• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 4,780 Views, 19 Comments

Parenthood - manuccia

Twilight tries to comfort her husband Soarin as he is haunted by his past.

  • ...


Twilight was seated in the middle of the library’s main room. She was in the middle of one of her famous late night study sessions. Which she preferred to a late night pacing session. She was surrounded by various tomes raging from the Astronomical Astronomers Guide to All Things Astronomy to Quasars, White Dwarfs, and other Exotic Stellar Objects. She groaned as she stared at a blank scroll titled A Study on the Classification and Life Cycle of Main Sequence stars by Twilight Sparkle. ‘Maybe I should go to bed. I can finish this report for Princess Luna later and Soarin’ keeps bugging me about over exerting myself,’ she thought as she rubbed her eyes.

She began to think about the life she has with her husband Soarin’. ‘I still remember how we met.’ Twilight was working on a paper on the history and theory of weather control. She had asked her mentor, Princess Celestia, for some documents from the Canterlot Archives for her study. But instead the Princess decided to send her student, an expert Weather Officer. That was when she met Soarin’ face-to-face for the first time. At first Twilight thought it was a prank; that is until he explained that he was the Wonderbolt’s Chief Weather Officer and received advanced weather training at the Royal Weather and Flight Academy in Cloudsdale. After a long day of study and discussion of weather, Twilight asked him to stay for dinner. They discussed everything from their lives, dreams, and aspirations. If one were so inclined, you could say the two began to fall for each other. After that night Twilight saw Soarin’ whenever she was able to, and she went to all of the Wonderbolt’s shows. A few months into their relationship she was beginning to worry Soarin’ was going break up with her due to his hectic schedule. This worry lead to some of her famous late night pacing to great annoyance to her #1 Assistant.

But on their six month anniversary Soarin’ took her to her favorite restaurant in Canterlot, The Golden Pegasus, and afterwards he took her star gazing in the clouds on the outskirts of the city. She thought it was going to be the night that Soarin’ ‘let her down gently’, but instead that night would become one the happiest of her life. Soarin’ told her that he had resigned his position on the Wonderbolts and then he asked Twilight to marry him which she eagerly agreed to.

It was a beautiful wedding: Pinkie and the Applejack catered, Rarity designed her dress, Fluttershy was in charge of music, and Rainbow offered to do a Sonic Rainboom. It was even held in Palace hall where her brother married Cadence. All her friends and family were in attendance including all the Wonderbolts and even Princess Luna oversaw the marriage ceremony. It was perfect.

Her life with Soarin’ has been amazing and now they are going to have a family. ‘I can’t believe we are going to have our first foal in a few short months,’ she thought as she slowly rubbed her slightly bulging stomach. Of course Twilight was nervous about her adventure into motherhood, and of course she studied every book at her disposal that was even remotely related to foals and parenting.

‘I should probably go to bed,’ she thought. She slowly stood and used her magic to put the various books back into their respective places, and the unfinished scroll onto her well organized desk. She then slowly made her way up to her bedroom and saw Soarin’ was already asleep. She gently got into bed and she heard what sounded like a sniffle. She looked over at her husband and saw that he was crying in his sleep. She put a comforting hoof on his shoulder and she could feel he was shaking a bit. ‘He must be having another nightmare.’ Twilight was worried about Soarin’ because he had been having recent nightmares. They seemed to have started a few days after she told him about his impending fatherhood. Spitfire told her not to worry about it, that Soarin’ would tell her when he was ready: whatever that meant. She turned the sleeping stallion around so he was facing her and pulled him into a loving embrace. “Shh everything is going to be ok Soarin’. I love you,” the mare said gently. The sobbing and shivering slowly came to a stop. Then Twilight soon drifted off to dreamland.


Twilight rolled over and woke up to a surprisingly empty bed. ‘I guess Soarin’ is already awake,’ she thought. She slowly got out of her bed and used her magic to pick up the day’s schedule. She reviewed the scroll as she made her way down to the kitchen. As she entered she saw Soarin’ sitting at the table eating a bowl of oatmeal with a rather dull expression on his face.

