• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 9,184 Views, 152 Comments

A Koopa's Story - RoyalStar709

A human was transformed into his favorite villain...only he was transformed into a baby version of him. Years later, after being raised by one of the rulers of the land, he finds himself in the future after a miscalculation with his time warp spell.

  • ...

Prelude-3: Confrontations

Princess Luna trod along through the lonely halls, trying to clear her head from her recent worries. Celestia was currently having a word with her student, leaving her younger sibling to deal with the situation with Discord. She had just returned to the crystal like castle after assigning the guards their newest task. Luna blinked, trying to banish the last pangs of tiredness from her body.

Grumbling, Luna looked out the nearest window, seeing the ponies already starting to repair any damage Tirek may have done. She frowned when she felt a familiar pain on her horn, it was still aching from the events of his rampage. “We just barely made it out of this disaster, I don’t think we would be able to make it out another so soon.” Luna told herself, looking at the Everfree with a worried expression. “Just what was it that startled Discord?” She sighed, turning away from the window with a grim expression. “Whatever it is, it can’t be good.”


Bowser roared angrily, a torrent of flames projecting from his jaws and burning a group of possessed trees. The koopa laughed, pumping his fist when he saw the Treevils turn to ash. “I RULE!” he yelled out, grinning.

Bowser’s grin widened when he heard the golden fuzzy cheer for him. “That was amazing! I didn’t think you’d be able to take down a group of Treevils so easily!” Dizz praised, Zecora looked only slightly impressed.

The Koopa laughed, soaking up Dizz’s praise. “Well what do you expect? Like a bunch of living firewood would actually be able to hurt this Dragon-Koopa!” he said, pointing at himself.

Zecora raised an eyebrow. “Dragon-Koopa is the name of your kind?” She asked. “I was not aware that Koopas and Dragons were now intertwined.”

Bowser scratched his head, frowning. “Well… to be completely honest, I’m not to sure about that either, it’s just what everyone assumed I was, they thought I was a hybrid between the two,” he answered truthfully.

Dizz frowned, bouncing towards the large koopa. “But what about your parents?” he asked. “Weren’t they able to tell you?”

Bowser shrugged. “Ma never knew exactly what I was, all she knew for sure was that I was a Koopa,” he answered. “Can’t expect a pony to know everything about a species that isn’t theirs.

Dizz gasped, halting his bouncing and staring at Bowser, his eyes wide. “Wait, you were raised by ponies?!” Zecora was also surprised by the news, not expecting the large Koopa to have been raised by ponies.

Bowser nodded, not surprised that the two were shocked from the news. The hyperactive Fuzzy continued to bounce alongside Bowser, asking multiple questions about life with the ponies. Zecora kept her gaze towards the direction of Ponyville, making sure they don't get lost while trying to listen to the Koopa’s story.

Kammy frowned at the strange looking castle in front of her. It towered above the landscape, the sunlight nearly blinding as it reflected of the blended blue-purple crystalline trunk that led up to a darker violet stone-like structure that was perched on top. The branches snaked their way over the center of the stone, leading up and above the structure into a large multi-pointed star that shined the brightest of all. Along some branches there were several ribbon like decorations with multicolored stone along them, leading along even underneath the balcony built into the left side of the castle, and a single violet flag with a magenta star on it swayed in the wind above said balcony.

Behind her glasses, she squinted at the crystalline tree. “It’s so… bright.” Kammy briefly took off her glasses and adjusted them. “I didn’t think the princesses would move into a place like this, it’s definitely a big change from the grand city of Canterlot.”

“Well if you ask me, the whole thing looks just plain hideous,” Discord commented, frowning at the tree. “I mean, just look at it!” He gestured towards it, making gagging noises.

Kammy walked up towards the draconequus, jumping up and grabbing his ear, yanking it downward so they were at eye level. “Now Discord, you shouldn’t go around making fun of the princesses’ living choices,” she scolded, waving her wand in front of him. “Even if they are somewhat odd,” she added.

