• Published 7th Dec 2015
  • 6,407 Views, 48 Comments

Why Can't I Be Your Rara? - Oroboro

Rarity can clearly see just how good of friends Applejack and Coloratura are. Even if they had a deep connection as fillyhood friends, hadn't Rarity and Applejack once shared that too?

  • ...


Fluttershy smiled as she bowed her head and stepped away. “It was really fun meeting you and getting to talk to you like this, Miss Coloratura, but I should really get going.”

Rarity’s eyes darted between Fluttershy and the other two occupants of the table. “Oh come now, Fluttershy. The night is still young, have another drink!” Her voice came out a little more shrill than she had intended it to, but she cleared her throat and kept going. “You can tell Miss Coloratura all about that time you, hmm…”

A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead and she rubbed her hooves together. “The, uh, uh, what was it again… Oh, right! The bat thing! With the apples, and all that nonsense. Yes, lovely story. You should tell us all about it, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy cocked her head, staring into Rarity’s eyes. “I'd, um, love to really, but I really need to be getting back to Angel. I'm sure Applejack would tell it much better than I could anyway.”

Coloratura giggled and snorted in a rather unladylike fashion, her cheeks rosy with intoxication. “Bats and apples, huh? Not going to lie, AJ, I'm already curious.”

Applejack chuckled heartily, her eyes sparkling as she hefted her mug of cider. “Shoot, Rara, you're gonna love this one. It all started with a particular species of fruit bat…”

Rarity groaned, slamming her head into the table as Applejack launched into her story. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Fluttershy excuse herself and leave. With a weary sigh Rarity raised her hoof and gave a shaky wave for attention. “Monsieur, another mojito please?”

Applejack spared a moment to shoot a sideways glance Rarity’s way, directed at the three empty glasses already in front of her. Applejack’s disapproval was short lived, however, as the gentle touch and enraptured gaze of Coloratura brought Applejack back into her animated storytelling.

In the beginning, Rarity had been starstruck, like she always was with celebrities, but after Coloratura had let her hair down and joined them all in getting drinks after the show, the pony she truly was shone through crystal clear.

But there was more than that. It was painfully easy to see. The way Coloratura’s eyes sparkled, the way she laughed at every joke, the way she hung on Applejack’s every word like it was golden silk.

Rarity let out a high pitched giggle at something Applejack said, then hid the grimace that followed by taking a sip of her drink. It wasn't right for Rarity to be feeling this way. She was an adult mare, with her fair share of drama in her past. She recognized the foul stench of jealousy when it reared its ugly head.

But when rationality battled feelings, feelings tended to win. Not once could Rarity ever remember Applejack laughing so hard at one of Rarity's jokes. Applejack looked so happy in this moment as she reconnected with her childhood friend. She was warm and open and unguarded.

It was a side of Applejack that Rarity was never privy to. Even now, she could only look on as an outsider.

It only made sense, right? Coloratura was amazing in every sense of the word. She was glamorous, refined, and regal. But of course, Applejack didn't care about that. She saw ‘Rara’ as somepony genuine and honest and down to earth.

In comparison, Rarity was just… Rarity. She'd never attain the luster of Coloratura, and the last time she’d attempted to be a little more rustic it had been an unmitigated disaster.

This was stupid. She was just wallowing in self pity for the sake of wallowing. How many lessons had she learned about the nature of friendship by now? Applejack had every right to have a close connection with a childhood friend.

“Rarity? You still with us?” Applejack asked.

Rarity blinked. She was staring at the bottom of her glass. “Sorry, darling, I was just lost in thought. What was that again?”

Applejack frowned, then sighed. “I said that it's getting late. I'm gonna walk Rara back to her hotel. You should probably be getting home yourself.”

“Yes, yes.” Rarity said, waving her off. “I just want to sit here and clear my head a bit longer, then I'll head home. You two have fun now.”

Coloratura smiled, then took a step forward, stumbling and leaning against Applejack for support. “Oops! Anyway, thanks again for all your help earlier with the concert, Rarity. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.”

Rarity put on a pleasant smile. “You're welcome.” A nice, easy, and simple answer.

Applejack narrowed her eyes, then glanced between Rarity and the bartender. “You've had a lot to drink tonight already,” she said, raising her voice a little. “Just get home soon, alright?”

Rarity nodded, and watched as Applejack and Coloratura left together.

