• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,605 Views, 302 Comments

Life on the Frontier - Starwind Dood

A love triangle is made as Carrot Top and Little Strongheart compete for Braeburn's affection.

  • ...

A dance is made!

Chapter 5: A dance is made!

"Stop right there, criminal scum!" Derpy cried out in her most commanding voice. She was chasing a bandit half-way across the town, tailing him like a hawk on the hunt. "I, Derpy Doo, am here to deliver justice unto you!"

"What's this mare talking about!" the thief shouted to the passerbys, ducking into another of Appleloosa's numerous alleys to escape the long wing of the law. He was trying to make off with the entirety of the Salt Block's cash register. He had heard that the last pony tried to steal from the Apple Mart and got a face full of buffalo hoof.

"You'll never take me alive!" the thief yelled back, unable to see the barbershop he was running into. The thief turned back too late and ran smack dab into the door of the building. "Ow..."

Derpy flew straight into him, breaking the door and barreling through, landing on the other side of the shop with the thief pinned under her hooves. "You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law!"

"What court?" the thief groaned. "Celestia governs everything."

"That's Princess Celestia to you, bub!" Derpy excitedly placed a hoof in the thief's mouth, mentally patting herself on the back for a job well-done.

"Derpy!" Silverstar walked into the scene, amazed by her work. "I haven't seen wrangling like that in years!"

"It's all in a day's work!" She saluted with her free hoof.

"Would you all get out of my shop!" Cormano roared at the trio. "I have a business to run!"

Braeburn happily trotted through town with a stack of posters tied up in a satchel. He was excited and giddy to be able to tell everyone he came across about the upcoming dance-party that the entire town was invited to. It was a chance for everyone to come together and celebrate their town bond, and it was events like this that he felt made living in a small town worthwhile. He lived to make others smile. He kept on his route, and stopped to greet a certain orange-maned pony. "Well, good morning, Carrot Top!" he called out, waving his hoof eagerly.

"Good mo-orning," Carrot Top yawned back. "Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night." Carrot Top struggled to suppress another yawn even though she was tired enough to pass out on the spot. Her eyes drooped and spotted the poster Braeburn had hung on the wall behind him. "Town Hooves Social?" she read, unable to discern its meaning. "What's this?"

"I'm glad you asked!" Braeburn whinnied exuberantly, reaching for a poster and forcing it onto Carrot Top. "This here is for the town wide dance celebration Town Hooves Social! Anypony and everypony is invited to show up! We'll have music and snacks and merriment and everypony is invited onto the dance floor! Why, it's a hoof and a half and then some!"

"A... dance?" Carrot Top slowly repeated. "That sounds... delightful, but I think I'll pass. I'm just not a very good dancer," she admitted, feeling embarrassed. "Getting my Masters didn't call for any dance classes." With an uneasy laugh she turned away from Braeburn, anxious to get back to her work.

"Now that's a real shame," Braeburn sighed. "I was kinda hoping to get a dance in with you too. Well, see you, Miss Top." Braeburn turned around and started galloping through the frontier town, unknowingly leaving a paralyzed and wide-eyed Carrot Top behind, gawking in place.

Carrot Top stared blankly into space for a while, her mind gushing and livid as she thought about what a dance with Braeburn would feel like. "He wants to dance with me, but does he want to dance with me as a friend, or maybe something more? I mean, dancing is just so... forward, but it's a public thing so it's not like a private date, but it's not a date, but it's with him and it's kind of like a date but it's public so-"

"Hi, Carrot Top!" Derpy called from the sky, breaking Carrot Top out of her recursive trance. She nearly crashed right into her on landing, but skidded to a stop merely an inch away and shoved herself into Carrot Top's field of vision. "What are you staring at, Carrot Top?"

"Oh, nothing, Derpy," Carrot Top replied back, slightly embarrassed to be caught stuck in her head for so long. "How are you this morning?"

"Fantastic!" Derpy replied, grabbing Carrot Top around the shoulder and directing them both to the sky where, Carrot Top assumed, there was something she was supposed to be watching. "I just nailed a thief and Silverstar was really pleased and all! Carrot Top, there's nothing like a day's work of getting your hooves dirty."

