• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,585 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 20

The seating was nice and warm as I watched the end of Luna's performance. The stars shimmered like diamonds against the black velvet sky far above, the air cool and clear.

I was in the 'noble and celebrity section' because of course there was one where they could watch sitting on comfortable seats in the warmth instead of standing out in the cold with normal ponies.

...Okay, to be fair, that was the same reason I was there. No need to stand around in the cold when I had the ability to be somewhere comfortable and warm.

The northern light was dancing to the north in shimmering bands of green, pink and blue as Lunas horn ignited with the color of silver moon light and the moon started to slide up over the horizon. Full, shining and looking larger than normal it's light spread across the square, city and country side.

Earlier when the sun was first lowered, her mane had seemed to sparkle and spread across the night sky as she brought forth the stars.

It had been beautiful.

Her performance was less bombastic than her sister's raising of the sun, but it was also gentler and in my opinion even more beautiful because of it.

As Luna's horn stopped glowing and the moon continued on its path across the heavens, the ponies gathered on the square to watch erupted into cheers and I happily joined in.

Fuck yeah, show them how it's done, Luna!

Luna calmly closed her eyes, not moving as she let the cheers wash over her before she smiled as it slowly died down.

Opening her eyes, she smiled happily. “Thank you so much, everypony! But as much as We appreciate you all coming here, We believe it is time for the real purpose of this, as all celebrations!”

As she paused, there were some uncertain sounds from the crowd before she continued with a grin.

“To feast, drink and be merry!”

I folded my ears back from the loud cheering and just grinned happily. She was getting the recognition she deserved.


“Good show. Good show indeed.” the white-coated unicorn in the rather expensive-looking suit jacket and the blue hair said next to me. He looked older and had a small mustache and a monocle of all things.

What was his name again? I could have sworn... oh yeah. Fancy Pants. I went to one of his parties before.

“So it was.” I agreed. “Perhaps I am biased, but personally I preferred it to Princess Celestia's version.”

He hmm-ed, “Perhaps. I believe both have their fine points. However, nopony can deny that the sky is indeed exquisite tonight.”

“Indeed.” I agreed, glancing up at the stars. I might even have argued that it always was. Then again, it was shinier today.

“Considering your relationship with Princess Luna, I would have expected you to have been closer to her during this holiday.” Fancy Pants commented before he lowered his voice. “No problems, I hope?”

Turning to him, I raised an eyebrow before I shook my head. “Not at all. I prefer to stay out of the way for official functions. I don't like that much attention.”

Fancy Pants chuckled softly and leaned closer. “I'm afraid you may have ended up with the wrong mare for that.”

I couldn't help but chuckle and nod. “Yeah... yeah you are probably right there.”

He was right. I couldn't avoid public functions forever, sooner or later the public would expect me to stand next to her or they would start wondering if something was wrong.

...Oh lord. I'm the president's wife. Except not married. You know what I mean.

Resisting the urge to facehoof, I got up and cracked my neck. “It's been nice talking to you, Fancy Pants, but I'm afraid I'd better get going.”

“Of course, Lord Page. I'm holding a bit of a get-together for the new year. Could I interest you in an invite? It's a charity function for injured guardsmen.”

I bet it would be full of nobles and other self-important ponies. Even so, I guess I'd better get used to this kind of thing. And it was for a good cause and not like I didn't have some money to burn.

Going to one from time to time wouldn't kill me.

“I can't speak for Princess Luna on this, she will probably be busy. But I'm sure I can attend for a while.”

Fancy Pants smiled and got up, adjusting his monocle. “It is all I can ask. I can only assume you two have something planned later that day.”

“I can neither confirm nor deny that.” I answered blandly, drawing another chuckle from him before I gave him a nod and left the warm booth, heading out into the cold.

Shivering at the slight wind, I found myself wishing I'd brought a jacket or at least a scarf as I made my way towards the stage and the tents set up behind it.

A pair of of Luna's guards were standing outside, but they quickly let me past after a quick scan to make sure I was who I claimed to be.

Inside, it was much warmer. Celestia and Luna were sitting by a table, drinking something warm as a pair of maids were fussing over something about Luna's mane. I'm not entirely sure what they were doing considering it wasn't actually hair. It just mostly worked like hair.

“Page!” Luna exclaimed and got up. “I thought you were going to find your friends?”

Smiling, I shook my head and moved up to give her a small and as discrete nuzzle as I could. “Like I wouldn't spend as much of this day with you as I could. I loved the show, by the way.”

Her return smile put her previous show to shame.