Discord wiggled around in the Magikoopa’s grip, trying desperately to get free. “Ow! Kammy! This isn’t even the princesses’ castle! I’m pretty sure it belongs to Equestria’s newest princess!” he explained.

Kammy raised an eyebrow, not entirely believing Discord. “Oh? And who exactly is this ‘new’ princess?” the witch asked.

Discord nearly whimpered, knowing that teleporting away would only make his situation worse. “Her name is Twilight!” he answered, nearly yelling at her. “Can you please let me go now?”

Kammy sighed, releasing her hold on his ear. “So, Equestria has a new princess…” she mumbled to herself, frowning. She turned towards Discord. “Are there any more new royals in Equestria?” she asked him.

Discord hummed. “Yes,” he answered. “There are at least three more royals that I know of.”

Kammy eyes widened, shocked by the news. “Three more?!”

“Yes, three.” Discord nodded, snapping his claws to produce pictures of them. “There’s Princess Cadance, she’s the Princess of Love.” He gave her a picture of pink alicorn with a yellow, pink, and purple mane. “She rules the Crystal Empire with her husband, Shining Armor.” Discord gave the witch another picture, this one was of a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane. “And then, last and least important of them all is Prince Blueblood!” he yelled dramatically, letting a picture of a trash can fall onto Kammy’s claws.

Kammy raised an eyebrow. “Discord,” she called. “This is a picture of a trash can.”

He nodded. “I know, you can hardly tell the difference between the two.” Grabbing Kammy’s arm, Discord dashed towards the castle, leaving a trail of dust behind. “Hurry along Kammy! It’s getting late and we still haven’t talked to Celestia yet!” He ignored the Koopa’s protest and continued to run down the crystal halls.

“Discord!” Kammy cried. “Please slow down!!!” The old witch flailed around, only being able to see everything around her as a blur.

The draconequus ignored her request, continuing to dart around the castle halls. Discord laughed when the koopa started throwing out threats. Turning his gaze back at what was in front of him, his eyes widened when he saw a familiar blue alicorn trot out of a hallway. “Get out of the way!!” Discord shouted, knowing that it was too late for him to slow down or stop.

The alicorn’s eyes widened when she heard Discord’s shouting. Looking to her left, she glared at him. “And just where have you been-” She stopped, her eyes widening, then panicked as she processed the draconequus heading straight towards her. Her wings spread out instinctively, and while backpedaling, she tried to block the draconequus with her hooves.

The duo crashed into the blue mare, and Kammy flailed around in the air momentarily before falling onto Luna’s back, causing her to grunt. Luna groaned, pushing whatever was on her back off and lifting herself up from the floor. Seeing Discord laying on the ground in front of her, she stomped her hoof, catching his attention. “Discord!” she yelled. “Just where have you been?! Do you have any idea how worried everyone was because of your little disappearing act?!”

Discord looked away from Luna, not being able to look her in the eye. “Luna, look,” he started. “I know my recent actions were a bit…” he hummed. “questionable. But please listen!” Discord got up, grabbing Luna’s shoulders and looking straight into her eyes. “I have a good reason for disappearing.”

Luna sighed. “And just what is this reason?” she asked.

Discord suddenly grinned. “It has something to do with your nephew,” he replied.

The royal raised an eyebrow. “I don’t see how Blueblood has anything to do with today’s events.”

Discord waved a dismissive paw. “I’m not talking about the glorified trash can.” His smile grew. “I’m talking about your other nephew,” he said, putting emphasis on the word ‘other’. “You know, mister ‘I’m so cool and awesome! No one can beat me in a fight!’” Discord tried his best at making his voice sound as deep and monstrous as possible. “The great big boss of the ‘Bwahaha!’”

Luna stared at Discord, confused for a few seconds, then suddenly her eyes widened as she began to understand who he was talking about. “Discord…. surely you don’t mean…” She didn’t dare finish her sentence, fearing that it could be just a cruel joke. “He’s been gone for over a thousand years…” Luna muttered to herself.

