• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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Set in Dashverse. Applejack is taking Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie out to Appleloosa to help with the Apple Family Reunion and so she can compete in the Appleloosa Rodeo! Amid the celebrations of the Reunion, the rodeo and the one year anniversary of the peace agreement with the buffalo, Applejack finds that her favorite cousin, Braeburn, has been involved in making changes--including bucking tradition instead of apples.

How she attempts to deal with this, and her friendly-rivalry with Rainbow Dash, will push Applejack to her limits.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 67 )

A good start. I look forward to more.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

I enjoyed this chapter, but there's one thing I have to ask: When does this whole story take place in the Dashverse timeline?


Ah. Good question. This takes place before the events of "Wedding Bells Bug Hunt"

Nice chapter, but there's a few things you may want to edit.

Most of the strong wooden structures with a earthy layer of sand, ;ike the land itself wanted to add its touch to the new structures.

Use of "a" instead of "an", as well as a typo.

“Hey, that ryhmes!”

That should be "rhymes".

There on his haunch was his cutie mark: a pair of tipis, one red and one blue, above a crescent moon.

The wording of this is a bit confusing. Are the tipis above the moon, or is the moon supposed to be above them?

Interesting, it will be fun to see how Rainbow Dash does as part of a (competitive) team and what kind of a diplomat she is when not in a fast high tension situation.

I look forward to this next installment in the enjoyable Dashverse. :pinkiehappy:

I'm.... concerned I'm going to hate Applejack before the end of this.


Thanks for the assist. And yes, the tipis are literally over the moon. http://www.etherella.com/scrapbook2/wigwam.JPG


Hm, it's not bad so far, although there is really not enough to make a judgement call on yet. Of course, even if it was looking great I wouldn't give it a thumbs up or fave until it is complete because the mountains of stupidity in the last story destroyed my trust in you as an author, but I will at least track it for now and see where it goes.

o3o....well...I actually did a fic for my own universe that had something similar going on (judging from the synopsis, haven't read the chapter yet) and braeburn was a prominent character in it as well...

if you ever read it, you can use some OCs i made for said fic, even if its just a passing mention...and as long as it doesn't intrude on what you have panned for the story

We’re best cousins, forever. Ain’t nothing ever gonna change that.

And Applejack just had to invoke the gods of drama and misfortune. Things'll go south pretty fast, now.

Yeah AJ's gonna be an antagonsit on this one ain't she?

Finally got around to reading this. Huh, I'm definitely getting some vibes like that one holiday episode where the Apple family went to spend the holidays with Pinkie's and AJ almost ruined everything by changing things to be 'the right way'.


“Now, wait a darn minute, we need t’talk—” But Braeburn had already galloped off. “Dangit…” Applejack sighed. Maybe a rest wouldn’t go amiss right now…half resigning herself to it. With Braeburn on one side and her friends on the other, she knew that she didn’t stand a chance. They’d insist she rest for a while. Still, perhaps resting for the night wouldn’t be so bad. Has been a long day. Could probably use some freshin’ up. “Alright,” Applejack sighed. “Ah’ll lie down for a spell, if only t’keep y’all happy.”

This part is a little confusing? I saw Braeburn freak out and run off, but no indication that the rest of AJ's friends were insisting she rest, too.

Oh good God Applejack GROW UP ALREADY.

Dangit Trinary you're making me ship StrongBurn even more than I already did.

“Oh. Oh!” Half Baked blinked, “Well congratulations to the two of you! I had no idea, you were…”
“So awesome?” Rainbow supplied, tossing her mane.
“Uh, yeah,” Half nodded numbly.

No, no, Half. Rainbow is after Shining (and maybe Twilight), not AJ.

If I can’t see anypony, they can’t see me; they can’t see me, I’m not being embarrassed. Genius.

:rainbowlaugh: It works in Hitchhiker's Guide ...

Affronted, Applejack put a hoof to her hat and held it against her chest. “You take that back!” She stroked her hat. “Don’t you mind her, she don’t know what she’s talking about.”
Seeing her friend comforting her hat, Rainbow leaned away from her. “Uh, okaaaay…” she looked to Braeburn. “What’s the deal there? Is that hat important? She didn’t … get it from her folks or something, did she?” She asked in a whisper.
“Actually, s’a funny story. Y’see…” Braeburn stopped short, his ears perking as the sound of a ringing bell could be heard. “It’s time for the the next round of events!”

But, but, the hat story!

Not all new things are bad, AJ, and if you cling too tight to tradition, you can strangle yourself with it.
I hope Aj gets over this problem of hers before she does something to damage her relationship with her cousin. :fluttershysad:

Like in Hearth Breakers, AJ is taking tradition too far. It's not just Apples here anymore, there are Buffalo too. Traditions change.


Ya know, another user by the name of RealityCheck had a very...STRONG opinion on that episode and the concept of traditions...


“There are some things more important than winning.” Applejack said bluntly. “Like who you are and what you stand for—but it don’t matter since Ah am gonna win.”

Yeah. Who you are and what you stand for is important all right. Apparently only who you are and what you stand for. Because you're the only pony in the team, right?

Seriously, Applejack's pretty much saying "Winning is not the most important thing, I am."

