• Published 26th Feb 2016
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The One Where Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo Have A Sleepover - SuperPinkBrony12

Takes place after "Crusaders of The Lost Mark" but before "The Mane Attraction". When Filthy Rich gets called out of town, Scootaloo agrees to let Diamond Tiara come to her home for a sleepover. The two soon learn just how much they have in common.

  • ...

Desperate Measures

With the ringing of the school bell, class at Ponyville Elementary was finished for the day. And amidst the crowd of colts and fillies rushing out the front door, a quartet of fillies were talking to themselves.

"Really? You're actually going to let me join your club?!" Diamond Tiara asked excitedly, as a smile broke out across her face.

"Of course," Apple Bloom replied "You're gonna love bein' a Cutie Mark Crusader! That's what you want, isn't it?"

To the surprise of nopony, Diamond Tiara quickly responded with "Hay yeah, it is! But what exactly do I have to do to join? Is there some sort of initiation ritual or something?"

"Nope, just a swearing in ceremony," Sweetie Belle told Diamond Tiara "And hopefully, a certain somepony remembered to revise the initiation speech." Sweetie Belle then turned her attention to Scootaloo, as she glared slightly at her.

"I changed it shortly after Babs became a member," Scootaloo said to Sweetie Belle "I just hope you have a cape in Diamond Tiara's size."

"You mean, I get my own Cutie Mark Crusaders cape as well?!" Diamond Tiara asked, barely able to contain her excitement.

"All members get one when they're sworn in," Apple Bloom explained, as the four fillies left the school grounds "Come on, let's get to the clubhouse so we can start the ceremony."

"Actually, I can't. Not today anyway," Diamond Tiara frowned "Father wants me home as soon as possible today."

"Can't it wait for just a little while?" Scootaloo insisted "The ceremony will only take a few minutes."

"I'd rather not have Father get mad with me too," Diamond Tiara replied with a shake of her head "Mother and I don't really talk to each other much since the school board kicked her out of office, Father's all I really have left. Randolph isn't bad, but he's usually just there for those occasions where both Mother and Father are busy, and can't spend time with me."

"Well, that stinks," Sweetie Belle commented "But I guess if your dad really wants you home, you'd better go. Tomorrow, if you've got time before school, stop by our clubhouse and we'll get you sworn in. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good, I guess." Diamond Tiara sighed.

"Do you want us to walk home with ya?" Apple Bloom asked.

"And risk Mother seeing me with you? No thanks, I'm not interested in getting yelled at again." Diamond Tiara replied, and with that she reluctantly set off for home.

Diamond Tiara always dreaded the walk from the schoolhouse to the family mansion, even more so now that she had turned over a new leaf and made some new friends. For she almost always had to contend with her mother, who was often quick to say something nasty towards Diamond Tiara. On the rare occasion when her mother was silent, the disapproving scowl Diamond Tiara ended up on the receiving end of was enough to make her feel as if she'd been poked with an icicle.

But today was different. For when Diamond Tiara reached the mansion's front gate, her mother was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Randolph stood at the gate with a warm smile, which did not fade as Diamond Tiara approached him.

"Good afternoon, Mistress Diamond," Randolph said politely "Master Rich is waiting for you in his study, shall I escort you inside?"

"No thank you, Randolph, your services will not be required today," Diamond Tiara replied "Where is Mother?"

"Mistress Spoiled is out shopping, she will not be home for several hours." Randolph told Diamond Tiara, which caused Diamond Tiara to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Randolph," Diamond Tiara smiled "That is the best news I could've possibly heard. Don't tell Mother I told you."

"Do not worry, Mistress Diamond," Randolph reassured her, as she walked past him "My lips are sealed. You have my word on that."

With the knowledge that she would have a small window of time free from her mother's overbearing presence, Diamond Tiara happily skipped into her father's study. "I'll just listen to what he has to say, and then see if I can go back and play with The Cutie Mark Crusaders for a little while. Maybe we'll even have time to make me a crusader!"

Filthy Rich rose from his armchair by the fireplace, and turned his attention towards his only child. "Hello, Diamond Tiara. How was your day at school?" he asked.

"Just fine, Father." Diamond Tiara smiled.

"Good, I'm glad to hear you've been havin' nothin' but good days lately," Filthy Rich said, as he playfully ruffled Diamond Tiara's mane for a moment, then he cleared his throat "But I called you here today for an important reason. I'll be out of town this weekend."