Discord continued to mimic Bowser’s voice while listing down several traits, not hearing Luna. “Captain ‘I don’t sleep with my Teddy-Goomba anymore, but I really still do.’ The ‘Violent Face-Puncher.’”


The draconequus chuckled softly. “Alright, alright.” Discord pointed at the dizzy witch behind her. “If you need more proof, just turn around.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, sighing, and she turned, fully around expecting to see nothing there. Her eyes widened when she saw the stumbling magikoopa clinging onto a crystal spire. The magikoopa groaned, clenching her stomach. “I’m getting far too old for this.” She turned around and smiled at Luna. “Ah, why hello there Princess Luna.” Kammy bowed. “I didn’t expect you to be up so early."


Kammy and Discord both stared at the unconscious body, neither of them knowing what to do with it. Kammy looked back and forth between the two. “Was it something I said?"

The trio continued to make their way out of the forest, stopping occasionally for the Treevils, Timberwolves, and even Piranha Plants that tried to attack. The Golden Fuzzy continued to hop happily ahead of the other two, never once losing his grin. Stopping, the Fuzzy leapt up onto a tree, narrowing his eyes. “Guys! We’re here! We made it!” He cheered, bouncing in place.

Stepping out of the forest, Bowser’s eyes widened at the sight of the village. Looking around, his gaze landed on the large crystal castle all at the back of the village. “Well... Discord has to be there… there’s no denying it.” He turned back towards the other two. “Hey, I just want to say thank you for leading me here, really, I appreciate it.”

"Goodbye, grumpy!” Dizz yelled. “Try to be less of a grump, will ya?!” He laughed, ignoring the koopa’s grumbling.

Zecora nodded with a smile, her eyes widening as she reached inside her bag, taking out a flask with red liquid. “This is for you.” She said, giving the koopa the flask. “It is a Mushroom Tonic, with this any damage you have taken will be undone.” Zecora smiled. “It is quite the useful brew.”

Bowser smirked, storing the tonic inside his shell. “Thanks, Zecora!” He turned towards the village with a nervous grin. “Well, I’ll be seeing you two later!” He waved at them as he made his way to the village.

Shining Armor trotted along the road out of Ponyville, a group of at least twelve guards marching behind him. Shining stopped when he saw one of the pegasus guards flying towards him with a large brown bag in his front hooves.

The pegasus saluted, presenting the bag to him. “Sir, I have gone to the local guard as you requested, they could not spare any men but they were generous enough to hand us a large sum of Power-Ups for our mission.”

Shining nodded, peeking inside of the bag. He turned back towards the guard. “Good work, I’m sure that with these Power-Ups we’ll have a bigger chance against whatever it is that we’re looking for.” He handed the bag back to the pegasus. “Give everyone one Fire Flower, we’ll save the rest for emergencies,” he said.

The pegasus saluted, taking the bag and handing everyone a small orange flower, with what appeared to be eyes. Shining looked away from his group, looking around the area for anything suspicious. With a satisfied nod, he began trotting towards the forest, his men following closely behind.

The group marched to the Everfree, the pegasi of the group flying ahead of the others. Shining kept his eyes narrowed as he marched forwards, a frown on his face. His eyes narrowed even further when he noticed the pegasi flying back towards them and landing in front of him, all of them looking out of breath. Stepping forward, he addressed the group. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

One of the guards took a deep breath, turning towards his captain. “Sir!” He saluted. “While flying towards the forest, we spotted a large beast heading towards the village!”

One of the other pegasi turned towards his captain with a fearful look. “We think it might be a dragon, sir.”

Shining’s eyes widened in shock and fear. “A dragon?!” The rest of the group started chattering among themselves, all of them panicking at the thought of fighting a dragon. “Everypony calm down!” Shining yelled, stomping his hoof. Once the group quieted down, he turned back towards the group of pegasus. “What did this dragon look like?”

