that she has thoughtlessly left her mug on the table, whereas you in your current state remembered to take yours. Whatever plans she solidified with you just now carry the ulterior motive of a proposal.”

Twilight knit her brow and rubbed the throbbing spot on her forehead. A wavering squeak made its way out of Rainbow’s throat, and Twilight glanced over. Quite alarmingly purple. “Rainbow, breathe.”

“And in considering your current state, therein we find the tragedy, as unbeknownst to your hopeful beloved, you have spent the previous evening in flagrante delicto with a third party.”

Twilight’s jaw fell open. “I did what?!”

“Truly tragic.”

She gaped at him again, her jaw hanging open and her voice dead in her throat. A beat passed, and Spike broke the silence with a snort, but clapped his claws over his mouth fast enough to restore it again, giving Twilight a sheepish look. She clacked her teeth shut and reared up at Basil. “Now listen here, I—”

“Oh, this has grown tiresome.” He huffed and flopped his menu down. “Playing your cards close to your chest is simply illogical now, madam, the jig is up, as they say. Your still tousled and shaky demeanor suggests you partook in alcohol during the evening and are currently suffering from a hangover. Additionally, the character of your scent suggests somewhat recent sexual activity.”

“You couldn’t possibly be close enough to know that—did … did you smell me when I wasn’t looking?” Twilight’s face darkened and twisted into outrage.

“Your paramour, meanwhile, exhibits none of the symptoms of a hangover, and the character of her scent tells me simply that she’s flown recently and had eggs for breakfast.”

Twilight looked at Rainbow’s plate, which had yet to be cleared from the table and was smeared with eggs. “Your observation skills are truly inspiring,” she spat. The strangling sounds next to her ceased, and she glanced over at Rainbow. Still out of sorts, her girlfriend had at least rediscovered how to breathe, albeit through gritted teeth and flared nostrils.

Taking a long drag from his pipe, Basil stooped forward against the table. “It is a trifling of a conclusion then that your evenings were spent separately, and considering what is evident happened during your evening, the common tragedy of modern day life is unfolding in front of me.” He leaned back, pushed his glasses up his muzzle, and reopened his menu. “I hope this has been illuminating for the both of you. No need to thank me.”

Rainbow threw a hay bale at him.

The strings holding it together exploded apart against Basil’s chest, and he bounced end over end before landing in a heap, sputtering and waggling his hooves for purchase as loose hay rained down around him. He pulled himself to his haunches and glared through his askew pince-nez at her. “I say, that was most uncalled for, madam. I am simply a bearer of the truth!”

“You get the hell out of here before you see how far I can chuck your ass!” Rainbow fumed, slamming her forelegs on the table.

Basil’s pupils shrank. He pulled himself up and brushed the bits of hay out of his mane. He cleared his throat. “Yes, I see. My revelations proved shocking, and it is quite understandable to react with vehemence. I shall partake my breakfast in some other establishment. One with a better atmosphere.” He picked his pipe off the ground and stuck it in his mouth, wrinkling his snout as he tried to puff it back to life.

Rainbow growled.

Basil started and danced back a half step. He cleared his throat again. “Right. Good day, sir and madams.” He sidestepped a second hay bale and dashed out to the road.

Heaving in deep breaths, Rainbow stood on top of the table holding a dirty plate over her head, prepared to toss it after him as he disappeared around a building. Twilight gaped, then scrambled up and grabbed her foreleg. “Rainbow, he got the message!”

“That skeevy jerk deserves it! I oughta—” She flinched and shot Twilight a wide-eyed look, then pulled her hoof away and scrambled back off the table. “I-I mean, uhh …” She coughed and cleared her throat.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. Rainbow wouldn’t look at her straight and jittered in place like her tail was on fire. Twilight stepped off the table. “It’s okay, Rainbow. I was pretty angry, too, you don’t need to be embarrassed.”