"Derpy, I get my hooves dirty all the time," Carrot Top waited for some kind of reaction, but instead Derpy continued to stare out into space. "Anyway, do you know about the Town Hoof Social thing going on soon?"

"The what now?"

"Town Hoof Social. It's supposed to be a public event where everypony gets together to foster town closeness by dancing," she explained mechanically.

"Ooh, sounds like fun!" Derpy, in her excitement, began dragging herself and Carrot Top into the sky, fantasizing to herself about social. "I can just dance the whole night away with my precious little muffin," she sighed soothingly.

"Yes, I'm sure you're as light on your hooves as you are in the air, which brings me to a favor I’d like to ask of you." Carrot Top paused, and took a deep breath. "I want you to teach me to dance," she said quickly. "You see, I don't really know how to."

"Dancing is easy, Carrot!" Derpy replied as she gently lowered herself and Carrot Top back to the ground. "You just got to shake that groove thing!" she explained vaguely, but leading by example by shaking her head and flanks in opposite directions. "See, easy."

"No," Carrot Top stressed in frustration. "Like, slow dances you would do with other ponies, really close to each other, romantic... ish..."

"Oh, well, that's tougher. You have to be really coordinated-"

"I'm not the klutz!"

"Alright alight. Then Derpy's dancing studio for eggheads is open for business!"

Little Strongheart peeked out from the windows of Appleloosa's police building. She could see Braeburn cantering giddily through town, hanging posters with words she still couldn't read. "Uh, Chief Silverstar," she turned to address her superior, who was busy rummaging through an old box, "what is it that thing Braeburn is hanging?"

"It's an advertisement for the town dance," Silverstar answered her, never taking his attention away from the box. He had nearly emptied its contents which lay out on the floor behind him. With a sigh, he turned to Little Strongheart. "Say, Little Strongheart, do you know what kind of gifts Derpy likes?"

She thought about it for a moment and found herself surprised with her answer. "Actually, I have not seen Derpy show any fondness for any single thing beyond her daughter." She grew curious and approached Silverstar, who grew uneasy. "Is there a reason why?"

"W-well," Silverstar bumbled, "I just think that you two have been doing some good work and deserve some kind of bonus. A buffalo that someponies here are still suspicious about and a pegasus from Ponyville? You two have the least connection to this city but still put your all into protecting it."

"Why thank you," Little Strongheart replied, "I am just happy to be helpful here. In fact... If it's of no trouble," she paused for a moment, fumbling her hooves nervously, "could you tell me what Braeburn likes?" She felt her face warm up under her fur and she hoped Silverstar wouldn't read too deeply into her question. "He is always working hard for the town as well."

"Little Strongheart, do you like Braeburn?" Silverstar asked knowingly.

"N-no!" Little Strongheart panicked, resisting the urge to bore through the door and stampede as fast as she could. "I-I mean... a... little..."

"You can always try something hoof-made," he offered her with a comforting smile. "I'm afraid he's too simple a pony to appreciate anything material, but if you offer him something you made with your feelings, well maybe something will get through that hard-hard head of his."

"Really?" she asked, her eyes filled with bright wishes. "Thank you!" Little Strongheart bowed graciously to Silverstar, her feelings reaching a fever pitch as her mind danced with flowing ideas. "Thank you very much, Chief Silverstar. I must go back home and begin right away!"

"Think nothing of it. You're like family here as far as I'm concerned."

"I am honored to be thought of in such a way," Little Strongheart replied, feeling a small tear form in her eyes. It is nice to be thought of in such a way too. Casting Silverstar a warm smile, she turned to the doors and ran right into Braeburn.

"Well hold your horses there, Lil' Strongheart!" Braeburn chirped, unable to resist the urge to laugh at his own terrible joke. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Little Strongheart felt her heart beating away rapidly in her chest, making her thoughts a muddled mess. "I-I just felt the need to return home quickly," she replied weakly. "It is nice to see you though."

"Well it's always nice to see you too," Braeburn answered back, his warm voice comforting her. "Say, are you going to attend our Town Hoof Social? Everypony'll be there, and we can get a chance to dance together!"

"Y-you want to dance with me!?" She was grateful for her brown coat, as it proved to be the perfect disguise for her burning-red face. It was one of the things she wanted to do most with him. It was as if her ancestors themselves were reaching out from beyond the grave to fulfill her wishes.