“The dragon is short compared to most dragons I’ve seen. He’s still taller than all of us, perhaps bigger than the Princess,” the pegasus said. “The creature had a spiked shell on his back, and had a fiery red mane. He also had a pair of horns on his head,” he listed off.

Another pegasus landed between them, looking out of breath. “Sir! The dragon!” he cried. “He saw me, I think he followed me!”

The captain gritted his teeth, not wanting to face a powerful opponent so soon after Tirek. He turned back towards his platoon and started to bark orders. “Men! Form up! We mustn’t let this thing get past us! Be ready to use those power-ups at my command!” Darting towards the tired pegasi, he took out six pairs of small golden mushrooms, handing them each to the tired soldiers. “Eat up, you’ll need your strength.” The guards nodded, eating up the Mushroom Drops.

Once they regained their strength, the pegasi gathered above the others. Shining nodded in approval, turning back towards the dirt road towards the Everfree. Taking a deep breath, he waited patiently for the dragon to come towards him. Not having to wait very long, the captain began to feel some light vibrations in the ground before spotting... something stomping towards them.

Walking down the hill in front of them, the creature revealed itself to the guardsmen, causing a few of the guard’s eyes to widen in shock and fear. Shining stared at the creature in complete surprise. “A Dragon-Koopa…” he muttered to himself. Dragon-Koopas were known for being a rare species, only a handful of them were around in the world. They were also known for being much more magically powerful than true dragons, not to mention their incredible brute strength and short tempers. Shining gulped, shaking his head, narrowing his eyes at the large koopa. “Excuse me, sir!” he yelled out, catching the creature’s attention. “What are you doing so close to Ponyville’s borders?!” he questioned, lowering his horn at the Dragon-Koopa.

The Dragon-Koopa raised an eyebrow at Shining before giving him a wide grin. “Ah, finally! I was wondering where that pegasus was going.” He chuckled, though the laugh put Shining Armor on edge.

Shining eyed the hybrid koopa before him, trying his best to not be intimidated by the large being. Gathering his courage, he looked at straight into the Koopa’s eyes. “Good afternoon, sir,” he started. “Due to a recent incident we are required to know of your intentions before allowing you to enter the village.”

The Dragon-Koopa raised an eyebrow. “Alright.” He shrugged. “I’m here to visit some… relatives of mine, haven’t seen them in a while and I thought I’d stop by,” he answered.

Shining stared at the large koopa, conflicted. On the one hoof his reason was a good one, yet he couldn’t help but feel as if there was something more to it than just a family visit. “I wasn’t aware that there were any Dragon-Koopas in Ponyville. In fact, doesn’t your species prefer to live in volcanic areas and in deserts?”

Bowser frowned, crossing his arms. “Well, yeah, but not all of us like the extreme temperatures those areas have. Some of us prefer small quiet villages,” he answered. Shaking his head, Bowser uncrossed his arms. “Now can I leave? I’d rather not keep my family waiting any longer.”

Before Shining could respond another guard from his squad spoke first. “Oh please! Do you really expect us to believe that?” a large white unicorn cried. “Captain, you can’t really be buying this thing’s story?”

Shining turned back towards the guards, feeling shocked and angered at the outburst. Seeing who it is, he groaned mentally. ‘Of course it was him.’ The captain took a deep breath and addressed him. “Stronghoof, stand down.”

The large unicorn snorted. “Your highness, surely you see through this thing’s lies! I mean, the timing of this supposed ‘visit’ is far too convenient if you ask me! It’s obvious that this beast is in leagues with the demon Tirek!”

“Stronghoof!” Shining yelled, stomping his hoof.

Bowser growled. “I’d listen to your captain, little unicorn. I have nothing to do with that thing."

Stronghoof snorted. “Please, you’re obviously just saying that to save your own hide.” The guard looked at Shining with an unamused stare. “My prince, why continue this any longer? The princess made it clear that we are to bring anything that may seem suspicious or out of place.” He then turned to Bowser, scowling. “And this creature is obviously the thing that we were sent to capture!”