As soon as they were gone Rarity made her way over to the bar. “Another mojito, please.”

The bartender stopped polishing a glass for a moment and looked up at her. “Ain't you had enough already?”

Rarity slapped a handful of bits onto the counter. “I’m in the mood for drunken wallowing, so I’d really appreciate it if you’d indulge me. My money is as good as anypony else’s.”

With a shrug, the bartender mixed up another drink and set it in front of her, taking the bits.

Rarity swirled the straw through the clear liquid and let out a sigh. It wasn’t fair. Life rarely was, but still. This particular bit of unfairness had struck her deeply tonight.

Sure, Coloratura was Applejack’s childhood friend. There was always a rush of excitement when catching up with somepony you haven’t seen in a long time.


Coloratura wasn’t the only pony around who knew Applejack when she was a filly…

Rarity let out a sigh as she pushed open the door to the Ponyville Schoolhouse. It was hard to be excited about school, as of late. Things just weren't the same without—

“Applejack!?” Rarity blurted out, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. “Y-you…”

Applejack looked up to meet Rarity’s gaze, and she gave a tired smile. The filly was just sitting there, in her seat next to Rarity’s, like she had never left in the first place. “Heya, Rarity. Long time no see.”

Rarity’s eyes filled with tears, and she dashed forwards, throwing her forelegs around Applejack’s neck in a tackle. “Oh my gosh! Darling, when you left for Manehattan, I thought I would never see you again!”

“Right. Yeah, I realized that my place is here,” Applejack mumbled. She patted Rarity's back with a hesitant hoof.

“That's wonderful!” Rarity pulled out of the hug with a sniff, and rubbed at her eyes. “Goodness, it must have been absolutely amazing! The lights, the sounds, the ponies… oh, I've always dreamed of going to Manehattan! You simply must tell me all about it. Did you get to see any Bridleway shows?”

Applejack grimaced and looked away. “It wasn't anything special. Mostly just spent a lot of time failing to learn from Auntie and Uncle Orange.”

Rarity scoffed. “Nothing special? Darling, you were in the biggest metropolitan hub in all of Equestria! It's a city bustling with ponies and cultures from all walks of life! How can you just disappear without telling anypony where you went, then just waltz back saying it was nothing special?”

“Do you really think,” Applejack growled, her voice low. “That I left Ponyville, my family, just to go on a vacation? Manehattan wasn't fun. I hated it. I thought that after my… I just needed to be somewhere else. Anywhere else. I needed to find myself and where I really belonged.”

“Well, yes, but—”

Applejack twisted, thrusting her flank towards Rarity. What had been blank the last time Rarity had seen it was now adorned by a trio of apples. “Well, I found it. For my family. They need me and I need them. My place is home. Not some noisy city.”

“O-oh.” Rarity's face fell, and she lowered her head. “I'm sorry. Um, congratulations? Speaking of cutie marks, I actually—”

“Butts in your seats and mouths shut,” the teacher called out as the classroom door burst open. “Today we'll be starting from page forty-five.”

“...I got my cutie mark, too,” Rarity mumbled under her breath as she slumped back to her seat.

It made sense. Applejack was still depressed after what had happened. Even discovering her purpose in life hadn't been enough to return her to the lively filly Rarity had known.

All she had to do was find a way to cheer Applejack up. Perhaps a makeover? She was looking a little drab. A new look could really help accentuate her new cutie mark. Or maybe even coordinate with Rarity's own new cutie mark!

There was no way a plan this genius could fail.


Dear Applejack,

How are you doing at Camp Friendship? I am quite well.”

Rarity smacked her head into the desk, then crumpled up the letter and tossed it into the wastebasket with the twenty that she had started previously.

What could she possibly say? For the past few months, she had tried her hardest to cheer Applejack up, to bring her up out of the dumps.

She brought Applejack new dresses every week to try and find something that would fit her style. She brought flowers, scheduled makeovers, and even lent her some of her favorite romance novels.

None of it made any difference. Applejack stayed grumpy and snippy, no matter what Rarity did. She was completely out of options.

And now, Applejack was gone again, away at summer camp. At least Applejack had promised to write this time, but there hadn't been any letters yet, so Rarity had to take the initiative.

But still. What words could she put on this paper that would truly make Applejack feel better, and make things like they were before?

She hadn't the foggiest. But she at least had to try, right?

Dear Applejack,”


“Aw shoot, Rarity, I had the most amazing time at Camp Friendship!”

