• Published 8th Dec 2015
  • 697 Views, 3 Comments

Purest Luna Sea - Compendium of Steve

The Sea where One's Home reflects can offer some surprising encounters, as well as introspection.

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Whereabouts of the Heart

Treading lightly over the barren soil, Luna allowed the cosmic winds to carry her across the tranquil but dead landscape. The void of sound and life proved calming to the lunar princess, liberating in a sense. A realm safe from the chaos of evolution, overlooked by time since its very creation, with the vast starry frontier overhead as its steadfast companion. Though she had been a resident of this forsaken satellite for a thousand years, Luna often found herself coming back in times of reflection and respite. When in want of solitude, the Moon was second to none for her commiserating needs.

Everything around her was serene. It all looked much the same since her last visit, or even when she first arrived that long millennium ago. The same craters, the same crests of lunar dust, all frozen in the coldness of space, forever untouched; total uniformity was all she could find. In a sense, it was the very picture of unblemished purity. The perfect place to ponder without interruption.

Her silent flight brought her near the center of one of the various lunar “seas”: vast stretches of volcanic rock, long cooled and with a deeper shade of grey that marred an otherwise white surface. Even when the Mare in the Moon disappeared with the release of its prisoner, several of the off-colored plains remained, making for portraits to be interpreted by both the academic and average moon gazer. Yet a different sort of gazing was on Luna’s mind at the moment.

And not star-gazing either, for if she had looked to the cosmos above her that moment, she would have caught the curious sight of two shooting stars, one blue and one purple, soaring through the darkness beside one another. As though in contest, or even pursuit. Again, such a thing was of no concern to the midnight alicorn. —>

Slowing her glide, she touched softly down onto the dusty surface, leaving a firm imprint of her gilded shoes in the cold soil. She took a moment to bask in the all-encompassing stillness of her domain, then looked up to the orb from whence she was borne. As her eyes fixed on that part of the sky, her mouth became agape.

For centuries she had looked to that sphere, longing to return to its lively environs, and looking at it then she knew something was off. The continents she had seared into her mind were of different shape and position, and the oceans appeared different as well. Furthermore, it seemed to radiate a soft crimson, almost like a sun bereft of warmth. She wasn't looking to Equestria. It wasn't even her planet.

Before she could react any further, Luna felt a break in the stillness nearby.

“It is quite the sight, wouldn’t you agree?”

She turned to the right and discovered the source of the disturbance. Only a few yards away there stood an odd being of a slim, ape-like stature, though clothed in a flowing dress of deepest black and a red sash embroidered with gold threading shaped into mythical designs. A similarly pristine headdress sat atop its head, from which lengths of flawless golden hair seemed to flow out and shimmer like an angelic spring. The creature’s exposed skin, from its cheeks to its outstretched hands, were as unblemished and pale as the very moon, giving it an immaculate air that rivaled Luna’s, as well as one of divine femininity.

Luna took a few steps toward the new-comer before addressing it. “Who are you?”

“Just a sagacious spirit come to enjoy the isolation of this untainted realm,” she calmly answered, never shifting her poise in addressing the alicorn. “It really is a privilege very few have the capability to enjoy. Though not one I’d prefer to share, if I’m to be frank.”

“Then I take it that you are some kind of celestial deity, or a traveler from the stars?”

“No, nothing quite as romantic as that. I was originally born in this place, so I’m anything but a traveler.”

“Born here? On the moon?” Luna took another step closer. “But I have been here for a thousand years, and I’ve never found nor felt another living being.”

“That may be because I don’t fall under what could be considered ‘living’. In the traditional sense, anyway.” The being looked to a confused Luna with a soft smile, revealing a pair of striking red pupils. “Or, it might be that this moon isn’t the one you know.”

Luna gave a surprised look to the creature. "That's not possible; how can this be anything else? Yet that would explain..." She paused a moment to consider the possibility. “If that’s so, where am I exactly?” Putting doubt aside momentarily, she pointed a hoof up to the discolored sphere. “If this isn’t the moon I know, then what planet is that?”

“Why, the one this particular moon orbits, of course.” The curious spirit looked back up to the orb. “More ancient than the rock we stand on, revolving around a lone star for countless millennia. And rife with impurity, much like the one you hail from, I assume.”

“Excuse me?”

“Hm hm. Though different, these worlds pulsate with life. Lesser beings caught up in constant strife, growth, destruction and misery. It's about as filthy as it is fascinating.”

“Filthy? Is that how you view those living there?”