"Well a ‘course! You said before you like to dance with your tribe, right?"

"Yes!" Little Strongheart replied over-eagerly. "I-I mean, yes. It's something I love to do, a-and I..." She paused, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. "I would love to dance with you!" She opened her eyes, throat dry with anticipation as she watched Braeburn's smile grow even brighter.

"Well that's great," Braeburn whinnied. "In fact, why don't you see about getting your whole tribe to attend?"

Little Strongheart felt her mind stop for a single moment and become numb. "M-my tribe? I do not know if they would go for that! I mean, not everypony is happy about the incident a year ago... not even everybuffalo as well..."

"Then we gotta teach 'em!" Braeburn brought his face down to Little Strongheart's, giving her a tender look. "We're great friends, right?"

But what if I wanted to be more than friends? Little Strongheart stared longingly into Braeburn's eyes. Her heart was on the verge of exploding. "I... yes, we are very good friends." She turned down to the floor, avoiding his gaze directly as a few more words danced on the edge of her lips: words she couldn't say.

"Then I know we can get everypony and everybuffalo to put aside their differences. It will be like our own little Hearth's Warming Eve." His warm voice called Little Strongheart's face up towards him, and the look she gave him quickened his pulse. "Together, I'm sure we can teach 'em all to love one another."

"Yes!" she chirped happily, her smile making him blush.

"Y-yeah!" Braeburn answered her. "I can't wait. Until then, Lil' Strongheart!" He turned around, and galloped out of the doorway.

Silverstar coughed to clear his voice and the silence. "Cute crush."

"Is it so obvious?" she sighed, ready to collapse onto her belly. "Carrot Top, Derpy, Dinky, Apple Bumpkin, and now even you know."

"That's a lot of ponies, kid." Silverstar mulled over the last word. "Little Strongheart, don't go hurting yourself over Braeburn's sake."

"Why would I hurt myself?" she asked innocently.

"Life can just deal some painful hands," Silverstar answered her, the metaphor leaving little impressions. "I've got to get on duty. Take the rest of the day off, and make something special, alright?"

"Of course!" Little Strongheart eagerly replied, stampeding out of the doorway and heading off to the buffalo grazing lands.

Chief Thunderhooves sat in deep meditation before a pit-fire he made. For him, it was a daily exercise in order to keep his old mind clear and open in his old age. "Breathe in," he whispered, inhaling the scented fumes of his fire, "and breathe out." He exhaled the scent, and chuckled to himself.

"Chief Thunderhooves!"

"Hm?" he turned, and saw Little Strongheart stampeding towards him as fast as she could. He didn't bat an eye as she skidded to a stop a foot away, kicking up a cloud of dust that nearly extinguished his flame. "Little Strongheart, what brings you back here so early in the day?"

"The chief of Appleloosa has given me a day of rest, and I also came to extend to the tribe an invitation!" She was giddy for a response, almost bouncing on her hooves.

"An invitation?" he repeated, mulling over the words. "An invitation to what?"

"We have been invited by Braeburn of Appleloosa to attend their Town Hoof Social, a party for dancing that takes place in their dance hall."

"Appleloosa..." Chief Thunderhooves turned back to his fire, tossing a few sticks at his side into it to rekindle the flame. "Not everybuffalo is going to like the idea," he warned her. "And more so, if this ends badly it could mean the end of our ties to the town."

"But this is also a chance to mend the bad feelings between the tribe and town. There would be no more fighting, and other buffalos could visit as well."

"It is..." Chief Thunderhooves paused. It was obvious to him that Little Strongheart was hopeful about the dance, and it was something he didn't want to take away from her. "It is something to consider. When I have made my decision I will notify the rest of the tribe."

"Thank you," Little Strongheart replied, bowing her head in respect.

Carrot Top collapsed onto the floor, struggling to keep her lunch down after an intense dancing lesson with Derpy that left her outright winded. "Am I... am I good enough now!?" she screamed back at her between breaths.

"Not unless you want to leave the impression you have four left hooves!" Derpy replied back with scorn. "I've seen better dancing from bags floating in the wind. Now, mind you, those bags are quite graceful, but my point stands!"

