• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 19,785 Views, 1,031 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand - RK_Striker_JK_5

The TCB bites off more than it can chew as humans, Equestrians and Autobots roll out.

  • ...

Chapter Sixteen

Even as the guardian drones flew to Autobot City, the high-tech metropolis shifted, changed, transformed. Along the outer edge of the city, buildings shrank into their foundation. Some had armor plating slide over them, while others split apart, revealing laser cannons or missile batteries. The drones' tactical programming decided that flying in one large group towards such concentrated fire would be akin to mass suicide, so they broke up into smaller groups, surrounding the city's perimeter.

Even as they split up, the city defenses tracked them and opened fire. Laser cannons spat out bright-blue bolts of coherent light, while missiles shot into the sky, tracking their targets. The drones did their best to either dodge the incoming fire or minimize the damage taken when caught in a crossfire. Their hyper-tough armor was able to shrug off most of the initial salvos, but more than one had limbs or heads blown off.

Almost as one, the drones still able to return fire did so from their arm-mounted laser cannons. The energy shields protecting the defenses absorbed their first attacks, glowing a bright-white. As the two sides exchanged fire, the shields over several of the batteries weakened, then finally failed. Armor plate held up somewhat longer before being shot through.

Far from the battle over Autobot City, a gray-plated robot with neon-green highlights floated, sword in hand. “Hah, yes! I, Grimlock, have forged the perfect battle plan! With Autobot City under fire, those ponies can go forth, unimpeded by the largest source of resistance. It is finished–Over!” Grimlock jabbed his sword at the distant battle. “They shall rue the day they engaged I, Grimlock, in battle!”

Grimlock's sensors alerted him to movement in the sky. He spun about, his optic sensors brightening as he spotted a modified space shuttle approaching from the direction of the barrier. “Wot, now? Are these reinforcements Nemesis Prime failed to tell me about? I, Grimlock, am very–” He stopped speaking as he saw a purple emblem on the wings. “Is that a... a Decepticon?”

Astrotrain flew along, his scanners taking in every bit of information. His voice boomed out over internal speakers in his shuttle-mode's main cabin. “Looks like a little over a hundred Mark V guardian drones. Haven't seen those in a while. Be ready for a firefight!”

In the cabin, Shockwave looked to the other members of his team. His single, golden optic sensor bore into every one of them. “This mission is vital for our continued survival. Not only of the New Decepticon Empire, but of the Decepticons themselves. I know each one of you have had your datatrax updated with the current situation.” He raised his left arm, the laser emitter in place of a hand glowing slightly. “Take... care not to make a mistake out there.” He glanced up. “Astrotrain, we are ready. Provide air support for us as best as possible.”

A hatch in the bulkhead slid open. Wind whipped into the cabin, but none of the Decepticons were affected by it. Shockwave jumped out into the sky. Soundwave and his minions soon followed, with Ruckus being the last to go.

Even as Shockwave flew out and away from Astrotrain, his tactical subroutines kicked into high-gear. He quickly located the nearest group of drones as they swarmed around a cluster of laser cannons. He leaned forward, his arms folding over his retracting head, while his legs slid up and into his body. As soon as he finished his transformation to space-gun mode, he fired a long, thin, powerful laser beam at the closest one. If his calculations were correct–and they always were–it would be just powerful enough to pierce its torso armor and detonate the internal power core.

The beam struck true, hitting the torso. Even as the drone turned, Shockwave adjusted his body, keeping the beam on the same spot. It bore through. The drone had barely any time to react do anything before it abruptly exploded in a large fireball and plume of smoke. What little remained of it pelted its compatriots, barely registering on their own sensors.

The five remaining drones all turned from their now-former target, optic sensors blazing. They flew up towards Shockwave, leaving Autobot City at least temporarily alone. They raised what operational weapons that still functioned and trained them on the floating space-gun.

Rumble, Frenzy, and Laserbeak flew at the drones. Rumble and Frenzy each grabbed onto a limb of one of them, while Laserbeak flew around its head. Rumble's arms transformed into piledrivers, and he slammed them into the drone's midsection. “Hey, Frenzy!” he shouted.

Frenzy, his small body wrapped around the drone's left arm, looked up. “What is it?”

By now, the air reverberated with the clang of Rumble's hits as he dented the drone's armor. “So, these are weird Autobots from another reality, right? And they're the bad guys, right?”

