• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


PhycoKrusk (fi'ko-krüs'k) n. that jerk whose user page you accidentally wandered into


(Part of the Doomsdayverse)

Nightmare Night. At the witching hour when the clock strikes twelve, Sombra "Pops" Crepúsculo tries desperately to prepare a midnight snack to stop his tummy rumblies so he can sleep.

But when an nth dimensional terror from Beyond (also known as "Out of This Dimension!") comes for him and the rest of Equestria, will he prevail and save everyone? Or will it be the Final Doomsday™?

(It's a comedy, so... we're guessing it probably won't be, but hey! Everyone was surprised by the quality of Equestria Girls, so you never know!)

(We have just been informed that not everyone was surprised by the quality of Equestria Girls, so hey! You really never know!)

(Oh, and perhaps most importantly of all, cover art by goshhhh, as usual!)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

:rainbowlaugh: Oh, Sombra Pops! Still my most favorite Sombra!

Hmm... I guess I'll give this a three out of ten. ... Three-hundred out of ten! Wa-pow!

Never stop making me laugh, Phyco. Never.

I'm a little bit afraid that if I ever do stop making you laugh, Anzel will find me.

6579788 The conditioning is working, then. Good.

In seriousness, I got a good giggle out of this. :heart:

And then, in the words of Sir Ginger, "everything continued to go completely and utterly oatmeal."

In all seriousness, good job on a bizarrely funny Halloween tale.

Yeah, this was a cute story. Sombra continues to rock. I can totally see him not caring about some mundane cosmic horror showing up in the kitchen one night. Sleep and snack are more important. We've all been there.

Gotta love Cadance and Shining in the background. Shiny is still such a putz. :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, you heard what he said: It was coming right at them.

If a cosmic horror from Out of This Dimension! barged into your room in the middle of the night, and you were startled, half-asleep and had a half-finished doomsday device of mostly indeterminate function aside from, " something with lasers, because I really like lasers and wish I had more of them," sitting next to the bed, can you honestly say you'd have done anything different?

It was a dark and stormy night… somewhere.

Already this is going to be a great story. I just know it.

The particular behaviors of this spell were ignored by the sole inhabitant of the kitchen, the former King of the Crystal Empire-sort-of-but-not-actually — look, explaining that mess is going to take at least another whole phase, so just look for that later — Sombra Crepúsculo

Yes, it's gonna be a good one.

Sombra obeyed and gazed up at the Thing. “Two out of ten,” he said, still very much half-asleep.
W-what?! Two?!
“Ok, ok,” Sombra said again, this time with a heavy yawn. He propped a hoof up on his elbow, and rested his head on it. “Three.”


Not even a little bit? It asked.
“Nn nn,” Sombra mumbled.

Sombra has taken on my form with that comment.

“Aw… it’s all covered in ectoplasm.”

THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID. (lol sorry couldn't help it)

Phyco, once again, you fail to disappoint. I love your incarnation of Sombra so much.

I admit I was particularly proud of that "two out of ten" gag.

I have another thing I'm getting ready to deploy in a couple days, and then I have the super secret project/present for 6579805 after that, but then the next planned story will explain some of the origins of the Crepúsculo legend: The Buddy System.

here the dramatic read of your fan fic

Author Interviewer

Found this less funny than Anypony for Doomsday, though it still got a chuckle from me.

The two are related, right?

They are.

Sometimes, you can guess how long it took to write something; I have a tendency to just stop writing completely — sometimes for days — until I think of a good joke.

The Chaplin Method.

So this indescribable horror, he wouldn't happen to have three colleagues named "Death," "Fire" and "Mortis" would he? Cause I remember hearing about a guy with a very similar schtick hanging out with those three and last I'd heard all four were lost in one of the empty voids between universes, although that was several decades ago. They were omnicidal maniacs, I believe.

I would be lying if I said that Judge Fear did not provide some inspiration, and if there's ine thing I'm not are this particular moment, it's a liar.

Any other moment is a gamble.

Ectoplasm is one of those things that tastes best at two in the morning, and even then, not very. And yet they keep making it...

"Casual slice-of-life Sombra" is a woefully unexplored noche. Thanks for doing your part to address that problem.

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