• Published 9th Sep 2015
  • 11,380 Views, 393 Comments

The Strongest Man in the World - Vesperia

A One Piece fan buys an amazing mustache off Amazon to complete a rather amazing cosplay for the next Comic-con. Too bad he never gets a chance to make it and gets sucked into a Equestria ripe with adventure as none other than Whitebeard himself.

  • ...

9. Breezy Town Arc - Setting Sail

It's been a few days since the late night talk I had with Spike and Twilight. In those few days we were gathering supplies for the next voyage, since all three of us were dirt poor it took a while. This has also been a bit of a revelation that I really should get a way to make some money, honestly I'm secretly hoping that a Marine ship attacks. I'd be able to beat them and get some extra supplies for us.

But there were no Marine ships in sight.

So we did it the old fashioned way, luckily water was no problem since we were next to a river. Foraging around the island was partially successful, it seemed that Twilight read a book about survival during her life. Her sharp memory and intellect was a wonderful bonus, as good as Spike being a dragon, and that was awesome.

"So... We have plenty of fruits, roots, and vegetables. Water is well stocked. All of our belongings are packed and ready. And we have enough firewood to last us a month, not that we need that much firewood." She muttered the last part and rolled her eyes at our snickering. "Now, are you sure you don't want help with that Captain?"

By that, I assume she means the many barrels of water I'm carrying. I had them nice and perfectly strapped together with some rope and were resting on my right shoulder, my hand on the topmost barrel to keep it steady.

I shook my head at her, "Nah, I'm good. This isn't as heavy as it looks."

Twilight shrugged and her horn lit up, the bags of food we gathered being lifted with her telekinesis. Spike hefted up all of their belongings and I grabbed my bisento from its resting place on the side of their old home. I twirled it lazily before resting it against my shoulder.

"You all set? Didn't forget anything?" I asked them, just incase they forgot anything.

"Nah, don't think so." Spike said, shrugging easily even with the heavy looking bag on his shoulders. He looked over to his lifelong friend, "Hey Twilight, your checklist all checked out?"

She pushed up on a pair of glasses that I didn't even know she needed. "Yes Spike, its all checked out. We should get moving now, if our Captain picked up the book then there might be a Marine ship heading his way. It might be best to avoid a confrontation right now, if our current boat is a fishing ship of all things..." She trailed off, raising an eyebrow at me.

I waved her off, "Yeah, yeah. A better ship is something that needs to come soon. Do you know where we can get one anyway?"

We started our journey through the forest, thanks to the little... mishap at the tavern a few days ago Twilight suggested we skirt around the edge of town and enter a street closer to the docks. It might be a longer walk, but she said something about a higher statistical chance to avoid conflict. Then rambled on about things I couldn't possible understand with all the jargon she used, Spike seemed used to it, didn't even bat an eye.

"I do. There are two major shipyards in this half of the world. One is in Equestria itself, the headquarters of the Marines and seat of power for the World Government. I doubt that we, as pirates, could get a ship commissioned there." Twilight said, matter of factly.

I couldn't agree more. "So, I'm guessing that since there is one for the Marines... there is also one for pirates as well?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yup. Though I wouldn't know anything about prices for the ships made there. Or have any guarantees about the quality. We should make some money before heading there."

I sighed, "Yeah, we are kinda super poor right now. Anyone G]got any ideas to make some money?"

Spike punched his palm and grinned, "I say we take on some Marines. I still got a grudge against them and it's a hell of a lot better than raiding villagers. Plus, I'm pretty sure each ship has a safe in it, for needed expenditures during each voyage. Pirates also have a lot of stuff on hand."

I carefully stepped over a root and said, "I do like the prospect of a fight... and money."

Twilight rolled her eyes and muttered, "Stallions, always looking for a fight..."

I laughed, "Gurarara! Then its settled! We should make our money from Marines, if we find any, and other pirates too. But before we do any of that we need to get ourselves the most important thing a pirate crew needs."

Twilight and Spike looked at me, I could see the question in their eyes.

"A pirate flag of course! What kind of self respecting pirate doesn't have one? The Jolly Roger is the most important part of a pirate ship." I said, nodding at my own wisdom.

Spike crossed his arms and looked up in thought before nodding. He looked to me and said, "Yeah, I can see why that's an important part. But don't you think we should wait until we get an actual ship? Seems kind of lack luster to put a Jolly Roger on a fishing ship."

He had a good point. Too bad really, I really wanted to make the Whitebeard flag already. But I guess getting an actual ship and a larger crew size would be more important right now. Or at least a larger ship first, a pirate flag second, and a larger crew third.

I sighed, "I suppose."

