• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 26,870 Views, 244 Comments

To Dethrone A Princess - Codex Ex Equus

The rebels planned things well. They've broken through and Celestia is the only one left between them and the throne. Now all they have to do is take it.

  • ...

Taking the Crown

The door to the throne room crashed open as a Royal Guard was thrown through, finally diverting Celestia's attention from the nearby window. Giving the coruscating red glow that now hung over her palace one final look, she turned to the crowd of armed and armored ponies marching in and raised one eyebrow.

“I do hope you've left at least some of my guards alive,” she said serenely. “It takes quite a long time to train them, you know.”

One pony made his way to the front of the group, a rugged, dark gray pegasus. The hair that could be seen under his helmet was blue, turning to gray, and his eyes were hard as he stared across the room at the princess before smirking.

“Don't worry, we've done our best to restrain them unharmed,” he said pleasantly. “After all, I'm still going to be requiring their services.”

“Oh dear me, is this all about personal power?” Celestia let her head hang down as she gave it a slow shake. “And you'd showed such promise, Iron Hammer. I'd hoped this was a benevolent takeover, one more about the good of all, rather than just finding a way to promote yourself above the rank of General.”

“Oh, but it is.” He began to pace back and forth in front of his soldiers. “You've been on the throne far longer than any pony has a right to be, even one that's a Goddess. It's time for the ponies, the real ponies, the everyday ponies, to take control of our land and our lives back from you. A hundred years as the leader of this country would simply make you a popular leader; a thousand years makes you a tyrant.”

“A 'tyrant' who has done nothing but lead with a benevolent hoof,” pointed out Celestia. “Thousands of years of relative peace and prosperity; is that what you are saving my little ponies from? Do you really think you can do better than an all-powerful sun Goddess who had generations upon generations of experience ruling before even your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents were born?”

“To rule ourselves, to be masters of our own destinies, is far better than to be stifled under your wings,” shot back Iron Hammer. “Besides, I think we've proven you are not so all-powerful, haven't we?”

“Yes, I must congratulate you on an well thought-out coup d'etat,” said Celestia, glancing again at the red glow shining through the windows. “Whatever artifact or spell you've found has done quite an efficient job at cutting me off from my sun. Without that connection, my magic is only slightly more powerful than the strongest unicorn's. And with the severance of my power, it will devolve to the other princesses–much as Luna's did to me following her banishment–which is an experience that will leave them confused and disoriented, unable to counter your attack. At least, not until well after you have secured your position.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” said General Hammer with a mocking bow. “I like to think that the years I spent leading your armies has left me with some grasp of tactics.”

“Well then,” said Celestia, cocking an eyebrow. “It's off with my head now, I suppose?”

“Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you Princess?” said the general with a chuckle. “But that would immediately bring your sister–not to mention your niece, your protege, and the other element bearers–down on our own heads. No, you will be kept... safe, to ensure their cooperation and support.

“Now–relinquish your throne, please. You may still be stronger than any one of us, but you know as well as I that you wouldn't stand a chance against three dozen highly trained soldiers. So don't make us take the crown by force.”

There was a moment of silence, hanging heavy in the air as the two stared at each other. Finally, Celestia was the one to drop her gaze, with a long, tired sigh.

“This crown is... so heavy,” she said, reaching up with her hooves to remove it from her head. She stared down at the crown, cradling it gently in her forelegs. “You can feel the weight of it, of all it represents, the moment you place it upon your head. It only gets heavier each day that you wear it... and I've been wearing it for so very, very long.”

Standing up, she placed the crown upon the throne, then began to slowly remove the rest of her regalia.

“In a way,” she said quietly, “It would be a relief to be rid of this burden.”

She stood before them, no ornaments upon her body, and the soldiers shifted uncomfortably, some looking away. Clothing was rarely worn by ponies, but to see Celestia without her royal accoutrements didn't seem right. She looked... naked.

For a moment, Celestia considered the pony before her.

“General Iron Hammer...” she said musingly, half to herself. “Class of '34, correct? I believe I gave a few guest lectures back then, not to mention your commencement speech–”

“Save it,” growled the general. “Sympathy won't do you any good now, not when we've come this far.”

“Oh, perish the thought, General, perish the thought! I was merely reminiscing about days gone by. In fact, in honor of the old times, when I was something of a teacher to you, why don't I give you a little pop quiz?”

“Is this some kind of joke to you–” Iron Hammer began, and Celestia cut him off as though he wasn't even talking.

