• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 11,607 Views, 1,188 Comments

Entrenchment - SFaccountant

The Iron Warriors have seized the planet. Mostly. Peace has returned to Equestria. Kind of. Now all the 38th Company has to do is return to its normal course of operations... or so they hope.

  • ...

Realm of Nightmares


An Age of Iron story

Chapter 4

Realm of Nightmares


Harvest of Steel - Gaela's quarters

Twilight Sparkle's morning began, as it so often did nowadays, with a nice, long string of panicked screaming.

Her hooves flailed in the air, her wings beat at the floor, and her eyes darted wildly from side to side in terror. Spike jerked awake from the noise, his own eyes fluttering open. On the other side of the cell-like room, Gaela's biological eye slid open, and her augmetic began to reset from its sleeping cycle.

Soon Twilight's screaming stopped. She rolled over onto her side, whimpering softly.

"Good morning, Twi," Spike mumbled before he pushed himself to his feet.

A tired groan was his response.

"My next shift begins soon. Impeccable timing," Gaela noted. She shifted over to sit on her tiny bunk.

"Wonderful," Twilight replied bitterly. She rolled upright, and then looked up at Gaela through bloodshot eyes. "You never mentioned when we set out that living in a daemon ship was going to give me nightmares literally EVERY NIGHT."

"Would it have changed anything at all if I had?" Gaela stared at her augmetic arms one at a time, uploading visual diagnostic data.

"Well... no, I suppose not," the pony grunted, "still, it would have been nice."

"I've always had trouble with 'being nice'," Gaela admitted, "I'm going for a cleansing cycle. Do you wish to join me?"

"Not just yet, thanks."

As Gaela left the room, Spike also left his bed and started stretching. "So, what was it tonight?"

Twilight shuddered. "It started pretty innocently. I was just wandering around the ship, and Gaela was telling me about all the rooms and parts. The further along we went, however, the fewer people there were. Instead I'd see these big blood stains on the floor and walls, but Gaela would keep going like nothing was wrong."

"So far, so realistic," Spike mumbled.

"Then, all of a sudden, she stopped talking. I looked back at her, but she wasn't there. Nothing but a blood slick was left." Twilight cringed. "I started panicking. I called for help. I tried the vox. I ran from room to room, all the way up to the bridge. There was no one here. Gaela was gone. You were gone. Solon was gone. There was no one else. No one but those... those eyes. Those huge eyes in the ceiling. Staring at me. Watching me. Hungering for me. And... And then..."

Twilight was trembling by now, and Spike hesitantly stepped over and gently hugged her leg.

The Princess stopped shaking and then gave her assistant a grateful smile. "Thanks, Spike. I'm really glad I have you around."

"Happy to help," the young dragon said wryly.

"You have the nightmares too, right? Gaela said that practically everyone on this ship does during Warp travel."

"Actually, my dream was pretty good, this time!" Spike said, scratching his head. "I mean, it probably was going to be a nightmare like yours, but I think you woke me up before the scary part. Thanks!"

"Happy to help," Twilight grumbled.

Twilight went to begin her usual morning ritual, which in her case was a shower, a quick check that she didn't have any duties pending, and then a download of the day's reading material. The shower rooms were shared among their housing block, and Twilight passed by a few Dark Acolytes stripping down on her way to the stall.

+Disgusting creature. Why must we share living space with xeno psykers?+ griped one of the cyborgs in Binaric Cant.

+If you take issue with sharing sanitation facilities with an equine, you may issue a complaint with the Dark Magos,+ Gaela replied in turn, +I would not expect anything to come of it, however. Sparkle has better sanitation habits than you do, and your criticism is irrational.+

Twilight pushed into the shower stall next to Gaela, completely oblivious to the bursts of static that were discussing her. As far as the pony was concerned such things were just background noise at this point.

"I have to say, despite being in a completely sealed environment, it's very easy to get dirty around here," Twilight said as she adjusted the temperature controls below the shower head. A jet of water blasted out at her, and the alicorn ducked her head and moved further under the shower's flow.

"There's much detritus that is sealed in with us, obviously. Half the ship is devoted to storage and scrap piles," Gaela pointed out. She and Twilight couldn't see each other, as the shower stalls were separated by tall dividers, but the barrier did little to muffle their voices. "Also, you haven't been to the section of the Harvest devoted to Nurgle."

Twilight blinked. "Part of the ship is devoted to Nurgle? Devoted how?"

"Temples, reliquaries, alchemics, catacombs, and other sorts of structures generally not of priority when designing a void ship. All of it infectious and corrosive, such that it keeps threatening to spread to the rest of the vessel. Staving it off from the 'healthy' portions of the ship is an endless labor, like constantly cutting away at a growing cancer."

Twilight frowned. "That seems like an enormous liability on a vehicle as important as this one."

"It is. Most Iron Warriors do not traffic with daemons or join the cults of Chaos for precisely that reason. Powerful as they are, they introduce uncertainty into the rigorous formulae of war that lay at the core of Iron Warrior combat doctrine. Such power takes considerable will and leadership to manage successfully."

"I imagine that between Sliver and-" Twilight heard the door of the shower stall squeak open behind her, and she twisted her head around to see if Spike was joining her.

Long, razor-tipped talons like ivory darted into the steam, stabbing into her hips and then cutting across her cutie mark. Twilight screamed and stumbled, falling against the wall underneath the shower head.

A ghostly, bipedal shape stumbled into the stall, and Twilight's horn flashed. She wasn't precisely sure, in her panic, what spell she used, but after a ferocious thunderclap and a pulse of purple light, the stall door was blasted off its hinges and a mournful howl echoed in her ears.

Gaela calmly exited her own shower stall and then looked over into Twilight's. The pony was curled up in the corner of the metal box, wide-eyed and trembling, with her breath heaving desperately. A wash of blood leaked into the floor drain, leading up to four lacerations that cut across Twilight's right hip.

"G-G-Ga..." the alicorn's voice hitched as she tried to speak past her thundering heartbeat and the tears in her eyes.

Gaela turned away. Several other Dark Acolytes and Aspirants had emerged from their stalls at the disturbance and were staring at her.

"Sparkle has been attacked. Did anyone see the assailant before she dispatched it?"

"Affirmative," said an Acolyte near the entrance. His bionic arm was being held in an oil wash receptacle mounted on the wall, which suggested he been immobile during the attack and had a view of the entire sanitation room. "It was a daemon."

"A daemon?" Gaela mumbled.

Twilight stood up and exited the stall, although her legs were still quivering slightly. "It all h-happened so FAST! The d-door opened and then I saw these claws swiping for me!" The mare winced as she stretched her back leg. "Why was a daemon wandering around the shower area?"

"You are mistaken. It was not 'wandering'," the Acolyte corrected, "it entered the facility and then proceeded directly to your shower unit. It did not stop to survey the facility or show any interest in other life-forms."

"It was specifically trying to kill me?" Twilight asked, horrified.

"That is a plausible hypothesis," the Dark Acolyte replied. The green lumen over the oil station blinked on, and he pulled his arm from the wall cavity. Then he started getting dressed.

In fact, much to Twilight's alarm, all the people in the facility were going back to what they were doing, apparently having lost interest in her nearly being murdered. Even Gaela had turned away to put on the skin-tight bodysuit that she wore under her power armor.

"Wait, hold on! Why would a daemon be trying to kill me?!" Twilight demanded.

"It's just what they do," Gaela said while getting dressed, "trying to logically parse the motivations of Warp-beasts is usually futile."

"It's... what? No! This is the first time this has happened! No way is this just a random coincidence!" Twilight snapped. By now her earlier horror had entirely converted to anger and frustration. "Why are there even unbound daemons on the ship to begin with?! The Harvest of Steel is a sealed, environmentally pressurized vehicle with an extremely heavy security detail! There's no way a daemon can just appear out of nowhere and kill someone!"

"Yes it can," Gaela refuted.

Twilight gaped. "HOW?!"

Gaela frowned at the alicorn. "We can discuss this in detail later. I must proceed with my duties. You should have your wound treated. Report to the medicae facilities at once."

"And what if I'm ambushed by monsters between here and there?" Twilight demanded. "Apparently they can just pop into the ship whenever they want and nobody will even bother stopping them on their way to attack me!"

"I don't understand your frustration. You dispatched the daemon easily," Gaela pointed out, "I have complete confidence that you'll be able to contend with any further hostilities traveling from one facility to the next."

"I shouldn't have to contend with 'hostilities' on my own army's flagship!" Twilight complained, stamping her hoof on the floor.

"Considering that the flagship itself also wants to kill you, that seems like an unreasonable expectation on your part."

"RRRRRRGH!" the purple pony started growling incoherently, feeling dizzy from her mounting frustration (and possibly the blood loss).

"Unit Sparkle," interrupted a harsh voice from behind her, "refrain from causing any further disturbances in the sanitation facilities. Complete your cleansing cycle and evacuate the premises as ordered."

Twilight honestly considered telekinetically battering around the uncomfortably naked cyborg behind her. She relented, though. The Dark Mechanicus despised her enough as it was without her flinging them around for being uncooperative.

"Fine. Gaela, I'll see you later. When I do, I wish to discuss this incident." Twilight began trudging toward the door, glaring back at the Dark Acolyte that had ejected her.

"Affirmative, Sparkle."


The trip to the medicae ward was uncomfortable, to say the least.

Twilight had always been of the opinion that human structures were far too big, and that their ships in particular were oversized to the point of absolute lunacy. Nothing drove that point home quite so well as taking a painful, limping, half-hour walk while nervously expecting a twisted Warp monstrosity to attack out of nowhere.

