• Published 11th Oct 2015
  • 14,453 Views, 16 Comments

2nd Weirdest Thing - ImNoPony

Sci-Twi was having a picnic with her new friends... until Princess Twilight appeares

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Sci-Twi Meets Twilight

After the hectic chaos that was the Friendship Games, the Rainbooms decided to make a day for themselves. Not only did they had to deal with a rival school, getting their stolen magic back and fixing literal tears in reality, but they also have to be re-acquainted with a friend that they already sort of know. However, everybody was really enjoying spending time with the new Twilight and they were getting along quite well. And so, to get to know each other better, they all decided to have a picnic by the school statue.

"So you're saying there's a me from another world that often comes here to visit?" Sci-Twi enquiries.

"Yeah, but it mostly when somebody tries to take over the school" Rainbow Dash replies.

Fluttershy even nodded and add: "In fact, if it wasn't for her, we all wouldn't have gotten back together."

"Wow... She sounds like a really great person" Sci-Twi remarks. "I really hope I get to meet her someday."

Sunset then reassures her and told her: "Don't worry Twilight; I'm sure you'll meet her eventually. Just give it some time." Sci-Twi appreciated her kind word and gives back a thankful look.

But then, as everybody began enjoying the picnic in calm silence, the Equestrian Twilight Sparkle dashed out of the portal. "I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner!" she says to them. "I didn't get your messages until just now because I was caught in this time travel loop and honestly, it was the strangest thing that's ever happened to me!"

However, as she was catching her breath, Twilight looked across from her and suddenly realize that her human counterpart from their world is standing right in front of her. Everybody was left speechless by the situation as nobody expected to see her so soon. When Sci-Twi finally sees her other self, she sheepishly waves at her.

"Make that the second strangest thing" Equestrian Twilight remarks.

When everybody was stuck in awkward silence, Applejack got up from the ground and introduces the new transfer student. "Uh... Hi Twilight. Didn't expect to see you so soon. This here is... uh... Twilight."

"Hi Twilight?" greeted the Twilight nervously.

"And Hi me?" replied Sci-Twi.

Sunset explains to Twilight: "Yeah... She kind of transfer here while you were away."

"Well... I hope you are really enjoying Canterlot High." Twilight says cheerfully to Sci-Twi.

"Oh I am!" she replies back. "Everybody here have been really nice to me and it's way much better than my old school." However, she then added: "Although, some people still mistake me for you."

"Yeah, sorry about that" Twilight apologizes. "But I'm happy to hear that you have been getting along with everybody." Once some of the tension had been eliminated, Twilight finally sat down and joins the Rainboom's picnic.

"So, what have you guys been up to?"

"Well we played against our rival school; Crystal Prep and didn't lose for once" Rainbow Dash explains.

"And that's when we met the Twilight over there" Rarity added. "She was on the opposing team and she wasn't really much appreciated there."

But then Sunset adds: "And then we had an issue about somebody taking out magic and not knowing how dangerous which caused us some trouble." She then turn towards Sci-Twi and says: "No offence."

However Sci-Twi replies: "None taken."

Everyone then began giving Sunset cold glare. When Sunset saw them, she says: "What!?" at them. Even though it might have been uncalled for, everyone then bust out chuckling to Sci-Twi's confusion.

Once everyone finishes laughing, Sci-Twi thought out loud: "Yeah well... the girls at Crystal Prep might not have been all that bad, but it takes a really long time for them to show their kind sides." She then look towards her double and half-hardily remarks to her: "I bet you didn't have a problem with bullies back in your world."

However, Twilight didn't have the response that everybody was expecting. She began to look nervous, try to avoid eye contact, hand scratching the back of her head and she says out loud: "Well..."

She then went down memory lane and began recalling her days in magic kindergarten. There, Twilight was acquainted with five girls that she would hardly call adorable foals.

"Since you're Celestia's personal student, everypony else will envy you and will grow to recent you."

"AWWW! Is that your dragon? IT RUINED MY PROJECT!"

"I don't care that your Celestia's student. I'll Still Be Better At Magic Then You!"

"You call that a teleportation spell? HA!"

"HEY! LISTEN TO THIS MUSIC!" Said foal then forces Twilight to listen to her music for hours without end.

Back at the present, Twilight had just finished explaining those experiences to her friends who all looked quite surprised.

"Strange" Sci-Twi remarks. "They sound just like the girls from my old school."

"What! No way!" Twilight replied, disbelieving of the fact.

"No, it's true. Isn't that right Spike?"

And then suddenly, Spike the Dog then appears besides Sci-Twi and says: "Yeah, they sound pretty much like the Shadowbolt girls."

"AHH!" screamed Twilight when she notice Spike.

