• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 30th



Princess Twilight Sparkle is the latest addition to the Equestrian Royalty, and as such she needs a Guard, like Celestia's Daylight Patrol and Luna's Night Troops. Of course, that would usually mean that she'd have to gather them among ponies... but an observation from a visiting friend leads her to change this concept.
Is this a good idea, or she's going towards her usual shenanigans?

This story takes place in the IDW canon. Just thought I'd warn you.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 24 )

I rather like Mina. She seems like a suitable girlfriend for Spike once he realizes he and Mina aren't ever happening EVER.
Also, poor Blueblood's guards. What did they have to do to get transferred to his service?
And Twilight is bad at names.

While I'm not really a fan of most of the comics I do think this story is promising. One thing that bothered me so far was the way you wrote in Gilda, she wasn't nearly as bad as you made her out to be. And I doubt Twilight would even remember her visit that well, since she wasn't around her most of the time.

Also it seems way too convenient that the only two Griffons Twilight have met are related to each other.

6494780 ...Huh?

6515383 Actually, Twilight was referring to what she had been told. That's why her opinion was a little skewed. Also, it's pretty clear that Gus thinks the world of her.

Those three brothers could prove very very frighting...


once he realizes he and Mina aren't ever happening EVER.

Don't you mean Rarity?


6625916 Er. Yes. That's what I meant. Oops


I forgot completely Discord used to work for Tirek's dad. That makes me sad...


I like these guys! I think the luvcat is one of the most intriguing.


I'm not sure what I liked more. The poor giraffe, the horrific makeout, or the awkward dragon.

Dear Princess Celestia.
Today I saw something in the Crystal Empire that cannot be unseen. Can you send my any notes you have on a memory erasing spell?
Your former student
Twilight Sparkle

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle
I'll send you all the notes I have by pegasus immediately. And by the way, Cadence sent samples of the most adorable uniforms for the Royal Guard. Since I'm sending Flash with the notes, I'll dress him up in the uniform too, so you can see what it looks like.
Princess Celestia
P.S. You know how I always have considered you to be like one of the family, right? Well, Grandma Celestia wants some grandfoals, so get busy.

Spike turned to her, cocking an eyebrow. "Background Pony?"
"That's one of the five ponies that I found acceptable for the Force. The others are Lost Cause, Window Dressing, Walk-in Role and Utterly Irrelevant."

Now those are perfect pony names. Very nice. Like naming a bad actor "Curtains" because he's always getting in the way of talented actors.

Who and what is "Window Dressing"? I ask because I looked through the two chapters introducing the troops and couldn't find any mention of them. I ask the 'what' because of the nature of this fic.

6648807 Window Dressing, Walk-In Role, Background Pony and Utterly Irrelevant are mentioned in the fifth chapter. They're the pony candidates that were accepted "out of camera". There IS a good reason why I didn't introduce them in detail - aside from a joke about unnamed background ponies - but I can't tell it now because it would be a spoiler for the next chapter. Of course you probably guessed that Window Dressing is a pegasus or other winged creature; so, I can say this: Window Dressing is a female pegasus, Background Pony is a female earth pony, Walk-In Role is a male earth pony and Utterly Irrelevant is a male unicorn, same as Lost Cause. But that's all I can say.

It's over!?:pinkiegasp: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

There's a possible sequel!?:pinkiegasp: YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!! :pinkiehappy:

what the fuck happend to twilight we desever do know :flutterrage:

6658277 That's for Hasbro and IDW to tell and for us to learn as we go on. Probably Sera knows, given how old she is in the last chapter, but I haven't the foggiest.

The poomphing will last.... Forever!
--Nightmare Pillow

"Nothing can go wrong"... oh, those fateful, fateful words.

It was interesting to try and read Gustav's half-French speech, since I'm not fluent enough in the language to read that without thinking a bit, but what I do know is enough that I can understand it.

Twilight squinted briefly, taking a mental note to have a long, in-depth discussion with Canterlot's Central Library's board of directors - then her head snapped up, her eyes growing as wide as saucers. Images of a tiny purple filly inching up a lot of steps, encouraged by a kind voice coming from up high, floated in her mind.
"M-miss Leg?"
Steady Ascent started laughing. "My, my, it's been a LONG time since I've been called that way. Nice to see you again, little Twi."
Twilight looked at her, flabbergasted: "I-I'm sorry, it's just that you're big, and I was tiny, and..."

Twilight, you are too cute for words.

"Rutgerd find lady bison very pretty. Thin and graceful. And when she turn to look at Rutgerd, Rutgerd see that lady bison has prettiest blue eyes."
The bison's expression shifted to utter surprise: "You... you're kidding, right?"
Rutgerd shook his head, a shy smile on the muzzle. "Rutgerd not joke on pretty lady. Too smitten."
The bison started blushing and smiling in kind. For some reason, Twilight felt that it was safe to lower the two to the floor again.
"My name is Leaf in the Wind. And thank you." She reached over with a hoof and lifted the mop-like hair of the yak. "You have very pretty green eyes too."
"Rutgerd sorry. Just want to come and show yak friends of pony. Make things better."
"Same here. And yet, we messed up."
Rutgerd looked her deep in the eyes, moving his head closer to hers. "Got to meet Leaf. Worth it, even if never get in."
Leaf closed the distance even more. "Still, it would have been nice to try."
The two moved even closer. "Yes. Would have."


Yep, that was a dragon.

Knew it! Cool! Oh, and I looked up serendibite... what a beautiful gemstone!

So far, I am loving all these characters! Looking forward to reading more!

Hard cider... on the inside, I am cursing quite a bit. :facehoof:

Twilight, go home, you're drunk.

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