“Good morning, Soarin’. Where’s Spike?” she asked as she sat down next to her husband.

“He went to go help Rarity,” he said rather lifelessly.

“Ok. Happy Birthday Soarin’,” she said trying to cheer him up.

“Happy,” he sighed.

Twilight knew that his birthday was filled with bad memories. He lost his parents on his birthday when he was six. Soarin’ didn’t like talking about it. Twilight couldn’t even imagine what he went through. Being orphaned at such a young age and on his birthday no less.

She pulled the distraught stallion into a hug. “You know that I love you, right?” she asked.

“Of course I do, and I love you more than anything in the whole world,” he replied. “I know I should be happy. I am lucky enough to be married to the most amazing mare in Equestria, and we have a foal on the way,” he said.

“It’s ok Soarin’. Your parents died on your birthday it’s ok if you are upset,” she reassured him. “I have to go to Canterlot to see Princess Luna,” she explained, “but if you want me to stay with you I can reschedule.”

“No it’s ok. I know you are big on organization,” he said. To most this offer of rescheduling wouldn’t mean much. But Soarin’ knows about his wife’s habit of detailed scheduling and it meant a lot to him. “Spitfire should be here in a little bit,” he said. Soarin’ and Spitfire have been very close and many have thought they had been dating. Even Twilight was worried that Soarin’ was cheating on him with Spitfire; that is until Soarin’ explained to her that Spitfire was like a sister to him.

“Ok, Soarin’. I shouldn’t be too long,” she stated.

Soarin’ noticed the worried look on Twilight’s face. “I’ll be alright Twi,” he said.

“I’ll see you later I guess,” she said. “I love you Soar.” She gave him a short kiss on the lips.

“I love you too,” he replied.

Twilight left the kitchen to get ready for long trip to Canterlot.


Spitfire’s flight from her quant Cloudsdale home to the Ponyville Public Library has come to an end. She entered the quiet building to find her friend Soarin’. “Soarin!” she called out. “Soarin’, are you here?” she called out again. She made her way up the stairs and into his bedroom. She spotted him on the balcony. “Hey Soarin’,” she said gently. He didn’t respond so Spitfire trotted over to the seated stallion. As she was right behind her friend she could make out his quite sobbing. She sat next to the crying stallion and placed a comforting wing around his back.

“I-I’m a h-h-horrible husband, Spitfire,” he said with his head hung in embarrassment.

“What are you talking about? You’re a great husband, Soarin’. You love Twilight and I know Twilight loves you,” she stated softly.

“I’ve lied to Twilight. She deserves to know the truth. She only wants to help me, and I am not letting her,” he confessed.

“Soarin’, Twilight came to see me about you a few days ago. She said you are having nightmares. Are you?” she asked.

The stallion nodded slowly.

“She is worried about you Soarin’, but I told her that you would tell her when you are ready. She trusts you Soar,” she explained. The two ponies sat together for some time.

Soarin’s tears finally stopped flowing. “You’re a great friend Spit. I’ve always seen you as a sister and I am lucky to have you,” he said.

“I’m glad to have a brother like you Soarin’,” she said. “So how about I got get us a couple of apple pies,” she asked with a smirk.

“That’s sounds good to me,” he replied trying to hide his sadness. Soarin’ was still feeling a down, even though a pie could help, it couldn't fix everything. “So… How are you and Rainbow doing?” he asked trying to change the subject.

“We are doing ok. I am thinking of proposing to her soon,” she said.

“That’s good to hear. How about Scootaloo; I heard Rainbow adopted her.”

“She is a wonderful little filly. She is already calling Rainbow mom,” she said thinking about the rambunctious filly. “I’m going to speed over to Sweet Apple Acres to pick up our pies,” she stated.

“Ok, I’ll see you in a little bit,” he said. Soarin’ watched Spitfire fly off. ‘I really want to be a good husband and a great father,’ he worried. ‘I need to tell Twilight. She deserves to know. I just hope she will still trust me,’ he thought. All he could think of is all the love Twilight showed him and all the times she had opened up to him. The guilt tugged at his heart and he needed to open up to her. ‘Tonight is going to be the night. I will tell her.’


