• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 5,304 Views, 105 Comments

A Golden Drive Through Equestria - Psyga315

I'm dressed as an egotistical mad scientist while wearing an egotistical mad scientist that's a belt. I'm also teaching at high school, complete with all the cliches that you see on the Disney Channel. What can go wrong?

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Shimmering Sunset Arc 2: When Will These Winds Stop?

I stayed inside Soarin’s car as I could hear indistinct chattering between Soarin’ and Spitfire. I heard a little bit to know they were speaking of Wind Rider and his recent betrayal. I sighed as I remembered Wind Rider’s recent attempt at Soarin’s life. I looked outside. As the golden light that had emerged from the coast died down, I began to worry for someone else instead.

I worried about Rainbow Dash. The Roidmudes must have gotten to her already. Knowing the lengths they’d go for ultimate power, I could only fear the worst for her. The more I thought about it, the more I thought of her face being shown everywhere. Milk cartons, portraits, memorials, tombstones. Then I imagined the grieving faces of her friends. When I had imagined Fluttershy’s face, that’s when I knew I couldn’t wait around.

As I got out, I saw the destruction I had laid upon the streets thanks to my stunt using Max Flare. Singed concrete laid across the road as cars had crashed into one another. People were unable to get out of their cars either because they were pinned against another car or the cars had toppled over.

The people who did get out were on the ground screaming about their wounded appendages, some even trying to resuscitate and help other critically injured people. An ambulance had arrived to assist in getting the people out. I knew I was responsible for this mess. In my ruthlessness, I caused this incident to happen. But I couldn’t stand around to face the consequences.

It seemed I didn’t need to call for the Shift Car I needed, as Mad Doctor drove in on a miniature, mid-air highway that kept building as the car drove forward, at least until it was ready to drive off the highway and onto the road. It drove to several of the injured people, shooting digital syringes at them as they injected in. The people soon were able to get up after reacting as if they were shocked by a joy buzzer. Mad Doctor was followed by Fire Braver and Justice Hunter. Braver managed to move away some of the more pinned cars while Justice Hunter blocked off the area with steel jail bars.

I gave a soft smile as Justice Hunter blared a siren towards me. In that moment, I could feel like it had just told me to go on ahead. I pulled out something from my pocket. Much like the SunDriver, it was merely a padlock with a flower molded onto it. Though this time, it was a rose. I popped open the lock as it transformed into a dirt bike. I rode off while hearing Soarin’ and Spitfire shout to me. I ignored them.

I had to get to Rainbow Dash. Even if she’s dead.

“Ugh…” Rainbow Dash groaned. While she wasn’t properly healed, she felt something broke her fall. But how could that be? Rainbow Dash got up and looked at her surroundings. A nice, simple beach. Nothing could have possibly broke her fall.

Then she remembered her fight with the Nerve Roidmude. How she didn’t take that crippling blow to the spine at full force. ‘Determination’? That was just something to psyche her up. She didn’t realize it was an actual power. Maybe she obtained it when Ross gave her super speed.

Caw… Caw…

Rainbow Dash looked above as she saw a raven flying in the air. She squinted. Were ravens supposed to be that big? As she glared, the bird seemed to come closer and closer… That’s when she realized the raven was headed right for her. She dodged out of the way as its talons hit the sand. Rainbow Dash looked at the monstrous raven that had chosen to attack her.

It was weird for a raven to have a bone white mask or orange beedy eyes. Rainbow Dash knew just from the ravenous eyes alone that she has to run. Now.

The raven crowed as it flew towards Rainbow Dash. However, Rainbow Dash managed to outrun the raven… at least until she tripped.

“Ow!” Her Super Speed didn’t seemed effective to her as it was before. She tried to run some more, but she drooped to her knees. It didn’t help that she sprained an ankle. She limped as the bird slowly crawled up to her… And just as it opened its beak to consume her…


Its beak was chopped off, the remains scattering away into petals. That’s when Rainbow Dash noticed… They were rose petals.

She saw Ross standing in front of her, his hood bellowing in the wind.

“Ross!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Take my hand! Hurry!” He said as pointed Crescent Rose at the raven and fired. The sniper rounds made decent sized holes into the monster as Rainbow Dash got to Ross. He grabbed her and flew off at blurring speeds, wrapping his hood around them and becoming akin to a red blob surrounded by rose petals.

