• Published 24th Oct 2015
  • 1,803 Views, 28 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls 3: Fate of the Dimensions - DarkMaster0224

Following the events of M&EG 2: A Dark threat from the Nightmare Dimension has come to threat the universe of the Mobians and Equestria Girls. Can our heroes unite against this enemy? Or will this be the end of their line?

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Into Darkness
(Guy’s POV)
(Lightning’s Aircraft)

The air got colder and a strong wind picked up.

“I hate cold nights.” Silver said looking outside, “Not even my fur coat would keep me warm.”

The guys were gathered inside Lightning’s aircraft. Due to the eternal night beginning, the temperature had begun to drop outside.

Sonic looked over at Tails, who was working on his handheld, trying to turn it into a portal locator, “Any luck little buddy?”

Tails sighed and shook his head, “It’ll take me weeks to find the portal, even longer if I don’t get this portal locator working.”

While Tails worked on the locator, Ace looked over at the window and saw Dark staring out it.

“Dark? What are you doing?” Ace asked.

“This is once again, all my fault. If not for me, Lilac would still be home. But instead, she left home and learned dark energy. She has been corrupted by Chaos Emeralds, Nightmare Moon, and now she is the Nightmare Queen, trying to plunge the world into eternal night.” Dark said. He then banged his fist on a wall in pure rage, his eyes flickering between red and blue.

“Dark, calm down.” Ace said.

“How can I be calm!? My sister is now using our friends against us! She is trying to destroy the world at the same time!” Dark yelled.

Everyone went silent and just stared at Dark.

Dark groaned and walked towards the door, “I’ll be back.” He then sank into the shadows and disappeared.

“He’ll be ok.” Ace said, ‘I hope.’

As Tails worked on his handheld, it sparked and zapped his hand, “Gah.” He growled and threw the thing across the room, where it smashed to pieces, “I can’t build the locator.”

“Sure you can buddy. You built the Blue Typhoon, the X-Tornado, and many other things. I’m sure you can build that.” Sonic said.

“No I can’t. I don’t have the proper tools to build it, or the time. And I’d need a sample from the Nightmare Dimension.” Tails said.

“Then how do we locate the last portal?” Ace asked.

“Why not try Chaos Control?” Knuckles suggested.

“Hmm… That may work.” Sonic said, then he turned to Silver and Shadow.

They nodded and got up and stood next to Sonic.

They closed their eyes and the Chaos Emeralds appeared around them, circling them.

They entered Super state and were floating off the ground.

“Ready?” Super Sonic asked.

“Chaos…” They began, “CONTROL!”

A portal began open, but it was small.

“That’s it.” Tails said.

However, the three Super heroes were struggling to hold just that small portal.

“Nhg… Can’t hold open this portal.” Super Shadow groaned.

“It’s too far away.” Super Silver said.

The portal closed and disappeared.

“It was worth a try.” Sonic said returning to normal.

Then they heard a chuckle. They turned and saw Dark standing in the doorway, “You honestly thought that would work? Hah!”

“Well if you’re so smart, let’s see you come up with an idea.” Shadow said.

“Already have.” Dark said, “Three years ago, when Tirek was here, Lilac had used a dark burst to open a rift into a dark dimension to seal away Tirek. Clearly that was how Lilac got into the Nightmare Dimension. What if…” Dark began.

“We use a dark burst to open a portal into the Nightmare Dimension just like she did!” Ace exclaimed.

Dark stared at his brother with annoyance in his eyes, “I was going to say that, before you took the words right out of my mouth.”

“Sorry.” Ace said.

“Ok, but didn’t you say the rift leads to a random dark dimension?” Tails said.

“Or so I think. I may be wrong. But we have to take that chance.” Dark said, “Otherwise, the world is doomed. And so are the girls.”

“He’s right. We need to save the world and the girls.” Sonic said, “And I’m will to go into any dark dimensions to do so.” He got up and stood next to Dark.

One by one, the others got up and stood in a circle around Dark.

“Are we ready?” Dark asked forming a dark burst in his hand.

Everyone nodded.

“Dark Burst!” Dark shouted slamming the energy orb into the ground below him.