As soon as those words escaped her father's mouth, Diamond Tiara's happy mood completely faded, as her jaw dropped open in shock "What?! This weekend?! As in 'This Weekend' this weekend?!" she asked, hoping beyond hope that she had misheard, or that her father was joking with her. Those hopes were quickly dashed.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," Filthy Rich replied unhappily "I've got to attend a business meetin' for Barnyard Bargains."

"But Daddy, you can't go! That'll leave me in the house with just Randolph, and Mother!" Diamond Tiara pleaded, regretting that she had yet to tell her father about her mother's behavior.

"I'm sorry, Diamond, but this meetin' is very important," Filthy Rich explained "It's the annual shareholders meetin', and if I don't attend, Barnyard Bargains may lose all its backers. And then we'd be in trouble."

"Can't you just postpone it, or tell them to have the meeting here like always?!" Diamond Tiara insisted, shooting the best pair of puppy dog eyes she could muster at her father.

Filthy Rich only shook his head "I've been holdin' off havin' this meetin' for weeks, I can't delay it any longer. And unfortunately, this is the first year in which I haven't been able to convince the shareholders to come here. They wanted to hold the meetin' somewhere else," he told his daughter "But I'll only be gone for the weekend, so by the time you come home from school on Monday, I'll be back."

Diamond Tiara felt like her entire world had just come crashing down. An entire weekend with her mother was sure to be a disaster, and it was something she wanted to avoid by any means necessary.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully for Diamond Tiara. And despite her unhappiness with what the coming weekend held in store for her, she was able to fall asleep without much trouble.

Next morning, after a quick breakfast, Diamond Tiara raced out the door. School wouldn't start for at least another half an hour, which gave her plenty of time to get to the CMC's clubhouse.

Immediately upon arriving, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle commenced the initiation ritual for Diamond Tiara. And for a few minutes, Diamond Tiara forgot all about the fact that her father would be out of town for the coming weekend.

"Congratulations, here's your cape!" Scootaloo said, as she tossed the red cape with gold trim to Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara hesitated for a moment, before putting the cape on. But just seconds after doing so, she remembered the unhappy news she'd received yesterday, and her smile was replaced with a frown. This did not go unnoticed by her fellow crusaders.

"What's wrong? Does the cape not fit?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Does it itch when you wear it?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"No, it's got nothing to do with the cape, or with you girls." Diamond Tiara replied unhappily.

"Then what is it?" Scootaloo asked "Whatever it is, you can tell us. We're friends now."

"'Friends'? That feels like a bit of a stretch considering I've only stopped teasing you three for the better half of two weeks now." Diamond Tiara replied uncertainly.

"Well, if you don't want to tell us, that's fine," Sweetie Belle said to Diamond Tiara "But we're not going to just ignore the fact that one of our own is feeling down. The Cutie Mark Crusaders look out for each other, no matter what!"

"Fine, I'll tell you," Diamond Tiara sighed "Father is going to be out of town for the weekend to attend an important business meeting, leaving me at home with just Mother. And you all know what she's like."

None of the fillies said a word, and none of them needed to. The images of Spoiled Rich that played in their mind provided all the words they could ever need.

"So, as much as it pains me to say this, I need your help," Diamond Tiara continued, a rare hint of desperation contained within her voice "Would one of you girls be willing to let me stay at your house for the weekend? You know, like a sleepover, or slumber party, or whatever you wanna call it," Diamond Tiara then paused briefly, before she added "Please?"

A long and uncomfortable silence fell over the clubhouse, as if all of its inhabitants were participating in a contest to see who could be quiet for the longest length of time. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle looked at Diamond Tiara carefully, as if they expected her to reveal at any second that everything she'd just said was all an elaborate joke.

When that didn't happen, Apple Bloom broke the silence by saying to Diamond Tiara "Give us a second, will you?"

"Sure, take as much time as you need," Diamond Tiara remarked "It's not like school's going to start at any minute or anything!"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders ignored that comment, and huddled together in a corner. Their backs were turned to Diamond Tiara, and they whispered quietly to one another, making it impossible for Diamond Tiara to overhear what they were saying. But after only a short amount of huddling together, the crusaders turned around, giving Diamond Tiara their full attention.

"Well?" Diamond Tiara asked nervously. She wanted to say more, but she couldn't think of how to properly phrase the words she wished to use, so they died on her tongue.