As it sped away, a small hole opened in the rear as more bullets fired at the raven. With the sheer amount of speed, it became less like a sniper rifle and more like a machine gun or even a turret. So many holes were put into the raven that when the blur was far enough to stop firing, the raven fell onto the ground, its body nearly breaking apart into a combination of whispy shadows and rose petals.

That’s when it heard something.

“Hey boss! Look at this!” The raven wiggled a bit to see a robotic creature. Its face looked like that of a fanged cobra and on his chest was a number of 049. No doubt was it born of mankind, but what enticed the bird the most was just how much negative emotions this one robot carried. Even if the robot couldn’t show it, the bird, even from far away, could sense it inside.

It got up. The raven had only one chance before it completely faded away. The raven got a running start and dove straight for the Roidmude. The Roidmude screamed and tried to fire at it, but it was too late. For a moment, it seemed like the raven was devouring the Roidmude, but soon, the Roidmude changed into a blur of data. The raven faded away, though its shadows merged with the data. The blur began to grow and expand, until it was the size of the raven.

The blur changed back into the raven, though now, it seemed that the Roidmude was fused to its chest. The Roidmude’s limbs and head were missing, but its torso remained, including the chest plate. It began to fly up into the air, only to be pushed back down by wind currents. There was a thin, almost see through aura of gold that reinforced this current.

“Hmph… Interesting…” Tornado said.

I drove down the street on the Rose Attacker in the middle of the city streets. Fortunately, it was well past the traffic jam hour, so aside from the occasional car, it was an open road.

Or so I thought.


Out of nowhere, a red blur speeded past me, knocking me off my bike as the blob slowed down.

“Ouch! Watch it!” I shouted. I turned around and saw Ross with Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, Ross, you’re alright!” I said. I then looked to Dash. “And you have Dash too!”

“Yeah…” Ross stayed silent. I knew it had to come up sooner or later.

“Sorry for shooting a car at you.” I said.

“No, no, it’s alright. You did what you had to do.” He said.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, yeah… Alright, let’s get the long story outta the way… I was a double agent for the Roidmudes, decided to go take on their head honcho, but he laid my ass on a silver platter, made me his puppet and then had me fight Kelly, then Kelly knocked me out with a large car. Next thing I know, I woke up in the care of a psychopath and I got out of there as soon as I could.” Ross said. I eyed the scythe he carried.

“Surprised you found that.” I said.

“I remembered where I was defeated. Thankfully no one took Crescent Rose.” Ross cuddled the scythe in its inactive form like it was his own child. Both Rainbow and I looked weirdly at this before Ross got back to normal. “S-sorry…” He looked to me. “It’s a habit of Ruby’s… The person I’m dressed as. As Displaced, we tend to remember their memories as if they’re our own and end up repeating their same quirks.” He said.

Well, that would explain how I was able to remember Ryoma’s past. Not sure if I got to the quirk part though… That’s when I remembered.

“Oh, right, Roidmudes!” I went over to the bike, but then I saw Rainbow Dash. She was leaning on Ross’ back. “Ross… Rainbow… You guys saw how powerful these Roidmudes are when they get golden colored first hand. I’m not going to let you two get hurt.” I said. I turned around and walked to the bike.

“But I can help!” Ross said. Rainbow Dash just frowned.

“You want to help?” I then turned the bike back into a lock and tossed it to him. “Get. Her. Home.” I glared to him with the same anger I had towards Sid. Just then, I heard a loud caw. I looked up and saw a giant raven.

“Oh no!” Ross said.

“The hell’s that?!” I looked at the body of the raven and was reminded of the werewolf I fought last night.

“A Grimm.” Ross said. “They’re monsters from another world. I-”

“That’s all I need to know. Now go!” I shouted as I turned the ignition and transformed into Gold Drive, arming Banno with the Trailer Cannon. Ross opened up the lock, got on the Rose Attacker, and drove off with Dash in tow. Banno fired at the Grimm.

Kelly, take a look at this!” Banno looked at the chest of the raven. I saw it too.

“It’s… A Roidmude!” I said.

Exactly. Seems these Roidmudes are able to evolve further with these Grimm. An unforeseen development indeed.” Banno said.

“Guess we call them Grimmudes…” I said as Banno landed a direct hit on the Grimmude’s wing. The raven’s feathers began to molt off. They fell onto the ground and stabbed into the concrete. I dodged out of the way as I heard the sound of shattering glass, car alarms, and screaming people all at once. I looked around to see the giant black feathers began to change into humanoid beings… They were exactly like a Bat-Class Roidmude, but now their bodies were pitch black and there seemed to be a purple haze around them.

