• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 7,738 Views, 75 Comments

Re-Igniting Love - Loxart

A human who has been trapped in Equestria that ends up making the leader of the wonderbolts develope a crush on him

  • ...

Not the usual tablemate (Anon POV) (Part 3 of 3)

Author's Note:

Sorry for this not being the greatest chapter I've ever written, but things are rough lately.

I hope you enjoy it anyways though :D

"So, whut do we do first spitzy?" I try to talk, but end up slurring my words.

"Maybe we shuld go get some candy... I like candy." She giggles.

"Gud idea..." I chuckle back.

So, here's the thing about when I'm drunk... it always goes one of two ways. Either I get hit with major crippling depression, or I go crazy and do something stupid. But seeing as how I am with a drunken pony, I can only assume that I will be taking option 2. So tonight is going to be very interesting.

Alright, so it seems that the first stop of the night is going to be the candy store. Surprisingly it is still open this late at night even though no one in their right mind would go shopping for candy in the middle of the night. Now me and spitfire are NOT in our right mind right now, so candy here we come!

We had slowed the pace after we were out of Rainbow and who I could only assume was Fleetfoot's sight. As we walked through the streets towards the candy store, I took the time to look at the sight of Cloudsdale at night. It seemed like a whole different place without the light shining on the city. Sure I may have been completely drunk, but it still was an amazing sight to take in. Pity I'll forget what it looked like in the morning.

After a good 15 minutes of walking down different streets trying to figure out where the heck the candy store was, we managed to stumble upon it. We exchanged a quick smile and walked in. The first thing that I noticed was the smell. It was very sweet and calming that it just brought me to drunken peace.

"Welcome to the Sweet Treats Candy Boutique, where all the candy is made by hoof to perfection." The mare behind the counter greeted us, "How may I help you this night?"

"Uhhh...." I try to think before getting interrupted by Spitfire.

"I gotsh this Anun." Said Spitfire, walking up to the counter where the mare resided, "Ooh-la-la how much for de mare in the window?"

"I b-beg your pardon?!" She retorted, "I'm not that sort mare!"

"Oh come onnnn! You've gott-"


The loud noise that had just occurred had made Spitfire and the other mare look directly at me. It hadn't even been 5 minutes since we came in and already I managed to knock everything over and set the candy on fire. The mare looked at me with mouth agape.

"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO!" She screamed.

"And the lord shaid upon tee... let dere be lights!" I said, striking a dumb pose.

"Whut?" Spitfire tilted her head, giving me a blank expression.

"It's a hooman thing, Spitzy." I chuckled

"BOTH OF YOU OUT!" The mare yelled and pointed a hoof at the door.

"Jeeze... someponies a whiny butt!" I say, turning and walking out the door.

"Yea, what the hooman said!" Spitfire followed me out and slammed the door.

So, the first stop of the night didn't go all too well but that's ok! The night is still young and full of things to do. Spitfire has informed me that there is a nightclub not to far from here that we can chill at. It seems like a great idea. So without questioning her, I followed Spitfire all the way there.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the blaring lights of the club's sign. I couldn't quite make it out at the time but I think it read 'Bass Wubber' which was kind of a stupid name to call a nightclub. But, I just shrugged it off and entered. To my surprise, it was darker on the inside, but everything had a 'Glow in the dark' theme. The bar, the stage, heck even the ponies had accessories to make them glow. My thought pattern was interrupted when I was tapped on the shoulder by a bouncer who gave us both a Glow in the dark swag. I chuckled and patted his head.

"Thenk you kind dude."

"No problem. Enjoy the party." He said, not even smiling as he got out of our way.

Me and Spitfire walked around a bit inside to see what was going on. A lot of the ponies here were either dancing or getting smashed at the bar. There were a few ponies, however, that were right in front of the stage, cheering the DJ on. The DJ was pretty cool looking to be honest. Her hair was an electric blue, which fit the electrifying style it was in. It really matched her snow white coat. Upon her muzzle were an epic pair of shades. After looking at her for so long, she seemed to notice me and her grin grew wider.