Dinky watched the entire scene just a few feet off, laughing to herself as she watched Carrot Top continue to embarrass herself, subjecting herself to Derpy's erratic and downright nonsensical dancing lessons. "Make her do the hoof stands again," she snickered, ignoring Carrot Top's wrath-filled eyes.

"Please, no," Carrot Top sighed. "Can't we just take a break?"

"Break ends at fifty-eight hundred hours!" Derpy announced, laying herself next to Carrot Top and watching the clouds pass-by. "That's what a drill-sergeant says, right?"

"Close enough," Carrot Top sighed, closing her eyes and letting her body get the rest it deserved. She sighed contently, already imagining her night with Braeburn. "Say, Derpy, are you looking forward to dancing with anypony at tonight?"

"Of course!" Derpy responded overenthusiastically. "My sweet little muffin!"

Dinky resisted the urge to do a gag herself. "The promise was one dance, and then I get to stay up past by bedtime!" It was the perfect plan.

"Of course, sweetheart!" Derpy replied, giggling to herself before softening her voice to a whisper. "When I'm done with her, she'll be too tired to even think about sleeping." It was her own perfect plan.

"I should have known," Carrot Top laughed to herself as she continued to imagine her night with Braeburn against the backdrop of her eyes. "A night of fun for everypony I'm sure," she giggled.

"Imagining you and Braeburn?" Derpy perceptively asked.

"Yes," Carrot Top sighed. "I keep thinking about what he means when he said he wanted to dance with me. I doubt he meant it to be anything romantic but, well, I still can't help but think what if? What if he meant something more? What if something more happens?" She started to gush as her mind flooded with scenarios. "If I could just get in one good dance with him."

"Then, Little Strongheart would be really sad," Derpy sighed. "I don't want to see her sad."

Silence fell over the two for a moment, Carrot Top struggling to hold back a tear. "So It's all right if I'm alone forever?" she finally answered Derpy, her voice cracking.

"I-I didn't mean it like that!" Derpy shot upwards, hovering over Carrot Top with her forehooves clasped together. "I don't mean that! I mean, I don't want to see you sad either. I just don't want to see anyone sad, and I'm really afraid that all of this is going to end with someone being sad."

Carrot Top sighed, getting her emotions under control before pulling her friend back down to the earth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." Uncharacteristically, she placed a hoof around Derpy, pulling the two together. "You just want everypony to be happy."

"And everybuffalo!" Derpy adamantly added.

"It would be nice if that were the case, but life isn't that easy. We all have to take our hits eventually, and Little Strongheart and I agreed that there would be no hard feelings between us no matter who won Braeburn."

"So he's a trophy?"

"Nothing like that!" Carrot Top yelled back. "We're just two adults competing for the same stallion." Carrot Top paused for a moment, and corrected her statement. "Well, one adult, and a filly... what's the term for a buffalo filly?"

"Calf," Dinky answered her.

"Yes, a calf," Carrot Top sighed, and buried her face in the dirt. "No, this won't end well all, I suppose."

"Just a few more," Little Strongheart whispered to herself as she continued to stitch together hours upon hours of work. Before her was a half-finished scarf she had worked tirelessly on for hours. "Hoof-knitted," she exclaimed proudly. "Just for Braeburn."

"For who?" Chief Thunderhooves asked from behind her.

Little Strongheart jumped to her hooves, bashfully hiding the parcel behind herself. "N-nopony in particular," she responded with an unconvincing grin.

"Nopony?" Chief Thunderhooves repeated for her. "So, I am to believe this is for a pony then?"

"Er, yes," Little Strongheart admitted. "I am making this for a... friend." The last word hung off her lips feebly as she resigned herself to the title. She had hoped so much that, with this gift, she just might become something more in Braeburn's eyes, but Chief Thunderhooves' lingering gaze casted doubts onto such an idea. "It's just a good-will gift."

Chief Thunderhooves picked up the scarf from behind her and inspected it closely. "Quite a well-made gift," he complimented her. "So, the rumors are true that you are infatuated with a pony."

"W-what!" Little Strongheart grabbed the scarf away from her Chief, using it to hide her face. She was so embarrassed that her blush could be seen from behind her fur. "T-those are just rumors."

"Little Strongheart," Chief Thunderhooves started with a low and deep voice that cook the ground they sat on, "didn't I raise you to be honest," His deep voice would have struck paralyzing fear into most other buffalos and even ponies. "I did not take you in so you could lie to me, Little Strongheart."