“Well, add another new discovery!” I said as Banno switched to me. Taking the Steering Sword in hand, I ran over to slash at the Roidmudes. I got in close and noticed their plates had only a single number. Well, not true. It was still their three numbers, but there was a decimal after the first digit. Thus, one of the Roidmudes had 0.13, for instance. Each Roidmude I cut into just faded away as their ‘core’ burst into a cloud of smoke. I looked up and saw the bird was slightly smaller.

And it can apparently divide itself…” Banno said. Of course, it began to click once I realized what the decimal meant.

“So… Fractal Roidmudes!” I then squeed. “Oh man! Discovering new things is fun!” I said.

Look sharp! It’s about to get more ‘fun’!” Banno said as I noticed a large gust of wind blow through me, knocking me far away and crashing into a window.

Ross stopped by the hospital and gently too Rainbow Dash off the bike. There, Rainbow Dash slowly walked over to the doors before she stopped.

“So… That would explain what happened back there with the dealer…” Rainbow Dash said. Ross sighed.

“I’m sorry you got wrapped up in this…” Ross said.

“Don’t be! Because of you, I got to be closer to Gold Drive than I ever would have as Mare-Do-Well!” She said.

“Well, glad I did something right…” Ross sighed. “I should have laid low. If I did… Maybe he would have lived…”

“Who would have?” Rainbow Dash.

“An… accomplice. I didn’t really know him enough to call him a friend… In fact…” Ross then sat down on the steps of the hospital. “I don’t really have a lot of friends. I mean, yeah, I have online friends, but when I’m here… I don’t have anyone to rely on, unlike you.” Rainbow Dash sat next to him.

“No… I’m on the same boat as you. I don’t have many friends myself. I… I used to… But soon, they all betrayed me. Some… Some even think I betrayed them…” Rainbow Dash said. Ross could feel some stings in his heart as he began to remember images of a couple of people that, while he recognized, couldn’t piece when exactly those images took place.

One stuck out in particular: a man with gray hair and a matching gray and black jumpsuit putting up his dukes in the middle of what appeared to be a backstage hall. It took Ross a bit to realize that his mind was now skipping to Ruby’s memories. Memories of moments he haven’t seen yet.

“Mind, don’t spoil…” Ross muttered.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, I know exactly how that would feel.” Ross said.

“But now with Kelly, I feel like I’m starting over with a new friend… And… Well, being a hero is a bonus.” Dash chuckled. Fortunately, Ross’ mind rewound itself to something he does remember seeing. A memory of Ruby’s first night at Beacon Academy. Particularly, the moment where she made her third friend there: Blake.

I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books... Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves!

Ross hung onto those words ever since he became Displaced, almost like it was a silent command. Ross gripped his hands.

“If there’s any advice, maybe you could make some friends here. I know I could-” That’s when Rainbow Dash noticed that in Ross’ place were rose petals. She could see Ross drive away on the Rose Attacker, though she simply smiled and walked into the hospital.

As I fell onto the floor of an abandoned building, my transformation cancelled out. I heard gusts of wind blowing towards me. I got up and saw a golden tornado flying down before the winds died down and I was able to see the Roidmude.

As I had suspected, it was the Tornado Roidmude, and just as I feared, his reddish body was now golden, along with the sky blue plates of armor that looked like swirls. However, his shoulder armor had just a slight touch of midnight blue.

“Tornado…” I muttered. Tornado smirked as he transformed into Wind Rider.

“So, I see Thief failed…” Wind Rider spoke. Even though I knew he was still Tornado, I still felt uneasy facing him.

“Y-yes…” I said. “So I presume you synchronized with Wind Rider’s hatred towards the youth?”

“Yes. Particularly, his jealousy. His jealousy towards his only accomplishment.” He held up his hand as a small ball of air formed in his hands. “And it had worked…” He threw the ball at me, knocking me back with great force. My back hit the wall and created a few cracks as I fell down. “I have now achieved Super Evolution. But before I can take my place in the Promised Number, I shall give the Roidmude King a gift… The destruction of this city!” He held up his arm as I heard the crash of thunder.

The Roidmude King? The only time those words were uttered was in an alternate future where an evil Krim Steinbelt announced his intent to rule the world with an army of Roidmudes. Not sure who this Roidmude King is, though I have a good guess it was the Recreator. Banno, however, had another thing to say:

Roidmude King? HAH! Not while I’m around! If you weren’t informed, Gold Drive is also a Super Evolved Roidmude. And I’ve also taken out four Super Evolved Roidmudes…” Banno said.

