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Wanderer D

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Now that she's no longer the Principal of the School of Friendship, Gallus has nothing to stop him from asking Twilight out on a date except his own nervousness. Will she accept? Probably not. But how can Gallus move on if he never acknowledges his feelings?

This fic is dedicated directly to the legendary Present Perfect, who pretty much asked for it. Any clop stories inspired by this written by any author can also be dedicated to him. Because he also asked for that.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 53 )

"I don't know! Something nice! It's not like I wasn't supportive for you and Rarity, even if never went anywhere!"

Spike growled and crossed disapprovingly his arm again. "I wasn't trying to date her."

Twilight blinked at that. "Wait. You weren't?"

"No. I'm a dragon, Twilight! She was going to be part of my hoard!" Spike exclaimed, giving her an exasperated look. "You don't think I would have asked her out otherwise? It's more complicated to tell a mare that you want them petrified in that moment of perfect beauty so that they can decorate your bathroom—without you know, offending them—than it is asking them out for a date! I was nervous for a real reason!"


This was sweet :heart: I loved the Spike bits!

Nodding when he saw he was all set, he claw-bumped Smolder, shoulder-bumped the grinning Yona, hoof-bumped Ocellus, hugged Silverstream, and decided that Sandbar looked too miserable for some reason to interrupt.

for some reason

Gallus gives exactly the right amount of importance to Sandbar’s feelings :rainbowlaugh:

This exceeded all of my expectations. Great work!

That was 20% less crackfic-y than I was expecting it to be.

I think I liked it.

That screencap with you and PresentPerfect, what were you talking about? What vote?

Good lord that ending. I'm dying. :rainbowlaugh:

You know... if you wrote this as a serious romance, this could be even better...

And if Rarity could eat Fruit Bats,

Always love the references to your other stories.

Cute and got a laugh out of me. I'd ship it.

Good job, D man.

"If by that you mean 'a couple of years multiplied by five so it averages ten or so', I could also agree with that."

"Well, when I'm sixty, he'll be fifty, and that's okay! Right?" :twilightsheepish:

Oh yeah. Nowhere near as cracky as the idea and description suggested, yet with enough cracks throughout!

This was cute. Also worth noting that my paternal grandfather is actually seven years younger than my paternal grandmother, so I don’t think the age thing is that big a deal. For that matter there’s some evidence to suggest that Spike and Rarity aren’t that far apart in age either (maybe five or seven years), despite appearances.

And if Rarity could eat Fruit Bats

Stealth Three Sisters canon confirmation?

What is three sisters?

An earlier, excellent story also by Wanderer D, with an equally excellent sequel.

Author Interviewer

Why are you like this

Interesting ship story

"Oh, I just didn't want to hurt Sandbar's feelings," she raised her volume as the pony wailed louder. "He was hoping your feelings for him were more than platonic."

Gallus: "I'm not gay."
Ocellis: "That's okay; Sandbar is."

Reminds me of an anime/light novel I wish existed but doesn’t: I’m a Heroine but my Reward is a Princess?!

Heroine: “I’m straight!”
Princess: “So’s spaghetti ‘til it gets wet~!”

Wanderer D

9804308 9804839 I mean, I'm sure that will garner me some disapproval from the Gallus/Sandbar shippers, even though it's all just having fun. :pinkiecrazy:

9804400 dunno, man. Real romance-writing takes some skill. I can do the comedy-romance a bit just because it's amusing but a whole real story? That's better left to the pros like Bookplayer, 9804308, or Monochromatic

9804335 not quite a feghoot ending, but I'm hoping 9804833 caught it.

9804697 seemed like a perfect moment for them both to think on Rarity and Sweetie's unusual diet. :raritywink:

I was going to mention the Sparity age difference, but you did so far more effectively than I could hope to.

Menus were brought soon after by a waiter who introduced himself as Mango Perfect—a gray thestral pony with a rusty-red mane and black wings

This has officially become an attack against PP, and I love it.

And if Rarity could eat Fruit Bats, well, she could eat a bit of it to make him comfortable.

Ah, it's that universe. Good to know.

Delightful madness throughout. Thank you for it.

Oof. An actual K.O. by wing. But I suppose swans will break your freaking arms, so that's fair.

Well, that was kinda cute.

Wanderer D

9804327 Ugh. I saw this earlier and forgot to answer. PP posted a blog about who he should pair Twilight with for a short, awkward date. You know the rest.

Not cracky enough. I was fine up until Twilight actually accepted the date. Even that cool stuff with Spike and the Student Six couldn’t stop me from feeling angry and gross.

Besides the large age difference of 10 years, it’s so massive in proportion to their actual current age. Then there’s the fact that Gallus himself acts so young and emotionally vulnerable, hasn’t graduated from the School, is clearly smaller than most every other Griffin in the show, and still needs to live with an adult. This isn’t like an 18-year-old pursuing a 28-year-old. Or like 9804539 suggested. Even stories of Twilight and Celestia dating doesn’t bother me as much, because even at the series pilot, Twilight felt more adult than Gallus.