Little Strongheart buried her face deeper into the scarf before answering the chief with muffled words. "You are right, Chief. This scarf is for a pony." She was afraid of the disapproving look she was sure to be found on her Chief's face. She kept herself buried in scarf's comfortable darkness.

Chief Thunderhooves sat himself next to Little Strongheart, berating himself for not knowing how to handle her properly. "I am sorry if I sounded harsh, but lying is something I do not tolerate from any tribe member. Not just you."

"I know," Little Strongheart weakly replied.

"And," he took a deep breath, "I do not disapprove, Little Strongheart."

Little Strongheart peaked out from behind the scarf, looking with a hopeful heart into the eyes of her Chief. "You do not?"

"No, but I do worry. I cannot say what the tribe as a whole will say, and it is my job as Chief to make sure that we as a tribe are united."

"Yes, you are right."

The two sat together for a moment, neither saying a word. Little Strongheart looked down to the scarf, and sighed to herself; two drops of tears were stained into the scarf.

"You can use dye to hide that." Chief Thunderhooves replied, eliciting a grateful smile from her lips. "The pony you like, who is it?"

"Braeburn," Little Strongheart admitted. "He was the yellow pony that wanted our tribe and his city to not fight. He is... a very kind pony."

"You do know that I will come down on him with all the indignation of an overbearing parent."

"You wouldn't!" Little Strongheart cried out energetically.

"I would," Chief Thunderhooves replied stoically, hiding his mischievous grin. "You are my daughter, even if we do not share blood, and I will always protect you... whether you like it or not."

Braeburn couldn't help the wide and cheesy grin plastered across his face. It was the same one he could never hide when he knew someone new was coming to Appleloosa, only wider. Everyone would come out of their homes and shells and reintroduce each other to their neighbors and friends, and he would keep himself at the center of it. "Welcome everypony! To the Aaaaaaaaaaappleloosa Town Hoof Social!" he announced as loud as his youthful voice would let him. Even the air around him seemed invigorated.

Apple Bumpkin had to resist the urge to hide in a corner from her embarrassing older brother. "Can you be less loud, and ridiculous?" she hissed. "Do you want ponies to think you're insane?"

Braeburn took his sister around her shoulders, pulling her right next to him to greet anyone that would appear. "Lighten up, sis! This is supposed to be a festival! No need for in-door voices!"

"Or self-respect," Apple Bumpkin sighed.

"Braaaaaaeeeburn!" Derpy called out from the sky, landing directly in front of them as Dinky clinging to the back of her mane. "Guess who's here to dance?" she asked exuberantly.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you, Miss Doo," he answered her with a hearty laugh. "I should have known a pony like you would love this kinda stuff."

"We'll you're only half-right!" Derpy corrected him. "I do love this kinda stuff, but the real answer is somepony else. Presenting, the new, Carrot Top!" Derpy yelled as she stepped to the side. Behind her stood Carrot Top, wearing an immaculate and embroidered dress for the evening. She almost looked like a princess. "Really purty, huh?" she teased Braeburn.

"Uh, y-yeah," Braeburn responded, becoming red in the face behind his yellow fur. "You look quite breathtaking, Miss Top."

"Thank you," Carrot Top answered him with poise and elegance, but inside she was jumping with joy like a filly.

Apple Bumpkin elbowed her brother in the side, finally breaking free of his vice-like grip. "Any clue where Little Strongheart is, Derpy? I was hoping we could all spend the evening together."

"She'll be bringing her tribe around later," Braeburn answered for her. "We're going to get everypony to bury the hatchet. There's no reason why we all can't get along!"

"Well, I don't see them yet," Apple Bumpkin answered him. She grabbed Derpy around the leg and dragged her inside. "C'mon, let's get some punch before it's all gone!"

Carrot Top and Braeburn were left in the chilly evening. She wanted to follow Apple Bumpkin's example and steal Braeburn away into the dance where she could finally get her moment with him, but her body wouldn't let her. Carrot Top stood by him, resisting the urge to nuzzle his neck. "I'm sure they'll show," she offered him.

"I'm sure to," Braeburn sighed. "So, why don't we go inside? It's getting cold, and I know the inside is nice and toasty."