Frenzy reached behind his back and detached one of the laser pistols hanging from his back. “Yeah, so what?” He shot several blasts at the drone's head, most of them missing.

The armor began buckling in places, small rents appearing as Rumble continued pounding. “So... does this mean we're the good guys?”

Frenzy paused in his shooting. “Say... I guess it does!” He grinned as he resumed firing. “This is just like... like...” His vocalizer spat out some static. “Scrap it, anyone know any human holidays?”

Laserbeak flew around the drone's head, the condor firing continuous streams of blood-red lasers at the back of the neck. “Squawk!” After several shots, Laserbeak's aim proved true as he struck the drone's cerebral access port, blowing through it.

Rumble and Frenzy let go of the drone as its entire body seized up. They flew off as it slowly tumbled to the ground. “Yeah, you're right!” Rumble said. “It's just like Arbor Day!”

Soundwave flew over, Ravage 'running' through the air beside him. “Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, form up. Operation: Counterattack!” He pointed at the three remaining drones. “Destroy with extreme prejudice.”

Rumble grinned. “You don't have to tell us twice, Soundwave!”

Frenzy detached the other laser pistol from his back. “Yeah! Let's kick tailgate!”

While Soundwave and his minions attacked, Shockwave transformed back to robot mode. He swung about in midair to face the final member of his team. “Ruckus, head to the barrier. Your primary mission is information-gathering, but if there are any humans or Autobots that require assistance, you are to render them aid immediately.”

Ruckus tossed him a salute. “NO PROBLEM, SHOCKWAVE! YOU CAN COUNT ON ME!” He flew off, over-the-shoulder missile launchers snapping into place.

Shockwave paid Ruckus little mind as he flew off. He turned his attention back to Soundwave and his team. He quickly noted a bunker with a quartet of laser cannon turrets mounted on the roof. They were swiveling around in their mounts, but had ceased firing at the drones. He tapped the side of his head. “Shockwave to laser battery. Why have you ceased firing at the enemy drones? Over.”

A very familiar voice came over his internal intercom. “Your team's a bit too close to the drones, Shockers. I don't want to risk friendly fire.”

Shockwave glanced down at the laser battery. “I was not aware you had such... concern for Decepticons, Deadlock.”

There was a pause, long enough for Shockwave to wonder if the connection had been cut, before the speaker on the other end continued. “First off, it's 'Drift', Shockwave. Second off, the Autobots do things differently. And third, I don't want to cause an incident.”

Shockwave raised his laser arm and shot a spotter beam at the nearest drone. As he fired, he looked down at the laser battery, quickly locating one of the main targeting sensors. “Drift, I am going to transmit targeting information to your main computer. Using that will increase your accuracy and provide you a cover, should any Decepticons get damaged.” His optic sensor changed from yellow to green. “Transmission commencing. Soundwave, danger-close. Scatter!”

The four turrets swung around, their barrels elevating. As they fired, Soundwave and his team broke off their attack, scattering in all directions. A half-second later, the bright-blue lasers struck true, hitting weak spots in the drones' armor and ripping right through. Each one was blown apart, debris flying out in all directions.

Drift's voice came over Shockwave's comm system once more. “Well... thanks, Shockwave.” There was a pause. “I think we're all set for the moment. Be careful, though. The big guy is gonna be making his appearance within ten minutes.”

Shockwave looked to the sky. “Optimus Prime will be arriving sooner than I anticipated.”

Look down, Shockers. I mean the big guy as in Metroplex.”

Shockwave's head shot up. His optic sensor focused on several shifting buildings, streets folding in on themselves, the entire immediate area seeming to contract in upon itself. “Thank you for the warning... Drift.” He flew up over to his teammates. “Decepticons, form up. The core of Autobot City is transforming into Metroplex. We shall head to the outskirts and–” A laser blast passed through the space between Shockwave and Soundwave. He glanced in the direction it came from, spotting six drones approaching. “Change of plans.” He turned, raised his laser cannon arm, and fired. “Scramble!”

Marissa Faireborn slid on a pair of gloves, locking them to her jacket's sleeves. She picked up her helmet from a desk. “All right!” she shouted to everyone inside the primary monitoring room, “we have incoming hostiles, air and ground units. Ready your weapons and button up. We have to remain at our posts for as long as possible.” She looked to Bat. “I have snipers and four man-portable laser cannons on the roof.”

