• Published 24th May 2020
  • 2,345 Views, 185 Comments

Up to Fate - Onomonopia

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Nabu sighed as he released his true power, returning to his normal form. His helm was cracked and blackened, his outfit was mere tatters and his power was far less than he thought it would be. The Maestro was gone, though. Not the true Maestro, Nabu knew that much, but he had hurt the Maestro today. He had decimated his bodies and his chance to interfere with all of reality. He would need time. As would Nabu. But as he looked around at the white void that surrounded him, he knew that he was not finished. Not yet.

There was nothing left of this reality now. His fight with the Maestro had ensured that. Galaxies and cosmos. Rules and natural law. All of it was gone. Not a single spec of the universe was left. All aside from a tiny, shrunken down Equis that Nabu had managed to save. Nabu held out his hand and the tiny world appeared in it. He could hear the thoughts of most of the beings on the world. Why was the sky suddenly white? What had been that explosion that had rocked their existence to the core? And what was that being staring down at them?

But there were only two minds he was searching for. The two Pie's. The two that had believed in him and Pinkie the entire time. He found them with ease. Their thoughts were relieved to see him staring down at them. They weren't questioning how he was suddenly so massive. Nor the destruction of time and space. The only thing that the two Pie family members were thinking was where was Pinkie? And when would she be home?

What could he tell them? That she had given up her entire existence, everything she was or will be to save them? That she was so far gone that her body, soul and existence was in a place that even Nabu couldn't reach? Even if she had done it to save them, the revelation would devastate the family, to a point that they would never be able to come back from. He did not need to see the future to know that.

They had already suffered so much. They had their original home stripped from them, their lives as they knew it ended, forced to live under a tyrant who subjugated them to prevent an even worse fate from befalling them...and they survived all that. Only to lose the pony who had allowed them to survive. The pony who had allowed them to laugh. It didn't matter what Nabu told them. To them, a world without Pinkie in it...would be a world not worth living in.

And then he remembered his promise. His promise to Pinkie. About making sure her family made it to that better world. A world of laughter and love. Friendship and Harmony. A world where they would never have to live in fear and poverty. The last favor she had asked of him.

His body glowed golden once as he summoned his power forth once more, illuminating the white void as he did so. He knew what he had to do. To fix what had been broken, to restore order to the chaos...and to fulfill his promise to Pinkie...even if it meant that no pony would ever remember her.

"Forgive me, my friend. But it is the only way," Nabu whispered. "This will be...their fate."

Then Nabu unleashed his power and everything went golden.

"Come on daddy! We're almost there!"

Cheese Sandwich let out a small laugh as his son raced through the streets ahead of him, heading for the Sugarcube Corners. Ponies waved to him as he walked by and he waved back as best as he could. He wasn't surprised in the slightest that his son was so excited. It had been ages since Lil' Cheese had last seen his aunt. He reached Sugarcube Corners and pushed open the door, finding everypony inside.

The place was mostly empty, aside from six ponies who sat at a table in the back. The Elements of Harmony. The Ambassadors of Friendship. The six, greatest heroes that Equestria had ever known. Twilight Sparkle, princess of friendship. Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier. Applejack, the immovable truth. Fluttershy, the golden heart. Rarity, the brilliant creator. And finally Cheesybread, his sister, the boundless joy. Lil' Cheese was already in his sisters lap, helping himself to the candy that was on the table.

"Hey bro! Over here!" Cheesybread waved to him. Cheese Sandwich walked over, hugging his sister before sitting down next to her.

"Sorry to call you out here on such short notice," Cheese said, before casting a glance at the other Elements. "Though I'm a little surprised that you brought your friends here as well."

"You know we couldn't skip on a chance to see our favorite foal," Fluttershy said. Lil' Cheese ran over to her and gave her puppy dog eyes. Fluttershy giggled before handing Lil' Cheese a bit of the cake she had been eating.

"It has been a while since we've been in Ponyville," Twilight said. "Between dealing with Sombra's return, Flurryheart's graduation and Tirek's rise in the west...we figured we could all use a break."

"Well know that I appreciate it," Cheese said with a smile. "Did you also tell them why I asked you to come here?" he asked his sister.

"Yeah, you wanted me to look after Lil' Cheese for a while," Cheesybread replied. She then gave her brother a soft look and gently hugged him. "And I can guess why. It's been eight years since...well...she passed. I figured you'd need a day to yourself."

Eight years since she passed. She. That had always bothered Cheese. He could remember a lot about his wife. Her joyous laugh, her ability to bring smiles to anyponies face, and her unyielding love. He could remember all of that. But never her name. For the longest time he had convinced himself that he couldn't remember it because it was too painful. But now he knew better.