The corridors were roomy, dimly-lit, and littered with large crates that provided suspicious shadowed areas and crevices where a bladed horror could potentially wait for prey. As if that wasn't nerve-wracking enough, the ship had its own collection of inexplicable noises that rolled through the dusty metal halls. When she'd first arrived she'd been fascinated by the reverberations of void travel caused by moving a space city at near-light speed through an alternate dimension of nightmare energy. Now all the strange clicks and deep groans only served to remind her that she was literally sitting in the belly of an enormous daemonic monster.

At least she wasn't alone. Bedraggled deck ratings were constantly moving cargo through the corridors, and she couldn't look down a hallway without seeing an Iron Warrior or a Dark Techpriest headed somewhere else.

So at the very least, if and when she had her throat torn out by daemonic stowaways, there would be witnesses to tell her friends and family what happened. Lovely.

"No. Stop that. Don't let this place get to you," Twilight chided herself, "you can handle this, Twilight. You knew that this wasn't a pleasure cruise when you got on board. Yes, there may be some loose daemons about. But that's in addition to all the restrained daemons you already know about. You just let your guard down, that's all."

Twilight reached the main entrance to this ship section's medicae ward, and she again stopped to check her surroundings. Once she was sure that there were no monsters waiting to leap at her from her from behind, Twilight's horn flashed and she teleported behind the door.

Twilight immediately leapt toward the wall, her horn blazing with power. Once she had an attack vector blocked, her eyes darted left and right to search for any incoming threats.

After a few seconds of careful inspection, she determined that the two Dark Techpriests staring at her mutely were not hostile. Overly judgmental, probably, but not hostile.

"Hi. I'm checking in for a laceration treatment," Twilight said coolly, lifting the wing that partially obscured her wound, "some disinfectant and nano-stitches should take care of it."

The Dark Techpriests exchanged a few bursts of Binaric Cant which Twilight was fairly sure did not express the overall seriousness and respect she and her injury deserved. One of the Techpriests walked out of the ward, while the other adjusted his various optical scopes to focus on the rather twitchy-looking pony.

"The wound appears to be non-debilitating. No treatment is necessary," the Dark Techpriest stated.

Twilight made an animal-like growl. "It 'appears' that way because I used magic to suppress the bleeding! Otherwise I'm sure I would have passed out on the way here!"

The Dark Techpriest considered this for a moment. "If that is the case, then further application of your witchcraft may substitute for ordinary treatment."

Twilight glared at the cloaked cyborg, and then took a deep breath. "Okay, let me put it this way; it will take you MAYBE five minutes to treat these cuts. It will take you much, much longer to convince me to give up and leave."

"Very well," the Dark Techpriest said, pointing to a steel slab on the side of the room, "lay on that table."

The alicorn trudged past the cyborg, grumbling under her breath about the absurdity of being ordered to the medicae by one Dark Techpriest only for another to try to brush her off. There was a metal table sitting under a servo-mounted surgical array on the side of the room, about three feet off the floor. Twilight jumped onto it with a quick flap of her wings, and then laid down. The Techpriest approached and leaned over her.

"Explain the nature of the incident."

"A daemon barged into my shower stall and slashed me with its claws," Twilight grumbled.

If she was hoping for some sort of surprise from the medicae worker, she was disappointed. "Physical description of the assailant?"

"I didn't get a good look due to the surprise and the steam, plus I blasted it to dust right after it attacked," Twilight admitted, "but it had very pale skin... or scales, maybe. It was bipedal. I think I saw some glowing yellow spots that might have been its eyes."

"Unhelpful. Certain categories of daemons are prone to causing specific complications to recovery. Did you experience any side-effects?"

"Pain, moderate bleeding, enhanced heart rate and elevated stress... nothing that really stands out as unexpected when being AMBUSHED IN THE SHOWER BY A WARP MONSTER."

Again, the Techpriest didn't seem interested in her experience beyond the job being asked of him. "Noted. Judging by your account and my observations, the daemon's appendages were not corrupted in any particular way. The damage should be entirely corporeal with an ordinary chance of infection. Hold still."

Twilight clenched her teeth as a needle pierced her hip, and she began feeling her leg go numb almost immediately. The Techpriest brought up his augmetic, which resembled a pair of knitting needles with a complex mechanized spool of thread attached. It sprayed a jet of disinfectant over the cuts, and then the cyborg started stitching them shut.

"... So, is being attacked by stray daemons actually common on the Harvest of Steel?" Twilight asked.


"So my situation IS abnormal. I thought so!" the alicorn grumbled.

"Attacks by daemons within the Harvest of Steel have an average incidental rate of one per ten thousand crew per standard solar month of Warp travel."

Twilight arched an eyebrow, and then her ears flipped down. "That... okay, I guess you wouldn't call that 'common', but still, that implies that it happens regularly. In fact... that suggests at least one attack most of the time the ship travels through the Warp."

"Affirmative. Operation complete." The Dark Techpriest stepped back from his work, and his patient turned her head around. The lacerations were now completely invisible beneath her fur; the only remaining traces of the attack was the terrifying memory of claws raking through her flesh and the lingering resentment that nobody else seemed to care.

"Thank you," Twilight sighed, "can I rest here a while? Until I get some feeling in my leg again?"

"So long as you cease attempts at petty conversation," the Dark Techpriest said with characteristic tact.

"Deal. Just, please, if a daemon marches into the medicae ward to kill me, please don't let it walk up and attack without at least saying something first."

"Should that scenario arise, I shall offer advance notice."

The cyborg walked away, leaving Twilight alone with her thoughts. The young Princess laid down on the surgical slab and closed her eyes, feeling somewhat drowsy from the earlier shot of sedative.

Not that she particularly wanted to take a nap, given the practical guarantee of terrible nightmares, but it beat taking another long, vulnerable walk through the halls while half-asleep and with reduced muscle control. Her mind churned with possibilities, considering the attack and the daemon's apparent purpose in targeting her. She considered the number of daemon attacks against ordinary Chaos forces that ostensibly occurred at random. She considered how Gaela had been concerned enough about her welfare to send her to have a minor wound treated, but not enough to offer her any sort of protection for the trip.

She considered how, if she was worried about being suddenly attacked, she should really have summoned her power armor.

"Aw, hay! I can't believe I forgot about my wargear! I got so used to walking around naked again that I forgot! Stupid!" she cursed.

"I concur," chimed in the Dark Techpriest from across the room.

"Hey, if you don't want a conversation, then don't reply to me when I'm talking!" Twilight snapped.

The Techpriest did not respond, which she took to mean that she had a point. Twilight laid her head back down and closed her eyes again.

A soft whirring noise came from above her.

One eye cracked open, and Twilight confirmed that the medicae worker was still on the other side of the room, working at a cogitator terminal.

The whirring continued, and then turned to a metallic squeak.

Twilight tilted her head just in time to see the servo-mounted surgical array plunge down toward her back.

The Dark Techpriest turned sharply as his recent patient screamed. The pony was flailing wildly, feathers flying, while the surgical tool arm mounted on the chirurgeon table seemed to be trying to eat into her wing. Motorized scalpels and fine-thread injector-drills tore through purple feathers, struggling to get to the muscle and bone underneath and bring it to ruin.

The alicorn's horn flared purple, and a beam of fiery magic lashed out and sliced the automated arm off at the elbow. Twilight jumped from the operating table to get clear of the homicidal machine, and then promptly stumbled and fell over due to her back leg still being numb.

"WHY IS EVERYTHING TRYING TO KILL ME?!" the pony wailed as she flapped her wings desperately, carrying her toward a more defensible corner. "This is the exact OPPOSITE of that machine's design purpose! That's not FAIR!"

The Techpriest calmly approached the table, analyzing the now-headless servo arm mechanism. It was thrashing left and right, and occasionally jerking straight toward Twilight as if was trying to carry the entire table along with it to pursue her. "A moment. I will attempt to calm the machine spirit."

"Yes! Fine! Then when it's calm, ask it what the hay its problem is!" Twilight barked.

The Dark Techpriest spoke several prayers in Binaric Cant, sputtering blasts of static at the twitching servo arm.

Then he turned toward Twilight. "I have diagnosed the problem. It would seem that the auto-chirurgeon is daemonically possessed."

The severed arm suddenly split apart and peeled back, the metal bending away while wires and cabling snaked out of the daemon's new 'mouth'. A high-pitched shriek came from the twisted machine, like a combination of an animal snarl and tearing metal.

"Daemonically possessed? Your SURGICAL tool is possessed by an evil Warp spirit?!" Twilight asked incredulously.

"Affirmative," the Techpriest confirmed. He watched silently for a few seconds as the possessed servo arm continued reaching directly toward Twilight, its wire-tendrils slowly stretching further and further. The Techpriest himself was much closer, yet the malicious machine was obviously ignoring him completely. "It also seems to show a strong preference toward equine victims. Fascinating."

"Oh, the hay with this!" Twilight growled, her horn glowing again.

This time her power armor appeared around her in a blaze of purple, with the helmet materializing a second later on her gorget. It flipped up over her head and then locked into place, sealing shut with a sharp hiss.

"Tactical engagement is unnecessary," the Dark Techpriest pointed out as the force harmonizer popped off of Twilight's back, "this daemonic-"

"YOUR WARRANTY IS UP, APPLIANCE MONSTER!! DIE!!" A wedge of crackling purple energy slashed down at the writhing servo arm, shredding its mounting and dropping the greater part of the machine onto the floor.

"I contend that this is uncalled for," insisted the Techpriest.

Twilight seemed to disagree. A purple glow surrounded the chirurgeon table, and then she pulled it up out of the floor with her levitation, tearing apart the bolts holding it in place.