“That's how I view life itself. So hopelessly entropic, with no idea of what true purity is. Forever fated to live unclean, directionless lives.”

“And you judge them as such because why, exactly?” Luna scoffed. “Because you come from a desolate realm such as this? Because you find them beneath you, without merit or worth? All because you are above them, as it were?”

“Do not be so presumptuous, cursed one.” Before Luna could react, the maiden continued. “I have dwelt among them for quite some time, and have experienced their innate impurities firsthand. Even after centuries of advancement, they haven’t achieved even a fraction of the purity that my former kin can boast.” She gave a sidelong glance to the alicorn. “Though it comes as no surprise that one seemingly as majestic as yourself would defend such flawed creatures, given that you yourself are no different.”

“In being flawed?”

“But of course.” The divinity turned to fully face the regal mare, showing off her full ensemble before continuing, not giving Luna the chance to interject. “There is a strong affinity to the moon in you. You even hold sway over it. But you were borne from the earth, and as such you permeate the same stench of death that surrounds all living things. You have witnessed it, even delivered it. A thousand years in this realm cannot wash the impurities of mortality. Fear, anger, remorse, sorrow… hate. You carried these tainted emotions with you to this pure land, and rather then let them purify or wither away, you allowed them to grow and fester, solely to exact vengeance on those you despised most.”

“...How do you know all this?”

“Because I myself seek vengeance, to the point of becoming spite incarnate. Furthermore, it is my talent to purify whatever I so choose. I can sense every flaw, every imperfection, and cleanse it into oblivion. And given the impurities coursing through your very being, I would have no trouble eradicating you this very instant.”

At that moment, Luna felt a rise in power as the calm deity began to radiate with a strong force. From behind the being there arose and spread out seven tapered trails of pink energy, resembling ethereal tails. The midnight alicorn braced herself for the impending conflict… that never came. The shift in power had stalled, leaving the two lunar emissaries to simply look to each other.

“However, my want of violence had been subdued some time ago,” the maiden said, as the pink trails evaporated into nothing. “Ironically enough, those very same impure creatures had tempered my desire for revenge, if only for the time being. But even so, that in of itself gives reason to reconsider what I had originally observed from them.”

“Then what was the point of goading me with all that talk of filth and imperfection?”

“Just making conversation,” she replied plainly. “Forgive my rudeness; it’s in my nature to induce spite wherever I may go. But I speak to you because you have the same wants as those earth dwellers, including that of companionship. Since you cannot rid yourself of such frivolous emotions, a period of solitude is never fully acceptable to you. Even now, I can imagine you are growing tired of being in this peaceful realm, putting up with my company.”

“That is true. The appeal seems to have gone for now. But I don’t understand why I’m here, exactly. This moon that isn’t my own, how have I come to be here?”

“Because there remains some lingering doubt within you, I imagine. You still believe that such a place as this is where you truly belong, cut off from such chaotic machinations, even though you were born and raised amid so much life. But that is rather minuscule, I can tell you. The remorse and hate you carried with you to this pure land, to mold and grow over centuries… it is all quite diminished. It seems you had some considerable tempering as well.”

Luna bowed her head, averting her gaze. “That I have…”

“You still hold attachment, fondness for that unclean realm. No doubt you have others who hold you dear still, even if they had wronged you and vice versa. That through all your bitter feelings, some tenderness survived, carrying you to this day.”

“Yes, it really has…”

Silence fell between the two for some moments.

“...I never was that fortunate,” the spirit resumed. “There is no one left who cares for me, and the one responsible has yet to face my wrath. I had sacrificed my very identity to deliver vengeance upon her, yet I find myself lacking in resolve given recent events. This moment in time, this serenity… is but a fleeting rest for me.”

The deity turned away and looked to that strange yet familiar sphere. “We have walked similar paths. Both of us have faced exile. But whereas you were accepted back with open arms, my kind remain to be toppled.”

The spirit turned and looked back over the expanse of the lunar sea. Luna’s gaze followed as well, only to be struck by an unbelievable sight. What had been stark emptiness there stood a dazzling city, with gleaming towers and structures the likes of which the mare had never seen before.

"What... What is that place?"

“It is where I was born. It is also where the target of my spite resides, and my former kinsmen serve as an obstacle. In time I may finally breach their defenses, though in how long I cannot say. But for you…” The deity looked toward her, smiling comfortingly. “I believe there are those still awaiting your return.”


Luna looked around, startled by the whisper. Yet there was no one else to see.