Well, Rarity could see it, plain as day. Applejack was back, and as enthusiastic as ever. It was as if her prayers had been answered. Except—

“I swear, I ain’t never met anyone like her before. Rara sure was something else. Voice that could melt the heart of the meanest feller you ever met, I tell ya. And we had so much fun together!”

This was what Rarity wanted, wasn't it? She just wanted to see Applejack smiling, and laughing again. She wanted her to be happy.

Unable to help herself, tears filled her eyes and her lip trembled as Applejack exulted the praises of her new friend.

Applejack frowned. “Rarity? You alright?”

“Applejack, you are the worst! “ Rarity screamed as she turned and fled, tears trailing behind her.

Rarity pulled herself out of her reverie, once again staring at the bottom of an empty glass. Her stomach burned with alcohol and her face burned with the embarrassment of her youthful folly. She thought about ordering another, but Applejack was probably right, like she always was. She'd had enough.

With hindsight and the wisdom of adulthood, it was easy to see where she had gone wrong as a child. Rarity tried to help Applejack with her own interests, and didn't put any consideration into what Applejack would enjoy. Not to mention the nature of Applejack’s grief at the time was never something Rarity could fix. Applejack had needed time, and could only recover at her own pace.

But her failure as a filly still stung. Rarity felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks as her heart bled for her childish innocence and sincerity. But worse, since all these years later, she still wasn't the kind of pony Applejack could connect with like that.

“Rarity?” Coloratura asked. “Are you alright?”

Rarity started up, sputtering. “I, what, no, I…” She finally managed to twist around in her seat to see Coloratura standing behind her, her face a mask of concern. “Goodness, no, I'm fine! Just at that level of intoxication where you get a little weepy, you know how it is. I, uh, shouldn't you be with Applejack?”

Coloratura's face softened and she took a step forward. “I left my wallet here. Are you sure? I know we've only just met but, if there's something you need to get off your chest, I’d be happy to listen.”

Rarity sniffed, stood up straight, and did her best to put on a smile. “I appreciate the offer, darling, but I assure you, I'm quite alright. Just need to go home and take a nice long bath and relax, and then I can…”

Her legs trembled beneath her, and her vision blurred once more. This was silly. She was a grown mare, not a weepy filly. She could hold herself together without—

A sob escaped from Rarity's throat, and Coloratura was there, wrapping her forelegs around Rarity's neck. “Hey, it's okay, just let it all out,” she said, her voice soothing. After a moment she added, “This is about Applejack, isn't it?”

“Mmm,” Rarity murmured. She let out an ugly snort and let her tears flow into Coloratura's fur. “It's dumb, I'm sorry. I'm just a pony, right? The problem is that I'm not the right pony.”

Coloratura pulled out of the hug and wiped Rarity's tears away with a hoof. “Hey, don't say that. I know I don't know you very well, but Applejack told me a lot about you.”

Rarity blinked, then used her magic to flick away more tears. “She did?”

“Yeah, she did,” Coloratura said with a smile. “Back at Camp Friendship, we shared a bunk. We spent hours talking every night. Applejack told me a lot about Ponyville, about her family. About how much she missed her mom and dad. I shared my own woes with her too, though that's beside the point.”

Coloratura placed her hoof on Rarity's shoulder, and looked her in the eyes. “But she also told me all about her best friend back home. How she was a pony who was pretty and prissy and fussy about fashion, and kind of annoying sometimes. But also how she was generous to a fault, about how she would always give all of herself to help a friend in need. Even if she missed the mark, that she tried to be there for Applejack when she needed it meant a lot to her.”

Warmth blossomed in Rarity's heart, and her mouth hung open. “You mean she…”

Coloratura smiled. “I mean it. Honestly, the way she talked about you, it made me kind of jealous. But you—or at least, the image of you I had in my head kind of inspired me to become the pony I am today. Even if I lost my way until just recently.”

Rarity stared at Coloratura for several moments before she burst out laughing. “You were jealous of me? That’s absolutely ridiculous!” Still giggling, she wiped tears from her eyes.”I'm sorry. I'm just being silly, that's all.”

“Applejack’s one of the best friends I've ever had, even as brief as it was. You're way luckier than you think.” Coloratura sat down at the bar next to her.

“No doubt about it. Applejack is Applejack, and we're both lucky to be her friend.” Rarity took a seat as well. “And I think that perhaps, we should try to be friends as well. What do you say, Coloratura? Another drink? One for the road?”