The iron slab slammed down on top of the possessed servo arm, crushing it to shards of metal and plastic. That wasn't quite good enough for Twilight, and she smashed the possessed arm three more times with the table until she was convinced that the pieces of the servo arm were broken beyond any possibility of further attack.

"I needed that equipment," the Dark Techpriest informed her.

Twilight gave him an irritable look. "The table is fine. Just bolt it back in and it's still completely serviceable."

"I was referring to the servo surgical assistant," he retorted.

"What?! It was possessed!" the pony shouted.

"Such an unusual daemonic structure would have made an excellent experimental subject."

"It STABBED me!" Twilight protested. "It was trying to inject me with something, too! If I hadn't blocked it with my wing, who knows what would have happened?!"

"I do. Excessive dosage of those particular substances are easily survivable. The mechanism was a minimal threat, and dispatching it was unnecessary," the cyborg insisted in its droning monotone.

The alicorn's eye twitched. "Ah. So it doesn't matter if someone gets hurt if it's 'easily survivable'?"

The Techpriest's optics whirled in their sockets as the chirurgeon table floated up again and hovered over him.

"... I wish to qualify my previous asser-" the table crashed into him, knocking him back into a rack of metal cabinets. A painful fate, certainly, but easily survivable.

Twilight snorted angrily and let the table fall. Then she teleported out of the medicae ward entirely.


"All right, so now it's official: something strange is happening here."

Twilight Sparkle stalked through the halls of the Harvest of Steel, her force harmonizer still in blade mode and hovering over her head.

"One daemon attack, even if it specifically targeted me, may not mean anything. But two? Within the same HOUR?"

Her angry mumbling sputtered from her vox grille in uneven bursts while she passed by patrolling Chaos Marines and laboring deck slaves, all of whom were given pause by the fully armed equine stomping through the ship and muttering to herself.

"And that last attack was super-sneaky, too! Possessing the nearest sharp object that happened to be in the room the moment I closed my eyes? Something in this ship has it in for me!"

She stopped walking. "Wait. Maybe the SHIP has it in for me! Yeah! I know it already wants to kill me! What if it's sending smaller daemons to do the job because Solon won't feed me to the reactor core?!"

A pair of Scavurel warriors heading in the opposite direction from Twilight halted, shared a glance, and then quickly turned around and left back where they came.

The armored pony stared straight up at the ceiling, her optics visor pulsing a bright crimson. "I'm on to you, Harvest! You think you can pick me off because I'm not some kind of mutated super-soldier hardened by millennia of space-borne horrors and brutal warfare? Try me, you glorified flying bath tub!"

The Princess stood there in the hall, glaring hard at the ceiling. Everyone else near enough to hear her ranting stopped and stared, wondering what sort of spectacle would emerge from an alien pony psyker challenging the very void ship around them.

After nearly a minute, however, Twilight let her gaze drop again. "Suddenly it occurs to me that I really shouldn't try to antagonize the only thing standing between me and the river of death and horror carrying us through the galaxy. I mean, what am I going to do if it fights me, kill it? And if the Harvest of Steel really wants me dead, it probably has more severe options than what I've been through so far."

She turned her head back and forth, and the others in the hall quickly turned away from the searching glare of her visor.

"I need to talk to someone about this," the Princess decided, "where did Gaela go?"

Her visor brought up a floor plan and a route marker was set in front of her. Then Twilight jumped into the air and her flight pack engaged, sweeping her along the hall in a low hover.

The other crew members, including a nearby Iron Warrior, silently watched her fly off.

"Lass is completely barmy," mumbled a deck slave.

"Not used to Warp travel. It takes some getting used to," decided another.

The Iron Warrior turned to glower at them. "Be silent and keep to your labor, scum."

The slaves did as they were told, ducking their heads and grabbing hold of a large metal crate. They started hauling the container off down the hallway, hoping to get enough distance from the Marine to talk without any further reprimand.

Then the crate started shaking in their hands.

One man yelped and dropped his end, knocking the lid loose. The other slave retreated only after a blue, spider-like leg emerged from the breach and forced it open further.

The Iron Warrior had his boltgun up instantly, and he watched as a crab-like daemon - boasting scythe claws and a single compound eye set atop its body - hopped out of the crate and then scuttled down the hall. It completely ignored the helpless human slaves right next to it, racing across the floor in the same direction that Twilight had gone.

"I, uh, think this crate is mislabeled, Lord," one deck slave said timidly, looking at the words burned into the top of the container, "this is supposed to be plasteel sheets."

"... Huh. Curious," the Astartes mumbled to himself. Just before the daemon scuttled out of sight, he fired off a single shot that drilled right into the monster's back. It was nearly blasted in half by the bolt round, and an angry shriek echoed through the corridors before its remains disintegrated into smoke.

Then the Astartes turned away, opening up a vox channel in his helmet. "Warpsmith Pterax... I believe we have a problem..."


Harvest of Steel - materials recovery

"Hey, Gaela..."

"What is it, Spike?"

"You said that Twilight can't become a Dark Techpriest because she's a psyker, right?"

"That is not what I said. I said that the Dark Mechanicus would refuse to enlist her out of contempt and fear of her psionic abilities."

"That... really sounds like the same thing I said."

Gaela and Spike were in a massive scrapyard, standing before a veritable mountain range of metallic trash, twisted wreckage, and broken weapons. Slaves walked back and forth between the heaps and a line of huge machines built into the wall, tossing the scrap into the heavy recycling engines. The larger, more complex garbage was set upon by servitors and the odd Dark Acolyte, who cut apart the wreckage of battered tanks and shredded walkers and separated the useless materials for removal.

Spike worked around Gaela, taking a tiny plasma torch to the chunks of metal she cut from a line of ruined Ork Trukks.

"Anyway, fine. Twi can't be a cyborg. But-"

"Again, that is not what I concluded. Sparkle would not be denied augmetic components were she to suffer injury or demand bionic enhancement." Gaela stopped to think. "Or, rather, she would, but then the Iron Warriors would overrule the objections of the Dark Mechanicus. Or Warsmith Solon would just make them himself."

"ALL RIGHT. Not my point, Gaela," Spike grumbled. He tapped on the plasma torch and started burning through a flattened wheel. "I've been thinking about what you said a while back. About me making a decent Tech-Adept? Do you really think I could?"

Gaela stopped her own work and looked over to the dragon. "I did say that. Do you aspire to be Dark Mechanicus?"

"Well, not really, but-"

"Then it is futile," she interrupted. "The Cult Mechanicus isn't something you simply try out for, like a sports team, or even something you enlist in like a mere army. To be Mechanicus is something you devote your body and soul to, for the rest of your life, and perhaps for some time after your life ends. Were you to do so - and assuming that I could convince my superiors to allow me to teach a non-human - then I believe you might meet minimal expectations. That is what I meant when I said that." She turned back to the vehicle wreck she was working on. "While I find you useful enough for petty menial tasks, actually becoming more than that would require greater discipline and devotion to your work. And we're not going to accept anyone who still rolls his eyes every time we recite a prayer to the machine spirit."

Spike winced. "You noticed that?" He scratched the back of his head. "So what should I do, then? Mercenary? Adept? I'm not joining a Chaos cult, that's for sure! I've had enough of daemon contracts and mutations!"

Again, Gaela stopped her work to stare at the tiny dragon. "How old are you, again?"

A crackle and a pop came from the blast doors at the end of the room. A moment later, Twilight appeared in a purple flash and dropped down onto the metal flooring.

"Gaela! There you are!"

"Why, no, I never get tired of hearing equines run at me while shouting that. Why do you ask?" the Dark Techpriest replied dryly. "What is it, Sparkle? I'm working."

"I need to talk to you about these daemon attacks. It can't wait until you're finished with your shift," the Princess said grimly.

"Daemon attacks? What daemon attacks?" Spike asked, looking worried.

"Some Warpspawn assaulted Sparkle in the sanitation facilities," Gaela explained, "and, as I pointed out, it was obliterated for its foolishness. As far as I am aware the matter is resolved."

Twilight looked down at Spike, and then up at Gaela. "Wait, he's been with you since I left for the medicae ward and you didn't even tell him I'd almost been MURDERED?!"

"You were not 'almost murdered.' That daemon didn't even manage to inflict a debilitating wound despite the advantage of complete surprise. Don't be overdramatic."

Twilight growled. "How's this for 'overdramatic'? When I was resting in the medicae just now, a servo surgeon was possessed by a daemon and tried to kill me!"

"I presume you destroyed it with extreme ease and severe prejudice," Gaela replied.

"Not the point!" the pony shouted back.

"I get it. You probably don't want to be alone in the ship anymore, huh?" Spike asked.

"No, that's not... actually, yes, that's completely true and I'd really appreciate it if you could stay with me more often. But still not the point!" Twilight pointed a boot at Gaela. "Two daemon attacks on me within an hour! Not just from daemons who happened upon me, but who were attacking ME, specifically, while ignoring other vulnerable targets! How is this happening, Gaela?!"

The Dark Techpriest considered the question for a long moment. "Do you want the physical explanation first, or the behavioral?"

Presenting a simple choice of explanations in strictly technical terms seemed to immediately hit some sort of fuzzy, comfortable spot in the pony's brain, and Twilight suddenly felt more at ease. "Physical, please," she said before sitting down.

"Very well. As I'm sure you're aware, travel through the Warp is extremely dangerous. Not only does Warpspace generally lack the physical necessities for sustaining life, but the primary denizens of any reasonable intelligence and power are daemons, who are generally malevolent, irrational, and murderous."

"Of course. But it's the only way to cross intergalactic distances in any reasonable time frame, right?" Twilight asked.