Carrot Top's face lit up, as she was escorted into the dance hall. Everyone in Appleloosa was there, eating together, laughing together, and dancing together like one big loving family. "It really is as nice as you said," she spoke warmly to Braeburn, getting lost in the moment.

"Well, Miss Top, wanna dance?" Braeburn offered his hoof to her, letting the sweet and slow music settle over the crowd. Two-by-two couples took their place on the dance floor, and Carrot Top joined them with Braeburn in hoof.

"I would love to." All her practice had led to this moment, when she would dance with Braeburn. He took her hoof, and they leaned on each other, helping each-other stay on their hind-legs. They stayed like this, swinging from one side to another.

Derpy sighed in content as she watched the two dance. "Don't they look nice together?"

"Until Little Strongheart shows up," Dinky concluded. "Somebuffalo is going to get hurt."

"Don't be so perceptive," Derpy giggled, nudging her daughter. "You gotta take your moments to enjoy the present, or else you're going to spend your whole life looking forward to nothing."

"Huh?" Dinky stared at her mother, trying to decipher where in the annals of her goofy mind did that come from. "Just what's that supposed to mean?" she asked, before having a plate shoved in her lap.

"I've got cake!" Apple Bumpkin happily announced as she shoved another plate into Derpy's lap and sitting to join them. "My brother looks like a zoned-out idiot," she commented quickly before stuffing her face with cake.

Derpy laughed and scarfed down her own slice of cake. "Too much cynicism! You all need a new outlook on life!"

The song came to a slow end, but Carrot Top and Braeburn continued to their own pace. Carrot Top, lost in her moment, placed her head by Braeburn's neck, enjoying the soothing rhythm of his heart and using it for a new song. She had found heaven against the warm embrace of another body. Is this what I've been missing out on for so long? She closed her eyes, and the song finally came to a complete end. So soon...

"That's that," Braeburn sighed, "but that was fun though. Did you enjoy yourself, Miss Top?"

"Yes, I did," she replied. "Thank you, Braeburn, for this wonderful evening." She was guided to the edge of the building, and sat herself next to Derpy. "Having fun," she sang jubilantly.

"I know you are, lucky filly," Derpy teased her. "Nice to know all my training didn't go to waste."

"No, they didn't." Carrot Top was pleased with herself. "And they won't be going to a waste anytime soon if I can help it."

The doors of the dance-hall flew open, on the other-side stood Little Strongheart with a train of buffalos behind her. Everyone in the hall stopped to gawk at the spectacle. "Uh, hi," Little Strongheart greeted them, beginning to feel uneasy. "We're here..."

"Little Strongheart!" Braeburn called out to her from across the hall. He galloped up to her, stopping to bow before Chief Thunderhooves before jumping up and grabbing her hooves. "It's great that you all could make it! You're just in time too!”

Chief Thunderhooves stepped forward, scanning Braeburn with an inquisitive eye. "I am Chief Thunderhooves," he said in a low and commanding voice.

"I'm Braeburn," Braeburn replied back in an upbeat but respectful tone.

Chief Thunderhooves didn't respond immediately, creating discomfort all across the building. His eyes kept shifting between Little Strongheart and Braeburn, standing together, one's hoof in the grasp of the other. "So you are Braeburn," he spoke quietly. "You are the one who extended an invitation to the buffalo tribe?" His voice was deep and carried with it a deep respect that in-turn was respected. Braeburn nodded, and Chief Thunderhooves replied with a smile. "I thank you."

The buffalo filed into the building. Many of them looked uneasy and unsure about the occasion. Their Chief had told them that they would attend a festival in Appleloosa to try and mend the relationship between the two cultures, and with every buffalo filing into the room it began to get crowded and stuffy.

Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves took a spot at the front of the dance-hall, looking out over the awkward interactions of their races. Silverstar spoke first. "I didn't think they would go for it."

"It took a bit of coaxing on my part," Chief Thunderhooves sighed. "I truly think now that a harmonious coexistence would be best for us all, but I was also the one who advocated stampeding through the town. I'm afraid I may have confused my tribe."

"We all make mistakes."

"I cannot afford to make many for the sake of my tribe." Chief Thunderhooves looked over to Little Strongheart and Braeburn who were trying to keep disputes between the races from breaking out. "Braeburn is the one who came up with the idea of inviting us?" Silverstar nodded. "I see, then I do not have to worry about Little Strongheart."

