• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 2,131 Views, 34 Comments

Kraken in Manehatten - Exaxxion

At its defeat at the hands of Perseus the krakens form crumbles under its own stony weight, however while its body was destroyed its soul was sent elsewhere.

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

i know its been a long time and i want to apoligise, i want to finish this story and i hope this chapter can live up to the last two, my computer is here and im going to put it to use

any feedback is great, if i should truly keep going please say so, if not tell me why

Princess Luna awoke abruptly, soaked in sweat and worry in her heart she jumped out of bed and made her way to the door where she was met with two worried guards staring at her in confusion.

“Wake my sister and get me some letters, this is urgent!” said the night princess, grim determination steeling her features as she went back within her chambers to prepare her best ink.

That night, next to a warm fireplace in the night princesses study two diligent diarchs sent missives to a vast array of ponies, from the burning magic fires burst the energized ashes of the letters, flying off at unparalleled speeds to their destinations. As the letters flew they seperated above the castle, scattering to the wind and off to their recipients post haste. One letter went north hurtling toward the brother of one Twilight sparkle, prince of the north, lover of the love princess herself and shield of the crystal ponies. A second set of letters sped east, one materializing on the desk of the mayor of manehattan, a large mustachioed individual with a heart just as big as his facial hair while the other was sent careening into a sewage grate at great speed, navigating the underdark with ease it came to rest in front of a dark figure in a chair, the space around coated in darkness illuminated only by the soft glow of hundreds of monitors and the pinkish magenta aura that surrounded the parchment before it could land. One final letter swiftly sped towards ponyville and the large crystal castle that held twilight sparkle, Element of magic, princess of friendship, and well known book enthusiast alongside her friends, the elements of harmony and one chaotic draconequus.

Twilight sparkle took the letter in her magic, reading it over and over until a growing growl escaped her lips followed by an angry yell that awoke everyone in ponyville,

“Its Riding the comet!? How dare tha-tha, that THING!” her glare igniting the paper before her, twilight quickly started packing, for she would definitely be ready to go and stop this horrid abomination that would dare deface the starswirl comet.

Almost a week had passed and preparations were made as a fast train was sent forth from canterlot to manehattan. The train cars rattled as supplies and ponies were brought from the capital to the bustling trade city, on board in the royal coach sat family and friends of royalty, one princess of the night curled up with coffee and blankets way past her bedtime in a corner couch, discord close by acting as a smoldering fire to provide warmth to the sleepy princess, his usual attitude gone as he contemplated his task. Celestia was slowly easing the elements and Shining Armor into their expected roles, be it to stay on standby with the elements or to simply know when to put the shield up at the last moment to allow the least amount of fatigue. Pinkie pie lazily looked out the window at the passing scenery, emotions warring with instincts on whether the monster truly deserved such measures, and whether it would be right to give it a cupcake to ease things over.

It wasn't just pinkie pie that had conflicting feelings and questions over the hurtling mass of unidentifiable life that was drawing closer to their little side of the planet, Fluttershy's nurturing nature was growing stronger and stronger, her motherly side inkling heavily on at least giving it a chance instead of getting it to leave right away, Applejack had a more solid stance on the subject, ‘if it tries to hurt us we hurt it’ she thought as the train continued to steam ahead, a prismatic pony leaping from the window as she decided it would be best to fly alongside the couch, the open air giving her a better idea on how she wanted to kick this things flank if it had one.

As both Twilight and Rarity stared out the window they watched the sky pass by, the clouds drifting lazily as they trudged across the sky, unknowing to the threat that was about to come screaming through the sky like a second sun upon entry into their world, they idly hoped it would burn up upon its attempted invasion but knew better then to hope, they would be there to stop it, and hopefully send it packing ‘maybe even permanently’ thought twilight, a soft white glow creeping from the back of her eyes.

Twilights musing were cut as the call of the conductor carried through the coach,
“Well be arriving in manehattan in ten minutes” he called to the royals and those who shared their seats. As the conductors call popped everyone of their day dreams they all prepared to go, the days troubles ready to start with them.

As I finished my story I looked to the comet with mixed emotions, the retelling of the event bringing back the questions I still had unanswered about my new found purpose and body, and how I should go about my new life.

“You have my condolences” said the comet, his tone taking a much somber ring as his voice echoed into the void, before his glow could dim however he asked me in a much brighter tone a question that shook me from my melancholy musings,

“So have you decided were to land?” the comet asked, obviously wishing to sprout more knowledge about the upcoming planetoid, his gleeful tone bringing up my mood.