They all yelled as the portal pulled them in, pulling their body parts.

(Nightmare Dimension)
(Play Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Soundtrack - Space Pirates Lurking Theme)

The guys fell out of the portal.

“Uhg. Where are we?” Sonic asked.

The sky was dark blue with black clouds. The ground was black with red cracks all over the place.

“Uhg. My body hurts so much.” Sonic said streching his back.

“Mine too.” Silver said.

“Uhg. Did we make it?” Shadow asked.

“I think so, ugh, but I’m not sure.” Dark said looking around.

“Hey, what’s that over there?” Knuckles said.

They all turned to where Knuckles was looking and saw a giant castle.

“That must be the castle where Nightmare Lilac is.” Tails said, “And the girls.”

The guys walked towards the castle, and stopped at the top of a hill. They saw the entrance wasn’t guarded heavily.

“One would think they’d put more guards on station. Especially if their queen knows someone’s coming to get her.” Sonic said.

“Who cares. I want to smack them down!” Knuckles said pounding his fists.

“No, we can’t just barge in, we need a plan of attack.” Ace said.

“I’ve already got a plan.” Shadow said getting up.

“Really? What?” Ace asked.

“Attack.” Shadow said, then a Chaos Spear formed in his hand, “Chaos Spear!” He threw the spear and hit a guard square in the face.

Ace groaned and shook his head.

“Might as well join in.” Sonic said running over the hilltop and then jumping into a homing attack on one of the guards.

Soon all the Mobians had joined in the battle, quickly finishing off the guards.

When all the guards had been taken down, the Mobians ran over to the giant castle doors, and pushed them open.

When they got inside, didn’t see any guards anywhere.

“Why is there such little security here? Anyone could take this castle.” Silver said.

“Because I’m expecting guests.” Someone said.

The Mobians turned and saw Nightmare Lilac walking towards them, and the girls behind her.

The girls were in their Chaos Guardian forms, but their clothing was dark blue, and they were now emitting dark auras.

“Welcome to my castle.” Nightmare Lilac said.

“Release the girls and Lilac, and we’ll let you live.” Dark said summoning a dark sword.

Nightmare Lilac sighed, “You really think I’m going to just give up? Ha!” She then turned and began walking away, she beckoned the girls to follow, “If you want your girlfriends, you’ll have to fight them. The only way they’ll ever wake up from their nightmares.”

Sonic growled and charged, “You’ll let them go now!” He jumped up and shot a homing attack towards Nightmare Lilac.

However, Dark Rainbow Dash spun around and grabbed Sonic’s homing attack and threw him into a pillar.

Nightmare Lilac and the rest of the Dark Chaos Guardians continued to walk, “Looks like you have your first competitor.”

Sonic got up and looked at Dark Rainbow Dash, “I can’t fight you, Dash. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then allow us to!” Knuckles said moving forwards.

However, a wall of dark energy rose and separated the guys from Sonic and Dark Rainbow Dash.

“Oh and one other thing. The girls choose who they are fighting.” Nightmare Lilac said as she walked out of the room.

(Stop Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Soundtrack - Space Pirates Lurking Theme)
(Play Breaking Benjamin - Angels Fall)

Dark Rainbow dashed forward and grabbed Sonic by his arms, and began swinging him around.

“Whoa!” Sonic yelled as he was thrown around in circles.

Dark Rainbow then threw Sonic high into the air, jumping and following him.

Sonic saw Dark Rainbow above him, getting ready to smash downward, “Uh oh!” He rolled to the side just as Dark Rainbow came to smash down. missing him by an inch.

“Phew. That was tight.” Sonic said, then he spun backwards and mid-air spin dashed into Dark Rainbow’s back, pushing her down to the ground.

“Gah!” Dark Rainbow groaned.

Sonic smashed Dark Rainbow into the cobblestone floor, sending small chunks of rock everywhere.

Sonic covered his eyes to block the dust, “Gah.”

Then an arm grabbed Sonic’s and pulled him down, hitting his head on the stone.

“GAH!” Sonic yelled.

Dark Rainbow pulled out a small dagger and went to stab at Sonic’s back.