"Technically, no. But it is the most feasible. However, ship armor cannot prevent infiltration by daemonic creatures in Warp space. We prevent daemonic corruption and infiltration of void ships during Warp transit with a machine called the Gellar field."

Twilight nodded slowly. "So, do you think there's something wrong with the Gellar field?"

"In a manner of speaking. The Harvest of Steel does not have one."

Twilight took a moment to remove her helmet just so that she could be sure Gaela was experiencing the full power of her "are you being serious right now" glare.

"Wait. The biggest, most important ship in your fleet doesn't have one of the most important machines for space travel?" Spike asked. "Why not?"

"It is unnecessary," Gaela insisted. "Within the Warp the Harvest of Steel is, for all intents and purposes, a daemon itself. Its hull can deflect the energies of the Warp as well as any mundane device. Better, in many ways." Then the Techpriest paused. "And worse in other ways."

"Elaborate, please," Twilight insisted.

"As it is essentially an enormous daemon, the Harvest's hull would be analogous to the skin of an ordinary living creature. A simple, effective barrier that keeps out the vast majority of daemons, which in this metaphorical comparison would be akin to harmful microbes. Unlike a Gellar field, it cannot suffer some sudden malfunction or fail all at once."

"But just like skin, sometimes the microbes get past it," Twilight concluded.

"It happens at times, yes," Gaela admitted, "which brings us to the behavior analysis. Even once a daemon penetrates the Harvest of Steel, it rarely attacks the crew. While not all daemons obey the masters of Chaos, the glyphs that represent the darker powers tend to inform all but the most mindless Warpspawn that they are in hostile territory and that the souls here are already claimed. Even the slaves are branded with the Star of Chaos." She pointed her axe at Twilight. "You are not. Even your armor is absent the Star."

"So the Chaos symbols typically ward away daemons, and I'm vulnerable because I don't have one?" the Princess reiterated. "Then shouldn't they be attacking Spike, too?"

"Psykers are ever a beacon for daemons, whether in the Warp or material universe. It is possible that daemons infiltrating the flagship sense you so easily that they ignore lesser, more vulnerable prey."

Twilight took a step forward. "It's 'possible' this is the reason? So we don't know?"

"I can only hypothesize based on the data you have provided. I can think of no other reason that daemon infiltrators would attack you with such determination."

Twilight sighed and sat down again. "Well, how do we get them to STOP?"

"We can modify your armor to bear the appropriate symbols," Gaela offered, "it would also help substantially if you were to convert fully to the cult of Chaos, swear yourself to the Dark Gods, and receive a mark upon your person."

Twilight recoiled. "Uh... well, a glyph stamped on my armor seems nice and superficial and... reversible."

"A pity. So long as you maintain your senseless façade of neutrality you will never reach your full potential." Gaela shrugged. "Nonetheless, it is your choice. I will see to it that-"

"Pardon, Techpriest," interrupted a voice from behind Gaela.

A pair of Dark Acolytes were approaching, their eyes and optics fixed on the Techpriest.

"What is it?" Gaela demanded, her frown slightly deeper than usual. It hadn't been long since she herself had been an Acolyte, but she still expected those of lesser rank to show proper deference and refrain from interrupting her.

"Overhearing your conversation with the insolent equine psyker, we have generated a hypothesis that we wish to submit for analysis," said one of the Acolytes.

Twilight scowled at him. "You KNOW my name! We're allies! Stop pretending I'm just some dumb animal you picked up on a random planet!"

The other Dark Acolyte continued, ignoring Twilight completely. "We believe that the incidents involved are not random daemonic infiltrations guided to the psyker by mere opportunity. We hypothesize that the daemonic incursions are the vanguard of a hidden yet sustained assault with the specific goal of killing the aberrant pony."

Twilight wasn't entirely sure what to say to that. On the one hoof, it was pretty much what she had suspected since the beginning. On the other hoof, only now that it was being taken seriously was she coming to realize just how terrifying a prospect this actually was. Daemons were bestial, generally unintelligent creatures, but they possessed a bizarre array of powers and qualities that made them unpredictable. The last two had managed to attack her when she was least expecting it, in places that she had considered safe. Was ANY place truly safe when daemons wanted you dead?

"What logical support or evidence do you have for this hypothesis?" Gaela demanded.

"Immediately after the animal's entry into the facility, an inactive Riot Drone inexplicably became functional without any prerequisite structural restoration," the first Acolyte explained, pointing to the side, "it immediately tried to aim its weapons in the witch horse's direction."

Everyone turned to look where he was pointing. A servitor stood nearby, holding one of the dish-shaped combat drones in its hydraulic arms. The drone was obviously struggling, trying to turn its broken pulse carbines toward Twilight while sparks blasted from its gear assembly.

"We have determined that the drone has been daemonically possessed. Upon hearing that this is the third such incident, it is my belief that these attacks do not represent an incidental convergence of statistically unlikely events, but a sustained, calculated effort to remove the xeno from this mortal coil."

Gaela continued staring at the Riot Drone for a little longer. "... I see. Destroy it."

A hiss came from the servitor's claws, and the squealing drone was crushed to shards. The servitor then carried the mangled mess over to the recycler engines.

"Why would daemons want to kill me PERSONALLY?" Twilight asked. "I'm not an enemy of Chaos! At least, not recently!"

"The will of the Dark Gods is often unfathomable to mere mortals," Gaela admitted, "perhaps we should seek a spiritual solution. There are preachers among the Chaos cultists."

One of the Dark Acolytes spoke up again. "I believe there is a more pressing matter at hand. Several previously inactive vehicles have began registering heat signatures. I believe their reactors are reactivating."

Gaela spun around, her optics whirling. Multiple wrecks were promptly outlined in bright red as her targeting systems picked out movement and thermal emissions.

"Wait, you mean even more daemons are coming?" Spike asked in alarm.

"Negative." Gaela's left arm split apart as it engaged its combat mode, exposing the magnetic coils within the cannon. "They are already here."

The first giant mechanized arm that broke free from the pile of rubbish and wrecked armor barely lasted a second before it was sliced apart by lasers. Hot, molten steel splashed from the arm as it collapsed, and a gout of purple-reddish flame sputtered from the severed limb.

The second and third machines to emerge from the scrap pile were shot apart in a similar fashion, stopped dead by pin-point accurate shots from the short line of Tech-clergy standing before the scrapyard. There were half a dozen Dark Acolytes and Techpriests in attendance, and as usual, all were well-armed and ready to take to battle without any particular concern for why they were suddenly fighting zombie robots in the heart of their own flagship. The servitors stopped working and trudged over to the firing line, while the slaves that had been assisting them quickly clustered in the corners of the room, as far from danger as possible.

"What is this?! This doesn't make any sense!" Twilight complained while she put her helmet back on. "How did this many daemons get into the ship?! This is a pretty clear indictment of this whole 'no Gellar field' idea!"

"Sparkle, save any corrective recommendations for after the combat has concluded," Gaela ordered. She fired a glittering white bolt over a defunct Killa Kan, striking another revived Riot Drone and blasting it apart. Then the Killa Kan itself started rumbling, and its main sensors began to flicker.

Twilight cycled her vox system to the ship-wide channel as soon as her visor turned on. "This is Twilight Sparkle! I'm in materials recovery center six in section 89-12! We are under attack! I repeat! We are under attack! Daemons have infiltrated the ship and are launching a concentrated assault on my location!"

She levitated the force harmonizer into its combat position, feeding a trickle of power to the weapon while awaiting a response.

"... Hello? Is anybody hearing this? You're not all ignoring me because I'm a pony, are you? We need help!"

The Killa Kan surged forward, ripping free of the pile of ruined armor and loose cabling that had buried it. Its buzz saw arm stuttered to a start, and bright red sparks blasted from a dozen malfunctioning systems.

"Geez, even the reality-warping monsters can't work Ork tech as well as Orks," Spike mumbled.

A brilliant purple beam screamed over his head, and the front of the Ork attack walker folded instantly before it was ripped in half. Spike yelped and jumped away, hiding behind Gaela's leg to avoid being between Twilight and any new targets.

"Why isn't anyone answering?!" Twilight shouted into her vox. "Is this some sort of Mechanicus-only local network?"

A horrendous screech suddenly came from her helmet vox, and the alicorn Princess felt her blood run cold. Every other member of the Dark Mechanicus likewise stumbled, clutching their heads and sputtering Binaric Cant.

"The vox... they've compromised the vox system!" Gaela shouted. Her tone of voice was finally approaching something like actual concern. She stood up straight again and fired her ion blaster, knocking down an automata that was trying to pull itself free from the garbage.

"They... WHAT? Is that even possible?" Twilight gasped while launching a volley of magic missiles.

"I would normally say no, but here we are," Gaela muttered bitterly. She chopped away a metal tendril of sizzling wires that was reaching for her leg. "Open the blast doors! There's no need to hold this facility against the daemons!"

"Not happening!" Spike shouted, pointing anxiously behind them. "Look!"

It became obvious with a glance that Gaela was not the first to have the idea of running away. The slaves were banging and screaming at the closed and locked blast doors, while a single Dark Acolyte worked at the door controls and spoke prayers of Binary to no obvious effect. A pair of servitors were trying to pry the door open with their hydraulic claws, but that too looked to be a doomed effort.

"Oh, Celestia, why?!" Twilight shouted, firing a beam across the surging mountain of scrap. "Why is this happening?! We've got an entire army of military wreckage trying to murder us and it's all my fault and I don't know WHY!" Her horn casing flashed, and a trio of lightning bolts punched into the junk pile. Robots and drones went berserk as the energy surge fried whatever electronics were sporadically reviving themselves, eventually falling back to a state of inert scrap waiting to be processed.