Before Shining could respond, a loud stomp cut him off, as well as a small tremor. Bowser stood above them all, growling angrily. “Listen up pipsqueak! The only relation I have with Tirek is the one where I use him as a punching bag!" he said, pounding a fist into his claw. “And unless you want to be my new punching bag, I suggest you move out of the way! I’ve kept them waiting long enough and I don't intend on keep them waiting any longer.”

Stronghoof sneered. “Did you just threaten a member of the Royal Guard? I should have you arrested for that!” He then smiled. “In fact…” His horn lit up, handcuffing the Koopa with magic. “You are under arrest for disturbing the peace, threatening a royal guard, and interfering with our investigation.”

Bowser raised an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious.”

“Silence, beast! The Princesses will decide your fate now.” Stronghoof said smugly, ignoring his captain’s cries of protest.

Shining stomped his hoof. “Stronghoof, you’re out of line! Stand down and release him now!”

The unicorn raised his head in the air. “Your highness, I’m afraid I cannot do that. Princess Luna had instructed us to locate the anomaly and this thing is obviously it. If you can’t bring yourself to take it in, I will.”

Bowser sneered. “Alright, that’s it.” Concentrating, the koopa’s eyes glowed a bright green. The magic binding his claws bubbled with dark magic. The two arguing unicorns turned towards the koopa with wide eyes, watching him use dark magic to dispel the magic cuffs.

Looking at the unicorns, he growled. “Now then, are we going to have any more problems, soldier?”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Star here! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if so please tell me what you liked about and if you didn't like it, please let me know why in the comments. Also sorry for being gone so long and not updating for a whole year... Honestly I've just been preoccupied with life and school. Still with all the free time I have you can expect chapters to come more sooner. So please don't worry and I'm sorry for the wait. Originally this chapter was going to be longer.... but I just decided to cut it into two parts and have the fight between the Royal Guards and Bowser be it's own chapter.

Comments ( 57 )

You spelled 'prelude' wrong in the chapter title.

7872437 Oh.... so I did... Thanks Em!

Yes! New chap!

good story.. cant wait for more

Oh, lots of old stories are or are going to update\ing
More please

Awesome chapter

great as usual
will you be using any of Bowsers lesser known abilities?
breathing underwater, incredible digging speed, super strength...

I would avoid a large fight between Bowser and the guard. It is poor writing to force 'miscommunications' like this, so you should just have Bowser explain the truth at the start of the next chapter. If you want the guard (the ignorant ones) to still attack, do it after that.

Wow this was a very surprising turn of events

“Captain ‘I don’t sleep with my Teddy-Goomba anymore, but I really still do.’ The ‘Violent Face-Puncher.’”

even if I don't remember much, I think it wasn't mentioned how they even could know of a Goomba or that he is called a koopa.

I like it but it is so weird to suddenly hear them talking like well they would even know that they could transform with the Mario Powerups.

They were also known for being much more magically powerful than true dragons, not to mention their incredible brute strength and short tempers.

Well at least he is still a suprise.

Looking at the unicorns, he growled. “Now then, are we going to have any more problems, soldier?”

Now you have me completely interessted again. I wouldn't mind some funny scenes, but I hope he has the chance to shine. I expect him to be pretty strong and usefull, but maybe having some misfortunes along the way. Hopefully he isn't going to get just beaten by those soldiers, I honestly only expect Shining to maybe hold him back for a while because of his shield skill.
I don't ask for an OP character, but I want a rather strong and maybe typicall Bowsert here, which of course grew up with Ponys.

However I hope he getting an earfull from Celestia. for fighting those guards, mostly because I think she would like him to behave. I just noticed how much I missed this.

7872690 I actually do plan on using some of Bowser's lesser known abilities. Which ones however, you will have to wait and see.

Honestly I expected Flash Sentry to be the jerk guard. Not because I dislike him, considering I'm rather neutral about him, but because he isn't very popular and I could imagine people wanting to use him as a punching bag in this story.