Twilight’s day in Canterlot went rather quickly. Her meeting with Princess Luna went well and she was even able to have lunch with her brother. Even though her day was going as planned she still felt the slight pull of guilt in her heart. ‘I know Soarin’ said it was ok, I still feel bad for leaving him today,’ she thought. She knows that Spitfire was there with him, but she still feels that she should have stayed. The sun was beginning to set and Twilight was headed to the palace throne room to speak with Princess Celestia. As she entered the grand thrown room she noticed that her mentor was not present, but she did recognize the unicorn guard on duty. Like most unicorn guards he had a brown coat and his mane and tail dyed a bright teal.

“Is the you Aegis? It’s nice to see you again,” the purple mare greeted.

“Twilight? It’s nice to see you again too. How have you been?”

“I’m doing fine. I see you got a promotion,” she noted.

“Yup, you’re looking at the Royal Court’s new Sergeant-at-Arms,” he declared with pride.

“That’s good to hear. I would like to know if Princess Celestia is available.” Twilight inquired.

“I’m sure she has time for her personal student. I’ll go get her,” the guard replied as he left the room.

Twilight was so engrossed with her conversation with her old friend, Aegis, that she didn’t notice a third pony enter the empty thrown room. Twilight soon heard slow hoof steps approaching from behind her. She turned and saw a whited coated Pegasus mare with emerald eyes and mane was a beautiful navy blue. Every step for the older mare was a challenge. The shame she felt was evident in the way she carried herself. Her head was hung low, avoiding the gaze of he unicorn and her hoof shook with every step.

“Hello, can I help you,” Twilight asked.

“Are... Are you Twilight Sparkle?” the mare asked timidly.

“Yes, who are you?” Twilight asked tilting her head.

“You’re married to my son,” she replied with her head hung in shame.

Twilight’s eyes grew wide in shock. “What? You can’t be Soarin’s mother. Soarin’s parents are dead,” she said. Twilight couldn’t believe that this was her husband’s mother, but she does bear a striking resemblance to him.

“I guess I deserve that, but is it true you two are having a foal?”

“Yes we are. What do you want? Do you want to see Soarin'?” Twilight asked. She confused at what this mare wanted with Soarin’.

“No I can’t face him; not now." She didn't have the to be a part of her son's life. She didn't even believe she had a right to call him 'son'. Not after what she did to him. "Can you just give him this," the mare was beginning to choke up, as she handed Twilight a letter.

“I guess I can,” she said with uncertainty.

The mare simply nodded and made her way out leaving a small wake of tears. ‘Well that was strange. Soarin’ said his parents are dead and unless that mare is lying or Soarin’ is. If so he has some explaining to do,' she thought. At that Twilight turned around to see her mentor entering.

“Princess,” Twilight said bowing to her.

“Good evening, Twilight. How can I help?” the majestic mare asked.

“I came here to ask about Soarin’. He has been having nightmare recently and hasn’t been himself. I heard you met him a few days after his parents died,” the bookish mare explained. “But now this mare just approached him and said she was his mother. But how could she be Soarin’s mother?” Twilight was confused. If there was anything that Twilight hated, it would be not understanding something.

“Yes, I did meet Soarin’ then. I was taking a walk through the city that night, there was a big snowfall planned for the next morning. I found him sleeping in an alley. He was covered in bruises and it appeared to have been living there for a few days. I took him back to the Castle with me and took care of him until I got him into the weather academy in Cloudsdale. As for your other question that was, Soarin’s mother,” the Princess explained.

“But… But why would Soarin’ lie to me. Doesn’t he trust me?”

“I’m sure Soarin’ trusts you, but he went through a lot when he was young.”

“What happened to him princess? What do you mean?” Twilight asked. Twilight had some ideas about what happened to him, but she hoped to Celestia she was wrong.

“I’m sorry, but that is something he needs to explain to you,” the Princess said.