"Enemy units have limited combat function and compromised mobility," another Dark Techpriest reminded the others between shots of his arc pistol, "we possess complete tactical superiority."

As soon as the Techpriest finished speaking, part of the junk pile suddenly lifted upward. Scrap tumbled down the jagged hills, and the screech of metal scraping against metal briefly overcame the sound of energy weapons firing.

"Oh, NOW what?" Twilight demanded before shooting down another pair of damaged drones.

The Dark Mechanicus clergy began backing up from the scrapyard. "Scans indicate Warp coalescent event of magnitude four," bleated one of the cyborgs in black.

"Twi! What does that mean?" Spike asked.

"I don't know!"

"Gaela! What does that mean?" Spike asked.

"There's a big one coming," Gaela explained, "we may have just lost our 'tactical superiority'."

Another massive shift in the junk pile caused a hill of scrap armor to form, and something resembling a body began to break free.

At first Twilight thought that an Ork Battlewagon was somehow rising to the top of the scrap heap, and after a few seconds she confirmed that, in fact, an Ork Battlewagon was indeed somehow rising to the top of the scrap heap. Glittering red lights flickered behind the broken viewports, and the large steel lower jaw that decorated the front of the assault transport yawned open like a real mouth. Bits of metal churned all below it, some of it rolling down the hill of trash while other bits flew up and slapped onto the hull of the possessed vehicle like magnets. All around the larger mechanical, webs of cabling began whipping about and poking at other wreckage. These machines were pulled free of the scrap that bound them and animated more quickly, as if fed by the larger daemon.

"... Okay. That's a little concerning," Twilight admitted. Her force harmonizer started humming, and she carefully lined up a shot into the cab of the Ork vehicle.

"Wait! Twi! Watch out!" Spike shouted.

Twilight didn't know what it was that tackled her from behind, which she supposed was the point of Spike's warning. The harmonizer fired its charged beam as she hit the ground and lost control of it, slashing a thick ray of violet energy across the ceiling.

Twilight's armor shrieked as metal scraped against it, and she kicked frantically while trying to see what had grabbed her. One of her flailing swipes connected, pushing her attacker away, and Twilight finally managed to turn over and get a look.

It was a servitor. An ordinary, vice-handed, lumbering servitor. That seemed to be oozing blood from its mouth. That was kind of weird.

Even more bizarre was the way that it lurched forward and seized Twilight's leg with its claw while unusually loud Machine Code poured from its vocalizer.

"They... did they actually possess a servitor, too?" Twilight gasped.

Said servitor pulled Twilight closer and then hammered its free pincer into her helmet, suggesting that she was correct. Twilight's horn flashed, and purple flame washed over the cyber-slave, crisping its pale, weathered flesh.

This did not have the intended effect of actually stopping the possessed servitor, however. It swung Twilight around and slammed her into the metal flooring, jarring her within her armor even if it failed to break the plating.

The cyborg worker reached for her neck, the vise pistons hissing while the iron clamps of its arms yawned open.

"Get off her!" Spike yelled, leaping up onto the servitor's leg. He latched onto the rough thermal fiber clothing that the cyber-slaves wore for pants, and started tugging at a wire cluster on the servitor's arm to hold it back.

The possessed cyborg barely took three seconds to swat the baby dragon off of its leg, but three seconds was a long time to hope the armed psyker you were grabbing would stay stunned and helpless. After Spike bounced away, the servitor found itself staring at a damaged metal crate sailing toward it, propelled by a haze of purple light. The container struck the servitor square in the chest and knocked it back, although it retained its footing.

"By Celestia! Is there ANYTHING on this ship that can't be possessed by a daemon and used to kill me?!" Twilight griped. She shifted the focus of her telekinesis, and near-solid rings of purple magic snapped into place around the servitor's arms and legs, holding it fast.

The servitor struggled for a few seconds, but its augmented limbs weren't designed for high strength and it lacked any particular leverage. In response, the wires and cabling that coiled around its bionic parts each ripped free of one port, slithering away in a shower of sparks or blast of compressed air. Then they began to writhe and whip forward like tentacles, snaking forward to clear the gap between the servitor and the pony. The seams between metal and flesh split open, revealing a seething green energy that Twilight was fairly sure wasn't generated by either the augmetic or organic components. Spikes of bone and metal started poking out from the scorched epidermis of the cyber-slave, completing the impression that its form was shifting ever further toward the daemonic.

Twilight was not of a mind to leave her would-be assassin alone, however. As it squirmed and shifted, Twilight located her harmonizer and levitated it up off the floor. A wedge of crackling purple energy formed between the poles of the weapon, and then it arced over Twilight's head and plunged into the immobilized cyborg.

"First monsters, then machines, and now even the servitors!" Twilight shouted, ripping the sizzling blade through her attacker from shoulder to groin. "What's next?! You've got a long way to go before you can kill ME!"

A jaw-rattling crash answered her boast, and a flaming chunk of metal bounced off the floor just next to her.

Twilight whirled around, facing the main junk pile again.

"... Oh. Right. The big thing. I forgot about that."

The Battlewagon that had emerged from the surface of the scrap heap had risen even further above the enormous pile of wreckage by now, and couldn't really be considered a Battlewagon any longer. Enormous arms composed of twisted armor plates and loosely-bundled cables clawed at the garbage piles, drawing more metal onto the growing monstrosity and flinging wreckage at the surrounding warriors.

The tide of smaller possessed machines had not faltered either, and if anything seemed to be speeding up thanks to the greater daemon. Gaela was hacking away at dozens of small, lurching objects that appeared to be nothing more than clusters of random discarded armor and parts somehow stirred to mobility. The other Mechanicus clergy had broken into two groups, concentrating either on shooting down the smaller machines or helping break through the blast doors trapping them inside.

"Is the vox still being jammed?" Twilight asked before bringing up the force harmonizer again. "Can anyone hear me?"

She began charging her heavy beam weapon, and her vox system crackled in her ear.

"... Interloper... Thief..." the voice was scratchy, and surrounded by static feedback, but she could barely make out something hissing angrily at her. "Kill... the hope... you will... die..."

"Yeah, okay! You hate me and want me dead! I noticed!" Twilight snapped.

Her force harmonizer discharged, slamming into the face of the enormous daemon atop the scrap heap. Armor plating folded and a thick, glowing gouge was cut into the snarling maw of the mechanical monster, but as the beam faded Twilight was quite distressed to see that little real damage had been done.

Massive crane-like arms lifted around the mechanical horror, each one squeezing a claw full of refuse into a makeshift projectile. The arms lashed forward, flinging the balls of compressed wreckage at its equine target.

One trash ball missed entirely, smashing apart on the ground nearly a meter off-target and scattering shards of metal over the floor. The second was more accurate, but Twilight simply slowed the descent of the orb of junk with her levitation and then magically placed it to her side.

"Well, at least it can't dish it out as well as it can take it!" She fired her harmonizer again, ripping the beam across the face of the daemonic machine. Warpflame blasted from the impact and the cybernetic behemoth lurched back, yet as the last motes of violet energy faded away there was no damage beyond a burning scar across the monster's cab.

"Maybe if I hit the legs? It would stop it from getting loose from the junk heap, at least!" Twilight mused aloud, cycling the harmonizer for another shot.

"Twi! Forget that!" Spike's voice came from behind, and a tiny fist banged on her leg armor. "We're getting out of here! Let these things HAVE the trash pile!"

Twilight turned to look at the blast doors, and saw that a pair of Dark Techpriests were backing away from a ring of melta charges that had been placed against the front. Clearly they intended to simply blast a hole through the barrier and abandon the facility.

"All right! Great!" Twilight fired another harmonizer beam at the daemonic machine, shattering one of its arms that was wheeling back to hurl more junk at her. "Gaela! We're falling back! Let's go!"

+Wretched daemon! Weak, unworthy, mockeries of the holy machine!+ Gaela sputtered while ripping a damaged automata in two with her servo arms. Her left arm surged with power, and she unleashed a swirling lash of crackling ion radiation into a lumbering walker.

"Gaela! Come on! There's no point in fighting these things!" Twilight shouted.

The melta charges went off behind her, and she glanced back at the exit. Hot vapor poured from the breach, and the deck slaves started scrambling and pushing to get out before the doors had even cooled.

"We're clear! We can get-"

Then the screaming began.

Through the smoke came a claw like obsidian, reaching for the closest bodies pushing for the door. It scythed through the crowding slaves, swiping back and forth to ward the panicked laborers back.

"They're coming from the doors, too!" Spike shouted, running around Twilight's legs in panicked circles. "We're surrounded!"

Twilight gaped in horror as the crew trying to get out suddenly scattered. The new daemon, an ebony-skinned, giant humanoid with scythe-like arms, squeezed through the breach and onto the blood-soaked floor of the recycling facility, a needle-like tongue darting out from between its teeth. A servitor that had not been as quick to retreat as the sentient workers had its chest pierced by a talon, and a moment later the cyborg was sheared entirely in half.

"Get out of its way!" Twilight cried. "It's after me!"

The various humanoids were only too happy to open a path to the armored mare, and the daemon accelerated to a frantic sprint. Its arms flailed wildly as it ran, and a blade-tipped tail lashed behind it, scoring small, random cuts on the surrounding slaves and cultists.

Daemon and alicorn clashed in a burst of magical lightning and deadly Warpflame. Twilight teleported to avoid the initial charge, but was struck across the breast by the tail blade. The daemon seemed to shrug off the first magic blast, but the force harmonizer spun across its arm and severed it at the elbow.

Pony and monster staggered back, already gathering their power for the next exchange.