However, Sonic kicked her in the chest, causing her to drop the dagger and stagger backwards.

Sonic hopped up and charged a spin charge.

Dark Rainbow saw this and drew her swords, pulling them back and preparing to attack.

“I am really sorry about this Rainbow.” Sonic said unleashing his Spin Dash.

Dark Rainbow dashed forward, swords pulled back.

The two speedsters crossed each others’ paths, and continued past, until they both stopped at the same time.

Sonic huffed as he was crouching down.

Dark Rainbow was silent, as she was crouched down on one knee.

Dark Rainbow then groaned and fell down, dropping her swords, falling unconscious.

Sonic got up and turned to see Dark Rainbow on the ground. Then he saw dark blue ooze come out of Rainbow’s chest.

Once the ooze came out of Rainbow’s body completely, it shriveled up and disappeared.

Rainbow’s body began to return back to its normal colors, however, Rainbow stayed unconscious.

Sonic sat next to Rainbow and placed her head on his lap. He looked up at the other guys, “You guys go ahead. I’ll stay with Rainbow.”

They nodded and ran to the other side of the room, and through the doors.

Rainbow groaned in her sleep, “S-Sonic.”

Sonic brushed his hand through her rainbow hair, “Shh… It’s alright. Just rest.”

(Garden of Night)

The guys walked through the doors and saw it lead to a beautiful garden.

“What is this place?” Silver asked.

“Welcome to the Garden of Night.” A voice said.

“Show yourself!” Shadow shouted.

“I choose Silver to battle me!” Dark Rarity said jumping down from a tree.

Silver walked forward and just stared at what his girlfriend had become, “Rarity, don’t do this. Fight against the nightmare.”

“Ha! Not gonna work Silvy darling.” Dark Rarity said drawing a Nightmare arrow.

Silver grabbed the arrow with his psychokinesis, “And nor am I going to let you keep living that nightmare.” He then picked up two large rocks and threw them towards Dark Rarity.

Dark Rarity pulled two explosive arrows and shot them at the boulders, destroying them, “Nice try, but you’ll need to to do better than that, darling.”

However, when the dust cleared, Silver was nowhere to be seen.

“Huh?” Dark Rarity said looking around, “Where did you go?” She drew an arrow and kept it in her bow.

She didn’t notice the cyan glowing symbols that could be seen in the tree above her.

“Ha!” Silver yelled dropping down.

“Ah!” Dark Rarity screamed as Silver dropped on top of her.

Silver tried to pull Dark Rarity’s quiver off her back, but only received a kick from behind, sending him rolling forward off Dark Rarity.

Dark Rarity flipped back onto her feet and drew her arrow and shot it at Silver.

Silver didn’t have enough time to react, he only managed to sidestep enough that he was cut on the side of his arm, “Gah!”

Silver then grabbed Dark Rarity with his psychokinesis and raised her high into the air.

“Gah. Put me down!” Dark Rarity said.

“Sure thing. Sorry Rarity.” Silver said as he swung his hand down fast.

Dark Rarity was sent back down to the ground at high speeds, smashing her into the ground. The hard impact also caused her to lose conscious. She dropped her bow and laid limp on the ground.

A dark blue ooze came out of Rarity’s body, just like Rainbow. After it shriveled up, Rarity’s body returned back to normal.

Silver limped over to Rarity and collapsed next to her, “Gah!”

The others went to help him, but he waved them off, “Keep going on. You need to defeat Nightmare Lilac. We’ll be fine.”

They all nodded and moved through the garden, to the other side of the room.

(Nightmare Lab)

The guys ran into the lab room where scientists could be seen making more Nightmare Toxin.

“We should destroy this room.” Ace said.

Before any of the could move, a beam shot at their feet.

Tails jumped out of the way just as the beam hit the ground and exploded below the others’ feet.

“GAH!” The guys yelled as they were sent into a wall.

Tails turned and saw Dark Twilight hovering above the ground, staff pointed at him.

Tails glared and activated his arm cannons.

“Chaos Shot!” Dark Twilight said. A purple spear quickly shot out of her staff and straight at Tails.