Upon his question I thought long and hard before coming up with an idea.

“I need a place with deep water and connection to the planets largest ocean” i said after some thought, “oh, and if it's close to these locals you keep talking about then all the better but its not needed, im used to the solitude after all” I stated, the blanket statement hopefully giving the comet some good idea as to where I should land.

“I know just the place” the comet stated his form starting to glow with enthusiasm as his speed increased, my claws gripped tighter as my view was consumed with the blues, greens, and whites of the world before me, my eyes glistened as I was overwhelmed with a sense of joy, journey over yet just about to start as well, i turned to the comet as he once again began to speak.

“Im sending you right into this place called manehattan ‘oh Kraken” he said, his voice somewhat sad at my soon to be departure.

“I hope this isn't our last meeting oh great comet, i'd hate for my first foray into friendship to end so soon” I said, my growing joy at finally having a destination dipping at the thought of my fast friend favoring the idea of continuing his travels.

“Don't worry kraken, remember what i said, how i'm too old for anything else, well i've decided to stay in this system, may even drop by once in awhile, who knows” he assured me with a hearty laugh that defied his age.

“Now i'm going to drop you into the entry path and you should land right in the bay, i'm sure even with my age my aim should be true” he said, an aura of wizardry overtaking my form and guiding me lower into the lower atmosphere, his magic began to form a misty frost over my body as i realized what his intentions were.

“I'm giving you a bit of frost to take a good brunt of the burn, take it from an old comet like me, re-entry is a bunch of hogwash that no one enjoys” he said his voice both irritated and concerned as he continued to push me towards the waiting planet below.

“I'm sturdier than i look great comet but i thank you for your concern” I said, laughing at my assumed vulnerability.

“Come on lad it's not ‘comet’ its starswirl, and i'm just looking out for a new friend” he said, his blinking with every word a sight i already feel i will miss.

“Then this is farewell starswirl the comet, may we cross paths once again amongst the sea of stars” I said, my farewell bringing some kind of salty brine to cloud my vision, ‘odd’ I thought, I haven't been near any water in ages. His next words brought me once again from my musings as his form slowly drifted away.

“Best of luck kraken, may you enjoy your vacation, have fun and till next time” he said and with one final push from his magic I felt gravity take me to the sea of clouds waiting below, and with it my journey on this new and unexplored world began with a raging inferno as I started my descent.

The train station was a steamy and gritty affair, one the princess and party didn't stay in for long, upon departing the train they were met with the mayor of manehattan, an elderly stallion with the stature of big mac and mustache to match, though the wrinkles and laugh lines betrayed his age.

“Hello and welcome to my fair city” the elderly stallion said, his voice giving way to the nervousness he felt of the situation, yet the glee mixed in of having royalty in his city even given the situation he found himself in.

“Like you asked we’ve blockaded and banned all boating in the bay, both recreational and trade” he said as he raised his head, quickly he lead the way outside to the waiting chariots were the elements and royalty plus one draconequus boarded swiftly, on their way to the bay they saw police ponies guiding civilians away from the waters edge and the closer buildings and streets.

“Why all the bustle and hustle?” pinkie asked, looking out the window one could definitely see the evacuation was very much exceeding the possible area, though the fact that everyone was moving with a practised ease was surprising to everyone except the diarchs which had an indifferent but serious look upon their face.

“Yea what gives, its like a world ending scenario is a standard tuesday for you guys or something!” discord said in a huff, his arms flying in the air at the utter indignation of it all. “Youd think something that teters on keter would put a little more fire in them” discord continued, somehow donning what looked like highly protective riot gear with the lettering SCP on the side while munching on what looked like a comma. Pinkie, seeing discords attire, swiftly put on what looked like a white lab coat and a ornately designed ruby studded pendant.

“I agree, we should document and befriend this great beast, be it friend or foe nothing can resist a good cake” Pinkie said, her hair giving way to cake that was somehow hidden there.

“Pinkie, Discord focus!” Twilight barked, “we've got a job to do and we need to get ready, we’re here” she said as chariots rolled to a stop before a large dock, hundreds of journalist blaring their questions at the suddenly emerging princesses and mayor.

“Why the sudden blockage of the bay?” said one stallion.

“How will this act affect the economy?” said a girthy mare.

“Is it true a giant monster is falling from the sky?” screamed a panicked civilian.