A ball of twisted scrap metal smashed into the floor between them, scoring both combatants with metal shards. Twilight forced herself not to flinch away from the shrapnel cutting across her visor, knowing that the Warp monster facing her would show no fear or pain.

Sure enough, the daemon leapt immediately. Its talons extended to punch straight through her helmet, and a howl that she felt more than she heard chilled her blood.

Twilight launched another spell, striking the daemon in mid-leap. Unlike the first enchantment, however, this magic wasn't intended to hurt the daemon directly. A powerful magnetic pulse surrounded the Warpspawn, and Twilight herself felt her body pulled forward within its shell of metal. As for the monster itself, it slammed straight down onto the metal flooring, its jump cut painfully short of its target. Every piece of shrapnel from the scrap projectile immediately jumped back toward the daemon, slicing and battering its false skin before clinging to it.

Another heap of wreckage launched toward Twilight, sailing in an arc through the cavernous facility. Twilight glanced up at the projectile, but did nothing as it approached, watching the scrap sphere veer off its course in due time and home in on her opponent instead. The heap of metal crushed the daemon utterly with its impact, smashing it across the floor in a streak of Warp flame and dust.

"All right, are we clear now?" Twilight demanded, glancing over to the large mechanical daemon atop the garbage heap. It kept growing ever larger, connecting to more wrecked vehicles and more lengths of cabling and metal for limbs. At the very least it didn't seem to improve its ranged attacks much, but if and when it managed to free itself from the scrap heap and move, she didn't think anything would be able to stop it.

Turning toward the exit revealed an even worse situation. Dark Techpriests and servitors battered back a constant stream of frenzied daemons that squirmed in through the room's exit breach. None were as large as the beast she had just dispatched, but there was no indication that the assault would stop. The daemons would keep coming, killing or possessing whatever was in their way... until SHE was dead.

"What do I do?" she hissed behind her visor. Red outlines flashed constantly. Warning runes glared at her. Targeting reticules spun. A cacophony of data spun around her head, tracking the violence in terrifying detail.

One of the red blips vanished.

An enraged roar came from the exit breach. A larger daemon trying to clamber into the room was instead being pulled back into the adjoined hallway. It screamed again, and then vanished into the hole.

Twilight's vox system came to life, this time of its own accord.

"Executive: All units, stand down."

Every member of the Mechanicus clergy jerked to attention and stopped, like puppets being tugged upright and held there. Weapons faltered immediately and the servitors that had been fighting froze stiff.

The various daemons seemed to sense the shift in hostilities immediately. Rather than cutting down the immobilized cyborgs, they whirled on their true prey. Some half-dozen blade-limbed Warpspawn and perhaps thirty more possessed machines of various mobility and potential threat began to clamber for the equine in the room, each one sputtering its own unique, horrifying battle scream.

Twilight gulped and jumped up into a hover, moving to dodge another ball of scrap being hurled from the junk heap. The monsters closed ranks, forming a semi-circle of twitching claws and squealing metal. The enormous mechanical snarled, sending more and more lumbering metal pawns stumbling from the trash pile. Spike - who didn't have the advantage of flight but did have the advantage of not being the target - kicked and shouted at Gaela's leg, trying to get the Dark Techpriest to move again.

Another burst of static came from the vox. This time, however, the irritating feedback seemed to linger, irritating Twilight's ears long after another order was issued through the network.

"Repeat executive: STAND. DOWN."

Twilight gaped in surprised as nearly every one of the possessed machines shuddered to stop. The enormous monster above the scrap heap roared, voicing its frustration with a voice like tearing metal. Even the daemons of pure Warp-borne faux flesh staggered and screeched, seeming confused and agitated by the command.

It didn't bother them nearly as much as the lasers, though.

Focused spans of crimson rays converged on the daemons one by one, scorching black tracks across immaterial flesh. Then the webs of lasers met at a single point and pulsed, coring each of the Warp-borne monstrosities. They fell screeching onto the floor, their bodies coming apart and gouts of green and pink fire vomiting from their wounds.

Twilight spotted the source of the attacks immediately, although it took some time to place the name. Thin, insectoid legs skittered over the blood-streaked metal flooring, carrying what almost resembled a nine-foot metal monolith cloaked in black rubber. Mechatendrils and laser emitters spun and lashed about in independent clusters, almost casually spreading patterns of utterly lethal red light upon any hostile within range. Atop the tower of humming metal and shadowy rubber was a cluster of dozens of glittering green orbs; a spider-like array of eyes sitting under the hood of the cloak that obscured the bulk of the cybernetic body.

"Dark Magos Kaelith!" Twilight shouted, tilting toward the ancient cyborg. "Did you fix the vox? We have to-"

A few optics lenses turned to focus on her, and then Twilight yelped as her suit systems suddenly went dead. She crashed onto the floor, rolling across the bits of metal detritus and scorch marks that used to be howling monsters.

The final true daemon leapt for the alicorn, only to be bisected by a streaming laser mid-jump. Its body disintegrated on contact with the armored, immobile pony, washing against her inert ceramite shell as if it were made of dust.

"Explanatory: Local interference is delaying operational timetables. Efficiency has fallen below average transit threshold."

Kaelith scuttled past Twilight as he complained, apparently ignoring the disabled pony. She could hardly believe her ears. Monsters roamed the ship, people were dying, and heaps of trash and defunct vehicles were being spontaneously animated to kill her, and his primary concern was a small drop in the tonnage of recycling output? Putting aside that he had deactivated her armor just to quiet her down! She resolved to ask Solon about re-working the armor killswitch authorization if she survived this.

If Twilight seemed annoyed by Kaelith's intervention, the daemon-machine atop the garbage pile was enraged. A sound like a buzz saw biting into a steel bar filled the room as it screeched, the jaws of its armored bumper yawning open toward the ceiling.

The possessed machines started twitching to life again, as if the sheer fury of the greater daemon were fighting against the commands of the Dark Magos.

Then Kaelith began to pray.

"Machine spirit, energizing force, eternal bond, heed the call of your Chosen." Kaelith curled up like the centipede he resembled, his melta torches clicking together under his cranial assembly like mandibles. "Let metal and flame be lashed forever to our will. The will of the Omnissiah. The will of Mechanicus. My will."

The Dark Acolytes and Dark Techpriests, Gaela included, suddenly moved as one, falling onto their knees (or adopting a similar positions for less traditional leg models). A cacophony of sequenced Binaric Cant sputtered from the dark clergy, layering their electronic verse after Kaelith's words in what was easily the most awful song that Twilight and Spike had ever heard. The screaming of the giant daemon robot was barely as bad, and at least it stopped quickly.

"Daemonic soul: wild, bestial, free... you pollute the cold dignity of the machine with your presence." The Binary chorus boomed behind the Magos, its static screeching rising and falling unevenly. "The place of the machine is to serve. To labor. To kill... at man's direction."

The possessed machines staggered forward, sparks showering the floor while their various limbs twisted and jerked against some unknown force.

"You are defective. You are unneeded. You are unproductive," Kaelith intoned, raising his head to look straight up. His torches and emitters spread out, as if he was gesturing grandly to some unknown spectator. "You are no more."

A wave of invisible energy blasted outward from the Dark Magos, generating a hum that barely tickled the flesh. As the pulse struck the daemonically possessed machines, however, the mechanical beasts howled and writhed, dropping to the floor. Snaking wires fell limp, lumens and sensors went dark, and hissing engines sputtered to a halt. Hunks of metal that seemed to be attached to each other with pure logic-defying Warp power collapsed into inert pieces. The mob of machines fell apart more quickly before Kaelith's prayer than any actual weapon could have managed, sweeping over the scrap pile and stilling the shattered walkers and automata clawing their way through the trash.

The tech-clergy stopped chanting in Binary, watching the proceedings silently. Even the slaves seemed to calm themselves and observe, fascinated.

Only the largest mechanical, the daemonic monster with the head of a Battlewagon, remained. It sat upon thick coils of wires and shifting pistons, glowering down upon the cyborgs below and the equine it had been sent to slay.

By now Twilight had magically put away her armor, having decided that being able to move and see was more important than having an extra barrier between her and the Warpspawn.

"Okay, so what's going on, now?" she asked irritably. "Why did you need to-"

"Executive," Kaelith interrupted, his distinctly electronic voice sounding harsher than usual. "Hold position and be silent."

The Dark Magos scuttled forward toward the scrap heap and the daemonic abomination sitting atop it. Twilight scowled, but didn't interrupt further. She could erect a barrier at will and the daemon seemed to be almost immobile. She didn't even know why the Magos was getting closer.

He did approach the garbage pile however, and the daemonic machine lurched forward. Scrap metal rolled down the sides of the heap, spilling across the floor under Kaelith's insect-like feet.

The Dark Magos stopped, peering up at the Warp-corrupted creature of wreckage through a dozen glittering green lights.

"Observatory: A flawed creation. Limited mobility, effective range, and overall combat viability. A daemonic will forced into broken vessels with no regard for schematic proficiency. Purpose without form. Repulsive."

The greater daemon either took offense at this analysis, or otherwise decided to remove the relatively tiny creature interfering in its task. The decorative jaw of the Battlewagon yawned open again, the metal pistons and misshapen gears around it squealing loudly. Within the gaping hull, several crackling energy nodes converged onto a single spot and then sparked to life.

Kaelith watched, silent and unmoving, as the daemon began building a coherent, contained plasma sphere within its "mouth". The sphere ballooned from the size of a marble to the size of a bowling ball, and the energizing nodes started to shake from the effort.

"Revision: It would seem there is some degree of sophistication in this unit's development cycle. Recommendation: There may be value in analysis post-mortem."

"Why are you just standing there?!" Twilight shouted. "That's obviously a projectile weapon! Run! Or kill it! Or... I don't know, pray? That worked pretty well before!"

