• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
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Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.


Maud did not love Rainbow Dash.

Maud did not understand love.

Maud understood war. Maud understood battle. Maud understood loss.

Those are the things Maud understood.

[Maud/RD - Season 5 finale AU]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 99 )



This was a sweet story. It contrast well against the harsh tone of its setting and the experiences that the characters were going threw.

I like it. Well done Scribbler, well done... :twilightsmile:

Feelings are the one thing Maud would have difficultly understanding. I don't believe she's afraid of them, only she was born too logical to stop and consider what how they affected a pony's mental and spiritual growth. She's kind of like the Spock of Ponies, which is why I like her so much.

For the record, I think RD and Maud would make a lovely couple. One's pure emotion while the other's all logic. They compliment each other beautifully.

I am so in love with this. The interaction between them was just so organic, and it was a neat idea to have Maud make the metal wing. This was nicely written, and quite in Maud's character as well as Dash's. :twilightsmile:

That was beautiful. Short, sweet but also heavy in emotion. You landed a perfect 10/10 in maintaining the theme of the story. A broken and confused mare struggling with war and love on the battlefield with her family. Short curt sentences perfectly mimicking the thoughts of the point of view character. Enough words to to allow us to create scenes in our heads but not too many as to drown out the narrative. I'm rambling, all I'm really saying is it's awesome and you're awesome...keep being awesome. In brighter days...darthsylar12

That sounded like it was perfectly in-character for Maud, and the tone was utterly beautiful.

This story is well written and gives me hope.

Shipping intensifies.

What is it with you and writing these fics on the eve of episodes? XD LET THE SHIPPING COMMENCE!!!

Too many feels. My words are useless to try and express how amazing this story is.

Got a big grin on my face.

That was better than I expected. From the title and description, I was expecting it to be a somewhat cliched story where the character is clearly in love, but denies it until the end. Glad I was wrong. It was pretty entertaining.

Wow, this story really made the concept work for me. There's a great feeling of impact to the lines along with a very fitting tone.

This is absolutely amazing, heartfelt and wonderful.

That was beautiful. Even though the fart joke.

Funny. I think that even without the episode this story would work just as well. It makes everything come completely alive, and I never doubt it.

Wanderer D

Okay. This was awesome!

Damn, that was good!
Your characterizations are spot on and you hit the tone required for the whole thing to work just so. 10/10.


All of this.


I think you portrayed very believable and very excellent versions of Rainbow Dash and Maud if they had grown up in the Sombra-version of the future. Everything from Maud's even hardier exterior to Rainbow's attitude towards troops and love was just awesome. Thank you for writing this.

And now I have to add Rainbow Dash x Maud to my growing list of ships lol.

Please tell me you're going to do a video off of this story. :pinkiehappy:


Woah! This was not what I had been expecting...it was very well-written, Maud's emotions portrayed so perfectly. It's...amazing! Definitely a like from me.

ALL MY YAAAAAASSS! FIVE OUTTA FIVE MUSTACHES!:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

ALL MY YAAAAAASSS! FIVE OUTTA FIVE MUSTACHES!:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Wow. Okay, before I read this story, I didn't really see how the ship could work. Now I can see how the ship could work. Well done.

P107 did not love this fic

She didn´t believe "Love" was enough to describe it.

She knew this fic would be brought to YouTube soon.As it should.She knew many others would be inspired to do even more fics.Some that she would read and some that she would not.

P107 did not know why but she wished the "Sombra-Warverse" could be canon.Just for a moment

Wow...just ...wow. Well done.

I love the ending and the way you wrote this, awesome! :heart::pinkiehappy::moustache:

This is stellar.

Another awesome story. Great work!

The amount of Anaphora is surprisingly appealing.
Never thought I'd ever say that about a MLP story, but I did.

Jesus christ, this was amazing!

I'm waiting for someone to compile all the Crystal War oneshots into their own 'Verse and string them together into one long story

Not bad

Turns out Maud/Dash (Mash?!) is the Spock/Kirk of ponies. Cool.

The Sombra war was probably my favorite AU!future from the S5 finale. It had the most depth and the most potential, since Sombra doesn't have much of a backstory beyond "CRYSTALS! GRR!!" unless you count the comics as canon, which I don't.

This was very good. You captured Maud very well, and the non-happy Pinkie Pie well, too. I expect she'd still be happier and more emotional than Maud, but definitely not a bundle of fun like she is in the main universe.

And this is why I enjoy the show so much.

Things like this.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I have something in my eye. :fluttercry:

Didn't see the author before reading, but I'm really not surprised it's Scribbler. :twilightsmile:

Edit: This one can make me cry even on the second or third read.


Anhel #38 · Dec 2nd, 2015 · · 1 ·

Damn, it's awesome. And it is a real Maud... but in current circumstances she is just a tired warrior who deserves happiness and love.

Well, she and Rainbow... it's a kinda weird couple, but why not? It was interesting to read about them. Soo, I'll read some of your other stories soon.

Hello Obabscribbler. Remember me? :D

Just let me have a few seconds head start before you get the shotgun out.

6691007 Almost every coupling in this fandom is weird. What's the difference here?

I really do like the story from the way it was written, the plot and, the creativity put into the story, but I'm not of fan of the shipping.

FANTASTIC... the only words I have for it.

Decided to give this a read and I must say it was worth taking a look at. You captured Maud's character quite well in my opinion and the emotions that went with said character. I'll admit, I wish I could write even a fraction as well as you can, because the way you used the prose's structure to the story's advantage was like a work of art. Furthermore, the relationship between Maud and Rainbow Dash was done brilliantly.

Excellent work on the story. :twilightsmile:

I'd like to do a dramatic reading of this, if I wasn't limited by youtube's 15 minute thing. I timed myself at just under 19 minutes. Any faster would not have seemed appropriate for a Maud fic.

How can reading something make me so sad and yet so happy? :applecry: Loved it! Definitely re-reading this one. :twilightsmile:

6692712 The issue with doing that is the only place that makes sense is 2/3 or so through the story. Then again, I could do what Scribbler does and do some commentary at the end, which would even out the video lengths. I think I'll do that.

Wow, you've got some fantastic writing here! For the most part, you kept my attention wholly on the story. Normally I'd prefer getting to see each scene more in depth, but that's just because I'm used to reading novels, not short stories. You're skill is absolutely beautiful and you've got a creative mind; I bet you could really go far with talent like that, and I hope I can see more of your work in the future!

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