“Question one. And since this is the first question, I'll make it easy for you: true or false, alicorns have the powers of all three pony races, including the speed and agility of pegasi, the quick thinking and analytical abilities of unicorns, and the strength and stamina of earth ponies?”

Iron Hammer snorted. “True, of course, but if you're thinking of intimidating–”

“Correct!” beamed Celestia, interrupting the General again.

She leapt lightly from the dais upon which her throne sat. Her landing at its foot had all the grace and gentleness for which she was renowned, but still the marble flagstones shattered under her hooves, cracks racing out for yards in every direction.

“Question two: how old am I?” Celestia began to walk forward. Her gait was slow and unhurried, nearly lazy, but still the tiles under her hooves cracked, leaving a small crater behind with each step she took.

“Well, um...” The display was beginning to fluster the General, but he held his ground–though not without allowing himself to be sucked into Celestia's game. “We know when you banished Nightmare Moon, so I'd say at least a thousand years–”

Celestia stopped him with something that was dangerously close to a giggle, pausing her stride momentarily to cover her mouth with one hoof. “I'm sorry, General, but that was a little joke on my part. It's a trick question, because no one but Luna and I know our ages. I have not suppressed the information, but I have, let us say, allowed it to fade over time. I am far, far older than a mere one thousand years.”

She resumed her walk, and metal clanged softly throughout the room as the soldiers huddled closer together despite themselves.

“Question three: what kind of pony was I before I became an alicorn?”

Iron Hammer stared at her for a few seconds, now fully invested in the quiz, before saying, “This is another trick question, isn't it?”

Celestia positively tittered this time, nearly dancing in place, thus annihilating several more marble tiles.

“Correct! But, just between us, I was an earth pony. A 'rough and tumble' earth pony, I believe the phrase would be.” She waggled one hoof at roughly the height of her shoulder. “I did not posses quite the stature I have today, of course, but... well, if any of you have heard of a pony named Big Macintosh, let's just say I could have given him a run for his money.”

She took the last few steps and stopped, towering over the General and his soldiers. “Now, last question. This is the big one, but I feel confident that you know the answer. That is, assuming my army still prides itself on being able to trace its roots back to the Legions of old?”

“Of course we do!” snapped Iron Hammer, drawing himself up, pride in his profession and position overcoming the intimidation of the Princess's presence.

“Excellent! Then I'm sure you'll know the answer to question four: what was the ancient Romane word for 'brawler'?”

“Brawler, brawler... let's see...” the General muttered to himself as he tried to remember the language lessons from his old academy days. “Started with a 'K'... no, 'C'. Calasta? No... cel... celastiar? Yes, celastiar!”

His face froze as the bit dropped, and the military pony produced the closest sound to a squeak he was capable of. “Oh, no...”

“That's right General,” said Celestia, a broad smile on her face as she loomed over the pegasus. “They named it after me.

“Ah, Y-your Highness,” stammered Iron Hammer, starting to sweat, “We may have been... too hasty. I'm sure if we work together, there is some compromise that–”

“General?” interrupted Celestia softly, placing a gentle hoof upon his shoulder.

“Yes, Your Highness?” he replied, looking up, hope beginning to form on his face.

“Say goodnight, General.”

The crack! of her forehead impacting with his echoed loudly throughout the throne room, and she expertly caught him with one leg as he fell. That kindness was then made moot as she slung his unconscious body off to one side, where it slid and tumbled across the floor until striking the far wall.

The eyes of the soldiers that had been brave enough to to look away from Celestia to follow the body slowly came back to focus on the Princess. Her forehead was clearly unmarked, and as they watched she slowly twisted her head to one side, producing several loud popping sounds, before grinning at the soldiers in front of her. They all immediately clumped closer together again; that smile seemed to have far more teeth in it than any pony's mouth should rightly have.

“Alright, boys and girls,” said Celestia, and then suddenly she was above them, wings outspread and hooves drawn back to strike.

“TIME FOR A HISTORY LESSON!” she bellowed gleefully, the manic grin still on her face as she crashed down in the middle of their formation.

Luna carefully picked a path across the destroyed throne room, making her way to where Celestia sat sipping tea upon the throne, her regalia shining brightly in the sunlight streaming in through the broken windows.

“You are looking well, sister,” said Luna, coming to a halt at the foot of the throne. “I trust your power has been fully restored?”