“Ok,” she said with disappointment. She looked out one of the grand windows and saw the sun was completely out of view and the moon was clearly visible, “No no no no… I should be home by now. Soarin’ is probably wondering where I am and…”

“You can take my chariot back to Ponyville, Twilight,” Celestia offered.

“Really, thank you so much, Princess,” Twilight responded full of excitement.

“Anything for my most faithful student; just inform the guards outside,” she said. Princess Celestia watched as her student ran towards the exit. Princess Celestia still remembered every detail of the night. The image of the bruised and broken colt, curled up to a ragged stuffed doll, ready to brave one of the worst snowfalls of the year. The only thing that pained her more than the physical injuries the little colt had received was the look of hopelessness in his eyes. She would never forget that.


Twilight had finally returned to her library home. She was out longer than she had expected. She saw two notes waiting for her on her desk. She used her magic to levitate both over to her. The first one was from Spike, and it said he was staying the night at Rarity’s. The second was from Spitfire. ‘I wonder what Spitfire wants,’ she thought.


I know you have been worried about Soarin’, so am I. If you are reading this then he should be asleep by now. Soarin’ told me there is something important he want to tell you. I hope you have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow at Soarin’s party.

Your friend,

Twilight was a little disappointed; she really wanted to talk to Soarin’ tonight. ‘I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow,’ she thought. She slowly made her way up to her bedroom. ‘Woah I am tired. I guess some sleep won’t be too bad.’ When she got into her room she saw the bed was empty. ‘Where’s Soarin’?’ she asked herself. The bed wasn’t made, so he was sleeping at some point. She decided to check the balcony and what she found broke her heart.

The stallion was collapsed on the floor violently sobbing. It killed her to see the stallion she loved like this. She made her way over to the crying pony. She sat down right behind him and placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder. The stallion turned his head shocked to see Twilight sitting there.

“Twi-Twilight…” Soarin’ was glad that Twilight was back; he really needed her help. All I want is to be in her hooves. He wanted to feel the warmth of her soft lavender coat, but mostly just to know that she is here for him. Like he will be there for her.

“Soarin’, what’s wrong?” she asked with worry evident in her tone.


“It’s about your parents isn’t it?” she asked.


“They aren’t dead, are they?”

“No,” he said avoiding the gaze of his wife.

Twilight sighed. She sat the stallion up and pulled him into a hug. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I-I’m sorry Twilight. I’m so sorry…” he cried into her mane. “I’m sorry that I lied to you. I don't deserve you. I don’t deserve your love.”

“Soarin’, never say things like that,” she began to cry. “I’ll always love you.” Twilight tightened her grip on Soarin’. “Talk to me Soarin’, what’s wrong?”

“I have been having nightmares about my father; tonight’s was the worst I have ever had,” he explained.

“What happened with your parents?” Twilight asked.

“My dad was a unicorn in the Royal Guard and my mom was a Pegasus. She just stayed at home. At that time pegasi and unicorns didn’t date and they certainly didn’t get married if they wanted to stay in the upper crust of society. So he learned a spell that hid her wings and made it appear she had a horn. He dad used to tell me how he was upset that his son was a pegasus and not a unicorn, so he used the same spell on me. Everything was ok, that is until I wanted to learn to fly.”

“When I was four I started to teach myself to fly. I practiced for months and one faithful day I did it. That was the same day I got my cutie mark. I was so happy that day I went to see my dad at the Castle. That is when everything went downhill. He was on duty and giving orders to some the guards under his command. He told everyone that I wasn’t his son and when he got home that night he hit me and told me how embarrassed we was by his ‘stupid, worthless, Pegasus son’. Some nights I would be lucky and he would only insult me. I tried so hard to earn his love, but nothing worked.”

“What about you mother?” Twilight asked.

“She loved the upper class life she was living and she didn’t want to lose it. She didn’t hurt me or insult me. She just ignored my very existence. On my sixth birthday my dad was particularly upset. Apparently he was passed up for a promotion to Captain, so he took it out on me like usual. After he stopped I told him that I hated him and I was going to run away. I still remember what he told me. ‘I won’t miss you and when you die I won’t cry over your grave because nopony would cry over a mistake,” he cried.