“Will we be crushed by a giant corn?” asked a weather pony with large glasses.

“Does the bay blockade have anything to do with the growing minotaur-equestrian tensions?” asked a grizzled reporter.

“Alright settle down, settle down” said the mustachioed mayor “ the princesses and the elements have had a long train ride and i'm sure they can choose to give any answers they see fit AFTER the situation is handled” the mayor said with a smile, motioning them to follow the mayor guided the group past a police line and to the edge of the dock were a group of familiar yet fantastical figures awaited them.

“Oh my gosh their REAL!” shouted an ecstatic dragon as he ran over and gave the masked matter horn a hug on the leg.

Before the elements were another set of heroes, the power ponies, as if staring at an illusion the collective jaws of the elements of harmony dropped, discords jaw actually managing to make the sound like an anvil fell.

“But i don't understand, I thought you guys were just comic book heroes “ twilight said dumbfounded, “ i thought, but- but how?!” she said again, this time less coherent.

“It's a trick you see, we spread the comics to make money to fund our actual crime fighting and the repairs needed for the city for our more over the top adventures” explained the masked matterhorn, “doing this allows us to focus our efforts against fighting the crime and super villains that pop up so much around here.”

“But why doesn't anyone say anything?, why the big secret, why does everyone just keep quiet about this!, you have superpowers for harmonies sake why not travel the world and fix things!?” twilight all but yelled in what sounded half panicked, half angry and all annoyed.

“To answer your first question princess would you believe, without a shadow of doubt and zero facts that if your brother were to come up to you and say ‘the power ponies are real, and they saved my life’ would you believe him?” the Matterhorn said, “ and if some great hero saved your life would you try and constantly pester them trying to get their attention and spread their name or would you want to leave them be so they can do their job” she finished, flourishing her hair and affixing a stern glare towards Twilight before her eyes softened again, her hoof going to Twilights shoulder.

“And to answer your second question, we can't leave the city, we don't know how or why but our superpowers fizzle out and leave us as soon as we leave the city outskirts, good news is that it also applies for the baddies we fight too” Zapp said, her lightning arcing between her wings and hair as she hovered above the group.

As Twilight was about to interject again a resonant giggle could be heard from fili-second and Pinkie pie, the group watched in hesitant curiosity as both slowly looked into eachothers eyes, sparkles and gleams slowly making both glow with an unnatural sheen as the air distorted around them, discords eyes beaming wide he disappeared in a pop, a large brick wall appearing between the two as discord reappeared on top with what looked like a police vest and a triangular ring badge on his hand.

Before Twilights mind could break she turned to the princesses and the mayor who were having a conversation, “so do you have the stand set up like we asked?” asked Twilight.

“We have the stand and the components you requested ready to go” said the mayor, “and are you prepared, we've got time but I just want to make sure” questioned the mayor.

As the stand was brought forward a magic circle with three smaller circles connected to the rim by runes were etched onto the pedestal before them, taking their places the three princesses and shining armor took position in their spots, briefly twilight turned to her friends, each getting along with their colored counterpart before turning back to the mayor.

“I believe were ready sir, just have your people back away a bit and I think we can take it from here” Twilight said confidently, her stature bringing a smile to both Celestia and Shining armor as they looked to her brimming with pride. Twilight turned back to her brother and the princesses with a smile before once again scanning her friends with the power ponies and discord.

“You know, I wonder what else kinda books are actually real” thought twilight as she stared at the now very real power ponies before her.

One coffee colored pegasus appeared through thick vines and underbrush with a machete, her black and grey mane shimmering in the spotted sunlight that broke through the canopy, a random sneeze escaping her mouth as Daring doo ducked behind a tree as a patrol of natives roved past.

“C’mon girl, cant be getting no jungle fever can we, not when were so close.”

Far above the clouds plummeted a beast of gargantuan proportions, so fearsome and dangerous this beast was that he laughed at the flames that licked his body, the blaze touched him like a tongue to a glacier and yet he descended ever faster his speed starting to concern him.

“It would seem simply standing still will not help my fall slow down” I mused with growing concern, though I had fallen from great heights before it would be best not to test this new body… at least not yet, I had no idea what challenges I would face below and though I still had quite the long way to fall I begin to think of way to hinder my downward advancements.

“Hmm…” i could feel the suction behind me and the barrier that formed when i put my hands forward ‘I think i may have found a solution’.

