• Published 11th Sep 2015
  • 929 Views, 19 Comments

The Noblesse Oblige Part I - Aquarian_Sage

Ha! How many of you expected to see Cranky Doodle Donkey and Prince Blueblood in the same story? Nobody, that's who!

  • ...

Zipped Lips

Noble Heart took his time making his way back to his mansion. One hour, he's having the best meal of his life, and the next, he was going in for another row with his mother.

A pegasus alighted down next him, pulling him out of his reverie. He didn’t even spare her a glance; her uniform said enough.

“You alright there, kid?” she asked.

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Well, it’s 10:30, so it’s time for foals to be indoors unless otherwise supervised by an adult. Any reason you're out so late?”

He shrugged. “Went to the library.”

“The library closes at 9:00 for foals.”

“I went out to eat too.”

“And why didn’t you have a grown-up walk you home?”

“Cause I thought I could beat curfew.”

“Well, now I gotta take you back home. Hop on.”

He thought who awaited him and his stomach tightened at the thought. “Can... can we walk, ma'am? Please?”

She quirked a brow. “That depends. How far are you?”

He looked around. “Oh. I was going the wrong way. Whoops.” Neither heard any contrition in his words. "Fiftee— twenty-five minutes that way."

She chose not to hear the first number. “Alright. Lead on, kid. By the way, what’s your name?”

“Noble Heart Platinum.”

"And your parents?"

"Lord Bright Steel Platinum and Lady Sapphire Diadem Platinum."

If the names meant anything to her, she did not show it. "Alright, kiddo. Lead the way." She escorted him through Canterlot.

The pegasus did not attempt conversation with him, nor he with she. As he led them through the streets, he ruminated on what transpired earlier. In the few hours he had spent out of his mansion, Noble Heart had been treated better by strangers than he had been by his family in years. Everypony around him was always extolling how wonderful it was to be a noble and how House Platinum was the crème de la crème, but after meeting the Sparkles, Noble Heart thought otherwise. They probably didn’t have silken sheets or world-class chefs, but at least the Sparkles actually knew how to be happy.

He huffed when they reached the intricate gates. “We’re here."

“Still gotta escort you to your parents."

“I know, I know.” Noble Heart then flattened his ears. "I think you should do the same, ma'am." He then inserted his horn into the ‘key’ hole and fed a tiny inkling of his magic. The gate slowly creaked open with a piercing creak.

The pegasus had her face pinched up in displeasure and it took her a few moments to be able to stand her ears again. "I think I know a mage who can fix that noise."

Noble Heart scoffed. "A mage was the one who layered in that noise spell. I've always hated it every. Single. Time."

He led her to the front door. Noble Heart paused to take a deep breath and knocked once.

The door opened.

“Good even, sir,” the butler said in stolid tone. “Please step inside.”

“Sorry, buddy, but I can’t let this kid go unless he’s with his parent/guardian. Are you either of those?” the city guard asked, knowing the answer.

The butler maintained a neutral expression. “I’m afraid that the Lord and Lady Platinum have bedded for the evening—”

“Then you can tell them to expect a fine in the mail,” she said with a shrug.

The butler blinked at her, expressionless as ever, before finally responding. “I shall be a moment."

The door clicked shut.

“When Mother gets down here, she’ll either cry or start yelling."

“Like I care. The law’s the law, and nopony, not even the queen, is above it.”

“Okay. Just thought I’d warn you.”

She shot him brief, confident smirk. “Anything she can throw at me, I can take ten-fold."

The door opened with unnecessary force.

“Good evening, ma’am, are you this colt’s mother?”

"Do you not see the resemblance, fool?!"

"Yes or no, ma'am."

"Lady," she hissed. "Lady Sapphire Diadem Platinum."

“By law, Lady Platinum I am required to inform you that since your son was out past curfew, he will be personally brought back to you by another city guard. If he is caught again within a six month period, you will receive a fine relative to your family’s income. If he is caught a third time out past the 10:30 curfew for foals, an investigation will be made by protective services for suspected foal endangerment and/or neglect. Should I or any of my colleagues have reason to suspect you, the parent/guardian of this foal, are harming and/or neglecting your foal in anyway, we will report the activity to protective services before the third strike. Am I clear?”