"Yeah, that's part of it," Cheese whispered. The other mares gave him sympathetic looks. "But there's another reason.There's somepony that I need to go have a talk with and I don't want Lil' Cheese there for that."

"Really? Who is that?" Twilight asked.

"God," Cheese replied. All of the ponies at the table went silent and looked at Cheese for a moment.

"Nabu? You're going to see Nabu?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. There is something I need to speak with him about," Cheese replied. "That's why I need Cheesy to look after Lil' Cheese. You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all. But bro...be careful," Cheesy warned. "Nabu may be our god, but he's always been a distant one. Nopony knows what to make of him. So just...be careful."

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing," Cheese said, before he backed up slightly and looked up. "I'm ready."

And then Cheese was gone in a flash of light.

The Tower of Fate stood alone in the farthest point north in all of Equis. Bottomless cliffs, frozen tundras and monsters so dangerous and powerful that not even the princesses wished to deal with them. This is where Nabu resided. Where he had resided ever since he restored reality and created this world. A world of friendship and harmony. Love and laughter. A world that Pinkie would have always wanted.

The god stood in his tower, staring into a mirror. There was no reflection in the mirror. Instead, there was only a complete, white void on the other side. A place that no being dared to go. No being that valued their existence. He had spent years preparing himself for this. But, as a cheese colored pony with a brown mane appeared in his tower, he would have to wait a bit longer.

"Cheese Sandwich. What brings you to my tower?" Nabu asked the pony.

"Because I finally remembered," Cheese replied.

"Remembered what?"

"What was taken from us. What you made me forget. Pinkie...and the Maestro."

Nabu slowly looked over his shoulder at Cheese Sandwich, who was glaring at Nabu with a look of hate that Nabu didn't know the pony was capable of making. "Why? Why did you make all of us forget her? Why did you make me forget about the kindest, most loving mare that I have ever known?"

"I would be surprised that you remembered, but your family has always been able to find ways around my magic," Nabu replied. "Yes, I took your memories of her. Or rather, it is fair to say, I gave you just enough so that you would remember your wife without actually remembering why she was gone."

"And the reason is?"

"Because she gave up everything to save your family," Nabu said. "A foe rewrote your world, created an Equis far different from this one. She and I fought together to defeat him. And she gave her very existence so that I could have the power to best that foe and recreate the world you are in now. It was what she wanted for all of you. A world of love and friendship. It was her last request."

"So the fact that we could never really remember her..."

"While your memories might have been gone, I knew that the feelings would remain. So I made sure you remembered just enough so not to question those feelings. But once again, you Pie's have found a way to impress me," Nabu stated. "I am sorry for the sorrow it caused you, but it was better than you knowing the full truth. The truth of how much she sacrificed to save you. That she was gone and would never be able to come back, even with my power. She wouldn't want you to be upset."

"Upset? I would rather have known that she sacrificed herself to save us all! That way I could at least tell my son proudly that she died to save us all, to...to give us this world of harmony! I could live with that!"

"No. You wouldn't be able to. Not with the other memories that would have to come with it," Nabu stated. "That is why I did it. That...and because her story may not yet be done."

"Then why...?" Cheese began. But then he too noticed the mirror and every single one of his instincts, as well as his Cheesy Sense, screamed at him to run. That whatever was on the other side of that mirror was something that he did not want to be anywhere near. "What is that?"

"That?" Nabu asked. He motioned an arm to the void within the mirror. "That is the Overvoid. A place of absolute nothingness. A place where no being, be it mortal or god, can go to. For it is nothingness and all that is within it is nothingness."

"And if somepony was to be reduced to nothingness, to be completely erased..." Cheese caught on.

"Then this is where they would go," Nabu said. "I may not have been able to save Pinkie from sacrificing herself...but do not think I have given up. So long as there is a chance...then I will take it. The world needs laughter. The world needs it true Element of Harmony. And I need my friend back."

"I see...so when do we go?" Cheese asked Nabu.

"We? Do you not understand? That is infinite nothing. It takes anything and turns it into nothing. Even I am not sure how long I would last in there. If you were to go in..."

"She gave everything to save us. What right do I have, as her husband, to do anything less?" Cheese asked. "Besides, it's not like I'm going in there alone. God is on my side. And if we don't find her I will guilt trip that god until the end of everything."

"Hmm...you truly are incredibly stubborn when it comes to that mare," Nabu said. Then the god nodded. "Very well. You may come with. Understand that was is in there is beyond anything you could hope to understand."