Ah yes, Applejack's biggest weakness tradition. This is about to get extra interesting.

No Half no, it's not what you think!

No, she can't win. This is because she doesn't realize that she's the antagonist and not supposed to win.

..... Applejack you REALLY are this close minded. Whatever makes you think everyone is out to prove you wrong has got to end. This is becoming repetitive and irritating. We get that you don't like what's going on but everyone else is taking it in stride to. So whatever stick is stuck up your ass? Yank it out and fucking GET OVER IT.

C'mon AJ, it's time to grow up already. I definitely think part of her stubborn adherence to the past comes from trying to honor the memory of her parents, but at this point she's not acting right. At this rate, everyone's going to be miserable.

You know, crying might be a bit of an overreaction to your sister getting a new hairstyle . . .

Um, why's Applejack so upset about them growing more than one kind of crop on the farm? I could have sworn there were episodes that showed they also grew grapes and corn.

Rainbow blinked then went silent for a moment. She sighed, “I suddenly miss Cloud Kicker for some reason.”


Is it that easy to let go of the past, to forget the things that make us who we are? Her stomach churned. What’s that say about us? About what we hold dear?

Let it go AJ, you're just making yourself miserable ...

Applejack you can't keep on running from you're problems!
Applejack: Yes I can!

I really can't relate or respect Applejack's feelings on this. She's being selfish to the point it's unbelievable.

I really liked where this is going. I can relate to Applejack here in a number of ways and hope this will finish.

6997123 It was the last straw, after all the build up she had endured.

6996386 exactly, thsi story is essentially showing us the typical story of the closeminded, arrogant jackass antagonist being beaten at their own game by those they look down upon....from the antagonist's perspective.

also, if applejack is upset now, wait until she realises braeburn and strongheart are TOTALLY into each other

Applejack’s confusion couldn’t have been any greater if he had pulled Pinkie Pie out of his bag.

Waits for Pinkie to pop out of the bag ....

Braeburn was left blinking in the dust. “Hey, wait for me!”


Make a sequal about braeburn x littlestrongheart

Nice chapter, but I found a few minor things you may want to edit.

“It is strange, seeing ponies here, isn’t it?

You're missing a quotation mark at the end of this sentence.

When we buffalo and the ponies were arguing, Little Strongheart came bearing a fresh apple pin in that very tin.

That should be "pie".

You leave my cider along or Ah’ll kick it all the way back to Ponyville!

And I think that should be "alone".

This whole story felt like it could have been an episode. Well done on the look and feel of this story.

That was cute and good development for your Applejack.

Once again. Another wonderful look into the Dashverse. Love this story so far, and the new take on Appleloosa.


Thank you so much!

“Come on, let’s go see who can buck a football the farthest. I’ll even let you go first.”

Umm...wouldn't it be called hoofball in Equestria? Or is that what they use for soccer?:duck:

Discord: "No? Okay, how about some jokes then? Uh. Knock, knock."
Applejack: "Who's the-"
Discord: "You're parents are dead! And frankly no one gives a-"
Applejack: "Grrrr!"
Applejack lassos Discord to the ground, then beats him off screen.
Discord: "Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Ow, would you stop that?"

You're very welcome.:ajsmug:
You're new stories are helping me to re-inspire with getting back to my own stories.

Yep, Applejack is definitely reading off as the hardcore uber-arch-traditionalist who doesn't want anything to ever change. Of course, if that was the case then founding Appleloosa was a bad idea, because who ever heard of growing apples in the desert? It'll be interesting to see how much of the rest of the story will be her tangling herself into tighter mental knots and the moment when she possibly finally explodes about her concerns about tradition.

Applejack really reads as so one-dimensionally fixated on tradition that Discord would have a field day with this Applejack.

You do a good job of developing Applejack and her mindset, even though it's frustrating to actually read it as a reader (this isn't a knock to you as a writer. Realism is something desperately needed in fiction), and she's being narrow-minded. In addition to her internal conflict, we're finally getting some external conflict as AJ's stubbornness over clinging to tradition is coming to blows with Rainbow Dash's desires to win, no matter the method.

I saw that lewd pie joke!

Pretty good with making the external conflict with Rainbow Dash something to drive the plot, and the furthering of AJ's stubborn clinging to tradition being upended some more by Apple Bloom also being attracted to the buffalo culture. Braeburn and Little Strongheart are too affable for her to get mad at them either.

Well, that was a charming good story, and I'll ditto an earlier comment about how it felt like it could have been an episode in itself as Applejack finally grows in this chapter, courtesy of some help from Braeburn and Chief Thunderhooves.

Ooh, Applejack? Tradition should not mean set in stone. Change can be good.

Good job digging into Applejack's mind... even if I find the whole 'tradition!' excuse to be a bucket of horse apples.

And she doesn't even realize there's nothing to win.

Chief Thunderhooves, good on you.

Owning up to that would mean that she's wasted a lot of time being silly and selfish. I don't expect that to be an easy thing to admit to.

“I suppose that’s fine, just so long as you two know to stop before it goes too far,” Twilight said as she put her book away. “I think we’re about to pull into the station.”

There's a couple of times they went too far and trust me a lot of people always say it gets old very fast

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