Tails shot the spear with his cannons, “Not gonna stop me Twi.” He then shot two missiles at Dark Twilight.

“Chaos Reflect.” Dark Twilight said, spinning her staff in front of her.

The missiles hit the staff, but instead of exploding, they turned and flew towards Tails.

“Uh oh.” Tails said. He pressed a few buttons and an energy field rose in front of him, blocking the missiles.

“Chaos Clone.” Dark Twilight said.

Eight copies of Dark Twilight circled around Tails, each with a glowing staff pointed at the young teen.

“Not good.” Tails said looking at each of the Twilight copies.

“Chaos Beam!” The Dark Twilight Clones shouted. Beams shot out of their staffs and straight at Tails.

“AHH!” Tails shouted as the beams collided with him, knocking him down.

All the Dark Twilight Clones disappeared and the real Dark Twilight walked over to Tails’ body, “You lose.” She pointed her staff at his head.

Tails smirked, “Heh. Or so you thought.” He then threw a small device onto Dark Twilight’s arm.

“What?” Dark Twilight gasped as she tried to yank the device off.

Tails activated the device and sent hundreds of volts through Twilight’s body.

“AHHHH!” Twilight screamed in pain, then she fell unconscious.

Tails groaned and fell unconscious next to her.

“Tails.” Knuckles said, but was pulled on the shoulder by Shadow.

“We need to move on.” The black hair teen said.

Knuckles nodded and followed the others to the next room.

They guys entered the next room and gasped.

Instead of one of the girls being there, three were there.

Dark Applejack, Dark Fluttershy, and Dark Pinkie Pie stood on the opposite side of the room, staring at the guys.

Knuckles, Ace, and Shadow stepped forward.

“We’ve got this.” Ace said forming a Chaos Javelin.

“Chaos Spear!” Shadow shouted, throwing his spear at the girls.

Dark Pinkie only shot the spear and then replied by firing her own at the guys.

“Shovel Claw!” Knuckles said burrowing into the ground.

Dark Applejack saw this and looked at the ground, then she stomped hard, causing the ground to rise up.

Knuckles was sent flying into the air, “Whoa!”

Dark Fluttershy summoned several bats and set them on Knuckles to attack him.

The bats began tearing and cutting Knuckles’ skin.

“AHG!” Knuckles yelled in pain.

“Knuckles!” Ace shouted, “Chaos Bang!” He threw an energy ball that exploded upon contact with the bats, disintegrating them.

Knuckles was breathing hard, “Huff, thanks.”

Ace smiled and gave him a thumbs up, but he was suddenly caught in a lasso, “What the?” Then he was yanked and thrown around, “WHOA!”

Dark Applejack slammed Ace into the floor and walls, “You shall not reach Nightmare Lilac.”

“Sorry AJ.” Knuckles said charging at Dark Applejack with his fist raised.

“Hah. Try again.” Dark Applejack said swing Ace towards Knuckles.

“Knuckles, look out!” Ace said.

Too late, Ace was smashed into Knuckles, sending them both into the wall.

“Uhg.” Ace groaned as he got up.

“How can we fight them? They know us better than anyone.” Knuckles said.

“Hmm.” Ace began to think, ‘They know each of us because they’ve seen us battle.’ Then it struck him, “Switch opponents!”

“What?” Shadow asked turning his back to Dark Pinkie Pie, who shot a chaos beam at him.

“Chaos Flash!” Ace shouted. His beam collided with the other beam, but blasted through it and towards Dark Pinkie, “Shadow, you take on Applejack. And Knuckles takes Fluttershy… Just don’t hurt her too much.”

The two nodded and turned to their new opponents.

Dark Applejack threw her lasso towards Shadow.

“Heh. Chaos Control.” Shadow said teleporting just as the lasso went over his head.

Shadow reappeared behind Dark Applejack in mid air, and kicked the back of her head with the heel of his shoes.

“Ahg! Why you.” Dark Applejack groaned, she threw her lasso at Shadow’s leg and caught him.

“Shit.” Shadow said.

Dark Applejack yanked Shadow towards her and then kicked him in the face.

“Gah!” Shadow yelled in pain. He jumped back and planted his free foot hard on the ground, and yanked with the other one.