“Who’s embarrassed?” Rainbow snapped, catching her eye and then darting away again, cheeks red. “He just—I mean—jerk like that has a thrashing coming to him is all,” she blathered, backing away from Twilight in little steps.

Twilight grew more and more bewildered at Rainbow and struggled to find her voice. “Um … sure? You … you okay?”

“What? Yeah, I’m cool, totally cool.” Her eyes danced everywhere, before at last settling on looking up. “I gotta go.”

“Su—” Rainbow blasted off, leaving a fading trail of color where she’d stood “—re.” Twilight blinked and sat down.

Spike crept up next to her. “What was that about?”

“I …” She rubbed the side of her face and shrugged at him. “I don’t know. I’ll talk with her later, after she’s calmed down some.”

He nodded and looked to the sky off in the direction Rainbow had vanished. “I hope it’s nothing, because that was way funnier than this morning. I can’t believe she threw that at him! I can’t believe he said flagrante delicto!”

She huffed and crossed her forelegs. “And how do you know what that means, mister?”

His eyes widened. “Um, uh … context?”

“I’m taking away those comics.”

“Aww, no fair!”

She let a slow breath out through her snout and rubbed her face with both hooves. “We’ll debate the fairness later,” she grumbled, then stood up. “Sometime after I get back to the library. Which might not be today.”

Spike’s pout turned to a look of confusion. “What’s that mean?”

Twilight circled around the table, passing the waiter as he bobbed his mouth open and closed at the state Rainbow and Basil had left the café’s patio in. She squinted her eyes at a pile of pipe ash sprinkled on the mushroom top. “Rainbow made the joke that I was the one who wanted to be the detective. I was going to tell her that she was wrong.” She scooped the ashes up in her magic and peered at them. “Unfortunately, I’m afraid that today I have to be.”

“… If I get the laundry done by myself, can I keep my comics?”

Twilight sighed and slumped. She dropped the ashes back on the table and shot Spike a glare.

“Right, we’ll get to it later.” He grinned at her with a hopeful and imploring look in his eyes.

“Put the returns away, too, and we’ll talk.”

He let out a breath and wiped his forehead in relief. “You got it, Twilight. I am on it. So what’re you gonna do?”

“First stop is Fluttershy’s, I th—” The waiter bumped her and she eeped.

“My apologies,” he mouthed around the broom handle. “Just cleaning up.” He circled around the pile of hay he was gathering, and for his part didn’t glare at her.

Twilight grimaced. “… First stop is leaving a better tip,” she said under her breath, pulling the check closer. “Anyway, Spike, I can’t afford to wait for Fluttershy to get back to me anymore, I have to chase down the lead on my own.”

He walked back to the table and watched her correct the totals, then double underline ‘mental trauma’ on her receipt. “What lead?”

“It might be nothing still.” She offered the waiter an apologetic smile and stepped out of his way as he gathered up the dishes. “If my suspicions are correct, it’s just a little piece of the puzzle, not the answer.” She stopped in the street for a moment, since she and Spike were going in opposite directions. “I’ll hopefully have a new lead to follow from there, and if not I’ll start over somewhere else.”

“That sounds complicated.”

“It’s just how you need to go about solving a mystery. Lots of looking and finding little things. It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.”

He raised an eyebrow. “… All right, then.”

She giggled. “I’ll let you know more when I see you next. Don’t goof off too much while I’m not there.”

Grinning, he elbowed her in the chest. “But I can goof off a little, right?”

She rolled her eyes.

“I’m kidding! Have fun, Twilight.”

She waved him off, then turned and headed down the street towards the other end of town, aiming for Fluttershy’s cottage. The road grew crowded in a hurry as whatever gathering had formed dispersed. All the ponies she weaved through looked as annoyed as she felt. No way she’d have fun picking up after the esteemed detective, and yet she found herself smiling. “The game is ahoof,” she muttered to herself.

Author's Note:

This one took a little longer to get up than I was hoping. February is worst month. Hopefully the time between this chapter and the next one will be a touch shorter. See you then!