“Indeed it has. In fact, having it back after even such a short time away makes it feel all the more precious to me. Having it gone, being so helpless...” She put a hoof to her forehead and threw her head back. “I never want to experience something like that again.”

“Uh-huh.” Luna seemed less than impressed by her older sister's theatrics. “Well, there is no need to worry about that. We found the artifact they used to cut off your magic–some kind of gem. We gave it to Twilight Sparkle to study, in the hopes that she may find a way for us to neutralize its powers if it is used against us again, or at least a way to destroy it.”

“And you will be sure to gently remind her in a few months that she is meant to destroy it, not allow the study of a unique magical artifact to consume her every waking moment?”

“A timed scroll has already been prepared.”

“Excellent.” Celestia paused for a moment to sip her tea. “Now, I assume you are here with the final damages report?”

“Correct.” A scroll floated out from under Luna's wing, held in her magic, and unfurled itself before her. “Casualties were extremely low, which we have the 'rebels', as they are calling themselves, to thank for. That's is also the reason why most ponies are calling for them to be simply exiled, rather than executed, as would normally befit traitors.”

“I must agree,” said Celestia graciously. “They never want to hurt anypony, they were simply acting as they saw best. It's just a shame they decided to do it outside of the proper channels. Exile it is.”

Luna nodded. “I agreed as well, and thought you might feel the same, which is why I ordered the formal processes begun before I came here.”

She paused for a moment to look over the scroll, then continued. “Damage to most of the castle is virtually nonexistent. A few barricades were built, a few doors broken down or windows smashed, nothing important. Everything should be repaired in a week or so.

“And that brings me to... the throne room.”

This time, the pause was to let the two Princesses consider their surroundings. One of the doors to the throne room hung askew, the other warped so badly it was unusable. A trail of broken flagstones led from the throne to the doors, and a number of frescoes on the walls were virtually destroyed, large craters and cracks obliterating their features. Most of the tapestries that hung upon the walls seemed to have been burned to ash, over half the windows in the hall were shattered beyond repair, and most of the sculptures, vases, and other assorted pieces of art that had been gifted to the Princesses over the centuries had been destroyed in some fashion.

“Now, we're having a hard time piecing together exactly what happened here. The ponies that were involved in the battle seem to have been so traumatized that they cannot recall exactly what happened. You yourself were the only pony found to still be conscious when the battle died down, in fact.”

“Yes, those brave guards fought so valiantly for me in my hour of need.” Celestia put a hoof over her chest, looking pridefully up into the air. “I can hardly tell you what happened here myself, save that a battle was indeed fought, and fought hard. It was all so violent and confusing, I hardly remember as well.”

“About those guards that fought for you... that would be the four royal guards we found here, unconscious?” Celestia nodded. “Four ponies, three of which were actually found outside the throne room and were in fact most likely unable to get inside due to the damage to the doors?” Celestia nodded again. “The same four guards that fought off, what was it, somewhere around three dozen armed soldiers?”

Celestia nodded a third time, then, feeling something else was required of her, said, “Our guards are highly skilled. It takes quite a long time to train them, you know.”

“Uh-huh.” Once again, something about Celestia's response seemed to be irritating her younger sister. “There are other oddities, as well, in regards to the damage done to this room.

“For example, a number of the rebels appear to have been bucked into the walls so hard they shattered the stone. However, the ponies themselves were not hurt due to the impact resistance enchantments that all guard armor has. In fact, they seem to have been hit with exactly enough force to crack stone and break the enchantment, as well as take the pony in question out of the fight, but yet not so hard as to permanently injure the pony. It was like whoever was doing the bucking knew the exact limits of the enchantment.”

“The guards do wear the same armor themselves,” pointed out Celestia.

“Well, yes,” replied Luna, “But I doubt any of them would have been capable of striking with such power. Not to mention that it seems the ponies who impacted the wall did so in such a manner as to destroy several frescoes. Frescoes I seem to recall you having said you hated. Five, in fact, seem to have hit that mural that you claimed had a carving where your butt looked big.”

“A coincidence, perhaps?” suggested Celestia innocently.

“Part of an overall pattern, though,” pressed Luna. “The floor of the throne room, which I believe you called 'outdated' recently, will now have to be completely replaced. Along with the stained glass windows and tapestries that have been completely destroyed. Although, I notice that the ones depicting you and your student–sorry, our newest Princess–seem to have survived intact. And a surprising number of the other pieces of art we keep in the throne room, which you have on numerous occasions mentioned your dislike for, have also been similarly destroyed. It is almost as though a tornado swept through the room and destroyed everything you hate about it.”