"It's nothing. I understand nothing. It's how I feel without her," Cheese smirked back.

"A good answer," Nabu said. He cloaked Cheese in a golden barrier before the two of them turned towards the Overvoid.

"Come then. Let us find her."

"And we will find her," Cheese vowed with determination.

"It will be our fate."

Author's Note:

And as the spellbook closes on this story, I'd like to thank those that have given this story a chance. I know Dr. Fate isn't that popular in the public eye, but he's always a character that I've wanted to do. But for the next one...

Twilight has been struggling. Leading Equestria would be tough for her and her friends, but with her friends living their own lives, she must do it alone. But when new and old threats emerge, she'll need to see if she can be the pillar that holds up Equestria in its darkest hour. Lucky, she won't have to do it alone. For there is no need to fear...


Comments ( 20 )

I'm pretty sure its All Might from My Hero Academia. But I could be wrong though. lol

Comment posted by Norwegian boy deleted Jul 15th, 2020

So either Underdog is next or we have the Number 1 Hero All Might coming. That or a fully Realized Deku taking on the mantle. PLUS ULLLLLLTRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

This was a really interesting and good read. The twists and turns were quite enjoyable and since the most I am familiar with Dr. Fate is Justice League and Young Justice, I wasn't at all sure what to expect. But I'm glad it was told and another road down the story of the Maestro. Leaves me curious as to what will be next for the multiuniversal villain, but as for what is coming, I'm ready to go Plus Ultra!!

A beautiful poetic ending. I hope Fate finds Wonder Women and her crew. I think they all would be beyond rage if they find out what happened to one Pinkie and want revenge.

I completely forgot All Might but have to agree Twilight being a pillar sound alot like Deku

I personally love Dr Fate and think he deserve more time in both comics and TV. Here's hoping he appears in the Stargirl series.


Song fits these last few chapters just as well, All Might would be proud.

Where is the "I like the next story, even if it wasn´t wrote yet" button ?


Aye Onomonopia, it’s been awhile since we last spoke to each other, I’m the Deadpool guy from long ago that requested a Dragon Ball crossover, and so far I’ve really liked it. Have you thought about going with a One Punch Man crossover yet? Maybe even Naruto?

I've consider a Naruto character, but I don't really have anyone for OPM

Well, it would be pretty cool to see Saitama and Genos in the Mlp Universe, heck, Tirek and Discord would give Saitama a hell of a time in a fight, especially Discord with how chaotic he can be with his unpredictable nature in fighting or as a whole. As for Naruto crossovers, it would be really interesting to see how Sasuke adapts and adjusts to the whole girly situation of being surrounded by the Mane 6, but for Naruto it would most likely be the opposite as he would most likely have a field day with the girls with his outgoing personality. Overall though, I really like your stories, so keep up the good work!

I'm glad you're enjoying them. Genos could be fun, but I have no idea how I would do Saitama.

No problem! Take your time on these stories, and most of all, have fun while at it. Also, I’m available for suggestions and anything else you would need in your stories. Saitama has a carefree personality, so I suggest researching the character of Saitama some in your free time, maybe going over other people’s work with Saitama too and picking a style that suits you in your story.

I am Loving these crossover stories, so much so that I was thinking maybe you could help me with a story of my own. It's a crossover between Sonic the Hedgehog and My little Pony FIM, I have many Idea's yet I still don't have a clue on how to do it right, and not have it be just like any other fanfiction with Sonic. And since I haven't seen much of the MLP FIM I'm also afraid that I would do some of the characters from that show a injustice. All I wanted from you is to listen to what I have so far and maybe help me finish it. And the more stuff I come up with, I could send you and you can look it over. But there might be times were I won't be able to reply back immediately because I'm still in High School and the fact that I'm going on a trip this Summer. But I promise I will try to reply quickly so I don't take that much of your time. So, can ya help? it's ok if you can't and you have other things you need to do, I just want help from someone who has seen a lot of the show.

Sorry for a bit of the late reply, things have been hectic. I can help with listening to your ideas and giving you some advice in how to set up the story and things like that, but I'm probably the wrong person to be a consistent editor since I'm still writing my own stuff and I've also busy with my own life. I would also recommend catching up on MLP, but if you can't do that then the wiki probably has the most important stuff you need to know about the characters. But most of all, try to have fun writing. If you're not having fun, then what's the point? Hope some of this helps.

It helps alot, thanks. And don't worry I'm also looking for other people to help editing as well. And I don't plan on bothering you every single day. So you can still put your stories first. I'll sent you my ideas soon, but it's gonna take a bit. So don't worry for now.

Pls make a sequel, even if its just a one shot I would read it

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