Apple Bloom was the first to speak to Diamond Tiara, as she said "I'm sorry, Diamond Tiara, but I can't invite ya over to Sweet Apple Acres. Applebuck Season's almost here, and I've got a lot to do to help my family get ready for it. Otherwise, I'm sure Applejack and Big Mac would say yes."

"Oh, right, Applebuck Season," Diamond Tiara replied with a frown "I forgot all about that. What about you, Sweetie Belle?"

"I can't either," Sweetie Belle told Diamond Tiara, much to the filly's disappointment "I'm staying over at Rarity's yet again, and ever since she opened that second boutique in Canterlot she's been very busy. Plus, I'm kind of supposed to be grounded for the weekend."

"What did you do this time?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"I'd rather not say, it's too embarrassing." Sweetie Belle blushed.

Diamond Tiara decided it was best not to press for further details, and instead turned her attention to Scootaloo. Truth be told, Diamond Tiara suspected Scootaloo still held something of a grudge against her for what happened during the flag carrying contest, so she was more than a little uncomfortable with the thought that her fate for the weekend now rested solely in Scootaloo's hooves.

Diamond Tiara expected Scootaloo to state some sort of reason (or possibly even a made up excuse) as to why she couldn't invite Diamond Tiara over to her house, and mentally prepared to embrace the reality that she would be stuck putting up with her mother's behavior all weekend long.

But Scootaloo didn't say anything about not being able to invite Diamond Tiara over. In fact, she said nothing at all, which Diamond Tiara found to be rather odd.

"So?" Diamond Tiara asked Scootaloo.

"So what?" Scootaloo replied, sounding as if she were wondering why Diamond Tiara was asking her at all.

"What's your reason for why I can't have a sleepover at your house?" Diamond Tiara asked "You must have a reason, or even just an excuse. Whatever it is, just tell me so I can get it over with!"

But much to Diamond Tiara's surprise, Scootaloo responded by saying "I don't have any reason why I can't invite you over, in fact I'm pretty sure my mom will say yes, once I ask her."

"What?! Are you serious?!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed. There was no way that was true, it had to be the set up for a joke. This was the opportunity Scootaloo needed to get back at her for making fun of her possible inability to fly.

However, rather than confirm that her previous statement was indeed a joke, Scootaloo said to Diamond Tiara "Of course I'm serious. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because of what I did during the contest to see who would carry the flag for Ponyville," Diamond Tiara insisted "I know you've never truly forgiven me for it. Deep down, you've been secretly biding your time until you could think of a way to get even with me. And now the opportunity has presented itself. You have the chance to do something mean to me, so I know how it feels."

"And why would I ever do that?" Scootaloo said in a confused tone of voice "You're right that I've never truly forgiven you for that comment about my flying capabilities, but we're friends now, not to mention fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders. And we look out for each other, no matter what! We never turn our back on a crusader in need! If you really don't want to have to deal with your mother's behavior for a whole weekend, then I'm willing to let you come over to my place for a sleepover, I 'Pinkie Promise'. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Diamond Tiara couldn't believe what she had just heard, she had to be dreaming! And yet, everything seemed as real as ever! Scootaloo had said yes! Without hesitation, Diamond Tiara raced up to Scootaloo, and gave her the biggest hug she could deliver! "Oh, thank you, Scootaloo! Thank you, SO much!" she exclaimed "Did I mention how thankful I am?"

"Yeah, about a hundred times," Scootaloo replied with a slight groan "So, I'll talk to my mom after school, and then I'll meet you back here by sundown so we can work out all the details. It'll be great!"

The four fillies headed off to school shortly afterward, and nothing more was said on the matter for the rest of the school day. But as soon as the bell rang to signal the end of class for the day, Scootaloo raced out the front door as fast as she could. "The sooner I can talk to my mom, the sooner Diamond Tiara doesn't have to worry about spending the weekend with her mom." And this thought remained in the forefront of her mind, as she scooted along the path to her house, far away from the hustle and bustle of Ponyville's market square.

Dizzy Twister was waiting for Scootaloo when she came home. Scootaloo always looked forward to seeing her mom, even if she didn't usually talk about her parents in front of her friends. Her mom and dad were great ponies, but they did have a tendency to unintentionally embarrass Scootaloo more often than she was comfortable with.