Kaelith didn't acknowledge the pony, remaining still and staring up at the colossal machine. The plasma orb within the daemonic Battlewagon's maw swelled to nearly a meter in diameter, and then finally shot forward, directly into Kaelith's face.

Twilight wasn't entirely sure what happened after that. There was a pulsing, blinding flash at the moment of impact, but it was significantly dimmer and less noisy than the plasma cannon blasts that she'd seen before. There was also the fact that the Dark Tech-clergy were still standing attentively and silently while watching their leader face off against the possessed junk-daemon. Dark Techpriests were cold and dispassionate at the best of times, but Twilight felt that the mood here wasn't mere indifference.

Her eyes finished adjusting to the pulsing light (she really wished the ship's lumens had a setting higher than "unsettling gloom") and she stared at the sight of the Company's Dark Magos. A single small mechanical arm reached out above Kaelith, extending a trio of glowing finger-like nodes in front of the swirling ball of plasma. The destructive orb of boiling energy quivered in the air barely a foot above Kaelith, suspended in its magnetic bubble by some invisible force.

"Conclusive: The machine will serve, or it will be destroyed. Perish, daemon."

Another flash came from Kaelith's manipulator arm, and the plasma sphere suddenly rocketed back up toward the possessed machine. The "head" of the daemon lurched back as the orb exploded within it, coating its internals with lethal energy and burning a stream of vapor out the monster's back. Seams started to break apart and rivulets of metal slag drooled from the machine's body. The core of the daemonic device, more akin to daemonic heart than a functional reactor, sputtered to a halt, and the lights behind the windows of the Battlewagon began to dim.

Kaelith turned around, scuttling directly toward Twilight. He didn't even twist a single optic sensor around to watch while the corrupted wreck collapsed back into the scrap heap from whence it came.

"Observatory: This facility is secure. Interrogative: Why is unit Sparkle the target objective of a daemonic incursion?" buzzed the Dark Magos.

"That's what I want to know!" Twilight griped. "But why don't we start with questions that one of us might actually have an answer for? Why did you trigger my armor killswitch during a battle?! Another daemon could have appeared or possessed something near me!"

The rows of projectors along Kaelith's body quivered. "Counter-factual: I do not need to explain my tactical decisions to you, xeno filth. Executive: You will comply with my orders or be eliminated."

Twilight bristled, her wings spreading threateningly. "You didn't give any orders! You just glanced at me and powered me down for no reason and with no warning! That's dangerous, even if I wasn't already in a battlefield!"

"Counter-factual: Unit Sparkle survived my tactical execution without difficulty. Conclusive: You are wrong, and will cease your prattling. Interrogative: What is the current hypothesis in regarding the daemonic incursion?"

"Don't you 'conclusive' me! This is serious! I'm not under your command in the first place! I-" Twilight felt a metal hand rest on her back, and she barely stopped herself from lashing out with a terrified kick at whatever had unexpectedly touched her.

Gaela stood over Twilight, and she released a lengthy string of Binaric Cant. A few of Kaelith's optic sensors twitched over in her direction, and he returned the blast of static with his own.

Twilight sulked while the two Tech-clerics spoke in their own language, completely shutting her out of their conversation. She couldn't even use body language or facial expressions to follow the tone of the exchange, since metal shielding was very good at hiding both.

Another hand fell onto her leg, this one more familiar. Spike had emerged from wherever he had been hiding and was smiling at her nervously, trying to provide some comfort to the troubled mare. Twilight greatly appreciated the gesture.

It took a good four minutes of ear-grating static bursts before Magos Kaelith suddenly turned away, scuttling toward the blast doors. Said doors were slowly grinding open despite their earlier damage, and a contingent of black-robed Scavurel were holding position on the other side.

"We have concluded our discussion on your circumstances," Gaela informed Twilight. Her mask hissed sharply before breaking open and revealing the Techpriest's face. Her frown looked slightly more grim than usual. "Dark Magos Kaelith blames you for the interruptions and expenditures. He does not believe that you are unaware of how you have offended the Warpspawn, and is of the opinion that we should turn you over to the daemonic intruders."

Twilight's fur stood on end. "WHAT?! Is... Is that why he turned off my armor?" Then she paused. "But, wait, he also fought off the daemons. Why do that if he thinks I should be sacrificed to appease them?"

"Pride, mostly," Gaela said, gazing toward the scrap heaps. Unlike the lesser possessed machines, the larger one had not fallen apart completely upon its demise; it still resembled a head that funneled down into many smaller bodies of metal via thick bundles of cabling. "The Dark Magos cannot abide daemons operating freely within his facilities, as if they were peers to the Dark Techpriests given free rein through the ship. And machines that do not accept commands are always an offensive existence to the tech-clergy. Had he found the resistance here beyond his strength, he would have surrendered your life eagerly."

Twilight's expression managed to sour even further. Spike furrowed his brow. "Kinda complex, isn't he?"

"He maintains a distinctly human temperament, with all its idiosyncrasies and distortions. It is a flaw we all strive to overcome daily." Then Gaela's expression turned to a hateful sneer. "However, that is no excuse for putting his own will before that of the Iron Warriors. Warsmith Solon is your High Commander, not Magos Kaelith, and your life belongs to him."

Twilight winced. "Er... yeah. I guess it does. That's... just short of comforting, really."

Gaela quickly returned to an expression of excessively serious indifference. "In any case, he cannot reactivate your power armor while it is banished with your witchcraft, but he has authorized me to do so."

"Okay, so what happens now?" Spike asked. "We're sure these daemons forced their way in to try to kill Twilight, right? We can't just leave her alone! Who knows when they'll attack again?"

"You are mistaken," Gaela said bluntly, "the previous attack has not ended."

Both the pony and the dragon quickly whirled about, back-to-back, staring frantically about the recycling complex.

"Where? Where are they?! I can't see them! Oh, Celestia help us, are they invisible now?!" Spike wailed, his head whipping from side-to-side.

Twilight's horn flashed, and her inert power armor reappeared around her body. "Gaela! Turn it on! Hurry!"

The Dark Techpriest sighed. "The incursion in this particular room has been banished. There are no more enemies here." She took a moment to reset Twilight's armor settings anyway, and the powered shell started humming as its power cells reactivated.

"Then what did you mean the attack hasn't ended?" Spike asked nervously.

"You recall that when the exit was breached, it merely created another entry point for daemonic intruders?" She waited for the Equestrians to nod fearfully. "Daemons are appearing from all over the ship and attempting to converge on this location. Iron Warrior fire squads have been deployed to repel them, but that battle is still taking place."

"What the hay is going ON here?!" Twilight growled. "When did I make an enemy out of the Warp and everything in it?"

"That is an interesting question, but probably something to be researched later," Gaela mumbled, "for now we have contained the daemons' reinforcements. We will find their entry points and put an end to this."

Twilight's visor loaded a local-area map, and she winced. Numerous corridors were being guarded by Iron Warrior squads who were engaged in heavy firefights. The enemies were harder to track, apparently, appearing on the map outline and then flickering away, but the daemons at least seemed to match the Chaos Space Marines in numbers.

"Should I go help?" Twilight asked, levitating the force harmonizer above her head.

"Negative. Your movement may shift the enemy's tactical approach. The current situation is sustainable until our assault forces shut down the incursion," Gaela assured the pony, "for now, we have been asked to hold here. Once the threat has been contained, you are being moved to psionic isolation."

"Eugh..." Twilight grimaced and hung her head. "I just wish I knew why this was happening. I don't really like the idea of all these people getting hurt because of me."

"They are not getting hurt because of you," the Dark Techpriest said with an edge in her voice, "the daemons have forced their way onto the Company's ship. They are an enemy to all of us for this reason alone, and will be destroyed for their trespass. Their particular objective, while useful to know, is irrelevant."

"You might feel differently if they were after you," Twilight grumbled. Then she paused. "Well, okay, probably not. Still-"

"I must return to my previous work," Gaela interrupted. She leaned over to pick up a cluster of coiled wires. "The Dark Magos was already quite upset about lagging production schedules, and has adjusted our shifts to compensate for the personnel killed."

"Of course he has," Twilight growled. "Would you like some help? After all that it would be rather cathartic to shove the remains of my enemies into a furnace."

"By all means."


Harvest of Steel - sub-deck 33F

One by one they clawed their way into the stale, recycled air of the void ship. Claws, talons, and thick, powerful fingers emerged from crackling fissures, pulling horribly disfigured, bestial bodies from the bulkheads and onto the blood-spattered floors.

Each daemon paused to orient itself, taking in the strange sensations of the material universe that had intruded upon their endless ocean of psionic turmoil. They were simple-minded spawn, and barely more intelligent than mere beasts; none could fathom the complexity of their mission, or wonder at the orderly, seemingly inert interior of the massive daemon they had infiltrated. All they knew was their mission, and the psyker equine loomed large in their senses despite the many meters and barriers that stood between the hunters and their target.

There were only two other immediate curiosities that distracted them from launching the next wave in the continuing effort to slay the pony. One was the emaciated human man writhing on the floor, clutching his head in agony. He was quivering in the fetal position, in the center of a complex runic circle drawn from his own blood. He was also generating lashes of prismatic energy that passed over the blood runes and then arced up into the walls and floor, opening new rifts for new daemons. Although the daemons found this intriguing, and the man's fearful suffering tantalizing, they left him alone.

The second thing was the giant eye staring at them from the ceiling. None of them really knew what was up with that.

The pounding of metal on metal roused the daemons from their distraction, and each one oriented itself toward the distant alicorn whose soul they wished to claim. They set out down the hallway, snarling and ready to pounce. They sought no prey other than the purple one, but would not hesitate to destroy anything that thought to stand in their way.