“No... no, there were no tornadoes,” said Celestia musingly. “The battle was chaotic, and hard to follow as I was trying to stay safely out of it, but I would have remembered a tornado.”

“That brings me to my last point, the damage to the doorway.” Luna gestured to the ruined aperture. “Given that we found the hinges and frame so badly damaged after the battle that we had to force them open, it is odd how all four of the guards could have been in here to protect you, seeing as three of them were out in the hall.”

“Well, clearly they must have gone out there before the doors were damaged,” replied Celestia calmly.

“The other funny thing about the damage to the doors is the manner in which it was caused,” continued Luna without acknowledging Celestia's reply. “Or rather, the ways. The damage to the frame and hinges seems to have come from inside the throne room, in one case melting a hinge into a useless lump of metal. The hinges could have just been replaced without needing to do the same to the bulk of the door; however, the actual doors themselves were damaged as well. That damage seems to have come from ponies beating on the inside of the doors, almost as if they had been trying to escape. To run away from... something.”

“I have no doubt that the rebels attempted to flee once they realized the ferocity of the guards who were protecting me,” said Celestia. “In fact, I am positive that's what happened. The doors being broken and unopenable was probably just an accident.”

Luna stared at her sister for a long moment, before finally sighing and tucking the scroll back under her wing. “Well, the important thing is that nopony was hurt, and everything can go back to normal now. I'm sure the response to this little attempted coup means we won't have to worry about anything like this again for some time.”

“Quite so, quite so,” agreed Celestia, nodding.

“Oh, there is one other thing on the report I forgot to mention,” said Luna, pretending to hold up a scroll in her hoofs and read it. “Yes, it says here that you are a reckless fool who should have known better than to try and handle the situation alone, and should have instead waited for the backup that you knew would be coming–specifically, your fellow Princesses who, with their full power at their disposal plus yours, would have been quite easily able to rescue you with no danger or risk to yourself.”

“Yes, well, sometimes even I need to be myself,” said Celestia, closing her eyes to take another sip of tea and smile happily.

Comments ( 244 )

Funny, and I loved Celestia talking about her crown. It makes her later actions interesting.

Celestia is always either curbstomping her enemies (in fanfic), or folding like wet toast. (in canon.) The rationalizations are interestingly all the same--- that she was, or has been in the past, holding back her true power for some abstract reason. I seriously desire to see her face an adversary on equal grounds--- no excuses, no "I was holding back because innocents were present/ I was hiding my full power/ it was all part of a cunning plan/ it was my beloved sister...."

Who are you and what the buck have you done with the real RealityCheck? Because I find myself once again AGREEING with you. I want to see Celestia let loose on an adversary.

Luna's last line seems ridiculous. I mean, why yell at Celestia for being a fool when she had everything easily under control?

The other thing that bugs me about this is just how many ponies could have been hurt, particularly by Celestia waiting in the throne room, if the rebels hadn't been concerned with preventing loss of life.

6307573 Not so much just unleashing her on an enemy, but seeing her battling with a genuine match. That's the thing; whether she's curbstomping or being curbstomped, the fanon excuse is that she was, or is, concealing her true power for some inscrutable reason.

6307624 Because Luna is a worrying younger sister? After all, Celestia was severely weakened and outnumbered but still was trating this coup like a joke.

Yet clearly Celestia had them all badly outmatched anyways.

6308088 I agree. That doesn't go against what I said though.


Especially love Celestia having been an earth pony before an alicorn.

So Celestia taking off her crown is like Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt?

Headcanon successfully updated.

Great, now I'm imagining Celestia pulling pro-wrestler moves on all those hapless soldiers. :rainbowlaugh:

The soldiers did not do their research, they also could have aired out their grievances first instead of planning a coup. What would they have done that would have been better? Ponies already have control over how their lives go and don't have to do whatever Celestia tells them to unless it is their jobs. Which admittedly makes the rogue soldiers a bit dumb sounding given what their jobs are.

Instead of trapping Celestia in a room with them, they trapped themselves in a room with her.

“TIME FOR A HISTORY LESSON!” *cue Guile's theme music*

Interesting. So Celestia's regalia are basically DBZ weighted armor if I'm reading this right?

"Without that connection, my magic is only slightly more powerful than the strongest unicorn's. "

Like Celestia's choice of words here.

Her MAGIC is weakened, not her Earth Pony strength or Pegasus speed, foreshadowing the reveal she's a Lightning Bruiser.