“I’m only counting one, Nerve.” I said.

“And I’m counting the kills done by Sigma.” Banno said.

“Aaaaah.” It was a weird moment of realization. In that moment, it was like me and Banno shared a funny in-joke that only the two of us would get. Almost like true friends. To his credit, his invention, the Sigma Circular, did mortally wound three Super Evolved Roidmudes, but I hardly count them as kills he scored. Nonetheless, I got what he meant. “Wanna make it five?” I asked Banno.

If you may. Start my engine.

“With pleasure.” I turned the Ignition.

Henshin!” We both said. My body changed into Gold Drive as Banno took over. Tornado changed back to his Roidmude form. Banno walked towards the Tornado Roidmude merely created a huge current of wind, though it unfazed Banno. Eventually, he ran towards him to throw a punch. Tornado leaped and soared midair before he landed and roundhouse kicked Banno. However, Banno caught the kick and punched Tornado with a fist of golden energy. It knocked the Roidmude back a little, but not enough. Not as he had hoped.

Tornado then slashed at Banno with wind so rough, it ended up becoming sharp. Banno blocked it with a shield made from pure gold energy, but the shield was easily sliced in half. Tornado ran to Banno and pushed him with the air currents in his fist, knocking him out of the building and back onto the road. I looked up and saw the blackening clouds, followed by clouds that had slight yellow glows in them.

This must be Tornado’s newfound power. He’s creating storm clouds so powerful, that he might just call himself Hurricane…” Banno said.

“Guess we gotta stop him before he makes this storm hit landfall.” He said.

Exactly. Give him everything we got!” With that, Banno turned the ignition and switched over to me.

A Signal Bike and the Zenrin Shooter reached my hands and I instantly plugged in the Signal Bike into the Shift Brace. I fired at several of the storm clouds. As the bullets hit, they changed into large, golden stop signs and froze the clouds in place.

“That ought to hold them.” I said. I then saw Tornado jump down and I fired at him. The bullet soon changed from a stop sign to eight separate bullets, all aligned in an octagon before hitting the Tornado Roidmude square in the chest and creating a huge explosion. I expected a Core to come out, but instead, I saw Tornado come through from the smoke, forming a drill from his hand.

I swapped over to Banno who took Rumble Dump and swapped out the Stop Signal Bike with it. Banno’s hand changed into a golden version of the drill that Tornado made and punched him just as Tornado threw a punch. The two drills collided and a mixture of golden energy and wind erupted from the drills, knocking both Banno and Tornado away. When Banno finished skidding across the ground he fired the Zenrin Shooter at Tornado, who in turn responded by firing bursts of condensed wind.

Banno dodged out of the way and swapped over to me, giving me Rolling Gravity. I placed it into the Zenrin Shooter.


I slammed the Zenrin Shooter’s wheel into the ground as it created a thick line of black and gold energy that rocketed straight towards Tornado. It soon locked him into place, pressing him down with gravity. I swapped over to Banno who gained both another Signal Bike and the Steering Sword. He plugged the Signal Bike into the sword and ran over to Tornado.


With a slash, Banno’s sword soon glowed golden red as the aura of what appeared to be a Bullet Bill biting down onto Tornado. With a few slashes, it seemed like we were able to destroy the Roidmude, however, that’s when the raven from before swooped in and clawed at Banno, knocking him away from Tornado. He swapped over to me and I gained a blue Signal Bike. I swapped out Rumble Dump for the bike and fired at the bird.

The bullet split up into several bullets, each hitting the Grimmude with succession. However, it managed to shrug off the bullets and began to molt feathers, all of which rained down upon me. I got hit by several feathers as a couple of them transformed into Fractal Roidmudes. I readied myself, though I staggered. The Fractal Roidmudes closed in on me, readying their hands to fire upon me.

I maintained balance using the Steering Sword and fired at the Fractal Roidmudes. The ones with lower numbered cores broke apart easily with blasts, while the ones whose cores were higher than 0.25 took more than a hit to fully destroy. This resulted in more Roidmudes being formed than I could destroy. Eventually, I was unable to fire anymore and I waited for them to overwhelm me.


That’s when I heard a motorcycle and I turned to see Ross on the Rose Attacker driving up before he popped a wheelie, pushed himself and the bike up with his scythe, and slashed through three Fractal Roidmudes like they were nothing, before landing and using his scythe as a landing gear to turn around. He steered towards the other Roidmudes and fired at them, destroying both bodies and cores in the process.