"Hello, Scootaloo," Dizzy Twister smiled, as she gave her daughter a big hug "How was school today?"

"It was great!" Scootaloo replied eagerly, her wings buzzing in excitement "We learned about the history of Cloudsdale today, did you know that the first pegasus to govern the town was actually Private Pansy, not Commander Hurricane?!"

Dizzy Twister nodded "Sounds to me like you're learning a lot," then she changed the subject "So, what are you doing back here so soon? I'm not complaining, but you usually tend to stay out until just before sundown."

Realizing that there was no way she could lie to her mother, Scootaloo took a deep breath and in the sweetest tone of voice she could muster up she asked "Can I invite Diamond Tiara over for a sleepover this weekend? Pretty please?"

Scootaloo waited for a response, but Dizzy Twister didn't say anything for a while. She just stood there, eyeing Scootaloo with a look that indicated she believed her daughter wasn't telling her the whole truth. Then she said. "Now, Scootaloo, I know you and Diamond Tiara are friends now. But why do you want to invite her over for a sleepover so soon after patching things up? You didn't have your first sleepover here with Sweetie Belle until a month after you two became friends, and your first sleepover here with Apple Bloom didn't happen until the night of The Grand Galloping Gala when you two weren't going as plus ones. And in both cases, you were very reluctant to let them come and spend the night here."

"So, maybe this time I want to do things a little bit differently." Scootaloo suggested.

"Maybe, but I know you well enough to know when you're trying to keep something from me," Dizzy Twister replied "Whatever it is, I'm not going to be mad about it, but I need to know."

Scootaloo put a hoof to her chin, as she considered what to say next, before she reluctantly decided it was no use trying to hide the truth. Her mom always had a way of finding things out for herself sooner or later, no matter how hard Scootaloo tried. "Diamond Tiara's dad's gonna be out of town this weekend, and she doesn't want to have to spend it at home putting up with her mother's behavior. She already asked Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and they said they couldn't do it. So, can Diamond Tiara come over, please? I can make her promise to behave if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not worried about Diamond Tiara's behavior," Dizzy Twister said seriously "But the fact is that it's up to her mother to decide whether or not she can come over, not me. Granted, I may not approve of Spoiled Rich's behavior, but if she says no there's not much I can do. I'm not going to get myself in trouble with Spoiled Rich by letting her daughter come over if she's not okay with. If Diamond Tiara invited you over to her house for a sleepover, I'd at least want you to ask for my permission, so I'd know where you are. And I'm pretty sure Spoiled Rich would want the same thing."

"But I've met Spoiled Rich, and she's not nice at all! She's really mean!" Scootaloo protested.

"I know she is, Scootaloo, but that doesn't change the fact that she holds the final say over whether or not Diamond Tiara can spend the weekend here," Dizzy Twister explained "And if she says no, that's the end of it. So, you're going to have to let Diamond Tiara know about the fact that she needs her mother's permission first. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom, I understand. I'll make sure Diamond Tiara's aware of this," Scootaloo sighed unhappily "But I just know she's not going to like it." Scootaloo was certain Spoiled Rich would say no, but her mother was insistent that Diamond Tiara get permission for the sleepover. So, reluctantly, Scootaloo prepared to head back to the CMC's clubhouse to tell Diamond Tiara the news. But that would have to wait until after dinner.

Scootaloo was relieved to see that Diamond Tiara was still out and about when she arrived at the clubhouse. It seemed ironic to Scootaloo that Diamond Tiara was now technically the crusader that spent the most time in the clubhouse, despite rumors from various colts and fillies that Scootaloo was the one who made the clubhouse her home.

Diamond Tiara was gazing out of one the clubhouse windows, at the setting sun in the distance. Her crusader's cape had been removed, and now rested on the clubhouse floor.

Scootaloo cleared her throat, and announced her presence to Diamond Tiara, who spun around suddenly. "Oh, it's just you, Scootaloo," she said with relief "For a moment there, I thought Mother was here. Speaking of which, how did things go with your mother?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Scootaloo said nervously "My mom said you had to ask your mom for permission first, and if she said no that was the end of it."

"What?! She wants me to actually go up and ask for permission from the bane of my existence?! Mother's never said yes anything to I've ever wanted, not even once!" Diamond Tiara complained "I've always had to ask Father whenever I want something, and even he's said no a couple of times."

"Well, who knows, maybe this time your mother will say yes?" Scootaloo suggested.