Upon seeing Twilight looking so surprised, Pinkie Pie says to her: "What's wrong Twilight? It's like you haven't seen a talking dog before." Everybody around then burst out laughing except for the two Twilights.

Amidst her friend's laughter, an embarrassed Twilight asks the little dog: "Spike! How did you got here!?"

However, Sci-Twi explains: "What do you mean? I brought him here." But then Sci-Twi realizes and Twilight: "Wait. You got a talking dog names Spike to?"

"Well... not exactly" Twilight replied. "Back home, he's a dragon. But when he's here, he becomes a dog. So... I guess I do?"

"Really?" Sci-Twi responded. "What else that changes when you come over?"

After thinking about it, Twilight says to her: "Well back in my world, I am an alicorn. So unless you can grow a pair of wings and a magical horn, then we got nothing to worry about."

However, upon saying that, everyone had a momentary pause before all of them saying: "Well..." Twilight's eyes widened.

Applejack explains: "You see: Twilight here managed to get a hold of our magic and transforms. And when she did, she had wings and a horn too."

"WHAT!" yells Twilight in utter surprise. "Even the wings!? Because like... I had to work really hard to get those."

Sci-Twi silently and nervously nods to Twilight irritation.

As Twilight was bummed out, Sunset thought out loud: "Wow, you two got more things in common than I thought."

"Yeah! You got the same dog, had the same bullies... Is there anything that is different about you two?" asks Rainbow Dash.

Both Twilights and everybody else began to think deeply and try to find something that could separate them. But Pinkie Pie, with little effort, points out: "Well, one of you doesn’t wear glasses."

Both Twilights then shot their eyes at each other and only now spotting the difference. Upon realizing this fact, Sci-Twi asks Twilight: "Hey, why don't you wear your glasses?"

Twilight shrugs and responds: "No reason? Why? Do you have to?"

Unfortunately, Sci-Twi silently admits began feeling depress that her other self has got better eyes. Twilight began feeling sorry that she asked.

Trying to cheer her up, Rarity told her: "Don't worry Twilight. You look splendid even with your glasses." Sci-Twi began to feel a little bit better.

But then, as everyone was enjoying the peaceful moment, a loud voice cry out and says: "Hey Twilight!" When all of the girls look towards the sound of the voice, they saw Flash Sentry running over.

When Flash finally reached them, he asks the Twilight with the glasses: "Hey, if you got some free time later, how would you like to..." However, it was only then that he realizes that the other Twilight was also with them. As Flash begins to stutter, the girls was looking at him with curiosity as they wonder what he gunna say to two Twilights?

"Actually... I-I just remembered something. I have to see you later Twilight. No, I mean Twilight! NO! I mean the OTHER Twilight! WAIT! NO! I mean..." mumbles Flash in confusion.

Can no longer stand to see two Twilights, Flash Sentry legs it and began running in the directed that he came from. Once he was gone, all of the Rainbooms began laughing at Flash's awkward situation.

Once Flash ran to the other side of the school, he says to himself: "Wow... That's the weirdest thing I'll see today." But then he discovers that Lyra and Bon-Bon was nearby and saw them in weird bird costumes. "Make that the second weirdest thing."

Comments ( 16 )

Flash is a confused soul. :rainbowlaugh:

Poorly written. Needs editing.

Decent, but needs an editors touch.

At least they didn't tell Princess Twilight that this Twilight turned into a raging she-demon.

Flash, if you're looking for 'normal', you have definitely chosen the wrong girl... possibly the wrong school.

FWIW, I'm wondering about the fact that Midnight Sparkle's horn looks like that of a changeling queen. I don't think that she turned into an anthro-alicorn any more than Sunset did when she turned into her demon form. It was just the corruption of the magic taking a shape.

I take exception on Lemon Zest being called a 'bully'. Well-meaning with zero common sense, yes, but a 'bully'? Similarly, Sour Sweet just is super-sarcastic about everything and Sugarcoat has no brain-to-mouth filter.

Dude what's with all the colons? I mean it's a editing issue not a story issue but it is weird to see colons where periods go.

It needs editing.

And poor Flash Sentry.


Oh. My. GOODNESS! This was pretty funny!:rainbowlaugh:


But hey, HASBRO never listens to me. *Shrug...

Nice Story!

It needs an editor and is kind of all over the place.

This is is good, I noticed a few misspellings but still a nice story

This was so much fun!

Ha, I loved it!

Thinking back I don't think that people give enough credit to Sci-Twi. She created a device that not only tracks magic but can steal and contain it. She's easily smarter than the twilight of Equestria.

The picnic actually is covered—albeit in one of the official chapter books, Twilight’s Sparkly Sleepover Surprise, rather than in video media.

and she didnt even have any prior knowledge of magic, but managed to believe in it instead of dismissing it, which s the most scientific outlooks someone could have sci twi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ponytwi

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