He used one of the Roidmudes as a ramp to lift the Rose Attacker up and flipped off of his bike, transforming it into its lock mode before landing on the Roidmude, scythe’s blade right into it. He then fired, blasting him off the Roidmude and into the air for a bit before he landed into me.

“Thought you could use a hand.” Ross said to me.

“Aaaah, I could have handled them.” I chuckled.

“You ought to know that Grimm are a huntsman’s specialty.” Ross said. I turned and saw the Raven Grimmude land onto the ground before it screeched. It was noticeably smaller than it was before.

“The Grimmude’s able to create minions, but it gets weaker with every batch.” I said.

“Alright, I can take on multiple crowds of monsters. Think you can handle old windbag over there?” Ross asked.

You underestimate the power of my system…” Banno said.

“For once, I’m backing Banno’s egotistic claims. Deal with the Grimmude, then we can deal with the Roidmude together.” I said.

“Alright. It’s about to get wild.” Ross bumped my back of my hand with the back of his hand before he rushed to the Roidmude. I did the same, but towards Tornado. I slashed him away with both the Steering Sword and the Zenrin Shooter. He countered by stabbing his drill in between the open space that was my chest. As I was punched back, I swapped to Banno who took the last of the four Signal Bikes.

He plugged both the Turn and Scatter Bikes into the Steering Sword and Zenrin Shooter respectively.



Banno began to spin uncontrollably as he fired the Zenrin Shooter. The bullet began to break apart into dozens of golden bullets. Tornado tried to stop them, but Banno reached him and slashed him two dozen times before unloading the last scattering bullet right into Tornado. While the two finishers heavily damaged him, it didn’t destroy him. It took a lot from him though, so I looked to see if Ross needed help.

Much to my delight, Ross was cleaving through most of the Fractal Roidmudes with ease, all while the Grimmude got smaller and smaller with each division, now just half the size as it initially was. Ross launched himself with the scythe’s fire and sliced into the Grimmude’s left wing, cutting it off, before he wrapped himself in his cape, flew in a loop-de-loop, and impaled the scythe right into the Grimmude’s head before yanking it and causing it to fly uncontrollably into the building. Ross leaped off as the Grimmude smashed into building, erupting into a cloud of inky smoke, with its Core, 049, fading away.

Ross landed as we turned to face the Tornado Roidmude. Tornado chuckled.

“Now… I’ll fulfill our Recreator’s wishes!” Tornado twirled his hand in the air as a wind current began to form. The current spun around several times. I could feel just from the force of the wind what could happen.

“Ross! Get out of here! Now!” I shouted. Banno swapped over to me as the circuit wheel flared up. As the tornado that was summoned came down, I created an electromagnetic field surrounding it to prevent it from expanding and destroying any of the buildings.

“No way! I’m sticking with you til the bitter end!” He said.

“Alright… Banno… LET’S GO!” I shouted as I turned the ignition several times. My lens changed from red, to white, to red, until it finally changed to the bull’s eye design of Type Overdrive. Me, Banno, and Ross all floated up into the air thanks to all the tension caused by the wind. Tornado entered the fray by encasing himself in a golden air current. The three of us all began to fly.

Ross was the first to fight, wrapping himself up in his cape and seemingly teleporting himself to behind Tornado to slash with his scythe. Tornado blocked with his arm drill, but that was when Banno shot a golden energy lance at him, stabbing the Roidmude in the back. At the same time, Ross fired at Tornado, knocking him into my path where I Rider Punched him with golden energy. While it knocked him back, Tornado soon wrapped himself in the tornado’s current and vanished. Banno and I also coated ourselves in energy and vanished.

As Tornado reappeared near Ross, so did I and I kicked him out of the way. Ross wrapped himself up in his cape and the three of us all teleported around in the eye of the storm, trying to guess where the other was and striking when we guessed correct. Ross didn’t manage to get a shot in, though I managed to slash at least once at Tornado. Eventually, we teleported at the same time and entered the same space.

Tornado kicked Ross out of the cyclone, with my electromagnetic field only shunting him further from the fray.

“Ross!” I shouted before Tornado smashed me down with a devastating hammer punch. I fell into the ground and created a crater. Tornado flew down towards me.

“This is it, Banno...” I got up and crouched, building up the golden energy into my leg. I just had to wait for the right moment…

Ross flew out of the cyclone, though he managed to catch himself and land on the roof. He could only look as the cyclone began to glow intensely golden.