“That’s all I was to him Twilight, a mistake. A mistake!” he yelled. “I ran away that night. I lived on the streets for about 5 days. Princess Celestia found me and brought me back to the castle. She kept me warm, she kept me safe, and most of all she made me feel loved. You know the rest.”

Twilight couldn’t believe what his father did to him. “Is your father still a guard?” she asked.

“No, when the Princess found out what he did to me she fired him.” Soarin’ pulled out of his wife’s forelegs and sat next to her. “In my dreams I would relive the abuse my father put me through except for tonight,” he said. “Tonight I could see a foal crying and I was the one hurting it. I don’t want to be like my father. I don’t want to abuse our foal; I want to love it with all my heart. I want to be a good father, I really do,” he said as he began to cry again. "I want to be a good father, a good husband. I-I-I..."

“Soarin’ you have been through a lot in your life,” she explained. “You’re a good pony. You have a good heart. You’re going to be a great father; I know it,” she said. Twilight knew she had to tell Soarin’ about her encounter with his mother. “I talked to your mother in Canterlot today.”

Soarin’ was confused. “What did she want?” he asked.

“She wanted me to give you this,” she explained.

Twilight opened the letter for her husband and grabbed it with his hooves.

Dear Soarin,

This is your mother, even though I have no right to call myself a mother. If you don't want to read this and you just throw it away, I understand. What I did to you Soarin' is reprehensible. My actions still disgust me. I knew what your father did to you, and I didn't care. I cared more about the parties I was invited to, than the life of my own son. I watched day in and day out as your father treated you like garbage. I am not asking forgiveness, for I don't deserve it. I am not asking to be a part of your life. I gave up that right when I did nothing as your father threw you away like trash. All I want to say is that I am sorry and that I love you. I hope you enjoy your life with your family. I know that you will be a great father.


Sunny Skies

Soarin' didn't know want to think. He wasn't ready to face his parents, and doesn't think that he will every be ready.

“Soarin’ I want you to know that I will always be here for you,” Twilight said.

Soarin’ knew all his problems weren't solved, but he knew it would get better and Twilight would always support him. He was still worried about what kind of parent he will be, but he is still going to try to be the best he can be. “Twilight,” he said.

“Yes, Soarin’,” she answered.

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said as she rested her head on his shoulder. The two fell asleep leaning against each other knowing that in a few months they would there would be another pony with them.

Comments ( 19 )

I think this is some of my better writing. I hope you enjoy.

Meh not the best ive read, but not the worst, more of inbetween

By Fenris and Tor, this was powerful. I say thankee-sai. :pinkiesmile:

Giving notes as I read so sorry if the subject matter switches a lot:

Qusars should be quasars
Drop commentary in parenthesis, use commas or separate sentences instead. If it's in parenthesis, that means it's such a minor detail that it should be removed completely.
The princess sent her student (comma) an expert weather officer
After a long day discussing weather (comma) Twilight invited him to dinner
If one were so inclined (comma) you could say the two fell for each other.
That's the last comma I'll point out. Great way to think about it is read the sentence aloud and if you pause anywhere briefly, it's likely a comma should go there. If you're not sure read it aloud without pausing and see how it sounds.
Twilight was worried about Soarin' because he HAD been having recent nightmares (you're referring to past nightmares, not the present one. Tenses are tricky, I stumble with them too.). Also next sentence should either go with "they seemed to start" or "they seemed to have started"
Being orphaned at a such A young age (only an if next word starts with a vowel, and y and not a vowel here)
She entered the QUIET building
"She said you are having nightmares, are you?" These should be separate sentences.
Even thought a pie could help (replace semicolon with comma) it COULDN'T fix everything
When Twilight has inner thoughts, they're italicized, but Soarin's are not.
Twilight went to the palace THRONE room
Recognized the guard on duty (missing period) Like
Do you think that the mother's introduction came a little quick? Perhaps some exposition on her expression and shame before her revealing statement.
She WAS confused BY what this mare wanted
Going to be a great father (replace apostrophe with quote mark)
This is a matter of opinion, but do you think Twiligh would so easily agree to deliver the message? She knows how stricken her love is by the death of his parents, and I imagine she'd be a little angry at them for hurting him before she came to the realization that maybe Soarin' is the one who wasn't telling the truth. I'm just saying she'd believe her husband over a stranger at first. This is purely up to the author, just asking your opinion.
He was covered in bruises and appeared TO HAVE BEEN living there
Doesn't he trust me (missing question mark)" she said (who said? If you drop this we still know it's Twilight, but using 'she' when the subject of 'she' hasn't been made in this paragraph confuses the reader)
Soarin' is PROBABLY wondering
Princess Celestia still REMEMBERED every detail
Soarin' told ME there is something important he WANTS to tell you
Soarin' was glad (remove 'to') Twilight was back
I reccomend removing Soarin's thought bubble right after this and simply say he wanted to be in her hooves. We know what he is thinking because of the 3rd person omniscient narration, so just saying it suffices. Also missing the word 'he' at start of sentence after thought.
'MY dad used to tell me' or 'HE used to tell me'
I won't miss you and (insert 'if' or 'when') you die
The abuse he put me through EXCEPT for tonight
Face my PARENTS again
Soarin' knew all his problems WEREN'T solved
Uneccessary capitalization of knowing in last paragraph
Some of the last paragraphs start several sentences on 'but' instead of connecting to the previous sentence with a comma.

