• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,937 Views, 59 Comments

Zombie Chronicles: New School - ZombieBrony22

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It's been a week since I began staying with AJ. We managed to make room for a bunk bed by one of the edges of the room.

"You sure you want the bunk? Thought you liked the bed." AJ flirted.

I chuckled, seeing this as one of her many jokes she's been pulling lately. Apple Bloom, however, has been different. She's been sneaking out at night, coming back with cuts...

"What is it?" AJ asked.

"I've been thinking about Apple Bloom." I said.

"What 'bout her?"

"Where does she go at night? How does she have those cuts?"

"I don't know. She probably goes to see her friends at night and gets cut or somethin'."

"Well, I wanna be exact. I'm gonna follow her tonight, see where she goes." I said.

"Suit yourself." AJ said.

As if on que, Apple Bloom came through the door, with a fresh cut on her cheek.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine, Jason. This is the seventh time you've asked me the past week."

"Okay, just wanted to make sure." I said.

AB scoffed, and we went to wait for the bus.

"You think Spoiled's case went well?" AJ asked.

"Well, she wasn't pleaded guilty, but she has to keep 15 feet between her and Diamond, so I'm happy enough. I don't care whatever she does next, just as long as it doesn't involve her." I said.

"Alright, whatever." AJ said.

"What? You don't like that?" I asked.

"No, it's just... We're redoing the Musical Showcase, and me and my friends have to work on posters later today. I know music ain't exactly your thing, and you have that visit with your ma, and I--"

"Don't think about it, okay? I just wanna see if she's holding up, ask a few questions..." I lied.

I was going to visit her, but what I didn't tell AJ was that we were also going to visit my father in jail.

"Have fun." AJ said.

"You, too." I said as the bus rolled up.

I arrived at the desk.

"Hi, Jason Adams for Jessica Williams." I said.

"Yeah, she'll be here shortly, please have a seat." The receptionist said.

I took a seat and pulled out a pamphlet I found on the side. I read through it and it had a map of California. I decided to look for my mom's hometown. I looked down south, and the word "Gardenia" rose up. I've never been there, but I heard stories about the town...

"Jason, your mother's ready." A doctor said.

I got up, turned to the source of the voice, and saw my mom, with her strange tattoo showing from her neck.

"Hey, mom." I said as I held her in an embrace.

"Hi, Jason." Mom whispered.

"You two are allowed to be at your visit until 6, and she needs to be brought back." The doctor said.

We nodded and I saw the taxi that brought me here drive off.

"We close?" I asked her.

"Yeah. We should be there by 4. One hour of him, another hour of divorce papers." Mom said.

I looked up.

"Divorce papers?" I asked with joy.

"Yeah. You're never going to see him again, and neither am I." Mom said.

We entered the room, and my mom went out. I saw him sleeping in a corner of the room. I banged on the glass, and he woke up.

"Oh, hi, son." He said.

"...Hi, Dad." I said.

"Oh, please don't call me that. I signed the papers."

"I never planned to call you that." I said.

"Oh, good. Saves the reveal." Dad said.

"What reveal?" I asked.

My dad got closer to the glass, and brought his voice down to a whisper.

"I'm not your father. I never was."

I can't say I was shocked as much as I was confused.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked him.

"Ask your mother, ask her about that brand on her neck." 'Dad' started chuckling.

"No, you tell me." I said.

"Sorry, but I have a lady coming soon tonight. What's her name...? Oh, yes..."

Now he really got close to the glass.

"Apple Bloom"

That got me, I almost fell out of the chair as I sprung up, punched the glass, and got close.

"Where ever you end up, where ever you go, I will be watching you!" I said as I ran out the door.

"Start the car." I said to my mom who was questioning my burst of energy.

"What's going on?" Mom asked.

"I'm done with him. I heard enough." I said.

"WHAT?!" AJ screamed.

"She's off with my father. I don't know how she does it, but she gets in. She must think she's in love or some gross shit like that." I said.

"Where is she now?" Big Mac asked.

"I checked her room, she's gone. I'm going after her." I said.

"No, let her go. She'll be back..." AJ said.

I couldn't let her go, but I gave in to reason. What was I gonna do, shoot up the station and rip her out of his hands?

"Fine." I sighed.

We were all silent as we waited for her to come back through the door with a fresh cut.