Wanderer D

9805100 Well, too bad you didn't like it, although ages are clearly tweaked in the story. Thanks for reading.

Not raritwi...

I dig it tho

I love the maturity you gave to Spike during his moment with Twilight here :twilightsmile:

That was interesting ship and a sweet story.
Wished there's more.

Wow. That's new. A Twilight Sparkle x Gallus story. This is like a new start from the Twilestia stories.

So... should we expect a GallusXTwilight shipping group solely for the sake of antagonizing Present Perfect?

That is, uh, a ship.

Gallus ignored the quietly sobbing Sandbar, who had huddled in the corner and was giving him betrayed looks while being patted on the back by Ocellus. "Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment."

Oh, don't give me that! We all know Sandbar wants that shaggy yak ass

It’s nice when a hit piece on another author turns out as a fun story for the rest of us. This was cute

This kinda reminds me of a batgirl robin relationship

Also as a

(Spoiler: don't read reply if you don't want to)

I saw a picture of Gallus in the future working in twilights division as a guard

Maybe you could try something like that for a sequel?


Well, that was sweet. Cute, even. That bat pony needs his own story, filled with love, loss, adventure and mangos.

This was neat. Some of the parts that (I'm presuming here, but that's always dangerous territory in the online wilds) relate to other stories/verses (users?) passed me by, but the central date element itself was really enjoyable and sensitively done. Thanks for writing and sharing your work. Have another like, and all that jazz! :twilightsmile:

Wanderer D

9806670 They were vague references, but if you didn't even notice them that's even better! The best references don't interrupt the reader, amirite? :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!

Besides the large age difference of 10 years, it’s so massive in proportion to their actual current age. Then there’s the fact that Gallus himself acts so young and emotionally vulnerable, hasn’t graduated from the School, is clearly smaller than most every other Griffin in the show, and still needs to live with an adult. This isn’t like an 18-year-old pursuing a 28-year-old. Or like Raugos suggested. Even stories of Twilight and Celestia dating doesn’t bother me as much, because even at the series pilot, Twilight felt more adult than Gallus.

My parents are twelve years apart so the ten-year gap doesn't look that bad to me. That being said, you do bring up a good point about the whole emotional thing.

Wanderer D

9807370 No he doesn't. The Student Six are basically the same age as Twilight and co were at the start of the series. At the series inception, Faust actually admitted their ages ranged from about what, like, 15 to 20 depending on the pony? Pinkie Pie has always acted like a child when happy, and a perturbed, deeply worrying individual when sad. Twilight breaks down because she's tardy. They all have flaws. When it came to them, there was never a question of whether they were old enough to date anyone.

Gallus is vulnerable in the series only when he's faced with his phobia. So the argument falls flat when compared to everything that didn't matter at the time for the ponies themselves. They're not in primary school either... we see adult ponies studying in Twilight's School of Friendship. Also, Gallus doesn't live with an adult. In fact, he needed a guardian for international relations only. In the show, he's shown to not actually live with that old griffon, and also shown to live in the school.

He's a young man, she's a young woman. And she's makeing a big deal out of a two-year age gap?

But I guess it is like Twilight to make mountains out of molehills, on the first romantic date she's ever had.

If we're going to talk about ages, here's my take: The Mane 6 (at least, at the start of the series) seem like young adults. They're probably in their teens or twenties.

Probably later teens, if they're teens. Equestria isn't exactly modern America (modern Americans take ridiculously long to grow up, compared to the historic norm). But I doubt Equestria has too many 13-year-olds who live on their own.

However, Pinkie and AJ live with their families. So they could be 13, or they could be 23. The Student Six live in a boring school. So like Pinkie and AJ: They could be 13 or 23.

If three years have passed from the start of the series: A 16-year-old Applejack might be teaching a 23-year-old Gallus. Or a 26-year-old Applejack might be teaching a 13-year-old Gallus.

A crackship fic isn't supposed to make me want to ship them for real.

How could you do this to me?

How's this a crackship fic? Seems to me that it's about a young man and woman, who don't have a lot of romantic experience, so they're nervous about their date. At least, that's why the woman's nervous.

While technically not exactly that, Enduro!, is the anime you're looking for (if you haven't already seen it).

Isn't Gallus a teenager while Twilight is in her late twenties?

In this story: There's a two-year age-gap between them. One that Twilight makes way too big a deal out of.

But even ignoring that: What makes you think that Twilight is in her late twenties, and not her early twenties or late teens? And what makes you think that Gallus is in his teens, and not his early twenties?

*shrug* Gallus is in school? I honestly have no clue on the ages.


*rolls dice* Next up: Stellar Flare x Trixie's fan from Saddle Arabia

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Now Reviews #115.

My review can be found here.

Author Interviewer

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.

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