“Why yes, you are most clear indeed… for a fool!” Sapphire spat. “The spell work used to enchant that gate,” she pointed to the gates behind them but of them bothered to look, “will only respond to the magic of a Platinum. None save the queen could pry it open, so of course he lives here. Furthermore, I am well aware of the law, as it was one of my great-great-great-great-great-great grandmothers who even suggested a curfew for foals in the first place. And finally, I would like you to know that we of House Platinum are very good friends with Queen Celestia, and have many friends in high places, so whatever you plan to do with your pitiful power to harass me will simply be destroyed by our myriad of attorneys, bureaucrats, and governmental beneficiaries. Do I make myself clear?”

The pegasus remained stoic. “Loud and clear, ma’am. Here’s your son. Good night.” She spared him one last glance, and Noble Heart could see the pained pity in her eyes.

Noble Heart walked inside and his mother slammed the door shut in the city guard’s face.

“So how are you, Noble Heart? It’s not like I or the rest of us weren’t worried sick about where you were.”

He bristled at the acid in her tone, but kept his mouth shut. Experience had long-since taught him, it'd go quicker if he just let her talk.

“But never you mind that,” she continued. “Never you mind that you missed dinner with our family. Never you mind that your brother can’t even count on you for something as basic help with homework. Never you mind that I was worried that somepony or someone would foalnap you and hold you for ransom. And never you mind that that feather-brained twit is now going to write up House Platinum— House Platinum for Celestia’s sake— for foal abuse. No, my feelings just don’t exist in your world, do they? Ugh are you even listening to me?”

“Loud and clear, mother!” he shouted back. “Loud and clear like always!”

“Why are you so impossible?!”

“I don’t know, why are you and everypony else in this family so damn self-centered?!”

Her eyes widened shock before narrowing in fury. “Language!” she hissed through her teeth.

“Mother?” Golden Crown’s sleepy voice mumbled from the entry way.

“Go to bed, love,” Sapphire Diadem said, softening her voice for him.

“No, Sapphire,” her husband disagreed as he appeared behind his obedient son, “we really need to talk about his behavior.”

Her ears pulled back for a moment before straightening up again. “Very well, Bright. You have a go at him.”

“What are you wearing?” Golden Crown asked, lifting a corner of the fleecy blanket with his magic.

“It’s just a blanket!” Noble Heart quickly snatched it away. “It was cold outside.”

Bright Steel yanked Twilight’s blanket from his magical grasp. “And just where did you get this?”

“I’m just borrowing—”

“Oh Celestia almighty, don’t tell me you stole it!” Sapphire exclaimed in horror.

“No! Somepony let me use it!” Noble Heart blurted. Instantly he regretted his words.

“And just where did you go exactly?” Bright asked.

“I went to the school library, okay!” he half-fibbed. “I just wanted to do my essay in peace and quiet and somepony let me use it cause he saw I didn’t have a scarf or a jacket!”

Bright Steel looked at the blanket in disdain. “I don’t believe you."

“Well go ahead and ask the librarians if I was there!” Noble Heart insisted. “Look!” he started fishing in his saddle bags. “Here’s my essay if you don’t believe me!”

Even after he tossed it at their hooves, nopony even bothered to look at the scroll.

“Noble Heart, why?” Sapphire Diadem asked in exasperation. “Why must you continue to shame House Platinum with your—”

“I’m shaming House Platinum?” Noble Heart demanded. “I’m shaming House Platinum? Well, mother, I don’t know if you can remember what have three moons ago with Princess Blueblood, but she called all of us out for shaming the Platinum line, and it wasn’t because I’m borrowing blankets and doing homework!” he screeched.

“Inside—” his mother began.

“SHUT UP!” Noble Heart roared, tears of rage streaming down his face. “Just shut up, shut up, shut— mmmph?!”

Bright Steel lit his horn. “Zip. Those. Lips."

Noble Heart scowled at his father before opening his mouth. His argument never got out. No matter how he tried and shouted, no sound came out.

“Oh, you’re just impossible!” Sapphire cried. “Impossible! What have I done to be burdened with such a quarrelsome foal?”