"Come on, Scootaloo, you saw first hoof how mean Mother can be," Diamond Tiara replied unhappily "Do you actually think she's going to let me spend a weekend at your house, even though you now have your cutie mark?"

"You won't know unless you ask. If you'd like, I could come with you, and we could ask together," Scootaloo offered "Maybe she'll agree if I beg hard enough."

"No, Scootaloo, I can't ask you to do that. You shouldn't have to reduce yourself to such a level, just to please my mom for a few minutes," Diamond Tiara reluctantly replied, then she sighed "I'll just have to ask her myself. This is something I want, and I can't get away with not talking to her forever. I should've realized I'd have to tell her about the sleepover one way or another. But don't try to stick your neck out for me if she says no, I don't want her to have reason to suspect I'm hanging out with you and the other crusaders, or I'm sure she'll start calling me home every chance she gets. The more I can keep her in the dark, the better."

"Then, I wish you good luck. Now, I'd better get home before Mom starts to worry about me. See you here tomorrow before school!" Scootaloo said to Diamond Tiara, and then she set off for home once more.

"No point in beating about the bush," Diamond Tiara thought unhappily to herself, as she exited the clubhouse soon afterward "I'll just have to put on the best brave face I can muster, and pray to Celestia that this will be the one time Mother says yes."

It was almost dark by the time Diamond Tiara returned home, and just as she had feared, her mother was standing at the front gate with an angry scowl on her face.

"Where you have been all day, young mare?" Spoiled Rich asked her daughter, not even bothering to hide the obvious anger in her voice "Haven't I made it perfectly clear that you're to be inside by sundown? No ifs, ands, or buts?"

Knowing that it was best not to aruge with her mother when she was like this, Diamond Tiara reluctantly apologized with the most sincere face she could muster, even if it pained her greatly to do so. "Sorry, Mother, I should've been paying attention to what time it was."

"Indeed you should have," Spoiled Rich scolded "Now, inside you go. No complaining. And you'd better not let this happen again, for your sake."

Diamond Tiara obeyed without saying a word, she was too busy thinking about how to best word the question she knew she needed to ask. "Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to brush off Scootaloo's help," Diamond Tiara thought to herself "At a time like this, I could really use her determination. She probably wouldn't have any trouble at all getting Mother to listen to her."

"Now, your father will be home shortly, and then I'll probably get started on dinner," Spoiled Rich told her daughter "Just go do whatever you feel like, and don't bother me."

Realizing that she probably wasn't going to get another opportunity to ask anytime soon, Diamond Tiara reluctantly swallowed a lump in her throat and nervously said "Actually, there's something I'd like to 'discuss' with you, Mother. It has to do with this weekend."

"Ah yes, I was wondering if Filthy had told you about the business meeting. What is it you want to tell me, it had better be important." Spoiled Rich demanded.

"Well, one of my friends invited me over to their house for the weekend for a sleepover. But their mom said I had to get your permission first," Diamond Tiara said nervously "So, can I go? I can pack everything for the sleepover by myself, and even walk to school on Monday. And I promise I won't stay up past my bedtime."

"One of your 'friends'?" Spoiled Rich asked skeptically, eyeing Diamond Tiara with the most unpleasant scowl ever seen on a pony's face "Was it one of those so called 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'?"

"No." Diamond Tiara lied, hoping her mother would believe her. She didn't.

"Diamond Dazzle Tiara, don't you dare lie to me!" Spoiled Rich shouted "Do you think I'm stupid?! I know you've been spending time hanging out with those former blank flanks since that 'incident' at school. The only reason I haven't said anything until now, is because your father seems quite impressed with the fact that you have friends besides Silver Spoon. And unfortunately, he's more than a little unhappy with the fact that I got kicked off the school board, even if he doesn't know all of the details. But now you want to spend an entire weekend with one of those 'crusaders' that don't even have a purpose now that they've found their cutie marks?"

"Well... yes," Diamond Tiara replied "It's not like they've never had sleepovers before. They wanted to do this."

"More like you asked them to let you have a sleepover, but I suppose that's a moot issue at this point," Spoiled Rich frowned "So, which of those 'crusaders' has invited you over? And don't even think about trying to lie to me again."

"It's Scootaloo," Diamond Tiara replied "She's the only one who could do it this weekend, Apple Bloom's busy and Sweetie Belle's grounded. But she told me that her mother said I needed to get your permission before Scootaloo could let me stay for the weekend."