Lu… na…

Another whisper, clearer and seemingly closer. The alicorn then noticed the stars overhead were suddenly dimming out, creating a growing pool of darkness within the cosmos.

Wa… up, sis...

Then to her worry, she saw the brilliant city fading away like a mirage, practically evaporating at a rapid rate before her eyes. Even the lunar surface began to recede into nonexistence.

Time to… up, Lu…

As panic set in, she looked to the black-clad maiden, then paused. Even with the universe fading away, including herself, the deity still held that serene, calming smile. And in those final moments, Luna felt at peace as well.

“Can you hear me, Luna? I said it’s time to get up.”

Luna groaned at the soft voice and gentle nudging on her shoulder before reluctantly opening her eyes. She found herself lying snug beneath the hefty covers of her royal bed, atop the pedestal in the center of her private chambers. Rolling to her side, she noted the orange strips of light coming through the gaps in the thick mauve curtains. More importantly, she noted the alabaster alicorn hovering close by, the source of her disturbance.

“Finally awake, Sister?” she asked playfully, failing to hold back a teasing grin.

Luna shifted beneath the covers, bringing up a hoof to wipe some of the remaining sleep from her eyes, as well as sort out a conscious response. “Celestia? What are you doing here?” she half-mumbled.

“It’s time to raise the moon. You didn’t show up, so I came looking for you.” Celestia softly chuckled. “Did you sleep well? You looked so cute and peaceful, I was tempted to let you dream for another ten minutes or so.”

Dream? Was that all it was, Luna thought as she sat up. Suddenly it made sense, given the specter she saw, and the surreal sights that still appeared recognizable. Had some remnant of the Tantabus come to torment her?

“It's so good seeing you get a good rest, like back when we were fillies,” Celestia remarked, as she continued doting over the restful alicorn. “But we really should go. We don't want ponies to worry over not seeing the moon appear on time.”

“Oh, of course. Just allow me to freshen up, sister, and we'll be on our way.”

“I'll just wait outside while you do, Luna. Don’t take too long.” Celestia leaned down and gave her sister an affectionate cheek nuzzle, then turned and left Luna to her preparations.

For some moments Luna sat there, assessing her sister's remarks. She actually did feel well-rested. Furthermore, she felt relaxed, grateful even, nothing at all like what the Tantabus often left her with.

Getting up from her comfy confines, she further mused on the aspects of the dream while making herself presentable. Whatever that had been—some spectral influence, or a simple decompression of her psyche—she felt rather good about herself. It was strange and hard to explain, but there was also an eagerness filling her to be out among the citizens. Spurred by such a notion, she put the finishing touches to her regalia and hurried out.

Her sister was waiting just outside her chamber doors, ever patient and acknowledging her sibling with a smile.

“All ready?”

Luna nodded. “Yes. Let us proceed.”

Celestia nodded, and the royal sisters began trotting to the main hall. The corridor was empty save for the two of them, though often it was only Luna that traversed it night after night. She glanced at her sister, prim and regal as ever, but with a tenderness of face that belied a gentler, more understanding nature. Suddenly Luna's eyes widened as something struck the back of her mind: a sudden recollection, of a corridor similar to the one she trotted down that moment. Memories of soothing warmth beaming from outside, towering pillars at all sides, the sounds of distant songbirds. Her very sister, as radiant as the sunlight that enveloped them, guiding her along with a smile of utmost affection. Luna realized in that moment that her sister's loving smile had remained unchanged since their younger years. Always filling her with assurance, despite everything that had transpired.

"Is there something wrong, Luna?"

"Huh? Oh no, Tia, I'm still feeling restive. It really was a good sleep."

"I can imagine. Though you have to agree, the night sky looks more appealing with open eyes."

"Yes. That it is."

With that, Luna's steps felt lighter, as though a lingering weight had been shrugged off. Allowing herself a warm smile, she sidled close to Celestia, eager to fulfill her nightly duties once more with confidence. But first, she needed to summon forth her steadfast companion. After all, what is an Equestrian night without its precious, guiding moonlight?


Author's Note:

A little something I thought up under some moon-time musing. I think I'll go gaze at it awhile. In the meantime, relax with some sweet, calming BGM goodness. Till next time... if there may be a next time.

(Also random trivia: the last line of text is a verse from a Vocaloid song. It roughly translates to With loneliness always comes pain. Look after yourselves ;3)

Comments ( 3 )
Author Interviewer

Uh, okay. Not sure what that was all about.


What is this a crossover with.

The chapter name is all the hint you need ;)

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