Dark Applejack was suddenly pulled towards Shadow, who drove his own foot into her face, knocking her out.

“Hmph. Next time, don’t kick me in the face.” Shadow said rubbing the spot Applejack had kicked him.

Dark Applejack reverted back to normal, leaving Applejack unconscious on the ground.

“Chaos Javelin!” Ace shouted, throwing a javelin at Dark Pinkie Pie.

Dark Pinkie shot the jav with her arm cannons, “How weak. And you call yourself a Chaos Master? You can’t even hit me.”

“I wasn’t aiming to hit you with that.” Ace said.

“Huh?” Dark Pinkie said looking around, but she couldn’t see Ace anywhere, “Where did you go?”

“Above you.” Ace said.

Dark Pinkie quickly looked up, only to see the bottom of Ace’s shoes get planted into her face, “Ahg!”

“Peek-a-boo.” Ace joked as he jumped off Dark Pinkie’s face.

Suddenly Dark Pinkie grabbed Ace by the leg and slammed him into the ground.

“Ow!” Ace shouted as he grabbed Dark Pinkie’s arm and pulled her off him.

Then she pointed her arm cannon against Ace’s face

“Uh oh.” Ace said. He moved out of the way just as Dark Pinkie’s arm cannon shot, just barely missing his nose, “Too close. Chaos Beam!” He shot Dark Pinkie’s arm cannon, destroying it, and causing a small explosion.

“Ahg!” Dark Pinkie yelled when the explosion destroyed her cannon, sending metal shards all over the place.

Part of Ace’s face was cut by one of the shards, “Gah!”

Dark Pinkie groaned and began to turn back to normal.

Ace got up and looked at Pinkie, and nodded. Then he felt his face and felt a scar had cut across his left eye, “Great, just what I wanted. A scar across my eye. Well at least Pinkie is safe.”

“Well that was easy.” He heard Knuckles say.

He turned and saw Fluttershy back to normal, but with fear in her eyes.

Ace ran over to Fluttershy, who saw Ace and hugged him tightly.

“Dude, what did you do to her?” Ace asked.

“Well I didn’t intend on doing it, but I scared her.” Knuckles said, “I burrowed into the ground and burst out of it in front of her, jumping into the air with my fist raised. I yelled loudly, but then her eyes dilated and she screamed in fear.”

“He is really scary when he fights.” Fluttershy muttered.

“I saw the fear in her eyes and I purposely missed hitting her. Then I saw she was paralyzed.” Knuckles continued, “Then she began to turn back to normal, still frozen.”

Ace looked at Knuckles with a straight face, “Did you have to scare her to death? God, she’s quivering like crazy.”

“Like I said, I didn’t mean to.” Knuckles said, then he walked over to Applejack, who was just starting to wake up.

“Why does my head feel so dizzy?” Pinkie said, her eyes spinning.

Ace saw Dark heading for the next room, “You go get her bro.”

Dark nodded and ran towards the last room, the throne room.

(Stop Breaking Benjamin - Angels Fall)
(Dark, Dark Sunset, and Nightmare Lilac POV)
(Play Hero - Skillet)
(Throne Room)

The doors to the throne room exploded, and Dark stood in the dust of it.

On the other side of the room, Nightmare Lilac sat in her throne, with Dark Sunset guarding her.

“Well well. I didn’t think you’d make it this far, brother.” Nightmare Lilac said.

“Silence!” Dark shouted.

Dark Sunset grabbed her sword and glared at Dark.

“You are not my sister. And nor am I your brother.” Dark said, “My sister would never want eternal darkness to fall over the world. She would protect the world from eternal darkness.”

“Well that’s what I was like then. But that was then, and this is now.” Nightmare Lilac jeered, “Attack, Sunset.”

Sunset charged at Dark with her sword drawn.

Dark simply drew his own sword and blocked Sunset’s, “Don’t forget I was the one who taught you how to sword fight. I know how you fight.”

“Maybe.” Dark Sunset said. But then she quickly reached behind her back and pulled out a dagger. She then stabbed Dark in the side.

“Gah!” Dark yelled as he winced in pain.