"So you know about her little crush?" Silverstar asked, and was answered with a nod. "Well, Braeburn is a good guy, but good intentions doesn't automatically mean good things. You can ask his sister about that."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just afraid that somebuffalo may get hurt in all this."

"So, you are afraid for Little Strongheart?"

"Little Strongheart is young, and Braeburn is old enough to be considered a stallion. Those kinds of relations can end really painfully for someone."

Little Strongheart had to hold back another buffalo from trying to bore through a pony, a feat she was beginning to lose. "Get out of my way, Strongheart," the buffalo bellowed, "this pony is just asking for it with her rude comments."

"I'd say them again too," the crusty old mare responded. "Big violent cows the lot of you!"

Braeburn tried to restrain the mare, but his code of conduct did not allow him to harm mares, especially old ones. "Now, hold on, there is no need for name calling."

"Dang cows are making the place all hot and sweaty too with their giant fur!" the mare yelled again, and she was right. The dance hall was heating up exponentially, and it was making things unbearable for everyone.

"Then, how about we move the dance outside?" Little Strongheart suggested, catching Braeburn's attention.

"That's a great idea!" Braeburn ran towards the doors of the dance hall and bucked them open, knocking them off their hinges. "Hey everypony and everybuffalo! Party is now being moved outside! Grab some lanterns!" His announcement didn't capture everyone's interest. Some even looked appalled at the idea, but then one voice sprang up cheering.

"That's a great idea!" Derpy cried out as she flew through the air. "We can start a big fire and roast marshmallows and make smores and play games!"

"Well," Apple Bumpkin spoke next, "what are you all waiting for? You heard him, the party is now outside!"

Slowly, the inhabitants of the hall moved outside, some bringing the tables of food and festival decorations with them. Chief Thunderhooves managed to gather the buffalo and begin working on a pit-fire big enough to shine light all across the town. The nearby houses were adorned with the decorations and the fire up and providing warmth against the cold night.

"Well alrighty everyone!" Braeburn whinnied. "A year ago, our town and the buffalo tribe got into a fight that almost ended with the destruction of our town!" The ponies began glaring at the buffalo. "But! That didn't happen! Because Chief Thunderhooves called off the attack before things got out of hoof! And here we are a year later, hoof in hoof! It's about time we forgive each other because nopony and nobuffalo is going anywhere!" His youthful and idealistic words failed to captivate the audience.

Silverstar stepped up next to Braeburn. "I can't speak for the buffalo, but, ponies, don't we value friendship and harmony? It's because of friendship and harmony that we have our grand country. We should extend that to the buffalo, and let our fine little city prosper with newfound friendship."

Chief Thunderhooves stood up next. "Buffalos! Are we not proud and noble? If the ponies extend to us friendship, should we not honor it and accept it! Our ancestors tamed this land by living in harmony with it, and now we have a chance to tame a new land of friendship offered to us by the ponies!"

The ponies and buffalo were being inspired by the words of their leaders and even began clopping to their inspiring words.

"So," Silverstar started, "why don't we star off this celebration with a dance. Braeburn, Little Strongheart, why don't you start everyone off?"

"Me!?" Little Strongheart's eyes went wide as a grey hooves began to push her forward. "I-I don't know about this!"

Braeburn smiled, and took her hooves into his own again. "Don't be shy now! We have to show everyone that we can all love each other."

"L-love!?" Little Strongheart blurted as she lost control of her body. Braeburn pulled her out to the center of the new dance floor as a mix of drums, violins, and clopping began to resound throughout the town, everyone working together to make music.

"Why don't you lead me in a buffalo dance?" Braeburn smiled down at her.

"Y-yes!" Little Strongheart replied, doing her best to remember simple buffalo dances that under normal circumstances she knew by heart. They did not lean against each other. Instead they faced one another, stepping left and right in a rhythmic dance.

Derpy, Dinky and Apple Bumpkin watched from the side once again. "Isn't it just romantic!" Derpy howled with emotion.

"Yeah yeah," Carrot Top grumbled. "I guess she wins this night," she sighed, burying her face in a cup of punch. "Hm, spicy. What kind of recipe is this?"