Bat nodded. “Last I checked, all entrances barring the main one are sealed up. And that one is sandbagged, barricaded, and under heavy guard. We've also got guards stationed at the windows.” He looked to a wall. “Although that won't protect us against teleportation.”

Marissa pulled out a small remote control from a pocket and pressed a button on it. All along the walls, two-meter tall silver cylinders started humming, lights along them turning on. “Thaumic disruptors,” she said. “They're large-scale versions of the ones designed for unicorns. Unfortunately, their range is somewhat limited, and it mostly just blocks teleportation.”

Bat shrugged. “Not having to worry about ponies teleporting right into our midst is a rather large load off my mind, Commodore.”

A sensor technician spoke up. “Commodore, we have an incoming Cybertronian from the direction of Autobot City. IFF indicates it's the Decepticon Ruckus.” Even as she spoke, the main wall-mounted screen zoomed in on the their general position. A thin purple line was stretching from Autobot City to the command post. “ETA is about thirty-five minutes, maybe less. He's booking it!”

Bat made his way over to the main viewscreen. “Ruckus?” He looked over his shoulder at Marissa. “Not familiar with him, sorry.”

The sensor technician spoke up once more. “Commodore, may I?” At Marissa's nod, she continued. “He's loud, makes no pretense at stealth, but is incredibly strong, resilient to damage, and a lot more intelligent than he seems to be. He defected to Starscream's faction after a failed raid on one of our mining colonies, along with several other 'Cons.”

Marissa's head shot up. She raised a hand to her earpiece. “Yes, yes. Thank you, Sergeant. You and the others are free to engage.” She raised her voice. “General, the units on the roof have begun engaging the incoming pegasi units.”

Bat's eyebrows furrowed. He looked once more to the main screen. “They're within effective range?”

Marissa glanced at the ceiling, hand still to her earpiece. “Well, they're within effective range of at least one person up there. She's one of the members of my command staff.”

Chief Master Sergeant Zoe Wiedler strode forth, the heavy boots of her power armor stomping as she walked across the roof of the police station. She stopped at the edge of the roof and dropped to a kneeling position in front of a parapet.

Movement in the skies caught Zoe's attention. Her cybernetically-enhanced eyes locked onto a flock of pegasi emerging from the barrier. They zoomed in on them, measuring speed, distance, numbers, and various other data points. She raised her laser rifle. Targeting reticules appeared on the lead pegasus of the closest squadron.

Several other EDC soldiers lined up along the parapet, their own weapons at the ready. Zoe held up a fist, first two fingers extended. She motioned to her left, then right. “Spread out to the other sides. They're breaking off to encircle us.”

The others made their way to the three other sides of the roof, hunkering down. There was a high-pitched whine as the laser cannons powered up.

Zoe turned her attention once more to the pegasus leader. She stopped breathing as the the reticule changed from a flashing red to steady green. She slowly squeezed the trigger.

The pegasus' head jerked slightly, a hole appearing in the center of his forehead. His body dropped. The others in his formation stopped in midair, some of them flying down after him.

Zoe aimed at the ones still in midair and resumed firing. With every squeeze of the trigger, she managed to hit one of the pegasi. She managed five hits before one of them looked up in her direction. “Okay, they're onto us,” she said.

One soldier pointed down at the ground, and at a veritable swarm of armored ponies galloping at the command post full-tilt. “Sergeant, we have incoming!”

Zoe stifled a sigh. “Yes, Private. Thank you.” She glanced down, then up, quickly tallying the numbers. Her eyes went to the barrier itself before she spoke. “All right, looks like for the moment, they aren't sending any more our way other than what's already coming. Concentrate on the fliers.”

Another soldier looked out at the pegasi as they approached. “Looks like some of them are pushing storm clouds in, Sergeant!” She craned her head around. “And some chariots, too!”

Zoe nodded grimly as she resumed firing. “Thank you, Romanov. All right, the cloud-pushers are high priority. Laser cannons, target and fire for effect. The rest of you, aim for the chariots and single fliers!”

The soldiers all along the rooftop followed her orders, blue bolts of magnetically-contained laser light shooting forth from their rifles. The incoming pegasi did their best to dodge, swooping, diving, and sliding through the sky. More than one laser managed to find its mark, however. Pegasi dropped, either straight down, or in a slow, barely-controlled spiral.

Even as their numbers were whittled down, the pegasi kept advancing. By now, some of the fliers towing storm clouds had managed to move relatively close to the building. The laser cannons spat bursts of withering fire at them... but the bolts bounced off translucent shields of magic.