6307539 have to say I would like to see an episode in canon that actually addresses the real power level of the alicorns.

I still think of Twilight as the first ascended Alicorn rather than born that way, otherwise Celestia's statement of 'made new magic' makes no sense.

And destroying something that can slightly weaken Celly if she goes Daymare Sun would be short sighted I think.

Exile WHERE exactly?

Iacs #19 · Aug 12th, 2015 · · 7 ·


Season 4, episode 2. Celestia and Luna has a short fight in heavily enchanted castle in the middle of city.
Season 1, episode 2, thouthand years later. Castle is ruined and there are no traces of city. Thouthand years in the forest is not enough to totaly hide ruins of city, especially if ground level did not change.

That is what happens when alicorns fight at full power. That is why Celestia did not fight Crysalis at wedding.

Five, in fact, seem to have hit that mural that you claimed had a carving where your butt looked big.

So essentially what you're saying is that it took five stallions to destroy Celestia's ass?
... Sounds legit. :trollestia:

Excerpt from the mlp wiki on Princess Cadence:

Princess Cadance is featured in the chapter book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. The book tells the story of Twilight Sparkle after she'd been made an Alicorn and seeks advice on being a princess. She turns to Cadance, who tells her life story, how as a baby Pegasus she was found in the woods by Earth ponies, who took her to their village. When she grew up she reversed a love-stealing spell cast by a pony called Prismia. Prismia wore a magic-enhancing necklace that amplified her evil and jealousy, but when Cadance confronted her, the necklace amplified Cadance's love. Once Prismia changed her horrible ways, Cadance was surrounded by magical energy and transported to a strange place where she met Celestia, who adopted her as her royal niece.

I am not sure if you are one of those people who only follow the show' s events or someone who rejects the books and comics as proper cannon, but as you can see in the passage above, Cadence ascended before Twilight, making Cadence the first to ascend that we know of. Hoping future issues can give us some more details on Celestia and Luna' s ascension/birth, though.

Sometimes we all need to be ourselves.

Honestly, the picture of Celestia the brawler fits pretty well in my head. I can easily image her abandoning her poise for a little bit while she just wails on a deserving target.

Why would you need a special weakening artifact to weaken a crazy alicorn when friendship and love save the day? I'm not even being sarcastic when I say they're the strongest forces in the setting regardless of what you have.

I like the idea that the forest is so 'chaotic' because of their battle, too. It literally broke the area's natural order.


I consider the IDW comics more canon than that story and the two sisters book.


Better safe than sorry.

Sad that there was no discord cameo

Celestia the Fury Warrior, and Luna the Frost Death Knight? Barely restrained (or not) passion vs stone-cold discipline. Yes, please. The world needs more of this.

For whatever reason people assume Celestia and Luna have to have some OP powers. They're strong magically to be sure; but not much more than Twilight is. They operate primarily by the wealth of their experience; smarter, not harder.

6309135 it's not A forest, it's The Forest. It's semi-sentient as a whole and it actively resists and subverts pony magic. The city was build primarily by ponies; their masonry isn't brick and mortar alone, it's earth pony magic (supplemented by other races). Break that and it fades to dust. The castle was the seat of power. Alicorns, the Elements and so on. It's the only reason it's still standing relatively intact.

Hmm. Not fond of the part where she's called a deity, but otherwise, this was indeed comical. That was an epic fail by the rebel force.


That is why Celestia did not fight Crysalis at wedding.

Ah ha ha! No, ridiculous. There are so many reasons why that's absurd. If you'd like I could PM you a list.

On topic, very good story! Is it really named celastiar?

Someone's been reading Dune....

This fits is my headcannon of Princess Celestia perfectly.

Sweet on the inside but ready to kick some @$$ when the time calls for it!

Very funny, I do admire when an author changes Celestia and Luna from born alicorns to ascended ones. You even got her subtle sense of humor. :moustache:

Loved it, but... yeah, it seems unrealistic. Would these rebels really have thought that cutting Celestia off from the sun alone would be enough? The general even admitted that she was stronger than any of them individually, and it seems like a huge oversight that he would forget that she's part earth pony and could probably bend a railroad beam with her thighs.