Coloratura grinned. “I'd love to, Rarity, but under two conditions. One, they have to be non-alcoholic drinks.”

Rarity belched, then blushed. “Fair enough. It's been a long night. And the second?”

“You have to start calling me Rara.”

Rarity threw back her head and laughed. “Very well. Barkeep! Two Virgin Mojito’s for Rara and Rarity!”

Author's Note:

Rara, Rarara.

Thanks to Kalan and Dubs Rewatcher for editing.

Comments ( 48 )

*looks at title* muuussssttt reeeeeaaaddd

I like it. I like it a lot and would be surprised if this didn't get featured. It's just that...

With hindsight and the wisdom of adulthood, it was easy to see where she had gone wrong as a child.

I'll never understand what this 'child' thing is. I mean, someone in the show probably already said it but is the word 'filly' so bad?

I haven't read the story, but I thought Rarity and Applejack were only acquaintances until Twilight showed up.

Ah, someone beat me to the punch. Well done here. :twilightsmile:

Two Virgin Mojito’s for Rara and RarityRarara!


Oh, this was adorable. :ajsmug:

I was really looking forward to reading this. But, tbh it ultimately fell pretty flat for me. The beginning was promising, and I felt like you set it up well with the scene at the table, Rarity's feelings and introspection etc., and what followed for the bulk of the story...the concept was strong. It was the ending that should have tied it all together and which IMO did not that ended up leaving me coming away dissatisfied.

I think because I have the impression it was supposed to be a positive ending for all the characters, but given what happens I don't understand how Rarity at least came out of things feeling any better. Nothing about what happened in the past (how all of her own efforts to reach Applejack failed and yet Rara managed to change her whole outlook, even worse when you consider Rarity/AJ's sour canon relations at the beginning of the series in LBYS) was changed, nor that AJ and Rara apparently still have such a special connection in spite of years apart. Basically, you tell us through Rara's dialogue that Rarity was somehow special and valued to AJ, but never actually show us how she is/was at any point in the narrative or through any of AJ's own words or actions...Applejack frowns at Rarity a bunch during the beginning, leaves an obviously intoxicated Rarity to fend for herself while she walks Rara to her hotel, was distant and frustrated with her as a child despite Rarity trying everything to cheer her up......and that's all we see of her. As a result, I have a really hard time believing Rarity would have been so instantly comforted and had her whole outlook turned around like that by some bittersweet comments from Applejack through Rara about her childhood self.

So, yeah...promising story in a lot of ways and I'm a fan of a lot of your stories, I just think this one could have used a lot more fleshing out to take it to where it seems you wanted it to go.

Well, that was feelsy and kind of sweet. Even if it felt a bit more shippy than friendly.:trollestia:

That was super-sweet, :twilightsmile:

And JEEZUS, Rarity, lay off the sauce! :flutterrage:

This was a nice little one shot. Enjoyed getting into Rarity's head on the matter and the conflict. I hope we can see more fics on the relationship aspect between Rarity, AJ, and Rara--friendship or otherwise. :twilightsmile:

I do understand where you're coming from. And the concept of Rarity and Applejack being friends in childhood does require a leap of faith on the reader's part given what we know. But I kind of like the way the author does it here: it's more open ended.
Everything is not wrapped up neatly or perfectly and that more reflects life as we know it. Questions do go unanswered. AJ really could just be closer to Rara or it's just the fact that Rara is here now after so long. Maybe Rarity is reacting off of Rara succeeding so easily in an area with AJ she put so much effort into figuring out or the emotion could run far deeper.
You just don't know. But that means the ending isn't set in stone either and there are more than one way to interpret. What is known is that Rara and Rarity have extended a bridge and at least began putting some of the pieces together. With some of the main issues out of the way things can can start looking up. AJ herself isn't really needed for this if you see the story more of a focus is on Rara and Rarity and their conflict.

Always figured Rarity could get meloncholy easy.

So much jelly

The characters' pasts, the nature of their relationship(s) and feelings for each other beneath the surface is irrelevant to what I was trying to convey by my comment. I'm not asking for perfect answers to everything or a neat and happy ending to everything either, or saying that's what there should be. If anything, given the circumstances set in the story I'd actually say this outcome feels way too happy and easy...that's kind of my problem with it.