The conversation then turned to random topics, favorite foods, colors, and the like. The hours were whittled away and our group of three finally got to an entrance to the town. I could see the docks weren't far, I could even make out my tiny fishing ship and Twilight and Spike's beaten up boat, "Practically drift wood now" as described by Spike's own words. We walked out of the forest and entered the street, trying our best to avoid any unwanted attention.

But when you're a huge human amongst anthro ponies, a young pony, and a teenaged dragon you turn a few heads. Most were curious, but I think other's were putting the pieces together. Rumor must have spread from villager to villager about the strange person announcing he was a pirate to the only known dragon in town. I looked one of those villager's in the eye and he ran off, trying to cover his face from my gaze.

"Huh, what's up with him?" Asked Spike.

I rolled my eyes but it was Twilight who responded, "Spike, it's barely been a few days since Captain announce he was a pirate in front of a tavern full of ponies. Rumors spread fast, especially if it's about a new creature and a dragon."

Spike thought it over, "I guess... but I mean it's not like we're being threatening or something. We're just walking down the street." None of us had an answer to that and the subject matter was dropped.

I looked at the two beside me, "Oh and by the way, you two don't have to call me Captain you know? You can call me Luke, that's my name after all."

Twilight blinked, "Oh, I thought your name was Whitebeard. But I suppose I could give it a try... just doesn't seem professional to call my superior in this crew by his name and not title."

"Heh, we're pirates now Twilight. There is no professionalism here. Also, I don't want to be your superior, I want to be your friend." I looked at Spike, "How about you?"

He shrugged, "Yeah I'll call you by your name. Besides, calling you Captain all the time would've gotten old real quick." Spike gave me a wry grin and we laughed. Twilight giggled alongside us as we finally got to the pier.

I pointed at my ship, "Well, there it is. We can stuff everything inside it, all the stuff I had gotten from the previous island I was on should be inside too."

Twilight and Spike nodded, jumping onto the deck of the fishing ship. I had to carefully step onto the deck myself, didn't want to fall in the water.

"Well... its certainly better than our ship that's for sure." Spike commented. He sniffed the air, "Hey, is that sea monster I smell?"

"Yeah, one attacked me on the way here. Killed it and ate it before arriving on the island." I said and set the water down. I looked up to see the surprise on Spike's face. "What?" I asked.

He grinned, "Finally! Someone I know that eats meat too!" He whooped for joy, "Do you know what's it's like being the only meat eater, surrounded by ponies that eat only vegetables, grains, and fruit?"

Well I knew some vegetarians back home...

I shook my head, "Nah. But it must've been lonely. We should stop this conversation though, Twilight doesn't look like she's enjoying it."

Spike looked sheepish at Twilight, "Heh, sorry Twi. Just excited."

She smiled at him, "Don't worry about me. I'm going to go organize everything and we can set sail."

Twilight turned and walked into the interior of the ship. Spike and I started loading the water inside, or at least he did. I just untied them and watched him carry them inside. Once our manual labor was finished we lounged on the deck and lazed about. That was how Twilight found us, nearly asleep in the sun.

"Really? You're just going to be lazy? Come on then! You want to leave for the next island right?" Twilight put a hand on her hip and stared down at us with an eyebrow raised.

We nervously laughed and got to work. I pushed us with a foot from the dock and we slowly drifted out of the port. Once we had our ship all nice and moving I took out the map and compass. I chose a random island somewhere close by and turned the steering wheel. There was a comfortable silence as we sailed away from the island. A soft smile on all of our faces.

"I wish we had a sunset..." I said, ruining the mood. I heard the smack of palm and face and smirked in triumph.

"Target has left the island. He and his charge have gone with that huge new creature. I'm sorry... I failed." Said a voice sadly. The owner of the voice was a cloaked pony watching the fishing ship leave the island on top of the roof of a large house. "I will accept any punishment seen fit."

"That won't be necessary. Something new has come up, we feel like you need a new mission." Said the voice from the pocket mirror.

"What do you need me to do?" The hooded pony held the mirror closer to her.

"Simple. Find a way into 'Whitebeards' crew. Observe from the inside until we feel it is necessary to strike. We will talk again soon. Do not fail, I have the upmost confidence in you."

"Your will be done." The hooded pony nodded to the mirror before snapping it closed. The pony looked out in the direction Whitebeard and his crew sail to. Purple eyes narrowed before the cloaked pony jumped off the roof and dashing to the docks.

Author's Note:

Welp, this is the last chapter of this arc. I think I'll just write some filler fights between Whitebeard, crew and some Marines and other pirates before I start the next arc. Should be fun.