“Kelly…” Ross muttered. Just then, the glow intensified. Ross readied himself for any sort of surprise.

Though the surprise he saw was not what he expected.

TORIYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Kelly shouted as she pushed Tornado out of the eye of the storm with her leg thrusted right into the Roidmude’s chest. Golden lightning crackled from her foot as she continued to push him up into the air. With her other foot, she kicked him away from herself. Ross took advantage and flew into the air with his Semblance, launching scythe first right into the airborne Roidmude.

Before Tornado had any time to react, Ross impaled him with Crescent Rose, landed on the wall of a building, then ran up to the roof, dragging the Roidmude along before tossing him up into the air and firing right into its head, blowing it off as the body exploded. Rose petals flew out of smoke along with the Core 008. Ross leaped and landed on the roof, then got ready to fire at the number before it flew off.

White particles overlapped the number as it became healed. It then flew into a phone where its matching number lit. Ross looked as he saw a man with spiked up hair and a black leather jacket with what appeared to be reddish pink patching on the sides of his sleeves and coat on the other end of the roof.

“H-hey!” Ross shouted, but the man paid no attention. He merely scoffed and walked away. Ross ran after him, though he noticed a large grayish curtain appear before the man. He walked through the curtain no problem before it disappeared, taking the man with it. Ross stopped running as Kelly landed on the rooftop.

After Rider Kicking the Roidmude and destroying him, I landed onto the roof where Ross was. The transformation cancelled out and I became woozy. Ross ran to me and lifted me up.

“We did it… We defeated Tornado…” I said as I gave him a thumbs up.

“… For now.” Ross said. I looked to him.

“What do you mean? We destroyed his Core, right?” I asked.

“No. Someone took his Core.” Ross said.

What!?” Banno shouted. I, however, was too drained from using two Type Overdrives in one day. I passed out in Ross’ arms as Banno shouted to keep me awake.

The leather coated man walked down as several Roidmudes bowed before him. He approached a weak, skinny man lying in bed, 007.

“Tornado has fallen.” The man said.

“What!?” 007 struggled, but he fell before he could get up.

“Patience. You still need to adjust to your synchronization. You haven’t even found the core emotion he possess yet.” The man said.

“… Grief. It’s grief.” 007 said. “And losing Tornado… I can say that I’m getting powered up.” The man simply laughed.

“It won’t be enough. Banno’s at full power. If two Super Evolved Roidmudes aren’t able to stop him, what makes you think a weak Roidmude like yourself would fare better?” He asked.

“Then let me at them, my lord.” The man heard a familiar voice. Tough, boisterous, and strongly feminine. He turned to see his newly appointed Grim Reaper practicing on a punching bag. “Whatever he throws at me, I’ll throw back with twice the power.” She said.

“You could… But you could also wait…” The man chuckled. “Banno’s ties with his host are at their strongest. However, given how Banno is, it won’t be long before that tie is severed. It’ll be at that moment when you can strike. Until then, we wait. If you really want to take your anger out, there’s a Roidmude you could eliminate…” He then walked away.

The Grim Reaper growled and with one punch to the bag, she exploded in a burst of fire, destroying the bag in the process.

“I’ll make you pay, Kamen Rider… Just you wait.” She glared at the destroyed bag with her bright red eyes.

I woke up in the hospital bed again, though this time, Applejack was looking at me.

“Hey, Sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“A-applejack…” I muttered. I looked around and saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on opposite sides of the room, their backs turned.

“Just checking to see how you are.” Applejack said.

“I’m doing well, all things considered.” I said.

“Well, I figured I’d let you know that Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and I have made… compromises. We all agreed to help you with these Roy Mochas.” Applejack said. I simply chuckled.

“Now you’re doing it on purpose.” I said.

“Yeah, ya caught me.” She smirked. Just then, Principal Celestia entered the room.

“Professor Silverbolt, I’m sorry to butt in on a bad time, but I figured I’d inform you of a transfer student.” She said.

“Transfer student! Awesome!” Rainbow Dash squeed. I saw Fluttershy simply retreat herself further into a corner.

“Who is she?” I asked.

He, and he’s said to have transferred from Beacon Academy.” She said. She stepped away as I saw a man dressed in a black uniform with orange linings, a blue sweatshirt underneath, a white shirt and a red tie, as well as black pants. I knew this man…

“Yo, teach!” Ross said as he waved to me.

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?” I shouted. The machine that monitored my heart rate raced.