Zoe stopped firing and slowly straightened up, mouth agape. She focused her eyes on the chariots. A bar graph appeared in her vision next to the chariot's passengers. “Bloody hell! They've got unicorns aboard those damned things!”

The pegasi, protected for the moment, reared back and kicked the clouds with their hind legs, sending out jagged bolts of lightning. They struck the building at random spots, blowing out chunks of concrete, brick, some of them striking the roof itself. Explosions blossomed with each strike, sending any soldier unlucky enough to be close enough to be blown back.

Zoe aimed at the chariot closest to her and fired. Her first shot barely missed the pegasus towing it. Alerted, he dove down, away from the building, his passenger barely able to remain in the chariot. She tracked him, eyes and internal computers calculating speed, possible direction of flight, and other variables. “No, you don't,” she whispered, as she fired again.

This time, her aim was true. The pegasus barely twitched as he died; he, the chariot, and his passenger now locked onto his downward trajectory. The unicorn stood in the chariot realizing all too late what had happened as the pegasus slammed into the ground, his broken body digging out a small, shallow trench. The unicorn fared little better, bouncing out of the crumpled chariot and rolling along, finally landing in a broken heap some feet away.

Zoe moved onto her next target even while her previous one was dropping. This time, her target was unaware of the danger, and was quickly eliminated. She noted several other chariots being dispatched. Good to see them taking the initiative.

Within a few minutes, most of the chariots circling the command post and their unicorn passengers had been blasted from the sky. Zoe moved from soldier to soldier, shouting encouragement and instructions as she went along. “Laser cannons, target those clouds! Show them we can bring the thunder, too!”

The gunners shouted as they raked the clouds–and the pegasi still kicking them. Most of them were cut down, but a few managed to flee.

Romanov held her fist high and shook it at the retreating pegasi. “They didn't even get close enough to try and throw their potion at us!” she shouted, grinning under her helmet.

Zoe looked down at the swarm of ponies surrounding the command post. “No, but those might be able to.” She leaned over the edge of the building and started shooting. “Come on, you tin cans! Unless you wanna become a smiling zompony, I suggest you get the lead out and the safeties off!”

The soldiers followed her lead, leaning over and firing en masse at the earth ponies and unicorns swarming around the command post. More than a dozen ponies were killed in the first volley. Shields began springing up over them, protecting them from above and the side. Earth ponies in heavy armor moved in close under cover of their unicorn comrades, lasers and bullets deflecting off said shields.

At the entrance, heavy laser cannons and machine guns kept up a constant stream of fire from sandbagged positions along the stairs and doorway. The shields of the unicorns held for a time, allowing them to get in rather close. Some unicorns fired off blasts of magic from their horns, blowing apart sandbags and whittling down their protection.

Even as the forward-most shields failed, vials of potion were lobbed at the soldiers. Most of the glass bottles were shot and blown to shards mid-flight. The few that reached the soldiers shattered on the concrete, splashing potion harmlessly against their power armor. Those in the front were cut down, their actions ultimately in vain.

Even as they fell, others surged forward, galloping and leaping over their dead and dying comrades. They pressed in towards the main entrance, their eyes lit with fanaticism and fervor. More than one shouted, “For Queen Celestia!” before being cut down where they stood. Several unicorns stood off a few meters away and formed shields, reinforcing each other and forming barriers nearly impenetrable to what the EDC soldiers had on-hand. Several of them hunkered down behind the shield, lowered their heads, and began firing blasts of magic from their horns.

Marissa made her way to the barricade, laser pistol in hand. She dropped to a crouch just outside the door, next to a soldier with lieutenant's bars on his shoulders. “Report!”

Lieutenant Malthe Jensen looked to her. “Commodore, they've got shields that our heaviest weapons available are having the devil's time penetrating.”

Marissa touched her helmet. “Sergeant Wiedler, I need your eyes. How are their shields holding up? Over.”

Zoe's voice came over the headset embedded in Marissa's helmet. “Scanning... They've got about a dozen unicorns in each group, six forming the shields, the others held in reserve. They're rotating in and out to preserve their strength. Over.”

Marissa ducked down as two blasts of magic spanged off the door jamb near her and Malthe. “Thank you, Sergeant. Bring the rain. Over.”

Understood. We'll reposition the laser cannons. Stand by.”