The entire club exploded into cheer. It was even louder than the music.

"WELL? DON'T JUST STAND THERE! COME ON UP!" The DJ yelled down to me.

At that moment, 2 more bouncers came to escort me up to the stage. I happily followed them as they protected me from any pony wanting to get to close to the DJ or me. We reached the edge of the stage where the stairs were and we ascended together. When we reached the top, I was greeted by the DJ giving me a hoof-bumb and a tail flick to the butt.

"Whaddup hooman? What brings ya down to my club?" She said, her smile almost breaking off her face.

"Me and my friend Spitzy came to haz a goud time!" I smile stupidly back.

"Well ya came to the right place! Whats your name anyways, so I don't have to call you hooman?" She asked.

"Anon. Thaz my names." I hold out a hand to shake.

"Cool. The names Vinyl Scratch." She lays a hoof in my palm and shakes, "You digging the music so far?"

"Yeaaaaa!" I yell out.

"Glad to hear it!" Vinyl says, "Well, fell free to chill up here 'aight? Could use the company."

I nod and go to sit down on one of her 3 couches she has up here. I would be lying if I said this wasn't the most comfy thing I have ever sat on. I can literally feel myself sinking into the cushions. Slowly, I let my thoughts drift off as I relax. The drunkeness was slowly starting to ware off, but it was still completely noticeable.

This would have been a great place to end the night... until...

"SURPRISE!" Spitfire yells, slamming down beside me. This caused me to fly up into the air and smash my head through the roof.

Of all the things that could have just happened, it had to be this. My head is currently outside while my body in inside the club. Now that would be fine if I wasn't IN THE ROOF!

"Anon?!" I hear spitfire call up.

I raised a thumb to show that I was partially alright and tried to squirm my way out. After a good 3 minutes of shaking my body and head, I had made no progress. I just gave up and yelled for Spitfire to get help. She relayed the message to Vinyl and they were off.

So there I was. Drunk, stuck, and alone. I can say for the most part things can't get any wor-

"Hello there Anon!" A voice says, coming from above me. I slowly look up and see the princess of the night AKA Luna flying over me.

"Sup Moonbutt." I say.

She lands on the roof in front of me. "You're drunk aren't you."

"I'm not drunk..." I retort.

"Thou are drunk."

"I AM NOT DRUNK!" I yell.

Luna summons a clock from the castle in front of her and places it down. "What time is it?"

I look towards the clock and gesturing with my nose, I say "I. am. not. drunk."

This just gets a giggle from her, "Fine, you're not drunk. But what are you doing in the roof of a nightclub?"

"What are you doing NOT in the roof of a nightclub?" I stick my tongue out.

"Would you like some help getting unstuck? Spitfire went to get me and I am here to help. I've already sent her home to sleep, and I will do the same for you if you so request."

"What do you want in return Moonbutt?" I ask, trying to be as serious as possible in my drunken state.

"Nothing at all! Just think of it as an act of kindness." She grins.

"Oh, well in that case, goodnight!" I say before passing out.

"And the fun begins!" Luna says, lighting up her horn, and poofing Anon away to bed.

"Ugh... what the hell happened last night." I say, sitting up.

I can't recall anything from last night. The only thing I do remember is that me and Rainbow Dash went to a Wonderbolts game but the rest is very fuzzy. I'm guessing I had a few too many to drink tonight cause I feel like I'm having the mother of all hangovers right now. Maybe a walk can help me out. Fresh air is always good after... a... night of... where am I?

"Wait a second, this isn't my room."

"Keep it down Fleets.... I'm trying to sleep..." A voice say's from under the covers.

"What wait?!" I say in shock. I lift the covers to see spitfire curled into a ball. Slowly, she stretches out and looks at me with a shocked expression.


In the other room

"They seem to have awaken" Luna says.

"Yep!" Fleetfoot breaks out into laughter.