6309548 Hence, comedy. :pinkiehappy:

I did not find this funny at all. I could not accept that Celestia somehow managed to stay extremely skilled in fighting over the millenia and kept her skills a secret from her general who was planning a coup and thus would research everything he could about the rulers he was overthrowing. Even if she could, it's further unbelievable she could defeat thirty-six professional soldiers. She might be individually more skilled than any of them by an order of magnitude, but these are still among the best warriors Equestria would have, and there are thirty-six of them. It completely wrecked any humor the story might had have.

"I'll have you know I can flatten steel between my thighs."

I now want a fic where Celestia casually demonstrates the psi of her thighs to a room of sexually frustrated stallions.

6309654 I was laughing my ass off the entire time.

6309135 Sigh. Okay, we all saw the flashback that showed the ACTUAL battle--- and other than some fairly minor cosmetic damage to the castle, no, it wasn't a massive destructo-battle.

This is just what I'm saying. People write a fanfic and she curbstomps someone--- "oh, I've been holding back till now." People write a different fanfic about where she gets whupped--- "oh, I had to hold back that time, otherwise...." Whether she wins or loses, it's always because she was ridiculously overpowered. Just for once, I would like to see someone write Celestia into a fight where she was actually facing a genuine, believable, no tricks, no-this-is-not-part-of-my-thousand-year-plan fight for survival.

welllll.... this is y you don't mess with kindness, I refer you to Fluttershy on the night of the first grand galloping gala for more info.

Veylon #41 · Aug 12th, 2015 · · 5 ·

“I do hope you've left at least some of my guards alive,” she said serenely. “It takes quite a long time to train them, you know.”

Yes, thank you Celestia for sipping tea while the coup you easily could've cut short racked up the body count.

“Thousands of years of relative peace and prosperity; is that what you are saving my little ponies from? Do you really think you can do better than an all-powerful sun Goddess who had generations upon generations of experience ruling before even your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents were born?”

Pro-tip: If someone needs to tell you how great they are, they probably aren't. A much indicator of her experience and benevolence might be the fact that the pony she promoted to general had no problem hatching a undetected coup under her nose while rounding up an army of supporters.

This was kind of eh. It's a kind of punching-down humor where the strong can do as they will, the weak suck, and we should laugh at them for daring to rise above their station. I wouldn't mind see Celestia deliver a righteous beatdown, but there was nothing righteous about this; she was just smashing for fun. Nothing at all was ever at stake. And, no, there's nothing wrong with her having fun by itself, it's that she's happily willing to do so at the expense of others. If she really wants to brawl all that bad, the Everfree's chock-a-block with dangerous monsters and her ex-student regularly gets into fights; doing either of things would actually be useful and not just be a mess for someone else to clean up.

6309815 *raises hand* I did one, but unless you like Prototype crossovers...

6309815 Sunset This is a fic that puts Celestia into a situation where she has to fight for her life with all her power. It is a generally good read as well, and has a sequel and prequel but is completely stand alone. I haven't even read the prequel or sequel myself yet, and I enjoyed this immensely.

6309749 I'm aware that many people find this funny, but I also know that most authors like to know why someone downvoted their fic.

hold up a scroll in her hoofs

Otherwise excellent! I love a good angry overpowered Celestia fic! I think you portrayed her well, whether or not jokingly. I think she would do something like this. Though I should say, her dialogue is kind of out of character in some spots. She almost sounds like Rarity in some spots.

This was fun, but the denouement should have been a lot shorter. A third of the story was devoted to the resolution of the surprise which was awesome, but the long ending just added several jokes, most of which weren't all that funny and just dragged the ending out.

Still, the story was awesome for the first two thirds.:rainbowkiss:


Why yell at Celestia? Because she didn't let Luna have any of the fun!


Celestia has no need to tell them how good she is at what she does. She is, instead, attempting to remind them just what they've chosen to oppose, in the vain hope that they will realize they have chosen the wrong path and solve things peacefully.

Think about it. Over a thousand years, from fighting Discord though forging a society based on harmony out of three warring factions of ponies. This is not the first time this has happened. Probably not even the tenth. By now Celestia knows how these things go.

Interesting fic. The idea of Celestia as a brawler is a little strange. Generally Luna takes on that role.

Heh, pretty funny. Makes me wonder what mortal Celestia was like.

but I also know that most authors like to know why someone downvoted their fic.

And you know, people would probably be willing to share their thoughts on that matter too if this community didn't have the tendency to downvote such things into oblivion. Seriously, try and say something bad about a popular story, and everyone loses their minds. Very much a, "How dare you not like this story for a reason I disagree with! Downvote comment!" response from most people. Just shows you what not following the herd gets you.

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