A few minutes later, a veritable sheet of laser fire struck the shields covering the pony's heads. They glowed a bright-white as every unicorn in each group lent their powers to reinforcing their protection. Even from their vantage point, and through the translucent shields in front, Marissa and Malthe could see the strain on the unicorns' faces. They saw the exact moment the upper shields failed, and the utter despair on their faces.

Three of the groups were cut down within seconds. The rest broke ranks and quickly scattered, stampeding about. Many of the ponies were cut down, caught in a crossfire from the side and above that was impossible to dodge. One unicorn mare cantered to her left, head raised and horn almost on fire as she shot blast after blast of high-powered magic at the roof.

Marissa tracked the unicorn. She raised her laser pistol and sighted her, lining up a shot. She held her breath as she squeezed the trigger...

Three blasts of magic hit right below the laser cannons on the roof. The first two blew away the concrete parapet being used to support them. The third one detonated one of the cannon's power supply. The cannon exploded, flinging its operators back like rag dolls and blowing a large chunk of the roof apart.

The unicorn let out a cheer. One second later, Marissa's shot hit her in her right temple, blowing clean through to the back of her skull. She crumpled to the ground, the smile frozen on her face.

The soldiers at the doorway ducked down and tried to dodge the falling debris as best they could. Curses and shouts rang out as chunks of concrete, asphalt, and rebar crashed among them. Several barricades and weapons emplacements were nearly obliterated by the rain of debris.

One pony raised a foreleg and waved it at the entrance. “Rally to me!” he shouted. “Their defenses are broken! Let the conversion begin!”

The surviving ponies started making their way towards the stallion. Some of the unicorns floated bottles of potion out of their saddlebags. They formed up behind him and began advancing.

Right inside the doorway, Marissa snarled as she looked over the debris blocking her and Malthe's way. She looked to the Dutchman. “No time to waste, Lieutenant. Let's get this cleared and get back out there!”

Malthe nodded. The two of them grabbed at the rubble, the servos of their power armor helping them to make short work of their task. Marissa stepped through, laser pistol held high.

Outside, a few of the soldiers were firing at the ponies, but most were trying to help comrades pinned down or knocked unconscious by the fallen debris. Almost all heavy weapons had been damaged, destroyed, or otherwise rendered inoperable. The ponies, meanwhile, had begun closing ranks around the entrance. The few unicorns alive were grouped together in the center, their horns ablaze as they shielded them and their comrades from incoming fire.

Marissa snapped off several shots at the group, even as bottles of potion flew at her and the others. “Sergeant Wiedler!” she shouted into her comlink, “we need cover fire! General Masterson, we need backup at the main entrance!”

Wiedler's voice came over her earpiece, somewhat ragged and out of breath. “Organizing one now, Commodore, but there's wounded up here, some serious. And all four laser cannons are so much junk. Over.”

Marissa nodded. “Are there medics up there?”

Yes, Commodore. Stand by for cover fire.”

Laser blasts started striking the unicorn's shields from above, not nearly as numerous as before. The shields managed to hold this time, though. The ponies closed to within a dozen or so feet from the closest EDC soldier. Masterson's voice finally came over the radio. “Sending some now, but some of the ponies are starting to kick the damned walls down. We've got them covered... for now.”

Even as he spoke, the whole building started to shudder. Marissa's head bowed for a moment. “Thank you, General. Keep me posted.” She looked back up and bit back a swear. She clenched her laser pistol and brought it up. She walked forward and started firing off shots. “Don't give an inch!” she shouted. “You are Earth's finest!”

The unicorn stallion, Lieutenant Brass Ring, jabbed his foreleg at the entrance. “Give up, humans! Accept conversion and salvation! You shall–”

His words were cut out by the roar of an engine. Brass Ring's ears folded against his skull as the dune buggy alternate mode of Ruckus raced towards him from his left, almost flying over the pockmarked ground. Panels along Ruckus' side opened up, missile launchers springing out, launching magnesium-tipped missiles. No pony had any time for actions, words, or even thoughts before the missiles impacted, exploding and reducing them all to a red mist.

Ruckus sped through the cloud, rear end fishtailing around as he turned and started driving around the building. All the while, his missile launchers spat out an almost-endless stream of missiles, incinerating any and all ponies still alive. Two minutes later, he was back at the command post's entrance. His chassis suddenly bounced up on anti-gravity boosters, transforming in midair and landing in a crouch right in front of the main entrance. He straightened up, red optic sensors looking down at the EDC soldiers.