"Thanks Luna for helping them, and for making it so funny in the process!" Rainbow chuckles.

"It was no problem, Loyalty." She smiles.

"So what happened last night?" Fleetfoot calms down and speaks.

"Spitfire and Anon set fire in a candy store." Luna states seriously.

"WHAT?!" Fleetfoot and Rainbow say together.

"And then Anon got his head stuck in the roof of the local nightclub."

"Wait, you mean the 'Bass Wubber'? How did they even get through the massive lineup, let alone go that high into the air with THAT much force!"

"Long story. Ah, here come the two love birds now!" Luna chuckles.

It was true, Spitfire and I were descending the stairs with massive blushes across our cheeks. "H-hey guys." I manage to say.

"Good morning Love Birds!" The 3 say together.

"Uh-oh" Spitfire and I say together.

Comments ( 22 )


"Fleetfoot and Anon set fire in a candy store." Luna states seriously.

I don't think this is right

7218673 Thank you! I didnt see that!

I need to make it short, since my browser crashed for a second and took my post away....

It is a good chapter, I was just a little bit dissapointed that Rainbow and Fleetfoot wasn't shocked too about them being in bed together, and that it was just a prank.

I sort of imaged them waking up with nearly no memory of what happened, after that the others would see them, acting shocked and starting to berate them. I guess I wanted it to look like they made a serious mistake there, but I got the next best and that is alright too. It just took a bit of the excitement away that's all.

At least your story is one of the rare ones, where the female too can be a bit shy or really crazy for love? Is Spitfire in love yet, or is she just really interessted and nervous? Well I'm happy that she is the clumsy one this time and I like to see more of her being sort of nervous or treating the matter as if it would be the most important thing ever. I said it already and I say it again, I like it that this isn't like Rarity manipulating some high school boy, or any other of the main six kind of forcing someone to hurry with their relationship.

So long story short I like it as much as before:twilightsmile:

7218800 This is where spitfire becomes interested.

And this literally made me so happy to see this comment!

I can't wait to see what happens next keep up the good work update more soon :twilightsmile:

may not be the best chapter but it still counts as a great fic!:twilightsmile:
need moar dude!:yay:

Another promising story I gotta pass up because there's an Anon.

I really never understood why people have to write Anon's, it's a lot more interesting with actual main characters.

I guess I'm supposed to start running now...

7273518 Funny thing is, he was SUPPOSED to have a name... But I never believed in naming main characters unless they are pure OC if that makes any sense (Like a story based off a OC pegasus trying to become a wonderbolt and its following only her/him)

And yes, this is the time where you DO start running, but I am glad I got to meet you! If you need anything you can always come back now!

I'm confused. Doesn't this story follow Anon?
Brain.exe is not responding. Abort?

7273816 Nope! It follows different characters at different times,

Hence the POV's in the title. I know its confusing.

And here, take my hamster wheel! I barely use it. Ill use my backup peanut brain!

Ah, thanks.

I'd be lying if I said I'm not interested in trying this story anyway...

7453363 It will be explained, though I will be honest... I did forget that little detail for a while :twilightblush:

Thank you for reminding me! Im very grateful

"...spitfire and me."
Firstly, you didn't put a capital letter for the start of a proper noun.
Secondly, it is Spitfire and I, not Spitfire and me.

7546055 Fair enough. I always like pointers and advice. Thank you very much sir! (No, that was not sarcasm. I am genuinely grateful!)

I would like to have a new chapter please.

Honestly, that chapter made me feel like I was the drunk one, and I was only reading! :rainbowlaugh:

I would like another chapter.

That's like saying you want half-life 3

I can imagine myself , drunk as a skunk and laughing my way through with a drunken Spitfire and even getting my head stuck in a roof of a nightclub but at least I would have a smile plastered on my face .

Are you going to continue this story? I’m really starting to enjoy this story.

"Whaddup hooman? What brings ya down to my club?" She said, her smile almost breaking off her face.

Hooman huh?

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