Dark Sunset then kicked him in the chest, “But you taught me how to fight fairly. Never how to play it dirty, like Nightmare Lilac had.”

“Hahahahaha. You really thought I wouldn’t have thought of that? Ahahahahaha. I knew you were the one who taught Sunset swordplay, however, I taught her more.” Nightmare Lilac laughed.

Dark got up and pulled the dagger out of his side, groaning in pain, “You really think that will stop me? Pfft. Pathetic.” He then summoned two swords, except they weren’t made of dark energy. They were real metal katanas.

Dark Sunset charged at Dark and swung.

Dark parried the sword and then passed it, making Dark Sunset walk right past him.

“What the?” Dark Sunset said turning.

Dark then swept her legs out from under her, causing her to trip and land on her back, “Ah!”

Dark stomped on her sword and shattered the blade, “Sorry about this Sunset.”

“What are you talking…” Dark Sunset said looking up at Dark, only to see his foot slam into her face, knocking her out.

Dark then turned around, only to see Nightmare Lilac directly in front of his face.

Nightmare Lilac then roundhouse kicked him in the side with great force, sending him into a wall, “You originally taught me how to fight, where is the skills you had then?”

Dark was stuck in the wall, trying to get out.

“Ha! You’re pathetic.” Nightmare Lilac said charging at Dark. She then smashed her fist into his face, “Weak.” She punched his gut, “Powerless.” Then she went for his face again, “You’re not worthy of your dark powers.”

Dark caught her hand and glared at her, “I am Dark Steele the Master of Darkness. And no one, will tell me I am not worthy of my powers." He began pushing Nightmare Lilac's fist back.

The Nightmare Lilac smirked, "You're also so gullible." She then charged a dark beam and pointed at his face.

"Shit." Dark said as he closed his eyes.

"Chaos Spear!" "Chaos Javelin!" Dark heard.

A green spear and blue javelin flew towards Nightmare Lilac, forcing her to let go of Dark and move out of the way.

Dark looked over at the entrance and saw the others were ok and running over to him.

"You ok bro?" Ace asked helping up Dark.

"I'm fine." Dark said, then he saw Sunset walking over to him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Dark, I couldn't control myself." Sunset cried, "You must hate for what I have done."

But then Dark placed his hands over her own, "I could never hate you. No matter what you do."

Sunset's tear grew wider and she pulled Dark into a hug, "Thank you."

Then the heroes heard a scoff, "Uhg. So much mush. Dark Javelin." She threw a Dark Javelin towards the heroes, only to have it blocked by a Chaos Shield.

Twilight's staff stopped glowing, "Now you have all of us to deal with."

Nightmare Lilac growled, but then she smirked, "Oh no, I won't be dealing with all of you. You will all be dealing with me!" She then began to glow and she groaned.

The ground began to shake violently.

"Whoa. What's going on?" Silver said.

Nightmare Lilac's body began to change shape.

Her back now had black dragon wings growing out of it; her hands were now claws; her helmet had horns growing out of it; and her body was now covered in scales.

"What's has happened to her?" Fluttershy squealed.

Nightmare Lilac then looked at the heroes, "Now you will all perish!" She then formed two dark blue fireballs in her hands.

"Uh oh." Sonic said.

She threw the fire balls at them.

"Chaos Shield!" Twilight yelled raising a shield.

However, when the fire collided with the shield, the shield burst to pieces and Twilight yelled in pain.

"Hahaha! You thought I wouldn't have thought of that?" Nightmare Lilac said, "My abilities are now enhanced with dark magic. It will hurt you too when it collides with your magic."

"Rahh!" Ace yelled, "Chaos Bang!" He threw a small energy ball that exploded upon contact with the Nightmare Dragon.

"Ahh!" Nightmare Lilac yelled as she was engulfed by the chaos energy.

However, the explosion disappeared and she was barely scratched, "Just kidding. Fire Blast!" She charged a large beam and fired it, shooting a large beam of molten magma at the heroes.

Rarity drew three ice arrows and shot them at the magma, freezing most of it. Then she shot several at the ground and began to make a wall of ice, "We need to get into a more open area."