An almost unnatural silence reigned over the area for a few moments. Finally, Marissa walked forward, holstering her laser pistol. “Ruckus, I presume. Thank you for the assistance. I think you saved us from a fate worse than death.”

Ruckus looked down at her as she approached. “I DIDN'T DO IT FOR YOU,” he finally said. “BUT... YOU'RE WELCOME.” With that he turned, transforming back into dune buggy mode and driving off.

Marissa let out a breath. She turned and marched back to the main entrance. “All right, I want our wounded tended to, if it's not already being done. Let's get any holes plugged up as best as possible.” She looked to her fellow soldiers and half-smiled. “I wish I could say the worst is over, or give some rousing speech, but I don't like lying, and I'm bad with improvisation. I can say, however, excellent job, all of you.” She looked to each one of them. “You all know what's at stake if we fail. No time for anything else. Let's get to work.”

The heart of Autobot City shifted, changed, came together. To an outside observer, the buildings were stacking on top of one another, folding together and growing. They built upon one another, not only height-wise, but width and depth. It took humanoid shape, arms, legs, hands, feet growing from the buildings and streets.

A head emerged from the chest, white-faced, with a black helmet-like structure around it and red antennae. Optic sensors the size of small buildings lit up as Metroplex finished transforming. His hands clenched, and he strode forward. Each step he took was along a carefully-plotted path, stepping on heavily-reinforced sections. He avoided shelters, buildings, and other parts of Autobot City. The attacking drones scattered in his wake as he cleared Autobot City.

His optics focused on Omega Doom. He calculated distance, rate of advancement, and the height of his opponent. He's only about half a head shorter than I am. Armor is thick, especially around his forearms. Allied soldiers are too close for me to risk using my most powerful weaponry, except as a last resort. Doesn't mean I can't get in some licks before we close distance, though!

Laser cannons mounted on Metroplex's shoulders swiveled up and fired bright-blue lasers large enough to bore holes through a mountain. Omega Doom raised its arms in an X pattern in front of its chest. A force field formed in front of it, blocking the lasers.

After a few minutes, Metroplex ceased firing. He raised a clenched left fist and slammed it into the palm of his right hand. “This planet's not big enough for the two of us!” he shouted.

Omega Doom raised its left arm and waved it back in an obvious 'come here!' gesture. Its drill hands spun about as it crouched slightly, shifting titanic feet about that dug five-meter deep furrows in the ground.

Metroplex started walking forward again, his speed increasing. The ground shook and quaked each time his feet hit the ground. “All right, you asked for it!”

Omega Doom's drill hands spun about, while the claws on its right arm snapped open and shut. After a few moments, Omega Doom too ran forward towards its opponent.

All around, combatants paused. Humans, ponies, Transformers all stopped as the titans raced at each other. Some gawked, some cheered their champion, while others simply tried their best to remain vertical as the ground rocked beneath their feet, hooves, or wheels.

Metroplex raised his left arm and pulled it back, fist clenched. Omega Doom raised its left arm, drill spinning. The two stopped a few hundred feet from one another, seeming to freeze. The briefest of calms broke as their arms rocketed forward, Metroplex's fist connecting with Omega Doom's head, and Omega Doom's drill hitting Metroplex's shoulder. Omega Doom's head shot back, a loud squeal coming from it. Its drill scored a deep gash in Metroplex's shoulder, sparks flying. Omega Doom stepped back, shaking its head. It suddenly jumped forward, wrapping its arms around Metroplex's waist and sending him hurtling back. Metroplex clasped his hands together, raised them high and brought them down onto Omega Doom's back. The two titans struggled for a few minutes, neither one giving ground. Finally, Metroplex grabbed Omega Doom's right arm, knelt down and and used the leverage to launch Omega Doom.

Omega Doom sailed through the air, landing in a heap. It rose to one knee, shaking its head. After a moment, it charged at Metroplex again, arms swinging wildly.

Metroplex raised his arms. “Okay, let's end this!” He charged Omega Doom. The two met once more, and the battle was joined.

Author's Note:

1. As always, thanks to shubzilla for the proofreading/editing help.

2. Wanna know where Zoe comes from? Day of the Broken Fang is the answer.

3. The incident that led Ruckus and a few other Decepticons defecting to Starscream's faction can be found here.