This could probably be expanded upon if the author had wanted to touch on some of the things you raised if it was meant to be more than a one shot. I do think it's probably strongest as a one shot, as it is, but my problem is how things unfold given the factors that the story clearly does establish. Basically and again, I see no way for Rarity's jealously and sadness to have been cleared up just like that, just because Rara tells her Applejack appreciated her generous nature as a filly even if she never actually told Rarity so (and still called Rarity annoying, prissy, fussy etc all in the same breath). Rarity's problem throughout the story til the very end, even the name of the chapter, is that she envies Rara's connection with Applejack. As nothing in the story ever happens to prove to her that she really has no reason to envy such a thing, and actually everything we see just seems to reinforce that Rarity actually has every reason to feel the way she does, the ending feels way too quick, simple, and as a result insincere to me I guess.

Rara sis boom ba! It didn't end with shipping or a trip to the spa!


Yeah, to be honest, I can see both arguments. There is a part of me that wanted to see that final scene happen between Applejack and Rarity instead, or at least have it happen when Applejack is also present. Part of this is because I feel like this fic does a great job exploring the younger versions of AJ and Rarity, and would like to see the payoff of that as adults.

But I also wonder if that isn't me wanting this fic to be something it isn't. For one thing I'm a shameless RariJack shipper, so I'm a big fan of most stories that explore their dynamics. But there is absolutely nothing that suggests Rarity's jealousy (envy?) is romantically motivated. This is further colored by the fact that I love Ooroboro's other RariJack works on the site. Not to say I don't also enjoy stories about Rarity and Applejack's friendship, but...

It may be that my desire stems from wanting to make this story about a character it isn't actually about. If you look at this as a story about Rarity, Applejack, and RaRa, then some of what I said is valid, but I kind of feel that, in the end, the story is about Rarity. Applejack and RaRa just feature.

Either way, I really like this story. It's a great characterization of Rarity. And I would love to read future stories exploring this dynamic furthur.

For me personally I'm not asking for this story to be romantic or whatever. Or explore the interpersonal relationships more, necessarily. I just feel like Rarity's emotional turnaround happened way too suddenly to feel believable given the events of the story. So either more should happen to make her seeing the light make sense, or maybe she should come away from it all still questioning stuff. A more bittersweet conclusion maybe.

I have to agree with Barbed Pegasus. The ending has no substance, emotional or... well, anything else really. Really good setup, then just...

Rara: Oops left my purse. Hey, cheer up. I was so jelly of you when I was a kid.
Rarity: Really? Cool, AJ thought I was good enough to brag about. Let's get drinks and leave!

Nothing actually gets resolved. Even if AJ thought well of her back then, she basically brushed Rarity off now and from the way things started out I could almost imagine that AJ and Rara were about to start tongue-fencing while Rarity watched and cried. The ending could have been more meaningful, more sensible.
It's clear to everyone that this story had one acceptable ending. Three-way tongue battle!

This was rather interesting. Pretty good. :twilightsmile:

6710939 Normally I'd agree, or, put in a stipulation that it was so be a "hopeful" ending, where someone would work past their problems to confess their feelings in the end.


As one who, like Rarity, gives themselves up to everything to keep people happy, I for one can actually speak on her behalf. Envy, and jealousy, as stupid as it is, even if it's acknowledged can drive a wedge into the heart and mind. Rare's drunken state sure didn't help much, but digressing, it's just feelings, that can make one feel... off. Strange, or easily annoyed. False smiles, and 'sincere' chats, can actually build up to something much worse. (As I'm sure you were hoping for. :P As for it is the stake of a story, for entertainment, etc.) I, though can understand just how easily one can feel after 'letting off steam' or to find similarities in another. Consolation is much more soothing than most would think.

Eh, it was a decent story, and it's always nice to see the background characters and one-shots get attention like this... but I gotta agree with some of the others here, Oro; this isn't some of your best work.

Honestly don't know if adding anything to it would help, and I don't want to just parrot what other people have said, but this story doesn't really feel like it has an ending, just a point where it suddenly stops. IDK, maybe I'm not thinking clearly, I haven't slept in nearly 24 hours when started writing this.

Even for a one-shot, that ending was too short. Enjoyable, though

Cute short story.

Dear God! The Ho Yay readings are off the charts!