Golden Crown ran to her side and nuzzled her cheek. “Oh please don’t cry, mother. He’s like that with everypony.”

“But he treats me the worst!” she wailed. “I just can’t cope with this anymore!”

“Go to bed,” Bright Steel said.

“But father—” Golden Crown began.


Sapphire sighed in both relief and defeat. “Oh just do as he says, Golden, darling,” She then shot a glare at her crying son. “Maybe he can set your brother straight.”

“If you say so, mother.” The two left Lord Bright Steel with Noble Heart.

Even with his wife and obedient child out of the room, Steel refused to undo the spell. Instead, he addressed the butler. “Platter?”

“Yes, sir?” Platter remained as stolid as ever.


“Right away, sir."

Steel sat down in an arm chair, not seeming to notice his son rolling around on the floor as he tried to undo the spell.

Noble Heart screamed and cried in silence.

“Your brandy, sir.” Platter presented the drink.

“That will be all, Platter.”

“Good night, sir.” And the butler melted into the shadows, just leaving father and son in the dark room.

The stallion sipped his brandy, occasionally swiveling his glass.

Minutes ticked by, but at last, Noble Heart stopped screaming and flailing about on the rug.

He panted as he glared at his father, sweat trickling down his face.

Bright Steel took his time savoring the drink. Once satisfied, Bright Steel set down his glass. At last, he looked at his son.

“If I were a less civilized pony, I would have beaten you for being the cause of your mother’s tears. But seeing how I am the grandson of kings and queens— as you are—, I have decided to simply wait for your willful submission. It seems that your mother and I have been far too lax on you,” Bright sighed. “Nothing we are doing—”

You mean nothing that she’s doing?!’ he bitterly retorted in his mind.

“— is working on your atrocious behavior. At this point in time, Noble Heart, I fear that I may have to resort to less savory methods.”

Noble Heart immediately started thrashing and flailing again in protest.

Bright Steel resumed his brandy.

The colt finally calmed down again towards the end of his father’s drink.

“A pity that even Princess Blueblood could not rein in your temper, boy. But I digress. Effective immediately, you are now only permitted to only leave for school and school alone… at least until I can secure a governess for you. Then you will no longer have the privilege of school.”

Noble Heart shouted in shock and stumbled back several steps in shock.

“Furthermore, it seems to me that you seem to run your tongue tends to escape your brain's rein. I think a temporary vow silence would do you some good. At least until you learn to not be so verbally violent with your mother.”

Noble Heart's horrified face became placating, submissive, and apologetic.

Bright Steel was unmoved by the display. “No, Noble Heart, my sincerest apologies.” Neither of them really believed that. “But I’m afraid that I do not entertain beggars. Besides, it truly is unsightly to see the grandson of kings and queens to be reduced to such a pitiful state. Good night."

The stallion stood and left, but Noble Heart simply remained rooted at the spot.

He refused to leave the room even long after his father had left for bed. He tried to speak one last time, but no sound came out his muzzle. The zipped-lips spell was there to stay, at least until his father found a real mage to cast a stronger one.

He stomped his hooves to the ground. Of course this would happen! Why wouldn’t his stupid family ruin an otherwise lovely evening?

He should have just slept in an alleyway with the cats. That would have been easier to stomach than this.

He shivered and glared at the unlit fireplace. Noble Heart thought about rousing Platter to put a fire in it, but he quickly perished the thought. Using any servant and anything of his parents revolted him.

The colt went to collect his things. Everything had been scattered from all his bucking and thrashing, including Twilight Velvet’s blanket. He nuzzled the fleecy material and thought of her again.

Why couldn’t his mother be as patient and kind as her? Why couldn’t his father be as warm and doting as Night Light? Why couldn’t Golden Crown be as earnest as Shining Armor?

Noble Heart put his school things away in his bags and threw them on the arm chair his father had sat in. He then walked to a corner, wrapped himself up in Twilight’s blanket, and laid down on the cold, hardwood floor.

Crying in the dark, Noble Heart replayed his meal with the Sparkles over and over again until he slept.

Author's Note:

Please point out any typos.