"Interesting that the only one of your 'friends' who said yes is the one you have practically nothing in common with," Spoiled Rich observed "But at least her mother knows better than to cause trouble for me."

"So, can I go? Just this once?" Diamond Tiara reluctantly asked "I promise I won't ever ask for anything ever again."

"Somehow, I doubt that very much. But do you want to know what my answer is anyway?" Spoiled Rich asked Diamond Tiara.

"Let me guess, no." Diamond Tiara frowned.

"Actually, this time my answer is.... yes," Spoiled Rich said reluctantly "But just so we're clear, the moment you go over to Scootaloo's house, you're not coming back home for anything all weekend long. If you need anything, you're going to have to ask her mom for it. And you can say goodbye to all the luxuries you enjoy here at home, because I can guarantee Scootaloo's house won't have any of those. You'll have to share a bedroom, and probably a bathroom as well. And Randolph isn't going to accompany you like he did when you attended sleepovers at Silver Spoon's place, you're on your own."

Diamond Tiara was speechless. Forget about what had happened earlier today, this had to be a dream. The Spoiled Rich that Diamond Tiara had known for years would never say yes to anything her daughter wanted. So why she was now doing the exact opposite, and allowing her daughter to spend the weekend at the home of one of the fillies she still despised?

"Well, aren't you going to thank me?" Spoiled Rich asked "I've given you what you wanted, or have you somehow suddenly changed your mind and decided you're not going?"

"I still want to go, but what I want to know is, why are you being so nice to me?" Diamond Tiara reluctantly asked "Unless you're just a changeling pretending to be my mother."

"A changeling? Me? Diamond Dazzle Tiara, I don't know where you get such absurd ideas!" Spoiled Rich said angrily "The reason why I'm showing you this display of 'kindness' is simple. I know you don't like being around me, and personally ever since that incident with the school board, I haven't really enjoyed being around you. I was dreading the weekend just as much as you probably were, but now I've got an opportunity to get you out of my mane, if only for one weekend. So, go ahead, go have that little 'sleepover' for all I care. Because I think that's a much better option than the two of us pretending we can be in the same room, unless we're not saying anything. Maybe, once you see just how unluxurious the lives of the common ponies are, you'll understand just how fortunate you are. And then, maybe you'll start to think more carefully about your reputation as a member of the Rich family household."

"Well, I suppose I'll be grateful for that," Diamond Tiara replied uncertainly "In a way, this is the nicest thing you've ever done for me. But I guess there's no reason to suspect this will change things between us."

"Of course not," Spoiled Rich said to her daughter "Now then, if there's nothing else you wish to ask me about, please leave my sight."

"So, were you able to convince your mother to let you come over?" Scootaloo asked Diamond Tiara the next morning, as the two fillies talked in private outside the clubhouse. Scootaloo had to specifically make sure neither Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle were eavesdropping on the conversation from the clubhouse itself.

"Actually, yes," Diamond Tiara replied "But she made sure to phrase it in her own particular way of logic. Guess you can't win 'em all."

Scootaloo cheered, and buzzed her wings in excitement "Sweet! I'll tell my mom the good news after school today, and then we can make the final arrangements! Just bring your sleeping bag and supplies on Friday after school gets out. You know where my house is, right?"

"Yeah, I've passed by it a few times." Diamond Tiara nodded.

"Good," Scootaloo said with a smile that could rival Pinkie Pie's "This weekend is going to be so amazing! We're going to have the best time together!"

"I guess so." Diamond Tiara agreed, but deep down she was not so sure. Spoiled Rich was right when she had said that Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo didn't have much in common.

One thing was for sure though, this was going to be a sleepover to remember for both fillies.

Author's Note:

This fanfic is part of a triology of fics in which Diamond Tiara is a major character. The first was "Seeing The Light", and the third is going to take place in an alternative universe where she's friends with the CMC before "Crusaders of The Lost Mark".

Upcoming fanfic aside, It's certainly not easy to write Spoiled Rich, and I'm hopeful I did a decent job with her. Her being kicked off the school board is my personal headcanon, as is Scootaloo not liking to talk about her parents often because they unintentionally embarass her. And I have Matt11 to thank for the idea of Dizzy Twister being Scootaloo's biological mother.

Hopefully, you'll all enjoy this fic, and stick around for part 2.