"Agreed." Shadow said, "Everyone outside. Now!"

The heroes ran out the door and headed for the entrance.

"You're not getting away from me that easily." Nightmare Lilac yelled, smashing through the ice wall.

Rarity turned and fired a light arrow at the nightmare dragon.

When the arrow hit, Nightmare Lilac yelled as she was blinded by the light, "Ahg!"

Rarity then ran to follow the others.

(Outside the Castle)

The heroes made it outside the castle, with no sign of Nightmare Lilac.

"Time to blow this place." Tails said pulling out a trigger button. He pushed it and the base of the castle exploded, causing the entire structure to begin to collapse.

"There is no way anyone will survive that explosion." Tails said.

But then Nightmare Lilac burst out of a falling tower.

"Of course she did." Tails said.

"This has gone on long enough!" Nightmare Lilac shouted, she began to charge a beam, but this one grew larger than any of them.

"We agree." Sonic said, then he looked at Shadow and nodded.

The Chaos Emeralds appeared around the two and began to circle them.

"Allow me to assist." Ace said adding some extra Chaos energy to the emeralds.

The emeralds then turned to the Super Emeralds.

"Let's do this!" Sonic shouted.

The Super Emeralds entered Sonic and Shadow, transforming them into Hyper Sonic and Hyper Shadow.

"Chaos Fusion!" They shouted.

They then mashed together and formed Hyper Shadic, "You're time has to come to an end, Nightmare Lilac!"

"As if you can match my power." Nightmare Lilac shouted, "Dark Annihilation!" She unleashed her beam, firing a large beam at the heroes.

Shadic instantly fired his own beam of equal power, colliding with the other beam.

However, Shadic was struggling to hold the power.

"Nahahahaha! You will lose!" Nightmare Lilac shouted, pushing more power into her beam.

"Nhg. I can't hold it." Shadic said, "She's too strong."

Then Nightmare Lilac's beam blasted into Shadic, engulfing him.

When the beam disappeared, Sonic and Shadow fell down and landed on the ground, extremely weak.

(Stop Playing Hero)

"How could she beat us? It's not possible." Sonic said.

Nightmare Lilac then charged a smaller beam and pointed it at the two boys, "Goodbye... Forever." She fired her beam.

"No!" Dark shouted jumping in the way, getting hit in the process, "Gah!" He fell to the ground, clutching his chest.

Then Nightmare Lilac gasped and she grabbed her head, "Ahg! No!" Then her eyes turned from dragon daggers, back to normal. Lilac looked at Dark, horrified, "Dark!"

"L-Lilac?" Dark groaned.

"Oh my god. What have I done..." Lilac shuddered.

Dark then smirked and stopped clutching his chest, showing that he wasn't hurt at all, "Sorry... Had to scare you into thinking you hurt me."

Lilac's eyes widened and she ran over to Dark and slapped him across the face, "Why you."

"Ow." Dark groaned, "Good to have you back."

Lilac smiled, but then she clutched her head again, "Gah!" Her right eye changed back to a dragon dagger.

"Lilac?" Dark said.

"This is not over. You may have stopped me here. But the eternal night will continue to spread from this world, into another." Then she smirked, "Back where I had begun, is where you must run." Then she began to struggle, "I will be back. Sooner than you think. AHHHH!" Then Lilac's eyes returned back to normal and she collapsed.

Her body began to turn back to her old and normal clothing, and her hair had returned back to its normal dark blue color.

"Back where I had begun, is where you must run?" Sonic said confused, "What does that mean?"

"Who cares? We've won!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah, but one thing. How do we get back home?" Applejack asked.

"Chaos Control." Twilight said.

And the heroes teleported.

(Canterlot High School Grounds)

The heroes all appeared on the Canterlot High School grounds.

"We're back." Tails said.

Dark felt a shift in the dark balance, "And the Nightmare Dimension is gone."

Lilac looked sadly at everyone, "I'm sorry everyone... For what I have done to you all. What I had done to this world, Mobius, and Equestria."

"It's all ok, Lilac. All is forgiven." Dark said, "I'm just glad you're... Wait. Equestria?"