I brought my head down and pulled my arms in, slowly I tucked my torso into my back shell and closed myself further into my lower side, bringing my legs in I drew them into the sides of my body at an angle I thought would help. I continued to draw myself in forming what I would think to look like a large spike hurtling head first with tentacles wrapped around and some trailing behind, with a larger surface now heating up and stopping my descent I could finally feel the heat wafting off my backside, a splendidly warm feeling covered my being as I felt myself soothed to drowsiness at the comfortable blaze of re-entry.

“I should be landing soon” I thought, the last thing I saw being the flashing lights of fire as the roaring inferno sang me to sleep.

Deep into the everfree forest downward into a well hidden cave below the ruined castle of the two sisters sat a glowing crystal tree, the elements of harmony beating like hearts amongst its branches and trunk, the tree pulsed with harmonic energy, its senses that reached far into the sky finally contacting what it felt was a great monster descending onto the planet, with energies unknown it pulsed a heavy wave of magic, the magic spreading fourth across the land and dissipating deep across the world.

An unseen but familiar energy washed upon the land and crashed upon discord, he shivered in place as he looked towards the everfree forest, a chill running up his spine.

Beside him the elements of harmony all looked up into the sky, a faint white glow behind their eyes going unnoticed by those around them, in unison they spoke, slightly spooking those around them

“It's here” six mares said in blank tones, their stern glare giving away the emotions hidden beneath, Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight and the elements in confusion before looking up, there in the sky for all to see was a glowing dot.

Ponies all around looked up to follow the gazes of hero and princess alike, their eyes landing on what they could only presume to be a coming catastrophe. Upon looking at the growing inferno some ponies ran faster and hid, others tried to push their way further into the already full disaster centers, others stood tall, their stance unwavering like their confidence in the heroes that proved time and time again that they could put their faith in princess and power pony alike.

“Shining, Shield now!” Twilight yelled, her voice echoing over the sound of the imminent impact and the fireball headed straight for town.

“Right!” Shining said, his voice cutting out as the energy began to flow through him and out his horn, a purple shield contoured to the city appearing over all of manehattan.

Ponies all over gawked at the shield that appeared over the whole city, the magenta light being cast over the town and all within tinting the whole place a protective purple.
Concentrating hard the princesses continued to channel magic into the prince, the ebb and flow of such energy already drawing sweat from Shinings brow.

Discord looked up into the growing inferno and planted his feet, cracks forming from the impact his features grew more feral, claws and teeth sharpening while his horns grew and his body spasmed, his fur bristled along side the floating rocks that danced around him, he was instantly coated in sweat as he reached out and tried to grasp and move the massive object that threatened his friends. Discord balked and groaned as his magic slipped off with no effect, the weight of failure not dissuading him in the slightest he tried again, his eyes growing darker and darker as an invisible wind whipped at his body. Discords expression grew dark, his fear come true, he was unable to change the objects course.

I awoke to a tingling around my body, reaching out I unwound midair to see my iminent impact, shifting my weight and using my many tentacles as a rudder i changed my course for the bay, it wouldn't do to hit ground, and the water was always welcome.

“I need to talk to starswirl, his aim isn't as good as he remembers after all” I said to myself, my vision now consumed by the incredibly approaching bay, the waters reaching up to welcome me i opened myself to land, the fire around me exploding outward at the extension of air and body alike, before it could completely consume my body I hit water, the impact shaking me to my core and numbing my mind as i lay in the now cratered bay, my tentacles unfurled and my legs stretched, i had finally landed, a planet to call my own once again.

The ponies watched as the large inferno turned midair into the bay, the fires growing massive before impact and causing a steamy cloud to form around the sky, a downpour consumed the top of the barrier as wave after wave crashed against Shinings shield, the unnatural forces brought shining to his knees but he remained stalwart, the barrier remaining as the fog drifted and cleared.

When the worst cleared the shield dropped and Shining collapsed, after passing out he was swiftly taken away by medical ponies, the strain of keeping a city barrier the size of manehattan up evident to all. Though tired the princess walked forward to look at the bay, the churning waters violently swaying as if possessed, the mayor himself stood strong in the face of such angry tidings, and the elements assaulted discord in a hug as he stared dumbfounded at the water. Nopony moved as they waited, the twisting waves heralding the unknown, and what would change equestria forever.

Slowly the masked matterhorn and Twilight sparkle walked forward, their voices clear as Celestia's new day,

"get ready girls it looks like our guest has arrived"