Anyway, I'm interested to see what will happen with Stronghoof! :pinkiesmile:

7872714 Well in this Equestria creatures and objects from the Mario world has been around in their world for a very long time. Even before Bowser appeared in Equestria, Piranha Plants and Super Mushrooms were a common sight. Just think of this world a fusion of the MLP world and the Mario one.


You mean besides being harder to kill than Ridley and seriously injuring him causes him to grow to fifty feet in height without magical assistance? Bowsers Inside Story makes it pretty clear Bowser can do the growth thing without the magic on his own, he just needs to outdo the Incredible Hulk by getting really angry after having all the bones in his body crushed.

Lest we forget Bowser is an immortal being that is nearly impossible to kill and Dry Bones Bowser probably doesn't count if he was just going to go back to having his flesh anyway at a later date. So being a known lich is probably one of Bowsers lesser skills too.

Oh and he is also a Chinese god of prosperity, if turtle dragons are a thing to go by. He has all the riches in the world, he adopts children and takes them into his home and the only reason why he is evil is because he's always so ridiculously prosperous that it is a boring existence for him. He just leaves money around for Mario to pick up.

7872745 Everyone expects Flash Sentry to be the jerk, but I'm glad that he isn't. Also, this doesn't seem like a Displaced.

That ok I know what you mean good chapter can't wait for more

IT LIVES:pinkiegasp: It's great to see this story is still alive and kicking.

It's back! :D

Bowser's gonna fight some uppity unicorns, ain't he?

I really want to read the reunion of Bowser and the Princess Sisters. It brings me to tears for the Princesses to suffer without their precious dragon turtle.

His horn lit up, handcuffing the Koopa with magic.


Not a Displaced? Even though it is in the Displaced group? :rainbowhuh:

7874360 The storytelling is more like a crossover and it doesn't say anything about a guy missing a piece of his costume and being transported at any point whatsoever. At this point, I'm sure there is a good reason for that.

Fairly certain that was answered in the discription.

Also, nice to see you writing again Star.


After going into a convention and buying a item from a mysterious merchant, a human suddenly finds himself transformed into his favorite videogame character.... only he was transformed into the baby version of him.....and inside a egg...

I like it and I am happy to see you are continuing the story. It been so long!

Ho man they are in deep trouble now can't wait for more

So when will we get the reunion between Bowser and Celestia? And will there be a flashback of when he bought the item from the Merchant?

This updated? Welp putting it back into the tracking folder.

One thing I'm hoping for is some point that Bowser losses control and changes into Giga Bowser.


Good story, slow update!

Though I will admit that the "That one idiot racist soldier" trope is done to DEATH! :P

Love it. It's been so long since I've seen this. Can't wait for more. Just do the chapters at your own pace. We can wait.

so is this story updated once a year?

It's going so well! Plz don't stop! It's rare to find a good story. It's rarer to find a great crossover story! Please don't cancel this! :applecry:

Will there be an update soon or will I have to add this story to my other bookshelf that has more stories in it that haven’t been updated in 1+ years. It would be a shame if I had to do that for this one I really would like to see what is going to happen

Is this story dead? Truly I hope it isn't, I actually like it, rather neat take on a Mario character in equestria, seriously, I like this story, if its dead, don't leave us hanging, if it IS dead, cancel it. Not say its being worked on, but really isn't. It is annoying as hell.

*poke* *poke* *poke*


I think it's dead...


I like to see what this going in next chapter

dude r you gking to update this dtory?

Such amazing. Much fun. Want more. No rush.

Someone poke it with a stick see if it twitches, I'm not sure if it's breathing any more. If not someone call Shredder he can finally have some turtle stew

well then I feel like this story is dead not only that while I was reading this I heard broks voice from god of war [2018] when bowser was speaking so anyway anypony got a defeb from left for 4 dead 2 to revive this story:rainbowhuh:

Great story! I'll drop by next year for the next update.

Don’t be dead the amount of good stories is dwindling on here please stay alive (starts using a car battery and jumper cables to revive story)

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