Twilight's eyes widened, "Oh no." She looked at the portal to Equestria and ran towards through it.

"Twilight, wait!" Tails shouted following his girlfriend.

"Tails no!" Sonic shouted following Tails.

"Oh boy." Rainbow said, "Come on guys."

The others ran into the portal.

(Twilight's Castle)
(Group POV)

"Whoa!" The heroes yelled as they fell out of the portal.

"Uhg my head." Sonic said rubbing his head, except he didn't feel fingers, instead, he felt a hoof, "Huh?" He saw he had become a pony, "AH! What the heck? I'm a pony!" Sonic had become a blue earth pony, his cutie mark was one of his red shoes. He had white wrist bands on his legs.

"You're worried about that? I've been turned into a unicorn!" Shadow said. He was a black and red unicorn. His cutie mark was the green chaos emerald. He wore an inhibitor ring on each of his legs.

"So have I." Silver said. He had become a white unicorn. His cutie mark was the cyan symbol that is normally on his gloves. He had gold rings on each of his legs.

Knuckles had become a red earth pony. His cutie mark was a rock being smashed by a spiked fist.

Tails had been turned into a yellow-orange pegasus. His cutie mark was two wrenches crossed together. His wings had white tips.

Dark had become a dark blue pegasus. His cutie mark was a blue emerald surrounded by a dark blue aura, with a cursive D in the middle. He also a torn red cape on his back, and his blue rings. His mane and tail were also black and blue striped.

Lilac had become a dark blue unicorn. Her cutie mark was a dark blue rose. She also had leg rings with a blue gem in each, on her legs. Her mane and tail were black and purple striped.

Ace had become a grey unicorn. His cutie mark was two chaos javelins crossed. His mane and tail were red and blue striped. And his eyes were red and blue.

"Spike! Girls! Where is everypony?" Twilight's voice called.

Twilight ran into the room, "What are you guys doing here? You shouldn't have come."

"Sorry, Twi. But Tails wouldn't leave you." Rainbow Dash said, while she was looking at her pegasus form, "So I'm a pegasus in this world?"

"Yes, and the fastest. I mean the Rainbow Dash from this world, which is your counter part." Twilight said, "Gah! This is too confusing."

"Twilight?" The heroes heard a familiar voice call.

A small purple and green dragon walked in the room.

"Spike!" Twilight shouted running over to her assistant, "Oh am I glad to see you."

"And are we glad to see you too." Spike said. Then he saw the others, "Ummm... Twilight."

"I'll explain later. For now, has anything happened to Equestria while I was gone?" Twilight asked.

"Um... No actually. Why?" Spike asked.

Twilight looked confused, "But, if nothing has happened... The why did Lilac say she was sorry about what she had done to Equestria."

Suddenly Lilac began to laugh evilly.

The others gasped.

"You really thought that I was gone? Foolish child." Lilac laughed. Her eyes changed back into the dragon daggers, "Now I have the power to take Equestria!"

"How could you possibly take over the entire land of Equestria? By yourself better yet. Equestria has four Alicorn princesses that are more powerful than you." Spike said, "You're just a unicorn."

"Wrong. I am not just a unicorn. I am a Dark Unicorn." Nightmare Lilac said, "And I have the power over darkness and night!" She charged her horn and lifted everyone off the ground and slammed them into a wall, "Prepare yourselves, my little ponies. The eternal night will consume this world." Then she disappeared.

The others lay on the ground unconscious. Twilight just barely losing her conscious. She heard the hove beats of several ponies trotting towards the room. Then she blacked out.

Author's Note:

Darkmaster0224: Sweet Celestia, that was a lot! But now I'm done with this chapter. So, the guys had traveled to the dark dimension to find and rescue the girls, and defeat Nightmare Lilac. After rescuing the girls, they confront and defeat Nightmare Lilac, or so they thought. Nightmare Lilac, disguised as Lilac, tricked the heroes into going into Equestria, where she had then attacked the heroes while their guard was done. And now she plans to rule and spread the eternal night over Equestria. What will happen to Equestria? Will the heroes ever stop Nightmare Lilac? Find out next chapter. Until then, PEACEOUT!