Sorry for all the notes. 90% of these are honest mistakes that are easy to miss and the rest his take practice. Just trying to help:twilightsmile:

Still giving this a thumbs up. You have a great concept that doesn't spend unnecessary time on pointless details, and doesn't go over the top on others. The characters are portrayed very well, and you definitely put some major thought into this. It's great work.:raritywink:


I appreciate the critique. I am always looking to improve. :twilightsheepish:

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Glad you appreciate critique more than most writers and didn't chew my head off. This is why I only give critique on already good stories now lol :rainbowlaugh:


Thanks again.

I reread that section with Twilight and Soarin's mom and you make a good point. I am going to rework that little section.

I love me some SoarLight or whatever this ship is called. Strangely enough, half of the fics I've read with this ship have Soarin' dealing with daddy issues.

Loved the story though. I saw a few errors here and there, nothing to worry about. But English isn't my native language, so I'm not all that reliable with that :twilightblush:

Fun read, are you going to write a sequel? Could be fun to see Twilight and Soarin deal with parenthood.


I'd assume you have read the Skies trilogy.

I have another story in mind. Not exactly a sequel but a collection of short stories. It will include stories about their marriage, Soarin's life, and their kids.

I really liked it. There are some words missing but I've that problem too. I really liked it. A lot of heart and emotional stuff. I liked the characterizations and the internal thoughts of the characters were a nice touch. Really good.
:pinkiehappy:Hello Good story welcome to favorites!:eeyup:


I have started the follow up to this story and I have published the first chapter.


Loved it! But one thing that stood out:
You often didn't shorten words etc. We are instead of we're and I am instead of I'm. but apart from that, very good! 9 spikes out of ten! :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Should I read this before "Two Lives Becoming One" is completely finished, or should I read it after? I don't want any spoilers. :3


The point I am at in 'Two Lives Becoming One' is past the events of 'Parenthood', It should be ok to read now.

"The princess sent her student (comma) an expert weather officer"
I don't think there should be a comma there. It makes the sentence imply that Twilight is an expert weather officer. Or that Soarin' is her student.

bkabfyuegfbcdfcduigfdxcb vdyhgfbv dygf ibv fkdi,g h this makes nooooo sense :twilightangry2::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::ajbemused::ajsleepy::raritydespair: whoa whoa WAIT A SECOND!!!!!

okay okay in " two lives becoming one" soarin was abused by his parents CORRECT?!?! so is this story somhow conected to that story????? WUT THE FACKY

Found a small grammar error.
"All I want is to be in her hooves."
Aside from that, great fic.

Nice story! I have also started a SoarinLight story! :)

Overall plot is not terri-bad. The execution is lacking and comes off as kinda rushed & a bit childish. Needs more fluf.


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