"It should just be regular fruit punch," Apple Bumpkin replied, taking a sip herself. "Huh, I guess they changed the recipe this year."

"I don't know about you all," Dinky shouted, "but I think that they're hogging all of the attention!" She took another sip of fruit punch, and hiccupped. "Mommy, mommy! We should go out there and show them up! I want to show them all how mature I am now!"

Carrot Top could have sworn she saw Derpy begin to glow as she scooped up Dinky and rocketed towards the dance floor. "That's a great idea, little filly!" Derpy squealed as loud as she could, taking a spot next to Braeburn and Little Strongheart and doing her best to mimic the steps with her daughter. They were joined by another pair, who was joined by another pair, and soon almost half the town was caught up in the harmonious dance.

Little Strongheart ignored the rest of the world as she gazed into Braeburn's eyes, including the voice of her Chief calling her back to his side. "Little Strongheart!" he bellowed again.

Braeburn chuckled as he watched her face become more embarrassed than he was used to. "I'll be over there, alright?" he said. Little Strongheart smiled and nodded her head before running off.

Braeburn galloped over to Carrot Top and Apple Bumpkin with a goofy smile spread across his face. "Enjoying the festivities?" he greeted them.

"Yes," Carrot Top chirped, taking in another cup of fruit punch. "This juice is especially amazing once you get used to the taste."

"Really, a new recipe?" Braeburn queried. "Well, hoof some over here. I want a try!"

"Ha ha ha!" Carrot Top's voice rang out through the night. She was enjoying herself so much at that moment that she couldn't hold it in. She took another sip of the punch and had to resist the urge to make a face as its sharp taste flowed down her throat. "Wah! This punch is good!" she exclaimed boisterously. "You... you got to try this punch, Braeburn!"

"I-I did!" Braeburn answered her, moving awkwardly as if he had lost control of his legs. "I've never had punch this... this? What?" He downed his cup in an instant, regretting it for a moment as his taste-buds were overwhelmed with a spicy sensation. "This punch is really... really... aw forget it!" He took a step forward, and tripped over nothing, planting his face in the dirt. "Agh, the dirt queen is attacking me!"

"Am not!" Carrot Top laughed as she pulled Braeburn back up. He was heavier than she anticipated, and with all her strength she gave Braeburn one hard tug, pulling him up, and falling onto her back. "Whoa, that was a trip," she giggled.

"Trip, trip where?"

"Me falling, silly!" Carrot Top laughed, her legs wiggling in the air helplessly. "Now-now it's your turn to help me up. A-and you can't fall or else I will, okay?"

"I-I know!" Braeburn answered back, a goofy smiled spreading across his face as he looked at Carrot Top spread out across the dirt. "You... you look..."

"I look?"

"Ridiculous!" Braeburn laughed, letting the wind carry his voice across the city. "The way your legs are moving, it's so funny!"

"Don't say that!" Carrot Top wined, her vision becoming distorted. "I need a drink," sighed. Her tongue felt thick and swollen.

"Well, it's also cute," Braeburn admitted, grabbing Carrot Top and helping her up. "You look cute, wiggling everywhere, and in that dress."

"R-really?" Carrot Top stared deep into Braeburn's eyes, her world becoming a distorted mix of colors with only one sharp image. Braeburn. "You really think I'm cute?"

"Yeah, I think you're cute. I-I told you that way back when we first met."

"I think you're cute too." Carrot Top leaned forward, and her lips met Braeburn's.

"Braeburn!" Little Strongheart called out. "Braeburn, where are you?" She was still giddy from her dance earlier with him. In her bag she had the scarf, and she believed that now was the perfect moment to give it to him. "I'll give him the scarf and confess my feelings," she told herself. "Now is the time to be brave."

Little Strongheart crept around the building, feeling embarrassed. She turned a corner, and found Braeburn, embracing and kissing Carrot Top. They didn't notice her. Not when she found them, and not when she ran away, leaving a trail of tears on the ground.

Little Strongheart couldn't think. She just kept running, away from the dance hall, and out of Appleloosa. She kept running, letting the world freely pass her by. She didn't care where she was going. She just wanted to be as far away from where they were. "No hard feelings," she told herself. "We promised not to hate each other, no matter what." She took out the scarf, and began to cry into it.