I rate tis story...
7.5 out of 10 moustaches


Solid story, for its length. Thought the ending scene could've been just a tad longer, but other than that, I have no complaints or critiques to offer. Well done, well done indeed, have a like and a favorite. :twilightsmile:

I wanted to write this same story so bad. I don't even ship. I'm super glad someone wrote it.


But that's not what happened here. I am also of the self-sacrificing sort, my martyr card has plenty of stamps on it. The story is missing something, not that the in-world events and personalities brought this about.

Really great story, I loved it! :raritywink:

This is cute! Thought this would go into some over-rated romance story, seeing the T sign. But when I read it, I was super impressed! Nicely done!

and this is how it all started :trollestia:

The bat thing! With the apples, and all that nonsense. Yes, lovely story. You should tell us all about it, Fluttershy!

:fluttershyouch:Um, how 'bout I smack you upside the head Rarity?

She recognized the foul stench of jealousy when it reared its ugly head.

Those lovely green eyes always bring out the Green Eyed Monster in ponies around Applejack. Unintentionally of course.

Not once could Rarity ever remember Applejack laughing so hard at one of Rarity's jokes.

Rarity doesn't have much of a sense of humor.

Mostly just spent a lot of time failing to learn from Auntie and Uncle Orange.

Did she get to meet her baby cousin Babs?

Manehattan wasn't fun. I hated it. I thought that after my… I just needed to be somewhere else. Anywhere else. I needed to find myself and where I really belonged.

She belongs at Rarity's side.

Butts in your seats and mouths shut,

Cheerilee's father is always like this on the first day of school.

There was no way a plan this genius could fail.
“Dear Applejack,
How are you doing at Camp Friendship? I am quite well.”

Two scenes from her childhood? You're gonna make me Feel Sir Author, aren't you?

She brought Applejack new dresses every week to try and find something that would fit her style. She brought flowers, scheduled makeovers, and even lent her some of her favorite romance novels.

She is in love with you Applejack. Can't you see?

I shared my own woes with her too, though that's beside the point.”

"As a foal I was abandoned in the forest and left to die. I was raised by woodland critters until the age of six, when a drunken master found me and raised me as his daughter. He taught me how to fight, how to kill, until one night:
And now comes the last part of your training, in which I abandon you so you can become a bitter, hateful mare. Just like my master did to me.
But sensei, you promised never to leave me!
Yes, so you could become more hateful than I ever was!
No, noo!
And then he left."

But she also told me...she tried to be there for Applejack when she needed it meant a lot to her.

Aww. That's sweet. I wonder if that's why neither seem too fond of each other during their slumber party at Twilight's.

Very well done.

I thought this was a very sweet story.

I reviewed this story!

My review can be found here.

This is an awesome idea, and you did a great job with Rarity, and I'm right on board with the basis. But I do have an issue, and it's a slightly different issue with this fic from the ones other people have mentioned: filly AJ's actions feel OOC, which is kind of a problem because while there's not that much of her, it's those actions that are the core of the story.

I'll totally grant that we don't know much about filly AJ, and that her parents recently died, but in both scenes the dialogue didn't sound like her, and the reactions didn't feel like how she'd be acting based on how Rarity was treating her. Add that to what people have pointed out before about both AJ and Rarity's reactions to each other in Look Before You Sleep, and... I just wasn't getting any AJ here, even Rarity's point of view of AJ.

But it was an interesting read, and I know you're a great writer. Looking forward to the next one!

Rararararararara rararararararararara rararara rarararara rararararararara ra,

It was nice, but has nobody noticed the small spelling mistake in the first line?

Hmm. The story is solid, really. Amazing writing style, the emotions are captured well, but the resolution put the entire story at the edge. I couldn't see how the conflict was solved. "Telliing both sides of their sides, perhaps?" But the ending would have been much better if AJ was involved. At least she showed or told what she felt, or such.

Nonetheless, awesome story. :twilightsmile: Here's a Rarity: :duck:

Yay for friendship! Thumbs up.

I'm with the other reviewers on this story, didn't really feel the ending and Rarity being friends with Applejack since fillyhood doesn't really match up with their behaviour towards each other in early season 1 of the show. Still a good story, just not really your best. Have a like.

Comment posted by MJP deleted Dec 13th, 2022
Author Interviewer

I'm impressed how you managed to avoid any and all shipteasing. :D

But when rationality battled feelings, feelings tended to win.

Sentient Nature 101.

Where does Rara original formula keep her wallet?

love the interactions!!! nice work

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