• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,428 Views, 193 Comments

The Funny Little Guy - KingJoltik

Derpy was on her regular mail route when a sudden crash caused her to meet the most peculiar creature. A little creature called Temmie.

  • ...

Bubbles and Butterflies

“Hum de dum de dum...” hummed a certain grey pegasus with blonde hair. Her name was Derpy Hooves, and she was on her postal route. As she floated in the air, she dug into her saddlebag, trying to find out where she needed to go next. “Let's see...hmm...where's my last delivery for today?”

She pulled out a list and her eyes strained themselves, looking down that list. “Ah! The next pony is Fluttershy! Oh goodie, I love to see her little creatures there!”

However, fate had different plans for the mail mare. As she was putting the list back into bag, she didn’t realize where she had flown while reading it.


Her head slammed into a tree, her eyes spinning in circles from the blow. The pegasus's wings stopped flapping as her body fell to the ground.


“Ow!” she yelped as her back hit the dirt. “Ohhh...looks like I crashed again...at least it wasn't a building this time.” She lifted her head, looking at her surroundings. Without realizing it, she had hit a tree in the Everfree Forest. “Oh muffins! I didn't realize I was flying so low! I better get out of-”




“Who said that?” Derpy asked, her head looking around. “Whoever said that, please show yourself! I'm...uh...not the best at seeing things.”


“Yeah, I heard-” Derpy felt a slight tap on her hoof. She looked down and saw a peculiar sight. It looked like a cat with dog ears and cat ears. The creature had a blue and yellow striped shirt on along with a big smile. Derpy's face immediately changed to delight as she shined a grin. She bent down and gave the creature a hug. “Awww...aren't you just the cutest thing?! Was that you little guy?”

“hOI! I'm temmie!”

“You're...Temmie? That's a funny name.” Derpy let go of the little creature, surprised at its constant shaking.

“I'm temmie!”

“And I'm Derpy. Nice to meet you Temmie!”


“Uh-huh. So, where ya from little guy?

“tem...from tem village.”

“Tem village? Where's that?”

“tem...not know. derpy...know tem village?”

“Um...no. Sorry little guy, I don't know where your village is. That's why I asked you.”

The little creature's head drooped down. “tem...lost.”

“You're lost? Well, I'm sorry that happened to you little guy.”

“tem...go to tem village! tem...miss friends!”

“Your friends? Who are they?”

“tem...have many friends! There is friend...temmie! And other friend...temmie!”

“So...are they all named Temmie?” Derpy said in a curious tone.

“No...have other other friend. Other other friend...bob.”

“Bob? That's an even weirder name.” Derpy said as she put her hoof to her chin in thought. “Hmmm...I know! My next stop is Fluttershy and she's the local animal pony! Maybe she's seen little guys like you before. I bet she can help ya!”

“Really? yaYA!”

“Hop on little guy, I'll get us there in no time.”

The little Temmie hopped onto Derpy's back, it's smile never fading. That was until Derpy ran into another tree.

Two crashes later...

“Sorry Temmie...I'm not the best flier...” Derpy said while her body swayed left and right. “But...here we are!”

“dis...da place?!”

“Yep.” Derpy went up and knocked on the door. “Mail call!”

The two heard a quiet pace of hoofsteps approach the door. A few seconds later, the door opened. “Hello? Oh, good morning Derpy!”

“Hiya Fluttershy!” Derpy said with a salute. She then put her head into her mailbag, grabbing a mouthful of mail. “Here's your mail!”

“Thank you Derpy.” Fluttershy said as grabbed the mail with her hooves. After putting the mail away, Fluttershy let out a small breath. “So, um...would you like to come in for some tea Derpy?”

“Well, though that sounds nice, I need your help Fluttershy.”


“You see, I just met this little guy and-” as Derpy turned and put Temmie down from her back, she quickly jumped as Fluttershy gasped and flung herself at the creature.

“OH! YOU ARE SOOOOO CUTE!” she squealed as she hugged Temmie tight.

“hOI! I'm temmie!”

“Oh my! You can talk?!” Fluttershy said while releasing the hug. “And you have an cute little voice too?!”

“I'm temmie!”

“I think the little guy wants you to introduce yourself Fluttershy.”

“Oh. Um...I'm Fluttershy! Its nice to meet you Temmie!” Fluttershy said with a huge grin. Temmie just stood there, it's smile never changing.


“That's right.” she said with a nod. She then turned to Derpy, “Where did you find this adorable little creature?”

“On the outskirts of the Everfree.”


“Yeah...” Derpy scratched the back of her head with a blush of embarrassment. “I had another crash. Don't worry about it. Anyways, this funny little guy is lost.”

“Oh really? How sad...” Fluttershy said as she stooped down and gave Temmie another hug. “It sure does vibrate a lot, doesn't it?”

“Yep. I'm guessing this is the first time you've seen one of these little guys, isn't it?”

“Yes. I'm sorry Derpy.”

“tem...lost. tem...want home.”

“Awww...” Fluttershy hugged it again. “Don't worry little one, I'll help you get home!”

“Same here little guy.” Derpy said with a cheerful grin. “We'll help you find where that 'tem village' is!”


“tem...hungry. tem...need fud.”

Derpy and Fluttershy both let out a chuckle. “I can see that! Hey Fluttershy, you got any...uh...dog food I guess?” Derpy inspected Temmie again. “Or maybe it needs cat food?”

“Not with me. The only dog I take care of is Applejack's and it's food is at the farm. As for cat food...you would probably have to go to Rarity. Though it might be hard with Opal around...”

“Huh. Guess we should shove off to Sweet Apple Acres then! It's closer by anyways.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Agreed.” She turned and yelled, “Angel! Could you come down here?” A small white bunny ran into the room wearing an annoyed expression. “Take care of the place while I'm gone, alright?” The bunny gave a small salute and Fluttershy closed the door. “Okay little one, let's go to Applejack's!”

“tem...still hungry.”

“Don't worry little guy, we'll get you some food. Just hop onto my back again.”

“Yes. And while we're at it, why don't we stop by Twilight's? Maybe she has a book on creatures like you...”

“Sounds like a plan to me Fluttershy.”

“tem...like plan!”

The two ponies giggled as Temmie hopped onto Derpy's back. The trio then proceeded down to the apple farm, hoping to feed their new little friend.

Author's Note:

My first crossover fic. I tired to get most of the Temmie speech pattern down but auto correct really doesn't like it. I plan to make this story really short, mainly Temmie meeting the main cast and maybe one or two other characters. I might change the character tags as I go along.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!