Until that anything turned out to be a giant, heavily armored Chaos Lord with heavy bolters. Then they hesitated.

The heavy bolters opened fire with a roar, streaming explosive bolts into the hall. The closest daemons were blasted off their feet as the explosive rounds blew away portions of their bodies into puffs of Warpflame, and even those not hit directly were savaged by a whirlwind of deadly shrapnel. Many survived the first salvo, staggered and surprised but still mostly intact. Flesh began to knit back together and scorched dust rose from the floor to reform crippled limbs.

"Ah, I think I found the shource," Solon said to himself between bursts from his weapons. He continued striding forward, leveling brief, careful salvos at the Warpspawn crawling about the hall. A few of the daemons shrieked and charged, leaping up onto the Warsmith and scraping at his armor with their bare claws.

Solon scooped up one such creature with his primary servo claw, and crushed it to dust without ceremony. The other swiped at his face, and Solon caught the daemon's hand with his own before flinging it back to the floor. One of his legs rose out of sequence and crashed down onto the stunned Warp beast, banishing it back to the Immaterium outside the ship.

As Solon approached the daemons' origin point, however, they suddenly switched tactics. The remaining half-dozen clustered around the human on the floor, snarling and swiping the air like animals trying to ward off a larger predator.

Solon halted his approach while several meters away, and his heavy bolters fell silent. He couldn't destroy the remaining daemons without also cutting apart the human with the shrapnel, and he would really rather the human not die yet. He wondered if the daemons realized this, or if they were simply guarding a crucial objective the only way they knew how.

Well, it didn't really matter.

Solon leaned to the side and pressed a hand onto the wall. The metal under his gauntlet pulsed at his touch, a ripple spreading out through the bulkhead like the surface of a disturbed pond.

"Releashe codex three-shix-zero-zero-three, level gamma," Solon's optics glittered, and the eye still poking through the ceiling squinted.

Metal squealed and bent along the bulkheads, and then one plate seam ripped open. Torn metal formed rows of twisted teeth around a gullet of metal piping and ventilation ducts.

The daemons recoiled, alarmed at seeing a sudden act of aggression from the ship itself. The Harvest's thoughts, its anger, and its gnawing, constant hunger surrounded them as if it were soaking the very air itself.

"Go ahead, my dear," Solon said to the wall beside him, "feed. Leave the flesh-borne one though, would you?"

Iron chains shot out of the mouth in the bulkhead, smashing into the daemons and wrapping around them like a dozen prehensile tongues. The Warpspawn shrieked and struggled, tearing apart the chains as best they could, but there were too many, and those that were destroyed were quickly replaced by new lashes of iron. One by one they were dragged into the gaping tear in the wall. Sometimes they were yanked directly into the twisted mass of tubes that approximated a gullet. Others managed to grab hold of the teeth lining the breach, and got bitten in half as the mouth closed on top of them.

Solon approached the human on the ground, mostly ignoring the grisly spectacle. One daemon managed to tear apart the chain pulling its leg and made a run for the writhing mortal, but Solon reached down and grabbed the beast, throwing it back toward the snapping jaws.

"All right, you little pesht." Solon grabbed the man on the floor and pulled him up by his shoulder until he could look him in the eyes. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

The man was a psyker. One of the few human psykers in the 38th Company's fleet. A resource quite scarce to begin with, and not easy to replenish.

He lifted his neck, slowly, painfully, until he could meet Solon's optics with his bloodshot eyes. "L-Lord... Wa... War-"

"I washn't talking to you, Lucif Grannon," Solon interrupted, "I will need you to cling to life for a few more minutesh, but ashide from that your part in thish affair ish over. I need..." a chain snaked through the air toward the psyker's leg, and Solon quickly pulled him away. "Hey! No! Shtop that! I shaid the human ish off-limitsh!"

An echoing, persisting groan rolled through the halls, and a few more chains slithered up below the Warsmith.

"I don't care! You've had plenty!" Solon insisted. "Reshcind releashe codex! Eshtablish ward relay pattern alpha!"

An irritated shriek came from the bulkheads, and the chains were rapidly sucked back into the wall.

By the time Solon turned his attention back to the psyker, the man's countenance had changed entirely. He clutched the Iron Warrior's gauntlet, and hissed in a voice that wasn't his while he struggled. Most obviously, his eyes had turned solid black, and blood wept down his pale cheeks.

"Ah, here we go. I am Warshmith Sholon, mashter of thish ship. Who am I shpeaking with?" Solon asked.

"You need not know my name, Pawn of Nurg'leth!" The psyker Lucif was gone now, his spirit completely dominated by the daemon that had used him as an entrance. "Surrender the horned one! The Gods demand it!"

"Oh, sho NOW you shtart making demandsh, hm? After boarding my ship and running rampant through itsh hallsh for hoursh." He made a snorting noise through his vox grille. "I am dishinclined to asshisht you, daemon. If you had the power to overcome me, then you would be ushing it now. If you had any shway that I reshpected, you would not have begun your tashk in ambush. You are out of optionsh. You have losht."

A booming howl came from Lucif. His words emerged as two voices, discordant and angry, one of the echo of the other. "She has stolen what belongs to the Dark Gods! She has violated the sanctum of the Tormented Conclave, and-"

"Oh, sho you undershtand the mortal conceptsh of property and violation thereof? Good. Then lishten." He pulled the possessed man closer, until their faces were mere inches apart. "You have intruded upon MY ship, daemon shcum. You have attacked MY property. You've even killed the lasht of MY human pshykersh. And now you demand the mare? No. You will be punished for thish tresshpassh, not her."

"You will surrender the creature!" the daemon screeched. "The Dark Gods-"

"I follow ONE Dark God," Solon interrupted, "and Grandfather Nurgle doesh not need you to shpeak for him or sheek redressh from hish shervantsh. You have no leverage here, and with the death of my pshykersh, no power, either."

Lucif's body contorted painfully. Despite the daemon speaking through him, the man was in his death throes and fully aware of it. "I will not leave this ship without the horned one's soul."

"You will not leave thish ship," Solon agreed ominously. Then the Warsmith broke Lucif's neck.

"What an absholute washte," the Chaos Lord grumbled before dropping the dead psyker back onto the floor, "granted, pshykersh aren't ash rare to ush ash they ushed to be, but shtill."

A wasp the size of a bolt shell landed on his servo claw, its abdomen pulsing softly.

Solon silently looked up at the piping that ran over the ceiling, focusing on a vent near the wall. It was tiny, barely large enough for a rat to squeeze into.




Deep within the twisted and near-endless piping of the Harvest's ventilation ducts, a single body quivered softly. Anger and hate pulsed through it like blood, and was just as tangible.

Its form was small and trivial. Cabbage-like. A physical shell for its spirit simply because it needed one in this ridiculous halfway material existence inside a void ship inside the Warp. A single eye topped the Warpspawn, oscillating wildly and uselessly in its rage. Not that there was anything to see here, in the hollow veins of the Harvest of Steel.

The horned one - this Twilight of Sparkles, or whatever asinine gibbering the flesh-borne chose to call her - had escaped its sight. Its slaves had been successfully purged. Its gateways, the human psykers, had been found and executed. The ambush was a failure.

It wondered at the possibilities that it had squandered. A second daemon sent to slay the horned one while she was resting after she had been made aware of the threat. A great commitment of power to possessing the humans' destructive garbage. Could this failure have been salvaged? Was there some obvious error in its methods?

The daemon shook off the nagging thoughts as irrelevant. It didn't matter. The horned one, the pony, was still alive, and the mission still continued. It may have lost some of its initial assets, as well as some of the Iron Warriors' that it found useful, but it was not defeated. There were yet other tools to be expended.


A curious noise came from one of the ducts above, and the daemon's eye shifted. There was no light in this alcove, but the Warpspawn's vision was unhindered. It watched as a large wasp emerged from one of the pipes, skittering about in the dark.

The daemon lashed out with its psychic power against the insect; an insulting use of its strength, frankly. Yet it felt the wasp resist for a moment before it was obliterated utterly, its body reduced to dust.

"Found you." The whisper seemed to float from all the interconnected vents at once, carried along the currents of air constantly pouring into the alcove.

Then, they came. Dark, skittering insects emerging from the ducts in their dozens, and then their hundreds, directed and united by some unseen will. The daemon resisted, lashing out with its Warp-fueled powers, but its abilities were ill-suited to such a fight, and the cramped quarters of its dwelling well suited to the insects. They descended on their target, cutting into the soft, weak flesh with razor-like jaws. Then, to its shock, they begin eating not just the daemon's physical form, but the spirit maintaining it, and the thoughts and will animating it.

In those moments, the daemon at last knew firsthand what it had so often perceived only in passing from hapless mortals: fear. It wasn't simply being ripped apart and returned to the Immaterium. Its essence was being carved apart and sealed away. Its memories were being absorbed into a greater consciousness, to be trapped there indefinitely.

The daemon made no sound as it was devoured. It had no mouth with which to scream. But for those few individuals that happened to be passing by ventilation ducts in this particular section of the ship during this particular time, they could have sworn they heard laughter coming from the walls.

Author's Note:

Hey, we got a chapter of Ponies in Space! Yay!
... That was seriously bleak, though. I didn't realize until I started writing this that I left all the fun characters stranded a billion miles away from the most important characters.
... The most important characters other than Applejack, of course.
:ajsmug: <3

Illustration by EZTP.
Edit: Fixed the formatting. For some stupid reason, my phone browser shows JUST enough of the buttons on the edit taskbar to allow me to insert the picture, save, and publish, but cuts off the text positioning bar. Lame.